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Medical Term Exercise

Lecturer : Egi Komara Yudha, S.Kp, MM

Name : Tasya Indriyanti

Class : 1E ( Faculty of Nursing )
NPM : A122217
Date : November 25, 2022

• Exercise 1 5. dis- separate

Write the correct prefix for the meaning
given. • Exercise 4
1. One : uni or mono Write the correct prefix for the meaning
2. Two : bi or di 1. Between : inter

2. after, behind : post

3. Three : tri
3. through : per or trans
4. Four : quad or quadri
4. above : super or supra
5. Many : multi or poly
5. within : inta or en, end,

• Exercise 2 endo
Write the meaning of the prefix given.
1. semi- half • Exercise 5
Write the meaning of the prefix given.
2. hemi- half 1. ecto- outer, outside

2. ab- away from

3. poly- many
3. pre- before (in time or space)
4. uni- one
4. sub- below, beneath
5. quadr- four
5. syn- together, with
• Exercise 3
Write the meaning of the prefix given. • Exercise 6
1. contra- against Write the meaning of the prefix given.
1. other, different hetero
2. im- not
2. normal normo, eu,
3. de- away from, cessation.
hyper, hypo
3. large macro or mega,
4. an- without, not
4. good, normal eu, normo, -it is -emia -pathy
-algia -oma -rrhea
hyper,hypo 1. Pain -algia

5. alike iso 2. inflammation -itis

6. small micro 3. flow, discharge -rrhea

• Exercise 7 4. blood (condition of) -emia

Write the meaning of the prefix given.
hypo- iso- eu- 5. tumor -oma

dys- hyper- pan- 6. disease -pathy

1. Painful, difficult, abnormal - dys
• Exercise 11
2. Good, normal - eu Write the meaning of the prefix given.
1. -centesis puncture to remove fluid
3. Above normal, excessive - hyper
2. -ectomy surgical removal
4. All, entire - pan
3. -stomy surgical opening
5. Equal, alike - iso
4. -plasty surgical repair,
6. Below normal, deficient - hypo
• Exercise 8
Write the meaning of the prefix given. • Exercise 12
1. tachy- rapid, fast Write the correct suffix for the meaning
2. neo- new 1. incision, cutting -tomy

3. brady- slow 2. suturing -rrhaphy

4. re- again, backward 3. surgical opening - stomy

5. pseudo- false 4. surgical removal -ectomy

• Exercise 9 • Exercise 13
Write the meaning of the suffix given.
Write the meaning of the prefix given.
1. -meter instrument for
1. -megaly large, enlargement
2. -osis abnormal condition
2. -graphy process of recording
3. -ism condition, disease, or
3. -al pertaining to
4. -scopy process of examining,
4. -ia state or condition
5. -rrhea flow, discharge
5. -gram record, recording
• Exercise 10
Write the meaning of the prefix given. 6. -ary pertaining to
7. -logy study of 3. Diagnos Dx

8. -ie pertaining to 4. Height Ht

• Exercise 14 5. Immediately STAT

Match each suffix with its meaning.
-genic -scope -oid 6. as needed p.r.n

-ary -logist -ium 7. respiratory rate R

1. Specialist -logist
8. blood pressure BP
2. Resembling -oid
9. prescription Rx
3. Tissue -ium
10. night noct
4. Pertaining to -ary
11. physical therapy PT
5. Produced by, formed by -genic
12. history Hx
6. Instrument for examination -scope
• Exercise 17
Match each prefix with its meaning.
• Exercise 15
Write the meaning of each abbreviation hypo- hetero- dys- im- intra-
1. ICU intensive care unit hemi- ad- exo- per- poly-

2. RBC red blood cell 1. Not im-

3. P pulse rate 2. Toward ad-

4. H & P history and physical 3. Many poly-

5. ADL activities of daily living 4. Through per-

6. ED emergency department 5. Within intra-

7. L liter 6. Outside ecto-

8. ENT ears, nose, throat 7. Half hemi-

9. Lab laboratory 8. Different hetero-

• Exercise 16 9. Below normal hypo-

Match each abbreviation with its meaning
10. Painful dys-
PT Sx Hx BP • Exercise 18
Match each suffix with its meaning
p.r.n. noct. Ht Dx
-plasty -pathy -ium -emia -gram
1. Symptom Sx
-graphy -ar -osis -tomy -rrhaphy
2. Vital signs VS
1. abnormal condition -osis
2. suturing -rrhaphy 1. Use Combining Form -myos/o+suffix

3. record, recording -gram 2. Meaning of Medical Term -

4. incision -tomy inflammation

5. blood (condition of) -emia 3. Medical Term -myositis

6. disease -pathy 1. UCF -lob/o+suffix

7. pertaining to -ar 2. MoMT -surgical removal of

8. surgical repair -plasty lobe

9. recording process -graphy 3. MT -lobectomy

10. tissue -ium 1. UCF -cardi/o + suffix

• Exercise 19 2. MoMT -disease of the heart

Match each word with its meaning.
Because you have not yet learned some of 3. MT -cardiopathy
the combining forms used in some of these
terms, you may have to guess the 1. UCF -prefix + cost/o (rib) +
meanings based on the meanings of the
prefixes or suffixes in the terms.
Bisect polyarthtitis semiconscious
2. MoMT - pertaining to between
Submandibular panarthritis
Cardiotomy endoscope cavitary the rib
Psychology thrombosis
1. cut in two parts: bisect 3. MT - intercostal

2. beneath the mandible (lower jaw): 1. UCF -prefix + nas/o (nose) +

submandibular suffix

3. pertaining to a cavity: cavitary 2. MoMT -pertaining to behind the

4. incision of heart wall: cardiotomy nose

5. study of mental processes: psychology 3. MT -postnasal

6. instrument for examining inside an 1. UCF -prefix + bi/o + suffix

organ: endoscope 2. MoMT -one who specializes in

7. inflammation of several joints: the study of very small life forms

polyarthritis 3. MT - microbiology

• Exercise 20 1. UCF -lymph/o + suffix

Using the given combining form and a
prefix or suffix (and sometimes both) from 2. MoMT -tumor of lymph tissue
this chapter, build a medical term for the
meaning given 3. MT -lymphoma
1. UCF -dermat/o + suffix 13. osteogenesis- osteogenisis-

2. MoMT -resembling skin osteognisesis

3. MT -dermatoid 14. edematuos- edematous- edematus

1. UCF -crani/o + suffix 15. gastrotomy- gastrotomomy-

2. MoMT -surgical repair of the gastrotommy

skull • Exercise 22

3. MT -cranioplasty Listen to the pronunciations of the following

1. UCF -ten/o (tendon) + suffix terms in the Audio Glossary on the

2. MoMT -suture of a tendon Student Resources, and practice

3. MT -tenorraphy pronouncing each, referring to the

• Exercise 21 pronunciation

Circle the correctly spelled term. guide as needed.

1. mononeural- monaneura- mononueral 1. quadruplets kwahd-rūp¢letz

2. hemopleiga- hemaplegia- hemiplegia 2. abacterial ā¢bak-tēr¢ē-ăl

3. ectiderm- ectoderm- ectaderm 3. suprarenal sū¢pră-rē¢năl

4. infrasonic- infrasonic- infrasonic 4. hypoglycemia hī¢pō-glīsē¢mēă

5. pericarditis- pericarditis- perecarditis 5. diarthric dī-ahr¢thrik

6. megalaspenia- megalesplenia- 6. dyspeptic dis-pep¢tik

megalosplenia 7. neonate nē¢ō-nāt

7. hetrogeneous- heterogeneous- 8. osteoma os-tē-ō¢mă

hetarogeneous 9. cardiomegaly kahr¢dē-meg¢lē

8. bradycardia- bradycardia- braydcardia 10. articular ahr-tik¢yū-lăr

9. diarhea- diarrhea- diareah 11. edematous e-dēm¢ă-tŭs

10. hetrogenic- heterogenic- heterogenic 12. antisepsis an¢ti-sep¢sis

11. mylgia- myolgia- myalgia 13. bradycardia brad¢ē-kahr¢dēă

12. cystorhraphy- cystorrhaphy- 14. myocardium mī¢ō-kahr¢dŭm

cystorhaphry 15. amniocentesis am¢nē-ō-stē¢sis

16. tachycardia tak¢i-kahr¢dē-ă

17. polyarteritis pol¢ē-ahr-těī¢tis

18. symphysis sim¢fi-sis

19. gastrotomy gas-trot¢ŏ-mē

20. subcutaneous sŭb¢kyū-tā¢nŭs

• Exercise 23
Complete each of the following activities
available with the student resources. Check
off each actifity as you complete it, and
record your score for the chapter quiz in the
space provided.

Chapter exercise

Flash Cards Break It Down

Concentration True/False Body Building

Abbreviation Match-Up Quiz Show

Roboterms Complete the Case

Word Anatomy Spelling Bee

Fill the G a p

Chapter Quiz Score: %

Additional Resources

Audio Glossary

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