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General instructions: Read the following instructions carefully.
(a) There are 33 questions in this question paper. All questions are compulsory.
(b) Section A: Question number 1 and 2 are case based question having four MCQs and
assertion reason type based on given passage each carrying 1 mark.
(c) Section A: Question no. from 3 to 16 are MCQs &assertion reason type question carrying 1
mark each
(d) Section B: Question no. 17 to 25 are short answer questions & carry 2 marks each.
(e) Section C: Question no. 26 to 30 are short answer questions & carry 3 marks each.
(f) Section D: Question no. 31 to 33 are long answer questions & carry 5 marks each

1. Atoms and molecules are so small in size that it is neither possible to count them individually nor
possible to determine their mass. These are counted collectively in terms of Avogadro’s number.
The mass of Avogadro’s number of atoms and molecules is known as gram atomic mass and gram
molecular mass respectively. A mole represents Avogadro’s number (6.22x1023) NA. particles of
Empirical formula gives the simplest whole number ratio of the atoms of various elements present
in one molecule of compound. Molecular formula gives the actual ratio of various elements present
in one molecule of the compound.
A limiting reactant limits the participation of all other reactants in a chemical reaction.

Read the above passage and choose the correct option in the following questions:
(i) In the reaction mixture 2H2 + O2 2 H2O, H2 is 2.5g and O2 = 32g , the limiting
reactant will be : 1
(a) H2O
(b) O2
(c) H2
(d) All above
(ii) The atomic mass of one atom of 12 C in g is: 1
(a) 12 x10
(b) 1.993 x10-23
(c) 6.022x10-23
(d) 6.022x1023

(iii) The empirical formula and molecular mass of a compound are CH2O and 180 g respectively.
What will be molecular formula of the compound? 1

(a) C9H18O9
(b) C2H4O2
(c) CH2O
(d) C6H12O6

(iv) In three moles of ethane, the number of moles of carbon atoms is : 1

(a) 6
(b) 12
(c) 18
(d) 24
The mass percent of carbon in carbon dioxide is:
(a) 0.034%
(b) 27.27%
(c) 3.4%
(d) 28.7%

2. An organic reaction occurs through making and breaking of bonds. The breaking of bonds may
occur either homolytically leading to the formation of radicals or heterolytically generating positively
and negatively charged species. The neutral species (free radicals), positively charged species
electrophiles while negatively charged species are called nucleophiles. These electron displacements
occur through inductive, electromeric , resonance and hyperconjugation effects. Both inductive effect
effect and hyperconjugation effects can be used to explain the stability of carbocations and free
radicals (30›20 ›10). The stability of carbanions however follows opposite order.

Read the above passage and answer the correct option in following questions.

In the following questions (i) to (iv) , a statement of assertion followed by a statement of reason
is given. Choose the correct answer out of the following choices.
(a) If both Assertion and Rearon are correct statements and Reason is the correct explanation
of the Assertion
(b) If both Assertion and Reason are correct statements but Reason is not the correct
explanation of the Assertion
(c) If Assertion is correct statement but Reason is wrong statement
(d) Assertion wrong statement but Reason is correct statement.

(i) Assertion : Tertiary carbocations (30) are generally formed more easily than primary (10)
carbocations. 1
Reason : Hyperconjugation as well as inductive effect due to additional alkyl groups
stabilize tertiary carbocations.
(ii) Assertion : Alkyl carbanions like ammonia have pyramidal shape. 1
Reason : The carbon atom carrying negative charge has an octet of electrons.
(iii) Assertion : A free radical is paramagnetic species. 1
Reason : A free radical is formed in homolytic fission of covalent bond.
(iv) Assertion : tert-Butyl carbanion is less stable than methyl carbanion. 1
Reason : The + I effect of CH3 groups tends to stabilize the the tert-Butyl carbanion.

Assertion : Heterolytic fission occurs readily in polar bonds.
Reason : Heterolytic fission involves the breaking of bond in such a way that the shared
pair of electrons goes with one atom.

Following questions (Q.No. 3-11 ) are multiple choice questions. Carrying 1 mark each.
3. Given principal level n = 4, the energy of its subshells is in the order 1
(a) s < p < d < f
(b) s > p > d > f
(c) s < p < f < d
(d) f < p < d
The electrons of the same orbitals can be distinguished by
(a) Principal quantum number
(b) Azimuthal quantum number
(c) Spin quantum number
(d) Magnetic quantum number
4. Which expression represents de Broglie relationship? 1
(a) P = h/mv
(b) λ = h\mv
(c) λ = h\mp
(d) λ m= v/p


If the uncertainty in the position of electron is zero, the uncertainty in its momentum would be:

(a) Zero
(b) Greater than h/4
(c) Less than h/4
(d) Infinite.

5. Any p-orbital can accommodate up to: 1

(a) Four electrons

(b) Two electrons with parallel spins

(c) Six electrons

(d) Two electrons with opposite spins.

6. Alkali metal dissolved in liquid ammonia solution gives: 1

(a) Colourless.
(b) Deep blue.
(c) Red colour
(d) None of the above

7. In which of the following molecules, σ2pz molecular orbital is filled after π2px and π2py molecular
orbitals? 1
(a) O2
(b) Ne2
(c ) N2

8.In a reversible chemical reaction at equilibrium, if the concentration of any one of the reactants is
doubled, then the equilibrium constant will 1
(a) Also be Doubled
(b) Be Halved
(c) Remain the Same
(d) Become One-Fourth


The conjugate acid of NH2–

(a) NH3
(b) NH4OH
(c) NH4+
(d) NH2–
9. The oxidation state of Cr in Cr (CO)6 is 1
(a) 0
(b) 2
(c) 2
(d) 6


The tendency of an species to lose electrons is known as

(a) Electrode Potential
(b) Reduction
(c) Oxidation
(d) E.M.F.

10. The element with atomic number 35 belongs to 1

(a) d – Block
(b) f – Block
(c) p – Block
(d) s – Block

11. The number of elements in the 4th period of periodic table is: 1
(a) 8
(b) 10
(c) 18
(d) 32
In the following questions (Q.No. 12-16 ) a statement of assertion followed by a statement of
reason is given. Choose the correct answer out of the following choices:
(a) If both Assertion and Reason are correct statements and Reason is the correct explanation
of the Assertion
(b) If both Assertion and Reason are correct statements but Reason is not the correct
explanation of the Assertion
(c) If Assertion is correct statement but Reason is wrong statement
(d) Assertion wrong statement but Reason is correct statement.

12. Assertion: Propene reacts with HBr in the presence of organic peroxide to give 1
Reason: The reaction ocuurs through carbocation intermediate.
13. Assertion: Dimethyl sulphide is commonly used for the reduction of an ozonide of 1
an alkene to get the carbonyl; compounds.
Reason: It reduces the ozonide giving water soluble dimethyl sulphoxide and excess
of it evaporates.
14. Assertion: We cannot change the temperature of a body without giving (or taking) heat
to (or from) it. 1
Reason: According to principle of conservation of energy, total energy of a system
should remain conserved.
15. Assertion: Spontaneous process is an irreversible process and may be reversed by some
external agency. 1
Reason: Decrease in enthalpy is a contributory factor for spontaneity.
16. Assertion: Temporary hardness can be removed by the addition of lime. 1
Reason: Ca(HCO3)2 in hard water is converted to insoluble CaCO3 on moderate heating.

Assertion: Water in liquid state is more stable than ice at room temperature.
Reason: Water in liquid form has higher entropy than ice.


The following questions No. 17-25 are short answer type and carry 2 marks each.
17. Calculate the radius of Bohr’s fifth orbit for hydrogen atom. 2
18. Explain the following. 2
(i) Ionization enthalpy of nitrogen is more than that of oxygen.
(ii) Mg2+ ion is smaller than O2- ion although both have the same electronic configuration.
19. Predict the hybridization and shapes of the following molecules 2
(i) PH3
(ii) BeCl2
20. (a) Compare the relative stabilities of peroxide and superoxide ion the basis of M.O.T. 2
(b) Write the electronic configuration of Mn (At. No.25).

21. In a process 701 J of heat is absorbed by a system and 394 J work is done by the system.
What is the change in internal energy for the process? 2
State the first law of thermodynamics. Write its mathematical expression.
22. Permanganate ion reacts with bromide ion in basic medium to give manganese dioxide and
bromate ion. Write the balanced ionic equation for the reaction. 2
MnO4- (aq) + Br- (aq) → MnO2 (s) + BrO3-(aq)
23. What are interstitial hydrides? Give two examples. 2
24. What happens when 2
a) Ethanoic acid is heated with soda-lime
b) Sodium Succinate undergoes electrolysis.
25. What is Peroxide effect? Explain with an equation. 2
How will you convert benzene into?
a) Toluene
b) Benzene sulphonic acid


Q.No. 26-30 are Short Answer Type-2 Carrying 3 mark each.

26. (a) Propanal and pentan-3- one are ozonolysis products of an alkene. What is the 3
structure formula of the alkene.
(b) How will you convert benzene into acetophenone.
(c) Why nitrobenzene does not undergo Friedel – Craft alkylation? Explain.
27. Give reason 3
(a) Be2 molecule does not exist
(b) O2+ ion is more stable than O2
(c) H2O is a liquid but H2S is a gas
28. The value of Kc for the reaction 3O2 g 2O3 g is 2.0 ×10–50 at 25°C. If the equilibrium 3
concentration of O2 in air at 25°C is 1.6 ×10–2 what is the concentration of O3.
Classify the following species into Lewis acids and Lewis bases and show how these act as
(a) F –
(b) H+
(c) BCl3

29. (i) How are change in internal energy (∆U) and change in enthalpy (∆H) are related to
each other ? 3
(ii) Calculate the heat of formation of carbon monoxide from the following data.
(a) C(s)+O2(g) → CO2(g), ∆fH = -393.5KJ
(b) CO(g) + ½ O2(g) → CO2(g), ∆fH = -282.8KJ
30. (i) Name the alkaline earth metal hydroxide which is amphoteric in nature. 3
(ii) Why is KO2 paramagnetic in nature?
(iii) Why are Lithium salts hydrated?

Why are BeSO4 and MgSO4 readily soluble in water while CaSO4, SrSO4 and BaSO4 are

SECTION –D (5 marks Questions)

Q.No 31 to 33 are long answer type carrying 5 marks each.

31. (a) Which one is more stable and why: 5

+ + + +
CH3 , CH3CH2 , (CH3)2CH , (CH3)3C

What are free radicals?

(b) Give structure of 4-methyl-3-oxopentanoic acid.

(c) Write the IUPAC name of :
CH3 – CH – CH - CH2 - CHO

Give state of hybridization in Ethene and Ethyne molecules for C-atom.
What effect does branching of an alkane chain has on its boiling point?
(a) What is functional group isomerism?
(b) Draw the resonance structures of 2,4-Butadiene.
(c) Write IUPAC name of CH3 CH2 CN
(d) Give structure of 4-phenyl but -2-en

Name a functional group which IUPAC name has only a prefix but no suffix.

32. (i) Establish the ideal gas equation. 5

(ii) At 25oC and 760 mm of Hg pressure an ideal gas occupies 600 mL volume. What will be
its pressure at a height where temperature is 10oC and volume of the gas is 640 mL.

(a) Why is the boiling point of HCl lowest while that of HF highest?
(b) A car tyre is filled with Nitrogen gas at room temperature. It will burst if pressure exceeds
0.2 bar. If at 1 bar pressure the gas occupies 2.27 L volume, up to what volume can the tyre
be expanded?

33. (a) Explain why is there a phenomenal decrease in ionization enthalpy from 5
B to Al
(b) Compare the atomic size of Ga with that of Al?
(c) In some of the reactions thallium resembles aluminium, whereas in others it resembles
with group 1 metals. Support this statement by giving some evidences

(a) CO2 is gas while SiO2 is solid at room temperature. Give reason.
(b) Find the oxidation state of B in B2O3.
(c) Describe two similarities and two dissimilarities between B and Al
(d) C and Si are always tetravalent but Ge, Sn, Pb show divalency.
(e) Gallium has higher ionization enthalpy than Al. Explain.

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