MAMW100 Asynchronous Module Semi-Final

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Document Code: CAS-F-AOLMT


Lucena City Document Title: Asynchronous Online Learning Module
An Autonomous University Template
Page No.: Page 1 of 4
COLLEGE OF ___________________ Revision No.: 1
Effectivity Date: August 2020
QUALITY FORM Prepared by: Dean
Reviewed by: QMR
Approved by: President


Day & Time MONDAY 8:00 PM DATE: 11-21-2022

Instructor Joshua Michael Saberon Score: Rating:

Good luck and God bless you.

A. In each of these statements, tell whether descriptive or inferential statistics have been
1. Financial analysts say that mortgage may soon INFERENTIAL
hit bottom.
2. The monthly average expenditure per household DESCRIPTIVE
is ₱10, 000.00
3. The guard in the SM Megamall records the DESCRIPTIVE
number of shoppers for the past 15 days.
4. The Philippine Regulation Commission (PRC) DESCRIPTIVE
ranks the result of the Certified Public
Accountants professional examination in 2010.
5. One hundred customers have their INFERENTIAL
corresponding age and buying preference
results. The manager wants to determine its
B. Classify each variable as qualitative or quantitative.
1. Automobile ownership of students. QUALITATIVE
2. Net weight (in grams) of packaged cereal. QUANTITATIVE
3. Political party affiliation of civil service QUALITATIVE
4. Number of bankrupt corporations per month in QUANTITATIVE
the Philippines.
5. Useful lifetimes (in hours) of 100-watt light QUANTITATIVE
C. Identify each item as discrete or continuous.
1. Outcomes in rolling a pair of dice. DISCRETE
2. Square root of 2. CONTINUOUS
3. Irrational numbers. CONTINUOUS
4. f(x) = x + 3 CONTINUOUS
5. Number of online purchases made in a week. DISCRETE
Document Code: CAS-F-AOLMT
Lucena City Document Title: Asynchronous Online Learning Module
An Autonomous University Template
Page No.: Page 2 of 4
COLLEGE OF ___________________ Revision No.: 1
Effectivity Date: August 2020
QUALITY FORM Prepared by: Dean
Reviewed by: QMR
Approved by: President

D. Determine whether each of the following is nominal, ordinal, interval or ratio data.
1. Social Security System (SSS) Number NOMINAL
2. Military ranks ORDINAL
3. Temperatures measured in Kelvin scale INTERVAL
4. The number of LRT passengers from Recto to INTERVAL
Santolan Stations
5. Courses offered in university belt NOMINAL
E. Match items in Column A that corresponds to sampling techniques in Column B. Write
the letter of your answer on the space provided.
Column A Column B
A. 1. Ms. Washington is investigating teachers' attitudes a. Stratified Sampling
toward year-round schooling. She is particularly
interested in describing the attitudes of teachers from
small, medium, and large schools. Which sampling
procedure should she use to ensure her sample is
representative of these types of schools?
B. 2. Mr. Marino has compiled a list of 1,348 students in b. Systematic Sampling
his high school. He has selected a sample of 42
students by choosing every 14th student on this list.
Which type of sampling is he using?
C. 3. Which of the following sampling methods is the c. Simple Random Sampling
best way to select a group of people for a study if you
are interested in making statements about the larger
D. 4. What is sampling method which involves d. Cluster Sampling
separating the population in to clusters, then selecting
random samples from the clusters?
B. 5. The psychologist assigns each student a number e. Snowball Sampling
from 1 to 3960. She selects the sample by randomly
choosing one of the first 132 numbers and every
132nd number thereafter. Identify the type of sample
survey method.
E. 6. Which sampling technique would you suggest Mr. f. Purposive Sampling
Arroyo is describing in the following situation? He
wants to understand the decision-making process in a
particular high school, but because he does not know
who actually makes certain kinds of decisions, he asks
many faculty members who in their opinion makes the
decisions in the school.
F. 7. Mr. Jennings is studying the use of individualized g. Quota Sampling
instruction with elementary school students. He is
particularly interested in understanding what
Document Code: CAS-F-AOLMT
Lucena City Document Title: Asynchronous Online Learning Module
An Autonomous University Template
Page No.: Page 3 of 4
COLLEGE OF ___________________ Revision No.: 1
Effectivity Date: August 2020
QUALITY FORM Prepared by: Dean
Reviewed by: QMR
Approved by: President

problems are encountered—and how those problems

are resolved—when teachers switch to this approach.
Which sampling strategy is he likely to use to select
his sample?
G. 8. Which of the following types of sampling involves h. Convenience Sampling
the researcher determining the appropriate sample
sizes for the groups identified as important, and then
taking convenience samples from those groups?
F. 9. The nonrandom sampling type that involves
selecting a sample from a population with specific
characteristics for your research study is called _____.
H. 10. People who are available, volunteer, or can be
easily recruited are used in the sampling method
called ______.

I. Given:
x 6 7 9 5 7 8 6 5
y 7 5 4 4 6 7 5 6
z 8 8 6 3 7 7 8 4

Find: (3 pts each)

Document Code: CAS-F-AOLMT
Lucena City Document Title: Asynchronous Online Learning Module
An Autonomous University Template
Page No.: Page 4 of 4
COLLEGE OF ___________________ Revision No.: 1
Effectivity Date: August 2020
QUALITY FORM Prepared by: Dean
Reviewed by: QMR
Approved by: President




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