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Green House Monitoring

Using Arduino

Group 7 | instrumentation and control | 24/June/2022

Submitted To:

Submitted By:
 M. Junaid Atta
 Raja Khurram Ghafoor
 M. Ahmed
 Anas Abbasi
 Salman Munir


Green House Monitoring Using Arduino:
In today’s greenhouses, many parameter measurements are required to monitor and control for
the good quality and productivity of plants. But to get the desired results there are some very
important factors which come into play like Temperature, Humidity, Light and Water, which are
necessary for a better plant growth. Keeping these parameters in mind I have built an Automatic
Green House Controlling and Monitoring System over GSM module using Arduino. This system
is very efficient for growing good quality plants. The other important part of this project is that it
is fully automatic. Arduino automatically turns on and turns off the appliances. Firstly to make this
project reader needs knowledge about getting start with arduino and LCD interface with arduino.

Figure 1 Prototype of Arduino based Greenhouse Monitoring System

The main purpose of coming up with this project is to build an Automatic Green House
Monitoring in which GSM module sends the information about Temperature, Humidity, Light
intensity, Soil moisture and status of appliances (Fan, Sprays, Artificial Lights and Water pump)
that are connected with circuit for controlling Green House effects or Green House parameters
(Temperature, Humidity, Light intensity and Water supply for plants).

Figure 2Block Diagram of Arduino based Greenhouse Monitoring System
Parameters of green house

• Temperature

• Humidity

• Soil Moisture

• Light Intensity


The temperature sensor is used for sensing temperature. When temperature

exceeds from a defined level or critical level, the system automatically turns on the fan and a

message is also sent to the owner or the operator with information of all parameters
(Temperature, Humidity, Light intensity and Electrical appliance on off status). And when the
temperature comes in normal range or comes below the defined level the fan turns off

Temperature Range: 25- 35 degree

Humidity is measured by using the humidity sensor. If the humidity of the
environment is below the defined levels, sprays are automatically turned on and if the humidity
level exceeds from the defined level sprays are automatically turned off. But here in this project
instead of a spray I have used CFL light to denote the spray.   A status or notification message is
also sent to the owner by the system using GSM Module.

Soil Moisture:
Water supply for plants is very important for good growth. So here in this
demonstration I have used a water pump and a soil moisture sensor, for detecting soil
moisture. Two probes of soil moisture sensor are used and placed in soil. When the sensor
does not sense moisture in soil then the system turns on the water pump until it reaches
the required level. A notification is also sent to the owner with status of water pump like
Motor On or Motor Off. Here for sensing soil moisture a transistor is used as a switch.

Figure 3 Circuit Diagram of Soil Moisture Sensor

Frame Construction:
Construction of greenhouse structure:

 We have designed greenhouse structure by using wooden frames.

 Nails are used at junctions and glue for strengthens the joints.
 Dimensions are 26 inch*20 inch*16 inch.

Covering of structure:

We have used polythene sheet for covering the structure of green house.

Division of total area covered:

We have divided the covered area in two halves

 Cultivation area: where soil is used to grow plants or vegetables.

 Control area: where the system is installed to control the parameters mentioned above.

Installation of sensors:

Temperature and humidity sensor: we have fixed sensor on the frame near the roof.

Sensor is connected with auduino which is heart of whole system.

When temperature increases arduino UNO starts the fan to maintain temperature.

In same way when humidity decreases arduino enables fan to stop in order to maintain moisture
set humidity level.

Circuit construction:
Circuit Diagram
For circuit kindly refer to the Circuit Diagram Tab of Green House Monitoring and
Controlling System

Components Used

 Arduino UNO
 I2 Module
 16×2 LCD
 Humidity and Temperature (DHT 11 basic)
 Bulb
 Relay 5 vol

 FAN 5 V
 9 V battery
 Bread Board
 Connecting Wire
 Power Supply

Circuit Description

In this system Arduino is the heart of whole system which takes control over the process.
When sensors sense any change in environment or in soil Arduino comes in action and process
the required operation.

When soil moisture sensor does not sense moisture in soil then Arduino turns on the water pump
and sends a message to the owner of status that the motor is turned on.

And if LDR senses low light then Arduino takes control and turns on the artificial lights.

In this system a 16×2 LCD is used for displaying status for all operations like Motor turned on or
off, temperature, humidity and light status. The LCD’s data pins are connected in 4-bit mode
(data pin d5, d6, d7, d8 pin of LCD is directly connected with pin no. 4, 5, 6, 7 of Arduino and
command pin of LCD’s Rs and En is connected with pin no. 2, 3 of Arduino). LDR is used for
sensing light intensity and its output is connected to Analog pin A0 of Arduino while the artificial
light is connected using relay. The relay is operated by using ULN2003 and controlled using pin
number 10 of arduino. Humidity and temperature sensors are used for sensing humidity and
temperature that are connected directly with Analog pin A1 of Arduino. Fan is directly connected
with pin 8 of Arduino and CFL light (in place of Sprays) is connected with pin 11 of arduino by
using Relay. Water pump is also connected by using relay and is controlled by Adriano’s pin
number 12 and the sensor for measuring the soil moisture, pin number 9 is used.

GSM module is also connected with this circuit for sensing message alert of the status to be sent
to the owner. GSM module’s Rx pin is directly connected with Tx pin of Arduino. For detailed
information of sending message using GSM please have a look on our previous projects related to
Sending Messages using GSM module and Arduino.

Figure 4 Circuit-Diagram-Arduino-Based-Green-House-Monitoring-System.


Programming part of this project is very easy. In this program DHT library is
used for reading the Humidity and Temperature from the humidity and temperature
sensor (DHT11 basic), which is displayed on LCD and  sent to the owner by using GSM
module. Here for sending message, 9600 baud rate is used by using class “Serial. Begin


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