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Mobile phones are now (1) parts of our lives.

Most people (2) feel them essential and could not manage (3) without
them. However, there are also some drawbacks (4) of owning and
using a mobile phone.
There are three main (5) reasons to having mobile phones. Firstly,
there is the (6) merit of being able to make or receive a phone call at
any time and in any place. Secondly, there are essential for (7)
keeping in touch with family and friends. Parents worried about their
children can always ring them to check (8) out they are safe and
children can let their parents know if they are going to be late home.
Finally, mobile phones can (9) safe lives. For example, if there is an
accident, help can be called immediately, (10) where the accident
takes place.
On the other hand, there are significant problems with the (11) existence of mobile phones. In the first
place, using mobile phones can cause accidents, for instance, when people are driving and using their
phones at the same time. In addition, the loud use of mobile phones in public places such as restaurants
and cinemas is rude and can be very (12) annoying for other people. Lastly, there has been an (13)
accident in street crimes directly related to mobile phones. People have been attacked and their phones
stolen from them.
In conclusion, I believe that, (14) despite the disadvantages, mobile phones are indispensible to modern
life and that the advantages to owning one are (15) much greater than the disadvantages.


- deservedly – specially - severely - smartly – slightly – eventually -

– actually - greatly – nearly – consequently –

Câu 1. I waited ages for the bus; one eventually came an hour later!
Câu 2. The bank manager said that he greatly appreciated that we were having problems, but there was
nothing he could do to help.
Câu 3. Her grades have improved, but only slightly.
Câu 4. It is a good idea to be smartly dressed when you go for a interview.
Câu 5. She was deservedly praised.
Câu 6. I was nearly finished with my work when Joan called.
Câu 7. The goalkeeper's arm was so severely injured that he couldn't play in the final.
Câu 8. Two of the factories in our small town have closed. Consequently, unemployment is high.
Câu 9. He looks thin, but actually he is very healthy.
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Câu 10. I cooked this meal specially for you, so I hope you like it.
Câu 1. There's no __________ fixing that toy. He'll just break it again.
A. point B. good C. harm D. worth
Câu 2. I want to get married, but I _________ the right person yet.
A. won't meet B. don't meet C. didn't meet D. haven't met
Câu 3. William's refusal to accept the gift _________ offended her.
A. absolutely B. deeply C. utterly D. enormously
Câu 4. Long: "Three new hotels __________ in our city so far." / Thai: "What good news!"
A. were built B. are built C. have built D. have been built
Câu 5. You will not be successful in business if you don't _________ risks.
A. get B. try C. take D. put
Câu 6. Those villagers looked ________ at the house washed away by the flood.
A. sorrow B. sad C. sadly D. with sad
Câu 7. I don't know __________.
A. who did this house belong to B. when this house was built
C. when was this house built D. when does this house belong to
Câu 8. You _________ read that article if you don't want to.
A. may not B. mustn't C. haven't D. needn't
Câu 9. He asked me ___________.
A. the music they had performed B. when did they perform music
C. which music they had performed D. they had performed which music
Câu 10. He told me _____________.
A. think well before I answered B. to think well before I answered
C. to think well before I will answer D. think well before I answer
Câu 11. They all laughed because the film was very _________.
A. amuse B. amused C. amusement D. amusing
Câu 12. I wish you _________ watching television while I am talking to you.
A. stops B. stop C. to stop D. stopped
Câu 13. Do you think physical __________ is important?
A. fitness B. building C. consolidation D. role
Câu 14. I suggest that you ask her yourself.
A. I suggest you to ask her yourself.
B. I advise you to ask her on your own.
C. Why don't you let her to be asked by yourself?
D. Why don't you ask her yourself?
Câu 15. Eight kilometers is ____________ equivalent to five miles.
A. exactly B. roughly C. precisely D. rarely
Câu 16. Many spacemen could never get back to the Earth because of ________ accidents.
A. tragedy B. tragically C. tragedies D. tragic
Câu 17. Waiter! This food is awful! I'd like to _____________ a complaint.
A. put B. make C. ask D. do
Câu 18. Bring your jacket with you. It ________ get cold in the evening.
A. must B. may C. can D. would
Câu 19. Everybody enjoyed _________ at the wedding party.
A. ourselves B. themselves C. oneselves D. oneself
Câu 20. If we didn't _________ any measures to protect whales, they would disappear forever.
A. take B. do C. use D. make

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Câu 21. Don't start smoking till the others ________ their meal.
A. will finish B. have finished C. finished D. had finished
Câu 22. Although my dad is busy with his work, he is willing to ________ a hand with the housework.
A. give B. help C. pass D. take
Câu 23. My brother is really kind; everybody takes __________ of him.
A. value B. profit C. advantage D. example
Câu 24. Today dams and water works _____________ to prevent floods.
A. has built B. have been built C. has been built D. have built
Câu 25. Earth / depend / sun / for / heat / and / light
A. The earth has been depending at the sun for their heat and light.
B. The earth is depending in the sun for its heat and light.
C. The earth is going to depend on the sun due to their heat and light.
D. The earth depends on the sun for its heat and light.
Câu 26. Nobody has ever seen these documents.
A. These documents have never been seen.
B. These documents have been ever seen.
C. These documents have been never seen.
D. These documents have ever been seen.
Câu 27. She had changed so much that _________ anyone recognised her.
A. almost B. hardly C. not D. nearly
Câu 28. They did not serve enough food because there were some _____________ guests.
A. unexpectedly B. expect C. expected D. unexpected
Câu 29. The government is expected to __________ steps against the unemployment.
A. make B. take C. use D. apply
Câu 30. John _________ that he had bought these shirts on sale.
A. said B. tells C. told D. says
Câu 31. Johnny, you _________ play with the knife, you _________ hurt yourself.
A. shouldn't / must B. mustn't / may C. won't / can't D. can't / shouldn't
Câu 32. Schooling is __________ for all English children from the age of 5 to 16.
A. dependent B. subjective C. separated D. compulsory
Câu 33. Let's get the house cleared up before he _________.
A. will arrive B. is arriving C. arrived D. arrives
Câu 34. Student: "___________ I ask you a question, Miss?" Teacher: "Yes, please."
A. Do B. May C. Must D. Shall
Câu 35. My brother's friend asked me whether _______.
A. I am cycling to school every day B. do I cycle to school every day
C. I cycled to school every day D. I do cycle to school every day
Câu 36. The man __________ I saw last week said something totally different.
A. whom B. which C. to whom D. whose
Câu 37. In that case, there is nothing you can do __________ than wait.
A. other B. better C. any D. more
Câu 38. Hey, you can't go along this road; it's __________.
A. repaired B. repair C. being repaired D. been repaired
Câu 39. "I need some money." "Don't worry, I _______ lend you some."
A. must B. will C. would D. won't
Câu 40. His roommate usually comes back home very late at night, about which he was very _________.
A. annoyingly B. annoying C. annoyed D. annoy
Câu 41. Last week our school held a _________ contest.
A. flowers-arrange B. arranging flowers C. flower-arranging D. arrange flowers

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Câu 42. "____________" Andy suggested.
A. Could you go for a walk? B. Did you go for a walk?
C. How about going for a walk? D. Are you going for a walk?
Câu 43. A certificate from Cambridge University is a valuable ________.
A. production B. qualification C. examination D. paper
Câu 44. When he _________ this tent he will get a surprise.
A. is leaving B. leave C. leaves D. will leave
Câu 45. Do not be worried. Just do it ________.
A. comfort B. comfortable C. comfortful D. comfortably
Câu 46. There's _______________ to be frightened of the dog; he's quite harmless.
A. a fear B. no fear C. no need D. any reason
Câu 47. It is sport that helps us live ________.
A. health B. healthy C. healthily D. healthful
Câu 48. Mary ______________ me that she was very tired.
A. told to B. talked C. told D. said
Câu 49. If you work hard, you will eventually ________.
A. successful B. succeed C. successfully D. success
Câu 50. It's a __________ of time talking to Alice; she never listens.
A. waste B. miss C. lot D. loss
Câu 51. Too many tests and exams have put high school students under ________.
A. guarantee B. charge C. safety D. pressure
Câu 52. She asked me __________.
A. whether I intended to stay there longer B. if I will intend to stay there longer
C. did I intend to stay there longer D. if did I intend to stay there longer
Câu 53. He did _________ in his examination.
A. well B. possible C. good D. right
Câu 54. His roommate usually comes back home very late at night, which is very _________.
A. annoyed B. annoy C. annoyingly D. annoying
Câu 55. The police haven't found out the _________ of the explosion.
A. reaction B. reason C. source D. cause
Câu 56. You must decide and ________ up your mind.
A. made B. make C. do D. get
Câu 57. Her __________ to learn maths is amazing.
A. possible B. possibility C. ability D. able
Câu 58. The problem of pollution is __________ serious.
A. increase B. increasing C. increasingly D. to increase
Câu 59. Does anyone ________ the plans we have made?
A. refuse B. differ C. oppose D. disturb
Câu 60. There aren't any parks in my village. I wish ________.
A. there will be some parks in my village B. there weren't some parks in my village
C. there were some parks in my village D. there were any parks in my village
Câu 61. My teacher __________ that she was very interested in my project.
A. said me B. told C. told me D. spoke
Câu 62. Different conservation efforts have been _________ to save endangered species.
A. had B. tried C. done D. made
Câu 63. I am proud to have a family who is _________ of every member.
A. support B. supported C. supporting D. supportive
Câu 64. Most students find the course very _________.
A. anxious B. enthusiastic C. convenient D. enjoyable
Câu 65. Hanoi, _________ is the capital of Vietnam, is very beautiful.
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A. which B. where C. that D. of which
Câu 66. You ___________ shout! I'm not deaf!
A. needn't B. haven't C. must D. mustn't
Câu 67. Our teacher came in when we _________ noisily.
A. had talked B. were talking C. are talking D. have been
Câu 68. Yesterday I forgot to ask my teacher ___________.
A. would I hand in my papers when B. when would I hand in my papers
C. when I would hand in my papers D. when I will hand in my papers
Câu 69. The house _______ is more than 100 years old.
A. where I live in B. in where I live C. where I live D. in that I live
Câu 70. Thank you for phoning when I was ill. It was very _____________ of you.
A. thoughtfully B. think C. thought D. thoughtful
Câu 71. You should keep the flowers in a warm sunny place.
A. The flowers should be keep in a warm sunny place.
B. The flowers should to keep in a warm sunny place.
C. The flowers should be kept in a warm sunny place.
D. The flowers should keep in a warm sunny place.
Câu 72. He went to Hollywood _________ he made several films.
A. the place which B. the place where C. the place D. where
Câu 73. Keep the dangerous objects out of children's __________.
A. reach B. head C. hand D. leg
Câu 74. If you want to learn something, you had better pay __________ in class.
A. respect B. attention C. notice D. care
Câu 75. Tom said that _______.
A. An will buy a new car B. An had bought a new car
C. An has bought a new car D. An buys a new car
Câu 76. This is a difficult problem, I wish I ________ the answer.
A. would know B. had known C. knew D. know
Câu 77. I would like to offer a small __________ to anyone who finds my missing dog.
A. reward B. expense C. receipt D. repayment
Câu 78. I learn English very badly. I wish _______.
A. I didn't learn English well B. I learned English well
C. I will learn English well. D. I don't learn English very badly.
Câu 79. Tom had a bad cut on his arm. It's __________ badly.
A. sneezing B. bleeding C. coughing D. buming
Câu 80. I met this woman yesterday _________ husband plays golf with my husband!
A. whose B. whom C. who D. who's
Câu 81. Don't _____________ any notice of what he says.
A. have B. take C. give D. make
Câu 82. What is your ________ in life? - Going out with friends and enjoying delicious foods.
A. pleasure B. pleasant C. pleasing D. please
Câu 83. A(n) ________ child means a child who behaves badly and saddens his parents.
A. mischievous B. hard-working C. active D. obedient
Câu 84. Don't take any _________ of Mike - he's always rude to everyone.
A. view B. notice C. sight D. attention
Câu 85. The mother looked ____________ at her naughty child.
A. anger B. angrily C. angered D. angry
Câu 86. Whenever problems come up, we discuss them ________ and find solutions ________.

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A. frankly / quick B. frank / quick C. frank / quickly D. frankly / quickly
Câu 87. The tourist guide told me what ____________.
A. to do during the visit B. is going to do during the visit
C. will do during the visit D. doing dung the visit
Câu 88. If you want to have a pet, you must be ready to ________ care of it for several years.
A. need B. look C. take D. have
Câu 89. Tom asked me __________.
A. if would I have a good time last week
B. whether I had had a good time last week
C. if was I having a good time last week
D. whether I have had a good time last weekend
Câu 90. Houses are very expensive nowadays.___________, they have managed to buy one.
A. However B. Therefore C. So D. But

------ HẾT ------

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35.


How do you feel when you (31) ______ an exam? Do you always succeed in getting all your ideas down
on paper, or do you sometimes feel that you’re (32) ______ a mess of it? Apart from those lucky few who
sail through exams, most secondary school (33) ______ find them very stressful. Many teachers are aware
of the problems their students face and use a different method for measuring their progress: continuous
assessment. With continuous assessment, students are given various (34) ______ to do through the year.
All their marks are added together to produce a total mark at the end of the year. Students have to take
more responsibility for their education because they can’t rely on doing well on just one day. Also, they
have more time to (35) ______ over their work, meaning that they are able to do their best.
Câu 31. A. sit B. write C. make D. give
Câu 32. A. doing B. making C. having D. taking
Câu 33. A. colleagues B. classmates C. perfects D. students
Câu 34. A. tasks B. efforts C. achievements D. results
Câu 35. A. consider B. imagine C. think D. examine

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35.
Renewable energy is generated from sources (31) ______ naturally replenish themselves and
never run out. The most (32) ______ sources are solar, wind, hydro, geothermal and biomass. Over 80
percent (33) ______ the total energy consumed by humans is derived from fossil fuels. (34) ______,
renewables are the fastest growing source of energy in the world. Renewable energy has many benefits.
First, it can combat climate change because it creates no direct greenhouse gas emissions. Second,
renewable energy can decrease pollution and therefore reduce threats to our health. Third, renewable
energy is a reliable source of power because renewable energy sources are well renewable. They will
never run out. Advances in technology will make renewable energy more (35) ______, affordable and
efficient and end to climate change could be within our reach.
Câu 31. A. which B. where C. whose D. whom
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Câu 32. A. ineffective B. challenging C. common D. rare
Câu 33. A. in B. on C. over D. of
Câu 34. A. Despite B. However C. Because D. Although
Câu 35. A. accessibility B. accessed C. access D. accessible

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.

Puberty is the time when your body grows from a child's to an adult's. You will know that you are going
(21) _________ puberty by the way that your body changes. If you are a boy, your shoulders will (22)
_________ and your body will become more muscular. These changes are caused by the hormones (23)
_________ your body begins producing in much larger amounts than before. Puberty occurs over a
number of years, and the age at which it starts and ends varies (24) _________. It generally begins
somewhere between the ages of 7 and 13 for girls, and somewhere between the ages of 9 and l5 for boys,
although it can be earlier or later for some people. This wide range in age is normal. Sometimes, (25)
_________, people pass this normal age range for puberty without showing any signs of body changes.
This is called delayed puberty.
Câu 21. A. at B. in C. through D. out of
Câu 22. A. widen B. increase C. expand D. spread
Câu 23. A. how B. what C. this D. that
Câu 24. A. wide B. widely C. width D. widen
Câu 25. A. however B. but C. moreover D. although

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.

Most educational specialists believe that early schooling should provide children with a(n) (21)
_______ of their own abilities and the self-confidence to use their abilities. One approach recognized by
many (22) _______ as promoting these qualities is the Montessori method, first practised by Maria
Montessori of Italy in the early 1900s. Nancy McCormick Rambusch is credited with (23) _______ the
method in the United States, (24) _______ today there are over 400 Montessori schools. The method
helps children learn for themselves by providing them with instructional materials and tasks that facilitate
acts of discovery and manipulation. Through such exploration, children develop their sense of touch and
learn how to do everyday tasks without adult assistance. (25) _______ benefits include improvement in
language skills, and acquaintance with elements of science, music, and art.
Câu 21. A. attitude B. awareness C. knowledge D. attention
Câu 22. A. experts B. researchers C. teachers D. tutors
Câu 23. A. popularly B. popularity C. popularizing D. popular
Câu 24. A. which B. where C. x D. that
Câu 25. A. Other B. Others C. Another D. The others

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35.
Parents (31) ________ responsibility to prepare their children for adulthood and to give them love and
time. Teaching them to read and to love reading will also prepare them for facing the world with (32)
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________ and being successful. One of my favorite pictures was taken when I was about 11 years old. I
was sitting in a little red rocking chair made by my grandfather reading a book. I am 28 years old now
and one of my greatest hobbies is reading. I am so (33) ________ to my parents for giving me the love
for reading and education. I have very fond memories of my parents' reading to me, teaching me how to
read, and helping me (34) ________ my homework. Because of the respect I have for education, I was
able to graduate from high school and (35) ________ in college study. I have a son now, and I know how
important it is to teach him to have some love for reading. I hope that all parents will realize this and will
get their children involved in reading at an early age.
Câu 31. A. make B. take C. control D. train
Câu 32. A. confide B. confident C. confidence D. confidently
Câu 33. A. interested B. excited C. hopeful D. grateful
Câu 34. A. with B. for C. at D. in
Câu 35. A. achieve B. apply C. admit D. succeed

Different relationships affect teenagers in various ways. Friends impact teenagers almost the same
amount as their parents. Teenagers go to their friends for help or to ask questions that they could not
ask their parents about. Most of the time their friends give them good advice. In most cases they tell
their friends how to dress and act when being around certain people.
Love relationships just make it even harder for a teenager to get a good education. Some start to
fail in school because they are hanging out with their boyfriend or girlfriend instead of doing their
Parents have a big influence on teenagers because their children look up to them and the majority
of them grow up to act and do things just like their parents did with them. Children who have
experienced a family break-up may have lower achievements than children brought up in an intact
As previously stated, teenagers are affected by many relationships which involve their friends,
family, and their love relationships. The relationships affect them so much that most teenagers change
their ideas about how they should live their lives in a different way and to change their future goals.
They should be influenced to help themselves or to help others.
Câu 20. Teenagers go to their friends in order to ________.
A. impact them in various ways and the same amount
B. ask for help or advice that their parents can’t give them
C. have different relationships that their parents can’t offer
D. ask how to dress when being around certain people
Câu 21. Love relationships may make a teenager harder to get a good education because ________.
A. their boyfriend or girlfriend may make them fail in school
B. they tell their boyfriend or girlfriend how to dress or how to act
C. they try to do their work instead of hanging out with their boyfriend or girlfriend
D. they hang out with their boyfriend or girlfriend instead of studying
Câu 22. All of the following statements about parents’ influence on teenagers are true EXCEPT that
A. achievements of teenagers from a family break-up are always low
B. parents have a great impact on teenagers

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C. most teenagers grow up to act and do things just like their parents
D. a family break-up may have a negative effect on teenagers
Câu 23. Relationships can ________.
A. help others to form relationships
B. help teenagers to decide the future goals in love relationships
C. influence teenagers in many aspects of their lives
D. help teenagers to follow their future goals with their friends and family
Câu 24. The main idea of the passage is ________.
A. the effects of love relationships on teenagers’ study
B. the impact of relationships on teenagers’ lives
C. the role of parents in their children’s lives
D. the impact of relationships on adults and teenagers

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