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Since the perimeter of the rectangle is 34 cm and the length of the

rectangle is 10 cm, the width of the rectangle, which is the radius of
the large circle is 34
− 10 = 7 cm. The radius of the small circle is half
of the radius of the large circle, which is 72 cm.

(π = 7

1 1
Ashaded = Alarge circle − Asmall circle
4 2
1 2 1 2
= πrlarge circle − πrsmall circle
4 2
1 1
= π72 − π3.52
4 2
= 38.5 − 19.25
Ashaded = 19.25 cm2 .

16. Let the number of guppies be g and the number of angelfish be a. So,

 g = a + 36 (1)
1 1
 g = a + 28 (2)
4 5
Solving the system of equations will give us

g = 416
a = 380

(a) 416 guppies.

(b) 5
a : 43 g = 45 380 : 43 416 = 304 : 312 = 38 : 39.

17. Let the number of music CDs be c and the number of DVDs be d. The
price of a music CD is $12, so the price of a DVD is $12 × 4 = $48. So,

d($48) + c($12) = $5616

4d + c = 468

Since d = 40% of c, d = 100
c = 25 c.

4 c + c = 468
c = 468
c = 180.

Hence, d = 25 (180) = 72.

18. From the information given, Little Cafè must be 27 of the journey from
Mexico City. The distance from Mexico City to Little Cafè is
64 km/h × 45 mins = 64 km/h × 43 hrs = 48 km.

(a) The time needed for Lilian to get to Little Cafè is 7248km/h
hrs = 40 mins. Since they both arrive at the same time, then
Lilian drove 45 − 40 = 5 minutes later than Mr. Tan.
(b) The time needed for Lilian to travel the rest of the journey would
(5/2)48 km
be (72+8) km/h
= 60
hrs = 45 mins. So, she would reach Town Bolu
at 11.35 p.m. + 45 mins = 11.80 p.m. = 12.20 a.m.

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