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MC 405

Graph Theory Assignment I 2022-23

1. The number of vertices and edges in a graph are called the order and size of the
graph respectively. Determine the order, size and degree sequence for the graphs
given in figure 1.

(a) Graph G1 (b) Graph G2

Figure 1

2. Give an example of a degree sequence that is realizable as the degree sequence by

only a disconnected graph.

3. A graph contains 21 edges, 3 vertices of degree 4 and all other vertices of degree
2. Find total number of vertices.

4. What is the maximum possible degree in a Simple graph on n vertices ? What is

the minimum possible degree.

5. Show that in any simple graph, there exist two vertices with the same degree.

6. Wherever possible draw the graphs below. If not, specify the reason.

ˆ a simple graph with 1 edge and 2 vertices.

ˆ a simple graph with 2 edges and 2 vertices.
ˆ a graph with 6 vertices and degree sequence (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5).
ˆ a simple graph with 6 vertices and degree sequence (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5).
ˆ a simple graph with 6 vertices and degree sequence (2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 5).
7. Show that for a simple bipartite graph m ≤ 4
,where G = (n; m).

8. If δ and ∆ are respectively the minimum and maximum of the degrees of a graph
G, show that delta ≤ 2mn
≤ ∆, where G is (n; m) graph.

MC 405
Graph Theory Assignment I 2022-23
9. Show that it is not possible to have a group of 7 persons such that each knows
exactly 3 persons in the group.

10. Show that the complement of a bipartite graph need not be a bipartite graph.

11. A simple graph that is isomorphic to its complement is called self-complementary

graph. Find a self-complementary graph of order 4.

12. Define and draw Petersen graph. Is Petersen graph Hamiltonian? If yes, then
write down the path.

13. Apply Fleury’s algorithm, beginning with vertex A, to find an Eulerian trail in the
graph given in figure 2. In applying the algorithm, at each stage chose the edge
(from those available) which visits the vertex which comes first in alphabetical

Figure 2: Fleury’s Algorithm

14. Consider the weighted graph G in figure 3. Apply Dijkstra’s algorithm to the
vertex v0 .

15. The figure 4 shows four unwrapped cubes that form the Instant Insanity Puzzle.
The letters R,W,B and G stand for the colors red, white, blue and green. The
object of the puzzle is to stack the blocks in a pile of 4 in such a way that each
of the colors appears exactly once on each of the four sides of the stack.

MC 405
Graph Theory Assignment I 2022-23

Figure 3: Dijkstra’s Algorithm

Figure 4: Instant Insanity Puzzle

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