Steinmetz and The Concept of Phasor-A Forgotten Story

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Steinmetz and the Concept of Phasor: A Forgotten Story

Article · June 2013

DOI: 10.1007/s40313-013-0030-5


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2 authors:

Antônio Emílio Angueth de Araújo Danny Augusto Vieira Tonidandel

Federal University of Minas Gerais Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto


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Steinmetz and the Concept of Phasor: A
Forgotten Story

A. E. A. Araújo & D. A. V. Tonidandel

Journal of Control, Automation and

Electrical Systems

ISSN 2195-3880

J Control Autom Electr Syst

DOI 10.1007/s40313-013-0030-5

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J Control Autom Electr Syst
DOI 10.1007/s40313-013-0030-5

Steinmetz and the Concept of Phasor: A Forgotten Story

A. E. A. Araújo · D. A. V. Tonidandel

Received: 21 May 2012 / Revised: 16 July 2012 / Accepted: 6 September 2012

© Brazilian Society for Automatics–SBA 2013

Abstract The history of the concept of phasor is often Another way to introduce such concept, mathematically
neglected when it is introduced in textbooks on circuits. more formal, is presented in Nilsson and Riedel (2009),
The presentation does not emphasize the historical aspects, where the authors define a phasor transform, intended to
which is natural. This paper intends to recover the origi- transform one generalized sinusoid in a complex number.
nal and creative way the concept of complex numbers, then Textbooks on physics which cover the subject do not inno-
almost unknown to engineers, was applied to electric circuits vate in what was described above (Feynman et al. 1963).
in sinusoidal steady-state. As usual in physics and engineer- The concept of phasor was created through a different
ing, the theory of phasor could have been anticipated by ear- process, if compared with the pedagogical schema chosen
lier researchers, if they had followed their original reason- by several authors dealing with the topic. This creation had
ings. Maxwell and Heaviside had proved the meal, but could two anticipations before taking its definitive shape. The first
not, or were not interested in writing the recipe. appears in a almost forgotten Maxwell’s (1868) paper that
presents, for the first time (Blanchard 1941), the solution of
Keywords Phasor · Steady-state · Circuit theory. the current in a series R LC circuit, feeded by an alternating
sinusoidal voltage source. The other one appears in a Oliver
Heaviside’s paper, published by the Royal Society of London
1 Introduction (Heaviside 1893b).
The genesis of a concept is, many times, different from
Textbooks on circuit analysis, in general, treat the subject later formulations, so as to make the reader completely
of the sinusoidal steady-state in a standard form, with two unaware of the original path followed by the pioneer. These
possible variations. The first approach is to consider a rotat- pathways are going to be the object of the present paper.
ing vector, with angular velocity equal to the frequency of the It is intended, at first, to describe the unique way in which
sinusoidal wave it intends to represent, making the horizontal Maxwell addresses the problem, showing how his genius
projection of this vector to correspond to the instantaneous took him to a solution very similar to the modern method.
value of this wave, at the instant of time at which the pro- It is observed a possible anticipation of the idea of using
jection is taken (Johnson et al. 1990; Kerchner and Corcoran complex number in the treatment of sinusoidal steady-state.
1977; Sadiku 2008; valkenburg 1974). Three curiosities are presented. The first is the inter-
esting story of an article in which appears for the first
time the concept of phasor, then presented in the AIEE
A. E. A. Araújo
(American Institute of Electrical Engineering) meeting—
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais-UFMG,
Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil IEEE grandmother’s institution—and not published in the
e-mail: meeting proceedings, for lack of funds. The second is the
apparent inexistence of a relationship between Steinmetz and
D. A. V. Tonidandel (B)
Heaviside, two electrical engineering giants who, living in
Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto-UFOP,
Ouro Preto, Minas Gerais, Brazil the same period—end of 19th, beginning of 20th century—,
e-mail: apparently did not know each other’s work. The third is the

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Fig. 1 Ruhmkorff Coil (Wikipedia, 2012)

Fig. 2 Electric scheme of the Ruhmkorff Coil (WikimediaCommons,

conjecture of a possible participation of both Fourier and
William Thomson in the genesis of the concept of phasor.

2 Maxwell and the Steady-State of a RLC Circuit

In March 1868, the young Maxwell visited the William

Robert Grove’s laboratory. Grove was a famous scientist,
then fellow of the prestigious Royal Society for almost three
decades, and four years after this fortuitus encounter he was Fig. 3 Ruhmkorff Coil circuit, as conceived by Maxwell (1868).
honored with the knighthood. In this meeting, the future Sir
W. R. Grove presented to Maxwell a curious phenomenon he
had discovered while working with a induction coil, feeded that the arc in the secondary coil rapidly raised in inten-
by an alternating current. sity if the capacitor was included in circuit, and vanished if
The induction coil or Ruhmkorff coil was one of the few the capacitor was removed. This is the phenomenon that he
electric lab equipments available at the time. It was noth- presented to Maxwell. In the next morning after the meet-
ing more than a transformer, with a high relation of turns, in ing in W.R. Grove’s laboratory, Maxwell addressed to the
which a intermittent DC voltage was applied in the primary famous scientist a letter, which was sent by the recipient to
(with few turns), which caused a high voltage to appear in the the Philosophical Magazine, which published it in May 1869
secondary, which caused an electric arc in a point-to-point (Maxwell 1868).
gap connected to it. (see Fig. 1). The continuous voltage was In the letter, Maxwell unveiled the apparent mystery,
supplied by a pile and the intermittence were originated from calculating the alternating current that passed through the
a magnetically operated switch that when closed, connected transformer’s primary coil, in a phenomenon currently called
the capacitor in series with the transformer’s primary and resonance. The way he used to calculate the current is an
when opened, short-circuited the capacitor. If a current cir- anticipation of the concept of phasor and is described in
culated in the primary, causing an arc in the secondary, the sequence, using his own notation, as illustrated in the Fig. 3.
switch would be closed by a magnetic attraction, connecting In the figure, the variable x is the current that circulates in
the capacitor in series with the primary, making the current the transformer’s primary coil and through the series con-
vanish and, thus, causing the switch to open. When opened, nected capacitor. The variable y is the current that passes
it short-circuited the capacitor and caused again a current through the resistor, of resistance ρ (in parallel with the
circulation in the transformer’s primary, causing another arc capacitor), whose value (zero or ∞) simulates position of
(see Fig. 2). In normal operations, this arrangement supplied the switch (of Ruhmkorff’s coil), closed or opened. The
an almost permanent electric arc in the secondary, which was Maxwell’s reasoning is as follows: the voltage drop in the
the object of research of Sir W. R. Grove. resistor, of resistance ρ, is P = ρy. Thus, the charge in
Grove (1868), in the course of his research, replaced the the capacitor is
pile by an electric machine working as a generator and dP
observed, in a short communication to The Royal Society, C = x − y,

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where x obeys the equation 3 Steinmetz and Heaviside

dx The concept of phasor introduces a relation between the sinu-

Mn cos nt + Rx + L + P = 0,
dt soidal steady-state behavior of a circuit and complex num-
where Mn cos nt is the voltage at the terminals of the gen- bers. This relation, used by Steinmetz when elaborating the
erator, R is the resistance of the primary’s coil and L is its concept, appears almost simultaneously, as mentioned above,
inductance. in a paper due to Heaviside, published by the The Royal
Maxwell then made the crucial supposition that the current Society of London (Heaviside 1893b)
x has the form In this paper, Heaviside noted that, for physical systems
under harmonic forces1 , his operational method produced
x = A cos(nt + α) , the exact solution, provided that p = −n 2 , where p was his
operator (precursor of the variable s of the Laplace trans-
and observed that if it was the case, then form) (Tonidandel and Araújo 2012b) and n is the frequency
of the sinusoid. This made his operator a pure imaginary
M 2 n 2 (1 + C 2 ρ 2 n 2 ) and introduced the algebra of complex numbers in the treat-
A2 =
ρ 2 [(1 − LCn 2 )2 + R 2 C 2 n 2 ] + 2Rρ + R 2 + Ln 2 ment of sinusoidal steady-state—actually, in the treatment
and of steady-state of physical systems. The concept of phasor
1 R + ρ − LCρn 2 would make the complex numbers its foundation, completely
α = cot −1 − cot −1 .
Cρn RCρn + Ln in agreement with Heaviside’s ideas.
Heaviside did not formalized the concept of phasor,
From the previous formulation, Maxwell concluded that, if because all seems to indicate that others were then his con-
ρ = 0, then cerns. Nevertheless is interesting to notice that 1893 is the
year of both the presentation of the Heaviside’s paper as well
M 2n2
A2 = , as the Steinmtez’s (1893), in which he would present the
R2 + L 2n2 concept of phasor.
in other words, in our usual language of circuits, the mag- Oliver Heaviside and Charles Proteus Steinmetz seem not
nitude of the phasor current is the magnitude of the phasor to have known each other’s work. Both were electrical engi-
voltage divided by the magnitude of the impedance of the neering geniuses and contributed enormously for the future
primary, because the capacitor is short-circuited. developments in the area. Both lived approximately at the
If ρ = ∞, same time—Steinmetz from 1863 to 1923 and Heaviside
from 1850 to 1925—and, however, one did not demonstrated
M 2n2 to know the work of the other.
A2 = , Several factors could have contributed to this fact, among
1 2
R2 + (Ln − ) which we may cite: Heaviside’s proverbial grudge toward
other scientists and his unwillingness to make his work
thus characterizing a resonance phenomenon, because if acquainted; the notorious antagonism and incommunicabil-
C Ln 2 = 1, the current magnitude is maximum, with ity between the island (England) and the continent; and the
Mn more theoretical emphasis in Heaviside’s work, in contrast
A= . to the more applied emphasis in Steinmetz’s work.
Steinmetz wrote, among others, two books in which he
This current value is the explanation that Maxwell offered would have wide opportunity to cite Heaviside’s work and
to Sir W. R. Grove, after an sleepless and very productive use the methods of the Englishman. In one of them, published
night. initially in 1908, he treated specifically the theory of electric
If Maxwell had established, from this simple analysis, a transients, area for which Heaviside developed his opera-
general methodology for the solution of circuits in sinusoidal tional method. There is not a single mention to the method
steady-state, in which only the magnitudes of the currents or to the Heaviside’s work in the almost 700 pages of the
and voltages were used, together with relations (that we now book. In 1917, Steinmetz published the 3rd edition of a set
call impedances) that could take on values dependent on the of lectures taught at the Union College, on the mathemat-
elements of circuit in form R 2 + (Ln − 1/Cn)2 , he would ics applied to electrical engineering (Steinmetz 1917). This
certainly formulate something close to the modern phasorial
analysis, that would anticipate, in more than twenty years, 1 All non-trivial solution of the Laplace’s Equation—a partial differ-
the foundation of the concept of phasor, which would be ential equation represented by ∇ 2 u = 0—is called harmonic function.
established by Steinmetz. Trigonometric functions are examples of harmonic functions.

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J Control Autom Electr Syst

book contains a chapter devoted to differential equations, ‘There are two kinds of electric currents in industrial
both ordinary as well as partial. A historical outlook of the use: Direct currents and alternating currents. The direct
operational calculus and its evolution in terms of the Laplace current continuously flows in the same direction and
transform can be found in Tonidandel and Araújo (2012b). its action calculated numerically in a simple manner.
What is intriguing is that a Steinmetz colleague, Ernest The alternating current is a current which continu-
Julius Berg, eminent engineer and professor, assistant and ously changes: It rises from nothing to a maximum,
successor of Steinmetz in charge of the Department of Elec- then decreasing again to nothing, reverses direction and
tric Engineering of the Union College, in Schenectady, New decreases again in zero, again reverses and starts again
York, was a great admirer of Heaviside and his mathemat- in the first direction, and so on, reversing usually 120
ical methods. He even published, in 1929, an interesting times in a second. Both types of current were used since
book about operational calculus (Berg 1929) which con- the early days of electrical engineering, and there was
tains a short biography of Heaviside, then recently deceased, no difficult in making calculations with the direct cur-
wherein it is possible to realize all his admiration for the rent: it had a direction and a value, which could be
English genius. measured by an ammeter’.
Although the objective of this paper is not to follow the
history of how the concept of phasor was being incorpo- Steinmetz continues:
rated in the books on circuit analysis, it is interesting to note
‘But the alternating current had no value and no direc-
that another Heaviside disciple was the first author to record,
tion; its value continuously changed, and so the direc-
in a book, the technique developed by Steinmetz. And it is
tion, and in all calculations with alternating current,
no coincidence that this book presented, for the first time,
instead of a simple mechanical value of the direct cur-
the complete theory of the Laplace transform, that would
rent theory, the investigator had to use a complicated
come to replace the Heaviside’s Operational Calculus. It is
function of time to represent the alternating current,
the John Carson’s (1926) classic book on the theory of elec-
and the theory of alternating current apparatus thereby
tric circuits, published in 1926. In the book, Carson, treating
became so complicated that the investigator never got
the sinusoidal steady-state of circuits, develop the symbolic
very far. In the meantime the practical electrician who
compact solution for the current, including the same nota-
built and ran alternating current machinery, put an
tion used by Steinmetz for his methodology, as it will be
ammeter in the alternating current circuit and found
seen later. He also cites, in the bibliography, two works of
that some ammeters (those having permanent magnets)
showed nothing, but other ammeters showed a value,
and that they called the value of the alternating current.
It is what we now call the “effective” or rms value of
4 A Non-Published Paper
the alternating current. The practical engineering so got
a numerical value of the alternating current, but you
The Steinmetz’s (1893) paper that introduces the concept of
could not make any calculation with it. For instance,
phasor was published only four years after presented and the
two such alternating currents combined gave a resul-
method developed in it, which Steinmetz named ‘symbolic
tant current, which usually was smaller than the sum of
method’, remained unknown until 1897, when the author
the currents and sometimes even smaller than either of
published a book on the theory of circuits (Steinmetz 1897).
the currents’.
According to Steinmetz himself: ‘there was no money to pub-
lish in the Congress paper, and the paper remained unpub- Here is, in clear terms, what difficulties challenged the
lished for years, and the symbolic method unknown. In the engineers of the time and why a method of treating time-
meanwhile, I developed it further in its application to all varying waves was essential for the development of Elec-
kinds of alternating-current apparatus or phenomena, and trical Engineering. It is possible to realize, by the impasses
presented it in a number of papers before the AIEE’ (Rem- described by Steinmetz, the importance of the theory of pha-
scheid 1977). sors created by him.

5 The Challenge of Sinusoidal Variation 6 Steinmetz’s Symbolic Method

To understand how a sinusoidal wave was a challenge for the Steinmtez associates, in his book (Steinmetz 1897), a char-
engineers of the end of 19th century, it is illustrative to follow acteristic circle to all sinusoid of the form
the Steinmetz’s explanation on the perplexities of the time.
He used to say (Remscheid 1977): i(t) = I cos(ωt − θ )

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Fig. 6 Sum of sinusoids as vectors.

Fig. 4 Caracteristic circle of sinusoid of amplitude OC and phase A sinusoidal wave i(t) = I cos(ωt − θ ) can be written as
angle θ.
i(t) = I cos(ωt − θ )
= I cos θ cos ωt + I sin θ sin ωt .

The sum of the two sinusoids,

i 1 (t) = O B cos(ωt − θ1 ) e
i 2 (t) = OC cos(ωt − θ2 ) ,

yields (Fig. 6),

i 1 (t) + i 2 (t) = O B (cos θ1 cos ωt + sin θ1 sin ωt)

+OC (cos θ2 cos ωt + sin θ2 sin ωt)

Fig. 5 Length of the chord O B1 . i 1 (t) + i 2 (t) = cos ωt (O B cos θ1 + OC cos θ2 )

+ sin ωt (O B cos θ1 + OC cos θ2 )

as shown in Fig. 4. One can see in the figure a circle of

i 1 (t) + i 2 (t) = O D cos(ωt − θ ) .
diameter OC, which corresponds to the amplitude of the
sinusoid and determines an angle θ with the horizontal line. Note that the factor that multiplies cos ωt in the expres-
Steinmetz claimed that the instantaneous values of i(t) could sion above is the sum of the horizontal projections of the two
be obtained from a straight line O B that rotated with angular diameters of the characteristic circles of the original sinu-
velocity ω, by observing the intersection of this line with soids, and the factor that appears multiplying the term sin ωt
the characteristic circle. The point B1 in the figure is one of is the sum of the vertical projections of the two diameters of
these intersections. Steinmetz then proved that the length of the same characteristic circles. That is, the diameter of the
the chord O B1, established by the intersection, was exactly summed sinusoids is the vectorial sum of the two diameters
equal to of the individual sinusoids.

OC cos(ωt − θ ) = I cos(ωt − θ ) − i(t).

7 Symbolic Method, Complex Numbers, and Vector
This can be proved, using the formula of plain geometry for Calculus
the length of the chord. Figure 5 illustrates the situation in
which the chord length is: The story of the vector calculus and its relation to complex
α numbers is long and interesting.
√ The concept of complex
O B1 = OC sin . number, more specifically −1, is in itself intricate and
fascinating, having its beginning in Egypt, in the pharaonic
As the triangle O P B1 is  isosceles,
 α + 2β = 180◦ time (Nahin 1998). The vector calculus itself has its history,
α ◦ α
→ 2 = 90 = β. Thus, sin 2 = cos β = cos(ωt − θ ). equally complex and fascinating (Crowe 1985).

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Both concepts reached their rigorous mathematic formu- sinusoidal wave, which Steinmetz no longer mentions. Next,
lation in the 19th century. This formulation can be perhaps he observes that the sinusoid a + jb is perpendicular to the
resumed by the works of Augustin-Louis Caichy, on the the- sinusoid √−b + ja. He claims, then, that this can only occur
ory of complex functions (around 1820–1830), and the works if j = −1 and if the multiplications by this factor mean a
of Josiah Willard Gibbs and Oliver Heaviside, on the vector rotation of 90◦ .
calculus (around 1880–1890). Cauchy presented two mem- Wessel, in the 18th century, followed a similar path, with
oirs before the French Academy of Science: one in 1814, less assumptions. Wessel’s reasoning, in terms set by Stein-
dealing with definite integrals, published in 1827 (Cauchy metz, assumes that the multiplication by j means a rotation
1827). The other in 1825, on indefinite integrals with com- of 90◦ in a segment positively oriented, from left to right
plex limits, published separately in the same year (Cauchy (b = 0, in the Steinmetz wave). Thus, the segment j · a will
1825). For a complete record of the contributions of Cauchy be vertical, oriented upwards. If now one multiplies j · a by
in the establishment of the theory of complex functions, see j, there will be a further rotation of 90◦ and the resultant seg-
Smithies (1997). Gibbs and Heaviside have developed the ment will be negatively oriented, in the opposite direction to
vector calculus almost simultaneously. Gibbs published his the original segment. The equality
vector theory in form of a handout for use of his students,
in 1881 (Gibbs 1881). Heaviside developed his theory as he j 2 a = −a
needed it. He published, however, a complete record of his is satisfied, which proves that
vector algebra in his work on electromagnetic theory, in three √
volumes. Such record appears in the first volume of the col- j = −1 .
lection and takes more than one-third of it (Heaviside 1893a).
Therefore, when Steinmetz formalizes the concept of pha- Steinmetz, taking this old path, introduces the concept
sor and articulates it to the concept of vector, he instantly ties of complex numbers in circuits analysis and additionally
it to the concept of complex number and it is instructive answers to the perplexities of the practical electricians about
to follow him in this last link: from vector to the complex the alternating currents.
number. He rebuilt, in a sense, the old work of a pioneer, Before the presentation of Steinmetz’s paper of 1893, the
almost entirely unknown, chairman of the section said: ‘We are coming more and more
√ that initially revealed the geo- to use these complex quantities instead of using sines and
metric significance of −1. This pioneer is Casper Wessel
(1745 † 1818)2 , which curiously was a Norwegian surveyor cosines, and we find great advantage in their use for calculat-
and not a professional mathematician. It is not possible to ing all problems of alternating currents, and throughout the
know if Steinmetz, having almost finished a Ph.D. in mathe- whole range of physics. Anything that is done in this line is
matics, had known the obscure work of this surveyor, because of great advantage to science’. And the future proved him
there are no references of this in his book. right.
Steinmetz, after proving that the sum of sinusoids could
be accomplished through the addition of vectors - that he
formalizes thus: sine waves are combined, or resolved by 8 Other Possible Contributions: Fourier and Thomson
adding or subtracting, their rectangular components - goes on
and adds, “To distinguish the horizontal and vertical compo- A curious historical conjecture concerns to a possible contri-
nents of sine waves, we may mark, for instance, the vertical bution of Fourier to the concept of phasor. After all, Fourier
component with a distinguishing index, as the letter j, and with his series and transform showed the importance of the
thus represent the sine wave by the expression: sinusoidal functions in the analysis of complex physical prob-
lems. Currently, by the way, it is usual to present a Fourier
I = a + jb
series—in the decomposition of a periodic function—as a
which now has a meaning, that a is the horizontal and b the weighted sum of complex exponentials, which resembles the
vertical component of the sine wave I , and that both compo- phasorial notation. Would not have Fourier, therefore, antic-
nents are to be combined in a resultant wave of intensity ipated somehow the concept of phasor, even in relation to
i = a 2 + b2 Fourier have exhaustively studied problems of conduction
and phase θ = arctan ab . ” of heat, having considered solids in one, two or three dimen-
It is remarkable that the capital letter I is called wave, but sions. In section II (First example of using the trigonometric
it is in reality the diameter of the characteristic circle of the series in heat theory), Chapter III (Propagation of Heat in a

2 For a description about the contribution of Wessel for the complex 3 A link between the works of Fourier, Laplace, and Heaviside is pre-
analysis, see first chapter of Crowe (1985). sented in Tonidandel and Araújo (2012a).

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u(x, y) = cm e−mx cos my
= c1 e−x cos y + c3 e−3x cos 3y + . . . .

Applying the initial condition u(0, y) = f (y), Fourier

obtained, finally, his famous trigonometric series, as an infi-
nite sum of cosines:

Fig. 7 Solid conductor of heat.
f (y) = cm cos my
= c1 cos y + c3 cos 3y + c5 cos 5y + . . . .
Infinite Rectangular Solid), of his master-piece (The Analyt-
Fourier has all along used sinusoidal functions to find
ical Theory of Heat) (Fourier 1878), Fourier sought to find
the steady-state solution of heat equations. Nevertheless,
the temperature profile in a solid conductor. He modeled this
there are not any evidence, so it seems, of any formalization
problem using the heat differential equation
towards something like the concept that would be, almost a
∂u century later, conceived by Steinmetz.
= k∇ 2 u , (1) Fourier’s analogy of considering the heat similar to a fluid
that flows through a body—which originated the mathemat-
where u ≡ u(x, y, z, t) represents the temperature time ical theory of heat—was also used years later by William
distribution and k represents the so-called diffusivity of the Thomson, his zealous disciple, in his works on electricity,
material. having widely applied the theory developed by the Gallic
As he were interested in steady-state heat conduction, master. It would be licit, then, to conjecture if he have had
Fourier demonstrated that the temperature u does not depend the opportunity, as Fourier, to develop, even rudimentarily,
on t and, hence ∂u
∂t = 0. Thus, the Heat Equation transformed
the concept of phasor.
in the Laplace Equation, ∇ 2 u = 0. Thomson wrote two important works on electric circuits.
Excluding the thickness of the solid (see Fig. 7), One of them, dealing with the transient in a R LC circuit
Fourier has omitted the term ∂∂zu2 , obtaining the equation
2 (Thomson 1853), is considered pioneering work in the area.
The other one, on the propagation of telegraphic signals on
cables, tries to explain how electricity ‘spreads out’ along of
∂ 2u ∂ 2u
+ 2 = 0, a very long telegraphic submarine cable5 (Thomson 1854),
∂x 2 ∂y and became a classic, having been influential for at least three
decades, for all telegraphic calculations. Apparently, Thom-
forming the boundary value problem subjected to the con-
son did not became interested in the steady-state behavior
ditions4 :
of circuits, although he has witnessed the appearance of the
Power Electric Systems, having been a member of the Advi-
|u(x, y)| < M (limited temperature)
sory Board of Niagara Falls Hydroelectric.
u(0, ±l) = 0 ;
u(x, ± ) = u(x, ±l) = 0 ;
u(0, y) = f (y) ; 9 Conclusion

where l = π2 . Basically, Fourier considered u(x, y) a peri- This paper has sought to rescue a little bit of the history of the
odic function with period 2l = π . creation of the concept of phasor, following the methods and
To solve the problem, Fourier established the basic pro- procedures of its creator and showing how the advancement
cedures of the method of separation of variables (Churchill of engineering, in late nineteenth and early twentieth cen-
1963) and of the principle of superposition of solutions, to turies, was linked to the incorporation in the field of highly
consider the general solution as a sum of all particular solu- sophisticated developments of mathematics and physics of
tions, the day.

5 Analisys which, by the way, anticipates in one decade the discov-

4 Fourier considers also the planes B and C subjected to a constant ery of the fundamental equations of electromagnetism, the Maxwell’s
temperature (zero). Equations.

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As one can see, with the historical overview described Heaviside, O. (1893a). Electromagnetic theory (Vol. 1). Limited.
above, that the concept of phasor was developed completely London: The Electrician Printing and Publishing Co.
Heaviside, O. (1893b). On operators in physical mathematics. Proceed-
by Steinmetz, with no references to previous works. How- ings of the Royal Society of London, 52, 504–529.
ever, one can contemplate two great scientists approaching Johnson, D. E., Hilburn, J. L., & Johnson, J. R. (1990). Fundamentos
the concept without, however, conceive it. They approached de Análise de Circuitos Elétricos (4th ed.). Rio de Janeiro: Prentice
the concept trying to solve similar problems, with different Hall do Brasil.
Kerchner, R., & Corcoran, G. (1977). Circuitos de corrente alternada
perspectives and goals. The advent of the Power Systems, (3rd ed.). Editora Globo.
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