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1. If you are the General Manager of this department, what would your advice to
Azzahra be pertaining to Fatimah’s attitude.
- As the department's General Manager, I will encourage her to ignore
Fatimah's attitude because it may damage her work.
- Next, I'll tell her to concentrate solely on her work, and I'll show her how to
prove Fatimah wrong with a satisfactory result. Fatimah will have no right to
spread the rumour because of her excellent work. In addition, as General
Manager, I will counsel and warn Fatimah about her behaviour, as it has an
impact on the company's environment and reflects a negative image of the
organisation due to a lack of employee cooperation.
- Finally, I would urge her to file a report with Human Resources because this is
a case of false allegations, and if Fatimah continues to spread false rumours,
it will create a hostile climate in the team and may harm Azzahra's connection
with her co-workers. Thus, the department will be able to pursue legal action
against Fatimah.
2. Besides the trust given by the management in entrusting challenging tasks to
Azzahra, what other things do you think would make Azzahra a more satisfied
- Azzahra is a hardworking, positive employee who is dedicated to her work.
She is always dedicated to her work, as evidenced by her higher staff
engagement and her ability to radiate great energy throughout the firm.
- She is also a good worker who can handle pressure and tension at work,
although she is the subject of a negative rumour. This behaviour
demonstrates that she is a knowledgeable employee who should be retained
in management.
- She is an effective leader and thinker who can handle a team's tasks. When
the company promoted her to a top managerial position, this demonstrated
that she is a happy employee. The employer has such faith in her that she is
quickly given a new function and assignment.
- As an optimist, it is apparent that Azzahra understands the organization's
aims and objectives, and she continues to strive toward the bottom line and
help the company achieve milestones.
3. Besides spreading rumours about Azzahra, what other behaviour might Fatimah
exhibit to indicate her dissatisfaction at work?
- She has an attitude that shows she is disrespecting her colleagues. This
behaviour shows that she is aggressive in communication and interaction as
she is spreading rumours without proof.
- With spreading the rumour, shows that Fatimah is a self-centered person. She
gives negative energy by spreading rumours and she is lack leadership and
strategist by reflecting on her behaviour. This attitude only gives her a lack of
career growth due to a lack of recognition and appreciation by the
management as well as trust from them to grow her career.
- As she is the opposite of Azzahra, it is true that she is a negative person and
results in having a poor relationship with her colleague and managers. It can
be assumed that she is an unproductive worker and it is proved by her
maintained position since day one she is being employed by the organization.
4. Apply your knowledge on Components of Attitude to discuss the likely reason why
Fatimah behaves in a such way.
- Fatimah behaves in this manner because she possesses a behavioural
component. It is made up of a person's proclivity to act in a certain way toward
a specific thing. It is also known as the conative component, and it relates to
one's purpose to behave in a certain way. This component aids in the
comprehension of one's complexity as well as the possible relationship
between attitudes and behaviour.
- She is circulating rumours to give her coworker a negative view of Azzahra
due to her dissatisfaction with Azzahra's advancement. She also said that
Azzahra's rise is owing to the sweet-talked and that it is achievable because
of the parents' connections.

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