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Eloisa Brillante
Unit Earner

Activity 1
1. Describe the teaching techniques or strategies that are most effective for you. Why do you say so?
Ans: The teaching techniques or strategies that are most effective for me is that when a teacher is strict
but with a heart in his/her profession. Because, once a teacher is strict the learner would be afraid or
might listen carefully and through his/her passion in teaching the learner would admire him/her and
through his/her genuine heart the social-emotional learning would help to create more accepting
classrooms where young people feel empowered to prevent and interrupt bullying.

2. How would you include cooperative learning in your classroom?

Ans: I would include cooperative learning in my classroom through listening and observing to my
student’s desire’s and capabilities in doing their tasks if they need much attentions in whatever field they
may have I will cooperate and help them to achieve their goals.

3. How would you identify the special needs of your students?

Ans: I can identify students with special needs if I observed that they are failing to give close attention to
details or making careless mistakes in schoolwork, work, or other activities, difficulty sustaining attention
in tasks or play activities and not seeming to listen when spoken to directly.

4. What do you include when you write learning objectives?

Ans: I will only include about what the learners should be able to upon completion of a unit of instruction
and the ABCD (audience, behavior, condition, and degree) method can be used to identify all core
components of a learning objective.

5. What techniques do you use to keep students actively involved during a lesson?
Ans: The very first technique that I will use to keep my students actively involved during a lesson is I
will always begin the lesson with an interesting fact because One way to jump-start the brain out of its
slumbering state is to give it startling or interesting information that it knows or it doesn’t know. Besides
waking up the brain and getting it ready to engage in the rest of the lesson, these facts also give the
students fun ammunition to use against the adults in their life as a way to show off their smarts.

6. What methods would you use to assess student learning?

Ans: Information about student learning can be assessed through both direct and indirect measures.
Direct measures may include homework, quizzes, exams, reports, essays, research projects, case study
analysis, and rubrics for oral and other performances.
7. Describe various student learning styles and how you adjust lessons to benefit those styles?
Ans: Identifying your students as visual, auditory, reading/writing, kinesthetic, learners, and aligning
your overall curriculum with these learning styles, will prove to be beneficial for your entire classroom.
Keep in mind, sometimes you may find that it’s a combination of all three sensory modalities that may be
the best option. Allowing students to access information in terms they are comfortable with will increase
their academic confidence.
8. How do you deal with the unmotivated student?
Ans: For me to deal with the unmotivated student I must Identify their type because everyone has
differences for me to know if they are introvert or an extrovert type of person and then I will get to know
them so that I can easily try or help them be motivated and I will always give an eye on that student and
spend much time with him/her so that s/he could have me a someone to talk to.
9. What would you do if 50% of your class did poorly on a test?
Ans: I will approach them with concern and ask them what are the ways that I might help for them to get
a higher score and I will also do a remedial class for non-performing students.

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