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This is the story in Afghanistan in the pivotal state in terms of key foreign policy objectives of
states, has a seen to change due to globalization. Before the US becoming an entrant in to the
Afghanistan conflict, had largely been unaffected by radical transformations by globalization. The state
of Afghanistan has seen consistent and prolonged conflicts throughout its history. Afghanistan’s tragic
ascendancy to the mainstream global political spectrum came as a result of America’s denouncement of
terrorism and the beginning of the war on terror. Communication infrastructure which was largely due
to poverty and rigid control by the then Taliban rulers in Afghanistan. Through a providing aid, defense
and foreign policy strategies Afghanistan government and the role of influential international actors has
led to an increasing sense of loss of sovereignty by the Afghanistan population. While many argue that
globalization inherently is a positive force aiming to alleviate and provide further economic, social and
political stability, contested views argue in terms of empirical evidence against the normative claim.
Religion in Afghanistan has also induced a traditional society to follow principals ascribed in religious
texts. Afghanistan society has followed traditional principals and held on cultural traditions and
narratives. The political spectrum of Afghanistan has been also affected by globalization. Globalization is
many of academics have argued that Afghanistan's inability or the lack of want to change arises from
either a poor system of governance or a strongly entrenched traditional societal structure. This concept
comes as result of a globalization where the greater influence of international institutions and foreign
states is observed to have a negative impact on the state individual sovereignty. Afghanistan for a large
part of history has seen great conflict. The study on Afghanistan has largely been on political economy
and connecting Afghanistan with the global financial institutions.

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