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Adding Three-Digit Numbers on

an Open Number Line with

Froggie Game
Third Grade Math

Students will have fun adding larger numbers using an open number line, first by practicing and then playing a
dice game in pairs or triads called Go Froggie!

Learning Objectives

Students will be able to use different strategies to add three-digit numbers using an open number line.

Materials and preparation Key terms

Class set of the Practice Adding Three-Digit
open number line
Numbers on an Open Number Line worksheet
Class set of the Go Froggie! worksheet
Whiteboard and/or document camera
Die, one per pair or triad (three per group
will make each turn faster if you have more)


Practice Adding Three-Digit Numbers on an Open Number Line (PDF)

Go Froggie! (PDF)

Introduction (5 minutes)

Tell students that part of learning to be a strong mathematician is understanding that there are usually
many strategies to solve a problem, and knowing multiple strategies gives you more options.
Write this problem on the board: 44 + 150. Ask students what strategies they could use to solve this
addition problem. Have then discuss with a partner or small group then share ideas as a class.
See if your class can come up with at least three strategies to solve it.

Explicit Instruction/Teacher modeling (5 minutes)

Tell students that you are going to teach them three strategies to solve three-digit addition problems
using an open number line, then they are going to play a game to practice.
Explain that an open number line is blank so that you can add your own numbers, as needed.
Draw an open number line on the board to model, then use it to solve 44 + 150.
Tell students that the first strategy can be called larger than smaller because you start with the larger
addend then add the smaller number digit by digit. It is easier when you start with the larger addend, so
circle 150 in the problem.
Now put a point on the number line on the left and label it '150.' Explain that you are going to add the
value in the tens place (40) then the ones place (4).
Put your marker on the point marked 150 then jump four times to the right on the number line. Mark each
jump '+10' above the arc then label the new total below the number line (190).
Now add the ones, making four small jumps to the right, labeling each one '+1' and adding 194 (the sum)
below the number line.
Create a chart noting this strategy and an example for future reference.

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Guided Practice (15 minutes)

Show students the compensation strategy. Write '63 + 29' on the board. Demonstrate how you
temporarily add one to the second number, changing it to 30. This allows you to add three tens (63 + 10
+ 10 + 10 = 93) then take that one away, going backwards on the number line one, making the sum
92. The last strategy can be called the combination strategy because you combine the hundreds in
both numbers than the tens and then the ones, one at a time. Take 132 + 256 for example. Start at 300,
then 50 then jump forward 80 (mark the sum 380 under the number line). Then add the 8 in ones on the
line. You should be at 388 on the number line.
Distribute the Practice Adding Three-Digit Numbers on an Open Number Line worksheet. Review the three
strategies using the problems provided. Each time, discuss which strategy might be most helpful. You
might try a few strategies with one problem to contrast how they work differently.

Independent working time (25 minutes)

Distribute the Go Froggie! worksheet. Review the directions as a class and answer any questions.
Assemble students into pairs or triads and distribute one die per group - if you have extra dice, three per
group would make each turn faster.
Allow about 20 minutes for students to play the game.

Related books and/or media


Open Number Line Adding Strategies


*Support: Make a guide with examples of each strategy and allow students to use it as a reference.

Enrichment: Have students try using the open number line tool as a strategy for subtraction. Does it work for
other operations?

Assessment (5 minutes)

On the back of one of their sheets, have students use an open number line to solve 345 + 642.
Demonstrate the solution and spot check student work for the accurate sum.

Review and closing (5 minutes)

Discuss, "Why is it good to know more than one strategy to solve a problem? In what other areas of life
do we need to utilize different strategies to be successful? Consider different problems we have or how
we get what we want."

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Practice Adding Three Digit Numbers
on an Open Number Line
Name: Date:

1. Look at the problem and decide which addition strategy you want to use.
2. Draw a point on the number line and write the larger addend beneath it.
3. Add the hundreds, tens and ones as seen in the example, noting the new sum after every jump.
4. Write the sum in the last column.

Addends Use the open number line to find the sum Sum
10 10 10

45 + 34 79
45 55 65 7 7 7 7 79
5 6 7 8

22 + 39

134 + 422

368 + 110

654 + 351

945 + 242

BONUS: Write your own addends and have a classmate find the sum. Check their answers
to see if they got them right.

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Go Froggie!
Name: Date:

1. Form a pair or triad.

2. Collect materials: a die, one copy of this sheet and a pencil for each player.
3. Roll for your first addend. Youngest player goes first or use rock, paper, scissors. Roll the die two times, recording each
number in any place value in the first addend. Now other players roll for the first addend.
4. Roll for the second addend. Original first player rolls die and writes digits in the second two digit addend.
5. Go Froggie! Starting at the left side of the first open number line make a dot and write the larger number underneath.
Then, looking at the second addend, make bigger jumps from left to right to add the hundreds, then medium sized
jumps for each ten, then small jumps for each one. After each place value jump series, record the new sum under the
number line. The last sum will be the final answer.
6. Copy that sum into the space in the first addend for the next turn.
7. Other payers now take their turns rolling for their second sum, jumping and
adding. Soon you will be adding three-digit numbers, and maybe FOUR-digit
8. The player whose frog jumped the farthest (has the largest sum) after 4 turns wins.

Generate Addends
(roll the die) Use the open number line to jump your froggie to the sum Sum
10 10 10

45 + 34 79
1 1 1 1

45 55 65 7 7 7 7 79
5 6 7 8

Draw your froggie:

Name your froggie:

Addends (roll the die) Use the open number line by jumping your froggie to the sum Sum

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