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On this day I humbly thank the almighty God that we reach this special event of our life, in front

of the holy sacrament, witness by our families, friends and love ones, that today! Will be the D-
Day we been waiting for, we been through a lot of struggle and hurdle countless battles of our
own wits. And at last we are now married, Jerramae you are my guiding star that guides me to
take the right path of our journey, as we take a new Voyage of our new life as husband and wife I
do solemnly swear to plot the right Course nor the Right Rhumbline, be my Compass and Guide
me to the right track, for better or worst, in Calm or rough seas, in Fair or fowl weather my love
to you will sail through eternity.

I remember 2,279 days, 10 hours, 30minutes, 25 seconds and a butt. Ago when I saw you for the
first time, and I dream of having you to be my wife, you are so beautiful that day wearing white
T-shirt, jeans, rubber shoes and with a very distinct haircut of a trainee. You are so strong,
aiming high and smart, that is why I do feel affection and love to you…. I never regret any single
“Take life” that we’ve done during those days, “So what!” never mind the Delinquency report I
am in love with you.

From this day on, I ask you to be my lawful wife. To sail with you in Rough or calm seas, in Fair
or fowl weather; to stand by your side “safe and sound” and embrace you in peace or war; to be
a joy to your heart and your safe heavens; to bring out the best in you, always. To share the joy
with you in good times; stand by you in hard times; to mirror you with my soul; to share with
you all my riches and honors; to play with you as much as I can, until we grow old, and still
loving each other sweetly this is my eternal duty to you my wife, and gladly until we join our
creator. “ I love you so much Padaba ko”

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