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1) A Study on Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty in Tyre Organization.

By Swami.Manohar1 and Dr. Ch. Bala Nageswara Rao , Asian Journal of Applied Science and
Technology (AJAST) (Open Access Quarterly International Journal) Volume 2, Issue 3, Pages 211-224,
July-September 2018

Conclusion : A Study on Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty in Tyre Organization’. The
objective is to determine the factors predominantly influencing customer satisfaction .To study the
demographic of the customers on purchasing tyres. Descriptive research design is used in study. Primary
data is collected through questionnaire. The sample size used is 120 and is collected based on
Convenience technique. Tools used for analysis are Percentage analysis, Anova one way, T-test and
regression. Majority of the customer buying tyres are male, Income level is between 20,000 to
30,000.Two wheeler tyres is predominantly purchased compared to Light motor vehicle and Heavy
motor vehicle. Frequency of visit of customer in the company is only sometimes. From the current study
it is inferred that there is a significant difference among the age level with respect to satisfaction level of
the customers. There is a significant difference among the frequency of visit to the store with respect of
customer loyalty. The factors influencing Customer Satisfaction among the customers are Dealer Service
and Physical Environment. There is a significant positive effect of customer satisfaction on customer


By Hari Prasath G , Mr. Vimal Kumar P , SJIF Impact Factor 2021: 8.013| ISI I.F.Value:1.241| Journal
DOI: 10.36713/epra2016 ISSN: 2455-7838(Online) EPRA International Journal of Research and
Development (IJRD) Volume: 6 | Issue: 5 | May 2021 - Peer Reviewed Journal

Conclusion : A study on Customer satisfaction, dissatisfaction and post purchase evaluation: an

empirical study on tyres in India roads with the main objectives to examine the satisfaction and impact
on future purchase decision and explore the performance of different attributes in tyre manufacture
companies in giving satisfaction to customer with the sample size of 100. According to the study, JK
TYRES company satisfies the customer need and the purpose , but only problem is with price of the
tyres. So, as per study in my opinion based on project, I can say that JK TYRES should think about price
of the tyres provided by them in order to capture the maximum market segment.
By Ms Renu Gulia Assistant Professor Delhi college of arts and commerce , IRJMST Volume 5 Issue 3
[Year 2014] Online ISSN 2250

Conclusion : In this competitive era of marketing where the satisfaction of customers towards the
product has become first priority. It is very important to analyze the customers’ behavior. Every
company determines the price of its products, sales promotion etc. according to the market requirement.
Direct marketing is one of the effective medium sales promotions because it is directly related to
customers. With the help of direct marketing company enhances its brand image. Without putting
customers on top, no company can get success. To get success every company should target customers
because market is totally customer oriented. This research paper evaluates the position of JK tyres in the
marke . outcomes of the study shows The 83% customers are fully satisfied with the J.K Tyres and just
17% customers are not satisfied with the J.K Tyres. Customer said that the quality of J.K Tyre is very
good. Tyre is very costly but the performance of J.K Tyre is better than other tyres. They said that the
claim policy of J.K Tyre is very good. Several customers are very friendly and the Co-operate in our
work but few customers behaved very rudely. Customers are happy with the campaign and they said that
they gain a lot of knowledge from the campaign and they said that campaign should be organized
continuously in different area

4) Lutz (1981): In this study a perspective into consumer behavior is motivated by a desire to understand
the relationship between attitude and behavior. His research paper is aimed to determine the customer’s
perception towards the YAMAHA SZ-X motorbike. The study has been conducted in Burdwan, a
district town of West Bengal, India. In total 100 respondents filled the questionnaire. The respondents
were distributed on the, basis of their age and income group. The degree of satisfaction of the customers
for Yamaha SZ-X motor bike has been measured on the basis of scale (excellent, good, average,
moderate, low, very poor etc.). Results reveal that consumers are very satisfied after using the product.
Further results show that there is a significant relation between the brand name and the preference of
customers. Hence, it has been recommended that the company should focus on fuel economy, servicing
cost of the bike inside the show room and spare parts prices of the bike

5) Hanif, Hafez & Riaz 2010: Customer satisfaction is an evaluation of difference between prior
expectations about product and its actual performance. Customer satisfaction is how customers judge the
satisfaction level.

Research design

Research methodology is the systematic way to solve research problem, it may be understood as a science of
studying how research done systematically. This includes research type , geographical area covered, method of
data collection and method of sampling.

Questionnaire Design

The structured questionnaire for consumers was framed with types as two option , multiple choice and rating
questions .

Source Of Information

Data refers to information or facts. It includes numerical figures, non-numerical figures, descriptive facts,
qualitative and quantitative information. The task of data collection begins after a research problem has been
defined and plan has been decided. The study includes both primary and secondary data.

Primary Data

The first hand information bearing on any research which has been collected by the researcher is called as
“Primary Data”.

Here the primary data is collected by direct personal interview and telephonic interview with pre-defined

Secondary data

Secondary data are generally published sources which have been collected originally for some other purpose,
they are not gathered specially to achieve the objectives for some other purpose, they are not gathered specially
to achieve the objectives of the particular research projects hands but already assembled.
Here Secondary data is collected from the various articles, journals and websites.


Once the researcher has decided to use survey method for collecting data he has to make a decision to adopt
survey techniques, here I have used below listed techniques for collecting the data.

1. Personal interview

2. Telephone survey

Method of Sampling

Convenience sampling has been used in this study. Convenience sampling is used for selection of homogeneous
sample for the study. It refers to selecting a sample of study objects on convenience. It is a non-probability
sampling. Thus, research study may include study objects, which are conveniently located. Research findings
based on convenient sampling, however, cannot be generalized.

Sampling Area

The study is conducted in Mumbai city.

Sampling Size

Due to time and resource constraint, customer’s reach and availability sample size selected is 20.

Research Type

Descriptive type of research has been used in this study, it involves surveys and fact findings, enquire of
different kinds of the major purpose of descriptive research is the description of the situation, as it exists at
present. The main characteristic of this method is that the researcher has no control over the variable; he can
only report what has happened or what is happening. The methods of research utilized in descriptive research
are survey methods of all kinds, including comparative and correlation methods.

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