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Part 1. For questions 1-5, listen to the recording and complete the form below. Write NO MORE THAN
TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. Write your answers in the corresponding
numbered boxes provided. (10 pts)
Name: (1) _________________________
Source of enquiry: saw ad in (2) ___________________ Magazine
Holiday reference: (3) _____________________
Number of people: 3
Preferred departure date: (4) _____________________
Type of insurance: (5) _____________________

1. Anna Grieves
2. Holiday World
3. FT4551
4. August 16th
5. Super

Part 2. You will hear a radio interview with the gardening experts Jed and Helena Stone. For questions 6-
10, choose the answer (А, В, C or D) which fits best according to what you hear. (10 pts)
6. How does Helena feel about the use of Jed’s name for their joint business?
A. occasionally frustrated that her contribution goes unnoticed
B. amused that they have a name people tend to remember
C. appreciative of the respect that the name has brought her
D. irritated by the fact that Jed is more of a celebrity than she is
7. What is Jed’s attitude to his public profile?
A. He likes the fact that complete strangers often want to talk to him
B. He’s unhappy that it prevents him doing everyday activities
C. He enjoys it more now than he did when he was younger
D. He’s proud of the way it reflects his achievements
8. How did Helena feel about her work on The Travel Show?
A She would have enjoyed it more in different circumstances
B It was convenient for her to be away from the house then
C It was a welcome alternative to manual work
D She felt obliged to do it at that particular time
9. What gave Jed the incentive to make a jewel garden?
A. He wanted to realize a long-held ambition
B. He had led people to believe that it already existed
C. He wanted to show pictures of it at a gardening event
D. He was inspired by the illustrations at a talk he attended
10. Jed says that, for him, the name ‘jewel garden’ is
A. a reminder of the value of creativity

B. an appropriate one for something so beautiful
C. a positive way of combining both past and present
D. a way of explaining his philosophy of design to people

Part 3. For questions 11-15, listen to an explanation about 5G and decide these statements are TRUE (T)
or FALSE (F). Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes provided. (10 pts)
(*Bài này em không tìm được file nghe nha chị ơi=((( )
11. 5G is a defined network which can replace cables completely by operating on the cloud only.
12. With the help of 5G, the Internet of Things is likely to grow threefold by 2025.
13. Until 2025, the majority of people will start to use 5G, which will have surpassed 3G and 4G by then.
14. In the UK, 3G and 4G networks were quite cheap because they could be operated on the country’s radio
15. It is predicted that by 2025 almost a quarter of all mobile connections in the U.S. will be 5G.
Part 4. You will hear a radio programme about the deforestation in South America’s Amazon. For
questions 16-25, complete the missing information with a word or short phrase (no more than three
words). (20 pts)
(*Bài này y chang bài trên)
16. An increase in agriculture and ______ and the building of roads and dams are blamed to bring about the
17. ______ methods at the pre-Columbian period could offer valuable lessons for today.
18. A research was conducted on a coastal wetland area where ancient ______ and canals remain unchanged.
19. It was erroneously believed that a great deal of fire was used by pre-Columbian farmers to manage ______.
20. The result of the study showed that raised-field farmers ______ to improve agriculture production.
21. Periods without fires during the time when land was out of use in farming were valuable for rebuilding
______ matter and preserving soil structure.
22. This fire-free method contributed to turning the seasonally ______, or grassland, into productive cropland.
23. Moreover, this large, cultivated elevation provided better drainage and soil aeration and also held ______
during the dry season.
24. However, this fire-free method would have been ______ with ninety-five percent of the native people died
from the diseases spread by the Europeans.
25. ______ method imposed a threat to the rainforest by the European colonizers.
Part 1. For questions 26-45, choose one of the words marked A, B, C, or D which best completes each of
the following sentences. Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes. (20 pts)
26. You can't believe a word that woman says. She is a ____________ liar.
A. dedicated B. devoted C. committed D. compulsive
27. When you come down the hill, do drive slowly because it is not _________ obvious where the turning is.
A. immediately B. directly C. instantaneously D. quite
28. The driver consumed enough alcohol to make him ____________.
A. pass off B. pass out C. pass for D. pass up
29. Sarah and I ____________ reserved the room in the same hotel. She was very surprised to see me there.
A. practically B. intentionally C. deliberately D. coincidentally
30. It was a fair result because we played the game ____________ the rules.
A. on account of B. due to C. according to D. apart from
31. Fiona didn’t lie but she did give rather ____________ a picture of the situation.
A. defaced B. distorted C. disfigured D. disguised
32. As Michelle told me the story, tears ____________ up in her eyes.
A. welled B. raised C. filled D. mounted

33. His past behaviour had a definite _________ on what the judges decided.
A. bearing B. weight C. decision D. conclusion
34. On cloudy nights it is not possible to see the stars with ____________ eye.
A. naked B. bare C. flesh D. pure
35. He seemed rather ____________ .Was he upset about something?
A. unsocial B. apathetic C. passive D. subdued
36. The museum is just a short walk from here. ______ you go, it will take you no more than ten minutes.
A. No matter how B. Wherever C. No matter the way D. Whichever the way
37. We took the shortcut round the market ______ late for class this morning.
A. so that we will not be B. lest we be not
C. for fear that we should be D. in order that we not be
38. Susana is managing to attend night school without allowing ______ with her day job.
A. that it interferes B. interfering C. the interference D. it to interfere
39. The lecture was so lengthy that the students started to ______ and daydream.
A. come off B. put off C. turn off D. get off
40. My parents always had a happily _______ attitude to my staying out late in the evening.
A. cold- blooded B. long- suffering C. easy- going D. thick- skinned
41. I am in a _______ as how to use this CD Rom.
A. loss B. difficulty C. quandary D. mind- game
42. Many of Lan’s friends like Korean soap operas, but she finds it not to her ______.
A. Likes B. liking C. likeness D. likelihood
43. “If they asked you to help them move next week, ______?”
A. would you B. didn’t they C. did you D. would they
44. Some teenagers just simply run ______ to their parents’ expectations as a way to express their identity.
A. against B. opposite C. contrary D. counter
45. He was _______ devastated by the news.
A. utterly B. extremely C. deeply D. immensely
Part 2. For questions 46-55, complete each of the following sentences with suitable preposition(s) or
particle(s). Write your answer in the boxes provided. (10 pts)
46. The company has been building _up______a large cash reserve to buy high-tech start-ups.
47. Felix grasps __on____ any opportunity to advance himself.
48. Now the bank has withdrawn support, I don't see how they can come __over_____ this downturn.
49. She woke at midnight with the solution, and scribbled it _down______ on a notepad.
50 They had a meeting to plan __for_____ a new strategy.
51. Since all three companies will profit from the development, they all should chip
___up_____ towards its cost.
52. Your Dalmatian is very familiar __to___ me. Are you sure I haven't treated him before?
53- She went to the conference to report __in_____ advances in veterinary surgery.
54- We're leaning. __in_____an operation for Biggles on the advice of our vet.
55. The group fell ____down_____ when two or three members left and no one replaced them.
Part 3. For questions 56-65, fill each gap with the correct form of the words in brackets. Write your
answer in the boxes provided. (10 pts)
A. Put the correct form of the words in brackets.
56. The careless driver was _unapologetic_________________about his bad behavior, which made all the
witnesses fly into a rage. (APOLOGIZE)
57. The pregnant woman is looking at the collection of __________________clothes. (MATERRIAL)
58. There was a/an__imperceptible____________change in the tone of her voice. Almost nobody could
recognize it. (PERCEIVE)

59. The slight __________________in his left hand was corrected by surgery. (FORM)
60. We are trying to create our own computerized ___database_______________. (DATA)
61. In my opinion, this book is just ______intellectual____________rubbish. (INTELLECT)
62. The company has established total ____supremacy______________over its rivals. (SUPREME)
63. Bard is a very good employee, and is very __consciencious________________ (CONSCIENCE)
64. He achieved ___notoriety_______________for failing a drug test after winning an Olympic final.
65. Before enrolling on a course, you should first ensure that it has been __validified________________by an
officially recognized body. (VALID)
Part 1. For questions 66-75, read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each
gap. Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes provided. (15 pts)
A desert is a special region where only certain kinds of plants and animals can survive. All deserts have
very little water. This means that only animals and plants that can (66) _____water for long periods of time can
exist in the desert.
Plants in the deserts are particularly (67) _____to the dry and hot environment. One well-known desert
plant is the cactus. (68) _____many desert plants, this plant has very tiny leaves. As plants lose most of their
water through their leaves, the small leaves of the cactus help to cut down water evaporation. There are some
desert plants that do not have leaves (69) _____.
Some desert plants survive by avoiding the dry season (70) _____. During the dry season, this plant
remains a seed and does not (71) _____from the soil at all. When the rains come, this seed would grow very
quickly into a plant. It would bloom rapidly and then (72) _____its seeds before the dry season returns.
Desert animals have also learnt to adapt well to life in this region. The camel, for example, (73)
_____well in the desert because water can be (74) _____in its body. Other desert animals include rodents such
as mice. These animals need very little water as they can get all the water they (75) _____from their food.
66. A. do without B. keep off C. stay away D. give up
67. A. convenient B. adjusted C. regulated D. adapted
68. A. As B. Similar C. Like D. Just as
69. A. at all B. as well C. in all D. either
70. A. totally B. entirely C. altogether D. wholly
71. A. rise B. arise C. awake D. emerge
72. A. scatter B. throw C. fling D. cast
73. A. exists B. survives C. subsists D. remains
74. A. stocked B. kept C. stored D. contained
75. A. demand B. require C. request D. ask for
Part 2. For questions 76-85, fill each gap in the passage below with ONE appropriate word. Write your
answers in the corresponding numbered boxes provided. (15 pts)
Ten thousand years ago, as the last ice age (76) _came_____ to a close, sea levels around the world were
far lower than they are today. Much of the land under both the North Sea to the east of Britain and the English
Channel which now (77) __are____France and Britain was part of a huge region of forests and grassy plains,
(78) __where____herds of horses and reindeer roamed free and people lived in villages by the lakes and rivers.
Then the climate gradually became warmer (a phenomenon certainly not confined to our own age!) and the
water (79) __melting____ in glaciers and ice caps was released. This ancient land was submerged in the
resulting deluge and all that remains to tell us that it was once lush and verdant – and inhabited – is the
occasional stone tool, harpoon or mammoth tusk brought up from the seabed by fishing boats.
Now the development of advanced sonar technology, known as bathymetry, is (80) _making_____ it
possible to study this flooded landscape in extraordinary detail. A special echo sounder is fixed to the bottom of
a survey vessel, and it makes wide sweeps across the seabed. (81) __Although_____ previous technology has

only been able to produce two-dimensional images, bathymetry can now deploy computers, satellite-positioning
equipment and special software to create accurate and remarkably detailed maps. For the first time, an ancient
riverbed leaps out of the three-dimensional image, complete with rocky ledges (82) _come_____ up from the
bottom of the valley. The sites of prehistoric settlements can now be pinpointed, and it is also possible to see in
stunning detail the sunken shipwrecks that litter this part of the seabed.
According to archaeologist Dr Linda Andrews, this technological development is of huge (83)
breakthrough . ‘We now have the ability to map the seabed as accurately as we can map dry land,’ she says. She
is, (84) _however_____, scathing about the scale of financial support for such projects. ‘We have better images
of Mars and Venus than of two-thirds of our own planet! Britain is an interesting case. It’s been a maritime
nation for much of its history, and the sea has had (85) _always_____ a massive influence on it, and in view of
this, it’s an absolute scandal that we know so little about the area just off the country’s shores!’
Part 3. For questions 86-95, read the following passage and choose the best answer to each question.
Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes provided. (15pts)
The Formation of the Rocky Mountains
1. The Rocky Mountains of North American extend 5,000 kilometers from New Mexico all the way up
through Canada. Elevations along the range are about 1,500 meters along the lower plains to 4,399
meters at the highest peak, and widths range from 120 to 650 kilometers. The natural beauty, abundant
wildlife, and fresh water of the ranges have attracted human inhabitants for the last 10,000 to 12,000

2. The history of the Rocky Mountains in the pre-Cambrian era, a half-billion years ago. While this is long
before the Rocky Mountains themselves began forming, their hard core rocks – consisting of granites,
schists, gneisses, quartzites, and slates – were produced in ancient ranges. Erosion eventually leveled
these mountain ranges, and during the Paleozoic and Mesozoic Eras, about 75 to 540 million years ago,
the ocean invaded the land and deposited sediments some 20,000 feet deep. They included layers of
sandstones, shales, and limestones.

3. At the close of the Mesozoic Era, during the Cretaceous period about 75 million years ago, the growth of
the Rockies began. There was a tremendous squeezing that uplifted the region in a great series of folds,
like wrinkles in a carpet. After the arching, erosion carved away at the mountains. Some 10,000 feet of
sedimentary rock were washed off the top of the arch, exposing the hard rock core. The erosional
resistance of these hard, crystalline rocks led to the formation of the high peaks that still exist today. On
the flanks of the core the sedimentary beds sloped outward. Great quantities of sand and clay were
spread out on the bordering plains and plateaus. This was only one of the cycles of upheaval and erosion
that occurred in the region.

4. Near the end of the Eocene period, about 40 million years ago, the Rockies again rose several thousand
feet. Volcanoes erupted, most extensively in the Yellowstone Plateau and the Absaroka Range. As the
mountains were formed, streams eroded their sides, and thousands of feet of sediment spread out on
plains and plateaus. Just before the Pleistocene period, about one million years ago, the region again
uplifted. But once again, the mountains began to be worn away as soon as they rose. Streams flowed
faster and began to cut canyons, and rivers ate deep gorges through the ranges. The most recent
geological event of note was the “Ice Age” during the Pleistocene Epoch, 1 million to 10,000 years ago.
The high peaks of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains supported numerous small glaciers and snows
accumulated on the sides of the mountains. These glaciers carved a typical collection of alpine
landforms, such as cirques, horns, arêtes, and cols. Lower down in the glaciated valleys, various kinds of
till and stratified sediments accumulated to form Moraines. Most of the glacial deposits and landforms
present today date from the last glacial phase, known in the Rocky Mountains as the Pinedale Glaciation

of Pinedale Stage. During this stage, over 90% of the Yellowstone National Park was covered in ice. The
glaciated terrains formed and moved down the valleys, thereby further eroding the mountains into bold
and dramatic forms.

5. There was even a “little ice age” from about 1550 to 1860 – a few centuries of glacial advance – that
made its mark on the mountains recently. For example, the Agassiz and Jackson glaciers in Glacier
National Park reached their most forward positions by around 1860. The incessant sculpturing of the
Rockies by rain, wind, and ice continues even today.
(Source: Cracking the TOEFL iBT 2019 Edition)
86. The purpose of paragraph 1 is to demonstrate that
A. the Rocky Mountains have not been fully explored until recently
B. most of the Rocky Mountains are not very high
C. there are many types of mountains in the Rocky Mountains
D. human inhabitants are destroying the natural beauty of the Rocky Mountains
87. The word They in the passage refers to
A. sediments B. eras C. years D. mountain ranges
88. According to the passage, all of the following types of rock would be found at the core of the Rocky
Mountains EXCEPT
A. gneiss B. cirque C. slate D. granite
89. What happened when oceans covered the Rocky Mountain region?
A. The mountains were washed away. B. Quartzite rocks were formed.
C. Erosion shifted the rocks. D. Deep sediment covered the land.
90. The word “ate” in the passage is closest in meaning to
A. raised B. buried C. erased D. dug
91. The upward growth of the Rocky Mountains began to occur for the first time during which period?
A. Pre-Cambrian B. Paleozoic C. Eocene D. Cretaceous
92. The plains and plateaus that surround the Rocky Mountains were covered with
A. material washed down from the mountains
B. hard core rocks such as slate
C. densely packed volcanic deposits
D. soil rich in organic matter
93. The passage indicates that some of the most dramatic-looking parts of the Rocky Mountains were formed by
A. volcanic eruptions B. rivers C. glaciers D. the ocean
94. Which of the following best describes the organization of the passage as a whole?
A. A mountain range serves to illustrate a widespread geological process.
B. The history of a geological feature is discussed in chronological order.
C. Two time periods in the history of a mountain range are contrasted.
D. The effects of a number of geological periods on North America are compared.
95. The phrase “of note” in the passage is closest in meaning to
A. catastrophic B. distinct C. important D. ancient
Part 4. For questions 96-105, read the text and do the tasks followed. Write your answers in the
corresponding numbered boxes provided. (15 pts)
Leisure time
A. A raft of forecasts has been made in the recent decade, predicting the decline in the number of working hours
coupled with a consequent increase in leisure time. It was estimated that the leisure revolution would take place
by the turn of the last century with hours devoted to work raising to 25-30 per week, This reduction hits failed to
materialize, but the revolution has, nonetheless, arrived.

B. Over the past 30 to 41 years, spending on leisure has witnessed a strong increase, According to the annual
family expenditure survey published in 1935 by the Office for National Statistics, the average household in the
United Kingdom spent more on leisure than food, housing and transport for the very first time, and the trend is
also set to continue upwards well into the present century.

C. The survey, based on a sample of 6,500 households showed, that the days are long gone when the average
family struggled to buy basic foods. As recently as 1969, family spending on food was approximately one third
compared to 17% now. Twelve years later, there was a noticeable shift towards leisure with the percentage of
household spending on leisure increasing to 9%, and that on food declining to 26%.

D. The average household income in the UK in 1999 was £460 per week before tax, and average spending was
£352.20. Of the latter sum, £59.70 was spent on leisure and £58.90 on food. On holidays alone, family
expenditure was 6%, while in 1969 the proportion spent on holidays was just 2%. And whereas the richest 10%
lashed out 20% of their income in 1999 on leisure, the poorest spent 12%.

E. Among the professional and managerial classes, working hours have increased and, overall in the economy,
record numbers of people are in employment. As people work more, the appetite for leisure activities has grown
to compensate for the greater stress in life. The past 5 years alone have seen the leisure business expand by 25%
with a change in emphasis to short domestic weekend breaks and long-haul short breaks to exotic destinations in
place of long holidays. In the future, it is expected that people will jump from one leisure activity to another in
complexes catering for everyone’s needs with gyms, cinemas, cafes, restaurants, bars and internet facilities all
under one roof. The leisure complexes of today will expand to house all the leisure facilities required for the
leisure age.

F. Other factors fueling demand for leisure activities are rising prosperity, increasing longevity and a more
active elderly population. Hence, at the forefront of leisure spending are not just young or professional classes.
The 1999 family expenditure survey showed that the 64 to 75-year-old group spend a higher proportion of their
income on leisure than any other age group. The strength of the “grey pound” now means that elderly people are
able to command more respect and, thus, attention in the leisure market.

G. And the future? It is anticipated that, in the years to come, leisure spending will account for between a third
to a half of all household spending. Whilst it is difficult to give exact figures, the leisure industry will certainly
experience a long period of sustained growth. Working hours are not expected to decrease, partly because the
24-hour society will need to be serviced; and secondly, because more people will be needed to keep the
service/leisure industries running.

H. In the coming decades, the pace of change will accelerate, generating greater wealth at a faster rate than ever
before. Surveys show that this is already happening in many parts of Europe. The south-east of England, for
example, is now supposedly the richest area in the EEC. The “leisure pound” is one of the driving forces behind
this surge. But, sadly, it does not look as if we will have the long leisure hours that we had all been promised.

Questions 29-35
The reading passage has 8 paragraphs. Choose the most suitable heading for each paragraph from the list of
headings below.
Write the appropriate numbers (i-xiv) in Boxes 1-7 on your answer sheet. One of the headings has been done for
you as an example. You may use any heading more than once. There are more headings than paragraphs, so
you will not use all of them,
96. Paragraph A viii

97. Paragraph B x
98. Paragraph C v
Example: Paragraph D Answer: iv
99. Paragraph E xiii
100. Paragraph F xi
101. Paragraph G vii
102. Paragraph H xiv
List of headings
i. Leisure spending goes up strongly
ii. Decreasing unemployment
iii. False forecasts
iv. Spending trends – leisure v food
v. More affordable food
vi. Leisure as an answer to stress
vii. Looking forward
viii. The leisure revolution – working hours reduced to 25
ix. The “grey pound” soars
x. Rising expenditure
xi. The elderly leisure market
xii. National Statisticians
xiii. Work, stress, and leisure all on the up
xiv. Money yes, leisure time no

Questions 8 - 10
Do the statements below agree with the information in the reading passage? In Boxes 8 -10, write:
YES, if the statement agrees with the information in the passage
NO, if the statement contradicts the information in the passage
NOT GIVEN, if there is no information about the statement in the passage
Example: In recent decades, an increase in working hours was predicted.
Answer: No.
103. At the turn of the last century, weekly work hours dropped to 25. No
104. Spending on leisure has gone up over the past three decades. Yes
105. 24-hour society will have a negative effect on people’s attitudes to work. Not given


Part 1. The graph below shows the demand for electricity in England during typical days in autumn and
spring. The pie chart shows how electricity is used in an average English home. Summarize the
information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. (20 pts)

Your essay:
The initial bar graph gives information about electricity demand recorded in Spring and Autumn, which was counted on a
particular date within England. Meanwhile, the second pie chart summarises on percentages of different purposes it
applied to each English household on average.

Overall, it is clear that regarding the prior, requirement for electric application always exceeded that of springtime,
however, both demands also had significant fluctuation during the period. According to the latter one, the need for
increasing room and water temperature accounted for the highest proportion, whilst the use of electronic devices such
as vacuum cleaners and food mixers was not necessary.

Generally, electric units rose noticeably in the time frame from noon onwards, except after 21:00, while lower from the
backward. At the starting point, approximately 35.000 energy units were required in Fall, followed by a smaller figure of
19.000 units in the Spring. Despite having a remarkable growth before, electric units used in Autumn simultaneously
decreased with those of Spring to 30.000 units and about 12.000 units respectively around 9:00, but then continuously
grew in concert with its companion. The figure for Fall electricity demand virtually doubled between 21:00 and 24:00.
Repeatedly, either Autumn demand or Spring demand reduced after 21:00, though

In the pie chart, the percentage of usage for electronic equipment only occupied 15%. Surpassing 1% was the application
of lights, television, and communication devices, accompanied by the relatively higher need for kitchen facilities as well
as washing machines. Ultimately, the uses for rising average warmth for both rooms and water was almost fivefold
compared to the remaining.

Part 2. Write an essay of 200-250 words about this topic. (30 pts)
Young people are increasingly choosing to eliminate meat from their diets and become vegetarians.
Do you think this is a good idea? Does it bring more benefits or drawbacks?

Regarding the fact that vegetarianism is prone to be ubiquitous among teenagers these days in lieu of
consuming meat products, this remains relatively controversial. Whist to some thought, this typical changing
may causes harm to their wellness, the other, include myself, strongly assume its beneficial effect. In the essay,
I will argue with explanations and address particular example for my opinion

First and foremost, choosing green vegetables as an alternative to meats and fish has some consequences,
though. Virtually, all kinds of meats contain an amount of protein as well as fat which are essential for our
bodies, and they completely surpass vegetables to this extent. For instance, most of the malnutrition cases are
almost resulted from meat’s absence in their daily diets. Therefore, the lack of vitamins in concert with nutrients
stemmed majorly from the elimination of meats in a standard meal. In addition to the loss of some particular
types of nutrients, the adjustment, in a broader view, may lead to lower demand for meat-related products.
Hence, more and more entrepreneurs will come to an end and perhaps cause a higher rate of unemployment

But on the other hand, undoubtedly, the positive side surpasses its disadvantages. This radical modification
plays an indispensable role in preserving animal species in resilience and heightens the importance of livestock
in humanity's daily life, so the residents will be more in favor of appreciating animals. Secondly, the lifespan of
each individual might be considerably increased since cutting down on meat consumption also means reducing
cholesterol intake, leading to surprisingly healthy well-being. For instance, in case patients who are posed
serious threat with obesity, doctors’ advise for them is promoting on vegetables consumption to monitor their
weight. Furthermore, not just it accommodates a balanced diet, but it is beneficially economical for any family’s
income. Meats are always reigning in an outrageous price, hence fresh products such as fruits or vegetables
seem to be far more affordable.

In conclusion, despite becoming a vegetarian having its pros and cons, this is still an ideal way of living. At
least, vegetables can provide a normal human body with a bunch of vitamins, increasing life expectancy as well
as the awareness of protecting animals.


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