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ANJ – 7. ročník – Pracovný list (8. 6. – 12. 6.


Minulý priebehový čas

 pomocou minulého priebehového času vyjadrujeme, že niečo prebiehalo v určitom čase

v minulosti: It was raining yesterday morning at ten o`clock. (Včera ráno o desiatej pršalo.)
 minulý priebehový čas tvoríme pomocou was / were a tvaru s -ing
Kladná veta: Záporná veta:
He He was not
She was watching TV last night. She wasn`t watching TV last night.
It shopping yesterday. It swimming.
We taking a photograph. We having dinner.
were not
You were You
They They

Otázka + krátka odpoveď:

he he he
Was was. wasn`t.
she she she
it playing the piano yesterday ? Yes, it No, it
we we we
Were you you were. you weren`t.
they they they
What were you looking for? (Čo si hľadal? / Čo ste hľadali?)

1. What were they doing yesterday afternoon? Čo robili včera popoludní? Doplň vety.

They ___were looking after_________ their grandchildren. (look after)

a) My grandma ______________________________. (sleep)

b) Mr Jones ______________________________ a sandwich. (eat)
c) Eva and Dana ______________________________. (swim)
d) David ______________________________ a magazine . (read)
e) The boys ______________________________ a ball. (throw)
f) We ______________________________. (run)
g) James ______________________________ to the USA. (travel)
h) My friends ______________________________ for the train. (wait)
i) You ______________________________ on the phone. (talk)
j) The secretary ______________________________ emails. (write)

2. What was happening in your life on Sunday morning? Čo sa udialo v nedeľu ráno v tvojom
živote? Použi slovesá v zátvorke. Či sa tieto udalosti stali alebo nie, nechám na teba.

I ___was doing / wasn`t doing___ my homework. (do)

a) It ______________________________. (rain)
b) I ______________________________ an email. (send)
c) My friends ______________________________ to school. (go)
d) I ______________________________ breakfast with my family. (eat)
e) I ______________________________ photos. (take)

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