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CHECK-a Minute!

Typhoon Yolanda, Typhoon Odette, Typhoon Ulysses, and Typhoon Karding are some of the
most powerful typhoons to ever strike our country. Typhoons are natural disasters that bring
strong winds and heavy rains which result in flooding, significant damage to crops, homes, and
buildings, as well as fatal accidents. Climate change greatly contributes to the increase in the
intensity of typhoons. Since typhoons are natural disasters, we cannot stop them from lashing.
But as they can be predicted and tracked, we can minimize and lessen the impacts of this
catastrophe through early warning. I am Jillian Maurizz P. Olit from 10 EULER, here to give you
Ligtas Tips to check before, during, and after a typhoon, and this is CHECK-a Minute!

What to do before a typhoon?

1. Stay informed. Listen and watch weather updates and advisories.

2. Prepare your house. Check your house’s condition and make necessary repairs to
lessen the storm damage to your home.
3. Prune trees to prevent the possible falling of trees along roads when strong winds hover.
4. Arrange a survival kit with emergency items such non-perishable food, water, flashlight,
extra batteries, whistle, and first aid kits.
5. Keep your pets in a safe place. If possible, bring them in the designated evacuation area
for animals.
6. Prepare communications. Load a radio with batteries and charge up your power banks
and emergency lights since you may still experience power outage in your area after or
during a storm.
7. Evacuate immediately once asked by the authorities to do so.

During a typhoon,

1. Stay calm, stay inside the house as much as possible, and make sure to keep everyone
2. Keep yourself updated on the latest weather news. Monitor weather updates and
advisories on the progress of the typhoon to be informed and to know the things that
need to be done.
3. Secure your home, close windows and doors, and secure outdoor objects or bring them
4. Avoid using phones and other electronic devices, except for serious emergencies.
Lightning can travel through electrical systems, radio and television reception systems.
5. In case of flooding, turn off the main sources of electricity to prevent electrical accidents.

Things to do after a typhoon,

1. Check your house for damage and make necessary repairs at once. Avoid scattered
debris and wear protective gear while dealing with them.
2. Run a check on electrical appliances and gave a knowledgeable person inspect
electrical connections before using such
3. Continue to monitor news sites, radio stations, or TV channels to know what areas of the
Philippines are still at risk, the current strength of the typhoon, and so on.
4. Ensure food safety. Avoid contaminated food resulting from the lack of electricity and
refrigeration and throw out anything in your fridge that might have gone bad.
5. Dump water that may have accumulate in tires, cans or pots to avoid creating a
favorable condition for mosquito breeding that can cause dengue.

Be prepared, know the risks. Be informed, stay safe. Again, I am Jillian Maurizz P. Olit and this
is CHECK-a Minute!

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