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I. Topic Philippine Inventions:

a. Give three other major scientific and technological

developments in the world (or in the Philippines) that
developments created a large impact on Your daily life.
Wireless Electricity
Solar Panel

b. Explain in your own words how each invention works.

Also identify their use and purpose
Wireless electricity can use everywhere because of the
transmission of electrical energy without the use of wires
from a power source to an electrical load and it can help us
to make some things easier imagine living in a home where
you didn't have to connect any cords into an outlet to use a
device or appliance that needed to be plugged in.
Internet is data network that can offers us with useful
information and data, Its a magical instrument that will assist
us in achieving our goals in life through learning and
adapting that information and data in internet due to the fact
that we have access to a wide range of information and
lifestyle resources.
Solar Panel is continuous flow of energy from the sun to
make an electricity. It can use batteries to store extra power
for use at night and solar can be used to heat water, power
homes and buildings, even power cars most especially in
rural area they can access a electricity using solar panel.
c. What historical antecedents gave rise to inventions you
mentioned in first question?
Wireless Electricity
Wireless power transmission as an alternative to
transmission line power distribution (our current system of
electric power distribution) was first proposed and
demonstrated by Nikola Tesla. In 1899, Tesla demonstrated
wireless power transmission by powering a field of
fluorescent lamps located twenty-five miles from their power
source without using wires. As impressive and forward
thinking as Tesla's work was, at that time is was actually
cheaper to build copper transmission lines rather than build
the type of power generators that Tesla's experiments
required. Tesla ran out of research funding and at that time a
practical and cost efficient method of wireless power
distribution could not be developed.
The first workable prototype of the Internet came in the
late 1960s with the creation of ARPANET, or the Advanced
Research Projects Agency Network. Originally funded by the
U.S. Department of Defense, ARPANET used packet
switching to allow multiple computers to communicate on a
single network.
Solar Panel
Long before the first Earth Day was celebrated on April
22, 1970, generating awareness about the environment and
support for environmental protection, scientists were making
the first discoveries in solar energy. It all began with Edmond
Becquerel, a young physicist working in France, who in 1839
observed and discovered the photovoltaic effect— a process
that produces a voltage or electric current when exposed to
light or radiant energy. A few decades later, French
mathematician Augustin Mouchot was inspired by the
physicist’s work. He began registering patents for solar-
powered engines in the 1860s. From France to the U.S.,
inventors were inspired by the patents of the mathematician
and filed for patents on solar-powered devices as early as

d. How did the developments in science and technology

shape human history?
Humans have twisted the natural environment to their will for
thousands of years. We've transformed the world for the better by
applying our knowledge of it. It's easy to see how technology has
fundamentally altered the world we live in, and thus history. These
impacts might be both positive and negative and well as how they
have influenced history. we'll look at some of the most important
technological advancements that humans have produced, as well
as how they've changed history.
Human history has been affected by technology, which has
completely changed the way people live. People and products
can move considerably more quickly because to telephones, the
Internet, and motors, and we can converse instantly all across the
II. Topic: Intellectual Revolution

a. Discuss the Paradigm shift through history

A paradigm shift is a significant shift in how something
operates or is performed in terms of worldview, concepts, and
behaviors. From scientific research to industry, a paradigm shift
can occur in a variety of settings. When new technology is
released that drastically changes the production process or
manufacture of a good or service, it is known as a paradigm shift
in the industry. Many of a society's processes, such as the
American Industrial Revolution, are influenced by these
A paradigm shift is a significant movement in how people think
and do things that overturns and replaces an existing paradigm,
paradigm shift can happen as a consequence of a series of
anomalies or evidence that challenges the status quo, or as a
result of a revolutionary breakthrough or discovery. The
importance of paradigms is that they define how we view reality
and how we behave within it.

b. Explain how the intellectual Revolution changed the way

how human see the world
A revolution in moral and social philosophy every bit as
profound as the scientific revolution in cosmology, physics,
chemistry, and biology took place over the last five centuries, but
it has never had a convenient name. It gave rise to social science
and ideological politics, and if it did not also create the hard
sciences, it nonetheless assigned them their place and shape in
the modern world. Matter-related disciplines would now provide
the metaphors or parables through which moral philosophy would
be changed. Through critical thought, appraisal, and the creation
of acceptable standards for fair opportunity, it will transform
cultures. It is a constant process of development aimed at
meeting societal needs. Great brains working together make the
world a more peaceful and progressive place.
c. Describe the technological advancements that happened
in information age.
The Information Age is defined by the belief that information
access and control are the distinguishing characteristics of our
current period in human civilization. Technological advancements,
such as the creation of fiber optic cables and faster
microprocessors, has sped up information transmission and
Our technology is gradually advancing by discovering by
scientists or experts a variety of information that contains
knowledge of the technologies used by each of us just as much
as equipment that has been improved to facilitate our daily
activities at home, school and work. Technological
advancements, such as the creation of fiber optic cables and
faster microprocessors, has sped up information transmission and

d. Why do you think were most intellectual ideas

Because it asserts that portions of the natural world are the
result of intelligent action rather than naturally occurring chance or
law-governed processes, intelligent design theory is frequently
controversial. For instance, the widely accepted theory of
evolution, which proposes chance-law-governed mechanisms
(mutation and selection) to explain observed properties of life, is
currently dominating scientific thought regarding the origin of
living species.
e. Why did the people accept these new discoveries despite
being contradictory to what accepted at that time?
Because science is based on the principle of never taking
firm positions on any subject, knowing that a new discovery could
be made tomorrow. With the exception of fundamentalists, most
people embrace the new version because it is more functional
than the old. Astronomy, celestial navigation, and other important
technologies suddenly made sense when the heliocentric
hypothesis overtook the Church's geocentric worldview. Science
sprang forward, free of its dogmatic shackles, and new horizons
of research opened up. Astrology was handed control over the
previous system.

f. How do intellectual revolutions that happened in the

following places?
1. Meso- America
The Maya civilization produced the most advances in
science and technology in Mesoamerica. The position-value
number system with zero, the construction of the most
accurate known calendar, the invention of rubber, and the
corbelled arch were among its innovations.
2. Asia
Apart from Heliocentric and geocentric philosophy,
conviction in the superiority of Western ideals joined with
economic and technological breakthroughs in shipbuilding,
armament, and communications to create a strong mix that
would threaten Asian nations in a variety of ways. The
experience of empire and revolution in Asia was as diverse as
the continent itself.
3. Middle East
The cradle of civilization has been referred to as the Middle
East. Codes of law, writing systems, technological discoveries
like the wheel, and the creation of disciplines like astronomy
and mathematics were among their major contributions to
Africa's revolutionary workers and peasants, as well as the
continent's radical intellectual youth, are turning to the socialist
road. They have witnessed the ills of capitalism at work in their
midst, such as its greed and waste of life and resources, as well
as its callous disrespect for human dignity and value.
Throughout ancient Africa, many improvements in metallurgy and
tool production were developed. Steam engines, metal chisels
and saws, copper and iron tools and weapons, nails, glue, carbon
steel and bronze weapons and art are only a few examples.

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