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Appearing in Timed Examinations

1. Click on the 'Course' tab to access the course and take timed exams as shown below:
On left side pane, there are 6 sections (first and last ones are Warm-up Quiz and Final
Exam respectively, and the remaining 4 are course modules).

2. Click on any section to see the modules under that section. Next to each module is
the link for assessment of that module.
3. Clicking on exam on the left opens the following screen. This page contains the link
for end of module examination of 30 minutes duration.

4. Once you start the examination, the timer will start counting for 30 minutes. You have
to attempt the 10 questions in 30 minutes and click on 'End My Exam' button to
submit the exam.
5. It will ask you to confirm your exam submission:

6. Message after submission of Exam:

Note: If you do not complete the timed examination in the allocated time limit, the exam
will be automatically stopped and your responses will be submitted.

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