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National Road, Banica, Roxas City

Home Economics and Livelihood Education (HELE) 4

The Home Economics Education aims to covers phases of work which involve the development of knowledge
and desirable basic skills, attitudes and values leading to the development of young boys and girls who are responsible
and exemplary family and community members.
Basic knowledge and skills that will help improve the self, family life is introduced in the following chapters.

Unit 1. Chapter 1 “Taking Care of Oneself”

Taking care of oneself includes practicing good health habits such as taking a bath. Maintaining the cleanliness
and health of different body parts such as the hair, face, teeth and gums, ears and nose, hands and feet is also part of
taking care of oneself. It is also important to take care of one’s clothes, have enough rest and sleep, develop proper
posture, do some exercises and eat the right kinds of food.
Lesson 1. “Taking a Bath”
A bath is the act of cleaning or washing the body with a soap and water. Taking a bath helps remove dust and dirt from
the body, thus making the skin clear and smooth. Bathing also removes the unpleasant smell of the body that is caused by
sweat, dust and dirt.
Three Kinds of bathing: Full bath, shower bath and sponge bath.
A full bath is a kind of bath in which you wash your hair using shampoo and apply soap to your whole body. Afterward
you rinse your hair and body with clean water. You will need: a pail of clean water, dipper, soap, shampoo and bath towel.
A shower bath is a kind of bath where the hair is not wet and a shower cap is used. In the absence of a shower, use a
dipper and a pail of water. You will need: dipper, a pail of clean water, soap, shower cap and bath towel.
A sponge bath is bathing with the use of a face towel or washcloth in lukewarm or cold water. It is often done when the
water supply is limited or not enough. You will need: water, sponge, soap, liquid soap, face towel and bath towel. Be sure
to use your own washcloth. A sponge may be used if there is no wash cloth.
You will smell fresh and look clean after taking a bath. It is a good habit to develop so you can have a healthy body.
Have your own schedule in taking a bath. Take turns and give proper time allotment for bathing for each family member.
Be considerate of others and avoid consuming too much time in taking a bath. Turn off the faucet when not in use to
conserve water. Make it a habit to always keep the bathroom clean after use.
Answer Me!
Activity 1
Fill in the following graphic organizer with details.

Kinds of Bath
Things Needed
1. _______________
1. _______________
2. _______________
2. _______________
3. _______________
3. _______________
4. _______________
5. _______________
Results or advantages 6. _______________

1. _______________
2. _______________
3. _______________
Lesson 2. “Proper 4.Hair Care”
The hair is sometimes called one’s “crowning glory” because healthy looking, properly cared for, and well-
groomed hair makes a person look pleasant. Boys and girls should be able to care for their hair to look and smell good.
Proper hair care includes shampooing, combing and brushing, fixing and getting haircuts. Proper hair care, you will
need: shampoo, bath soap, combs, hair gel, hair brush and hair accessories like hair band, pony tails, hair clips and hair
How to take care of your hair: (1)Keep your hair clean by washing it with shampoo; (2)Combing or brushing the hair
every day removes dust and dirt; (3)Girls should fix their hair in a pleasant way and; (4)Have a regular haircut.
Answer Me!
Activity 2
Match each of the hair accessories and products in column A to its proper use in column B.
1. a. keeps hair clean and shiny

2. b. cuts the hair to make boys and girls look clean and neat

3. c. washes and cleans dirty hair

4. d. keeps short hair in place

5. e. ties long hair to fix it in a becoming way

Lesson 3. “Proper Care for the Teeth and Gums”

A person looks good when he or she smiles, laughs and speaks especially when his or her teeth are clean. Aside from
clean teeth, you should also have healthy gums. Make it a habit to take care of your teeth and gums. Proper care for the
teeth and gums will keep strong healthy. Healthy teeth and gums will make you confident with your fresh breath and
charming smile.
Care for the teeth. Cavities, toothache and bad breath are often the result of improper care of the teeth. To prevent teeth
problems, make it a habit to care for your teeth.
Brushing of Teeth. Brushing removes bacteria that cling to the teeth. Brush the teeth at least twice a day or after every
meal. Ideally, the teeth should be cleaned after eating to prevent food particles remaining between the teeth as they could
become a breeding ground for bacteria. Brushing the teeth, you will need: toothpaste, salt, toothbrush, mouthwash and a
glass of water.
Note that may also use fine salt when there is no toothpaste available. When you do not have time to brush your
teeth, make sure that you gargle. Have your own toothbrush and clean it by rinsing after use. It should be rinsed well and
dried in a place reached by sunlight as sunlight kills germs.
Flossing of Teeth. A dental floss can also be used to clean the teeth. A floss is a specially dental treated thread used to
remove pieces of food on areas that the toothbrush cannot reach. In flossing, you will need; dental floss, tooth pick and
glass of water. When a dental floss is not available, a toothpick may be used to remove pieces of food between the teeth.
Care for the Gums. The gums hold the teeth in place. Taking good care of the gums can keep them and your teeth strong.
Healthy gums are normally pinkish. Having black gums is a sign of a gum disease. Gum disease makes the gum tender
and more likely to bleed. Hence, it is very important to care for the gums to avoid infection. Care for the gums, you will
need; toothpaste, toothbrush, salt, mouthwash and a glass of water.
Taking care of both Teeth and Gums. The following are some of the things that you can do to take care of both of your
teeth and gums.
1. visit your dentist regularly, at least twice a year, to correct any tooth defect or to fill in cavities. It is also a good
practice to have your dentist clean your teeth. This cleaning procedure is called oral propylaxis. Regular oral
propylaxis prevents tooth defects and toothaches.
2. Eat the right kind of food. Tooth decay is a very common problem caused by eating sweets and sugary foods such
as candies, cakes, soda and other sticky jams. Too much soft and sticky foods tend to cling to the teeth. This may
cause a hole in the teeth called cavity, leading to tooth decay.
Eating fruits, such as apples and oranges; and vegetables, such as raw carrots and celery, cleanses the teeth and gums.
These foods are highly recommended by dentists and nutrition experts.

Lesson 4 “Good Health Habits”

Taking care of oneself includes practicing good health habits such
as having enough rest and sleep, doing exercises, having proper
posture, having regular bowel movement and eating the right
kinds of food.
Rest and Sleep. Sleeping is the most effective form of rest. The body
needs sleep and rest to recover lost energy. Sleep and rest help
make a person strong and healthy. One should have eight hours of
sleep every day. Lack of or not having enough sleep and rest makes
one tired, irritable, nervous and weak.
Exercise and proper posture. Exercise is necessary to help stimulate
blood circulation. It also helps the body to digest food, eliminate body
waste and improve respiration. Playing, walking, running, bending and
stretching are some examples of exercises that you can do.Exercise also
helps tone the muscles and attain good posture. Posture is the position
of the body in walking, sitting and lying down. To maintain good posture,
proper sitting, standing and walking should be observed. Straighten
your body and avoid slouching when walking, standing and sitting.
Regular Bowel Movement. It is very important to eliminate waste or have a regular bowel movement. This will help you
maintain good health as you are getting rid of body waste. Drinking at least eight glasses of water a day aids in
eliminating body waste it helps in easier digestion of food and prevents constipation.
Eating the Right Kinds of Food. Eating the right kinds of food promotes good health, strength and energy and helps
build a strong body. Nutritious foods help your body to function well as they contain vitamins and minerals that the body

Answer Me!
Activity 3
Put a check (√) on the line if the given practice is a good health practice. Put a cross (x) if it is an incorrect practice.
____1. Sleeping eight hours a day ____6. Drinking at least eight glasses of water a day
____2. Always standing tall and erect ____7. Maintaining a good posture while walking or sitting
____3. Eating junk food and sweets instead of fruits ____8. Having a regular bowel movement
____4. Staying up very late at night ____9. Exercising by running or walking
____5. Slouching when standing and sitting ____10. Eating fruits and vegetables every day

Lesson 5 “Proper Care for the Clothes”

Clothes look better and last longer when properly cared for. Taking care of one’s clothes is necessary for a person to look
better while wearing them. Boys and girls who wear clean clothes look and smell good and are well liked by others. The
clothes you wear play an important role to your physical appearance. How can you take care of our clothes properly so
that they will last longer and not wear out soon? Note the following:
1. Clothes should be kept properly.
2. Keep your clothes well pressed.
3. Keep your clothes in good condition.
4. Wear appropriate clothes.
5. When your clothes are wet with perspiration, air-dry them first.
6. Boys and girls should change underwear everyday to avoid unpleasant smell.
7. Keep clean clothes in clothing cabinet.
8. Put dirty clothes in proper container or hamper.
9. Put on clothes correctly.

Laundering, ironing and removing stains from clothes

properly are skills that you should learn so you can take
care of your clothes.

Laundering is the process of washing clothes with water.

These includes a washing machine, dryer, detergent and
fabric conditioners. There are two types of laundering:
washing by hands or handwashing and machine wash or
laundering with the use of a washing machine. Both ways
need to follow the steps of sorting, soaking, soaping,
rinsing and drying.

Bleaching is the process of whitening or removing stains from clothes done by soaping white clothes and spreading them
under the sun is called bleaching. Bleaching chemicals available in the market are also used. If used properly, the
bleaching chemical whitens fabrics and removes stains.
Starching is the process of stiffening clothes to make them durable and look clean. This is done only to cotton fabrics.
Removing Stains. A stain is a mark made on a piece of clothing that is very hard or sometimes, impossible to remove.
Stains spoil the appearance of clothes. When clothes get stained, it is important to remove the stain promptly and properly
so that it will not stick to the clothes permanently. The following are some of the stains that your clothes can get.
1. Inks stains from pens and markers.
2. Mud stains
3. Blood stains
4. Fat or lard stains
5. Paints or varnish stains
6. Mildew or amag stains.
Answer Me!
Activity 4
A. Name the steps in laundering clothes. B. Enumerate the common stains in clothes and how they are removed.
1. ________________________ 1. ________________________
2. ________________________ 2. ________________________
3. ________________________ 3. ________________________
4. ________________________ 4. ________________________
5. ________________________ 5. ________________________

PERFORMANCE NAME:_____________________ GRADE: 4

Select one of your dirty clothes from the laundry
at home. Pick one with stain. Try to remove the PERFORMANCE IN HELE
stain before washing it by hand. Take a
photographs. Label it “Before and After”. PICTURE PICTURE

Unit 1. Chapter 2 “Care for the Family”
The family is very important to everyone’s life. It is with the family where one feels secure and cared for. It provides
him/her with basic needs such as food, clothing, shelter and education. Being a part of a family makes one feel a sense of
Lesson 1 “What Family is all About”
A family is made up of a father, a mother and their children. However, there are also other types of families. A house is
called a home when family members love and respect each other. They also all live together in one house and share and
work together in all household activities.
A Nuclear Family. A nuclear family is a type of family composed of father, mother and child or children. A family may
be big or small, depending on a number of children. A small family is composed of a father, a mother and not more than
three children. A family with more than three children is considered a big family.
Single- Parent Family. A single-parent family is a type of family that is headed by only one parent. It is either the father
or mother who is present.
Extended Family. An extended family is a type of family composed of not just the parents and children but also of other
relatives. These relatives, such as grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins, live together with the parents and children.

Small Family Single- Parent

Big Family Family Extended Family

When the people who live with you but may not be related to you, yet provide for your basic needs can also be called a
family. They make you feel secure and cared for. Being part of this group makes one feel like a member of a real family.

Answer Me!
Activity 5
Identify the type of family as described in the following items. Choose your answer from the box and write it on the line
before each number.
Nuclear Family Extended Family Small Family
Single-Parent Family Big Family
The following people live together in a house:
__________________________ 1. Father, mother and children
__________________________ 2. Grandparents, grandchildren and other relatives
__________________________ 3. Parents, uncles, aunts and cousins
__________________________ 4. Father with children
__________________________ 5. Mother with child
__________________________ 6. Parents with two children
__________________________ 7. Parents with four or more children
__________________________ 8. Parents, friends and coworkers.
1st WEEK
 Visualize numbers up to hundred thousands
 Read and write numbers up to hundred thousands in symbols and in words
 Give the place value and value of a digit in numbers up to 900 000

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