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1. Sore throat Streptococcus pyogens Respiratory System Pain on the throat, fever, inflammation of
the area
2. Dermatitis Malassezia Integumentary System  Dry, cracked, scaly skin
 Redness
 Itching, which may be intense
 Painful lesions
 Change in color where skin rashes
 Thickened skin where rashes
 Fluid filled blisters

3. Folliculitis Pseudomonas aeruginosa Integumentary System  Clusters of small red bumps or

white-headed pimples that develop
around hair follicles
 Pus-filled blisters that break open
and crust over
 Itchy, burning skin
 Painful, tender skin
 A large swollen bump or mass

4. Sty (or stye) Staphylococcus aureus Integumentary Sysem  A red lump on your eyelid that is
similar to a boil or a pimple
 Eyelid pain
 Eyelid swelling
 Tearing

5. Furuncle (Boils) Staphylococcus aureus Integumentry System  Redness, pain, warmth, and
swelling around the boil
 Infection in the affected area
 Swollen lymph nodes
 Fever

6. Carbuncle Streptococcus pyogenes Integumentary System  The cluster of boils fills with pus
 The fluid may drain freely or may
need intervention
 Fever and chills

7. Otitis Media Streptococcus pneumoniae, Moraxella Peripheral hearing system  Persistent ear pain
catarrhalis, and non-typeable  Discharge of sticky fluid from the ear
Haemophilus influenzae (Otorrhoea)
 Constant itching, redness, and irritation
of the ear
 Impaired hearing and delayed response
to any sound
 A headache and pain in the pharyngeal
8. Otitis Externa Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Peripheral hearing system  ear pain, which can be severe
Staphylococcus aureus  itchiness in the ear canal
 a discharge of liquid or pus from the
 some degree of temporary hearing loss
9. Conjunctivities Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus Sensory nervous system  Redness in one or both eyes
pneumoniae, Haemophilus species,  Itchiness in one or both eyes
Moraxella catarrhalis or, less commonly,  A gritty feeling in one or both eyes
Chlamydia trachomatis.  A discharge in one or both eyes that
forms a crust during the night that may
prevent your eye or eyes from opening
in the morning
 Tearing

10. Keratitis Pseudomonas bacteria Sensory nervous system  Eye pain

 Redness of the eye
 Blurry vision
 Sensitivity to light
 Excessive tearing
 Gritty sensation
 Decreased vision

11. Keratoconjunctivitis Adenovirus serotypes 8, 19, and 37. Sensory nervous system  Redness
 swollen eyelids
 watering
 discharge
 stickiness
 dryness
 light sensitivity
 burning
 itchiness
 feeling like there’s something in
your eye
 minor blurring of vision
12. Sinusits Rhinoviruses, influenza viruses, and Respiratory System  Thick, yellow or greenish mucus
parainfluenza viruses from the nose (runny nose) or
down the back of the throat
(postnasal drainage)
 Blocked or stuffy nose
(congestion) causing difficulty
breathing through your nose
 Pain, tenderness, swelling and
pressure around your eyes, cheeks,
nose or forehead that worsens
when bending over

Other signs and symptoms include:

 Ear pressure
 Headache
 Aching in your teeth
 Altered sense of smell
 Cough
 Bad breath
 Fatigue
 Fever

13. Bronchitis Moraxella catarrhalis, Mycoplasma Respiratory System  A dry cough 

pneumonia, Bordetella pertussis,  A productive cough, which brings
Haemophilus influenzae and up thick and/or discolored mucus.
Streptococcus pneumoniae, This mucus mixed with saliva is
often referred to as sputum. 
 Sinus congestion
 Chest congestion
 Shortness of breath
 Wheezing
 Fatigue
 Body aches or chills
 Chest discomfort from coughing

14. Pneumonia Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus Respiratory System  low-grade fever (temperature of
influenzae, Staphylococcus aureus, Group 101°F)
A streptococci, Moraxella catarrhalis,  headache
anaerobes, and aerobic gram-negative  chills or body aches
bacteria.  decreased appetite in older children
 chest or rib pain
 feeling of general malaise or
 labored breathing in severe cases
 wheezing, which is more common in
severe viral infections
15. Bronchopneumonia Tuberculous mycobacterium, bacillus Respiratory System  fever
sapa  breathing difficulty, such as shortness
of breath
 chest pain that may get worse with
coughing or breathing deeply
 coughing up mucus
 sweating
16. Epiglottitis Haemophilus influenza type B Respiratory System Symptoms in children

Streptococcus pneumoniae, In children, signs and symptoms of

Staphylococcus aureus, and beta epiglottitis may develop within a matter of
hemolytic streptococci hours, including:

 Fever
 Severe sore throat
 Abnormal, high-pitched sound
when breathing in (stridor)
 Difficult and painful swallowing
 Drooling
 Anxious, restless behavior
 Feeling better when sitting up or
leaning forward
Symptoms in adults

For adults, signs and symptoms may

develop more slowly, over days rather
than hours. Signs and symptoms may

 Severe sore throat

 Fever
 A muffled or hoarse voice
 Abnormal, high-pitched sound
when breathing in (stridor)
 Difficulty breathing
 Difficulty swallowing
 Drooling

17. Laryngitis Fusobacterium necrophorum Respiratory System  Hoarseness

 Weak voice or voice loss
 Tickling sensation and rawness in
your throat
 Sore throat
 Dry throat
 Dry cough

18. Pharyngitis Streptococcus Pyogenes Respiratory System  significant pain when swallowing
 tender, swollen neck lymph nodes
Group A streptococcus (strep throat).  visible white patches or pus on the
back of the throat
 tonsils that are swollen and red
 a headache
19. Dental caries Streptococcus mutans Oral cavity  Toothache, spontaneous pain or
pain that occurs without any
apparent cause.
 Tooth sensitivity.
 Mild to sharp pain when eating or
drinking something sweet, hot or
 Visible holes or pits in your teeth.
 Brown, black or white staining on
any surface of a tooth.
 Pain when you bite down.

20. Thrush Candida yeast Oral region  Creamy white lesions on your
tongue, inner cheeks, and
sometimes on the roof of your
mouth, gums and tonsils.
 Slightly raised lesions with a
cottage cheese-like appearance.
 Redness, burning or soreness that
may be severe enough to cause
difficulty eating or swallowing.

21. Colitis Campylobacter jejuni Gastrointestinal tract  Diarrhea, often with blood or pus.
 Abdominal pain and cramping.
 Rectal pain.
 Rectal bleeding — passing small
amount of blood with stool.
 Urgency to defecate.
 Inability to defecate despite
 Weight loss.
 Fatigue.

22. Diarrhea Salmonella enteritidis Digestive System  Abdominal cramps or pain

 Bloating
 Nausea
 Vomiting
 Fever
 Blood in the stool
 Mucus in the stool
 Urgent need to have a bowel

23. Dysentery Shigella Digestive System  Abdominal pain

 Nausea
 Vomiting
 Fatigue
 Fever
24. Enteritis Lawsonia intracellularis Digestive System  Diarrhea.
 Nausea and vomiting.
 Loss of appetite.
 Abdominal cramps and pain.
 Pain, bleeding, or mucus-like
discharge from the rectum.
 Fever.

25. Gastristis Helicobacter pylori Digestive System  Gnawing or burning ache or pain
(indigestion) in your upper
abdomen that may become either
worse or better with eating.
 Nausea.
 Vomiting.
 A feeling of fullness in your upper
abdomen after eating.

26. Hepatitis hepatitis A virus (HAV) Digestive system  Fatigue.

 Sudden nausea and vomiting.
 Abdominal pain or discomfort,
especially on the upper right side
beneath your lower ribs (by your
 Clay-colored bowel movements.
 Loss of appetite.
 Low-grade fever.
 Dark urine.
 Joint pain.

27. Dysentery Shigella Digestive Syetem  Diarrhea with belly cramps.

 Fever.
 Nausea and vomiting.
 Blood or mucus in the diarrhea.

28. UTI Escherichia coli (E. coli) Urinary System  A strong, persistent urge to
 A burning sensation when
 Passing frequent, small amounts of
 Urine that appears cloudy.
 Urine that appears red, bright pink
or cola-colored — a sign of blood
in the urine.
 Strong-smelling urine.

29. Cystitis Bacteroides fragilis Urinary system  A strong, persistent urge to

 A burning sensation when
 Passing frequent, small amounts of
 Blood in the urine (hematuria)
 Passing cloudy or strong-smelling
 Pelvic discomfort.
 A feeling of pressure in the lower
 Low-grade fever.

30. Nephritis Escherichia coli Urinary System  pain in the pelvis.

 pain or a burning sensation while
 a frequent need to urinate.
 cloudy urine.
 blood or pus in the urine.
 pain in the kidney area or
 swelling of the body, commonly in
the face, legs, and feet.
 vomiting.
31. Urethritis chlamydia trachomatis Urinary System  burning sensation while urinating.
 itching or burning near the
opening of the penis.
 presence of blood in the semen or
 discharge from the penis.

32. Yeast vaginitis Candida albicans Reproductive System  Itching and irritation in the vagina
and vulva.
 A burning sensation, especially
during intercourse or while
 Redness and swelling of the vulva.
 Vaginal pain and soreness.
 Vaginal rash.
 Thick, white, odor-free vaginal
discharge with a cottage cheese
 Watery vaginal discharge.

33. Bartholintis Enterobacteriaceae Reproductive System  A tender, painful lump near the
vaginal opening.
 Discomfort while walking or
 Pain during intercourse.
 Fever.

34. Cervicitis staphylococcus Reproductive System  Large amounts of unusual vaginal

 Frequent, painful urination.
 Pain during sex.
 Bleeding between menstrual
 Vaginal bleeding after sex, not
associated with a menstrual period.

35. Epididymitis Chlamydia trachomatis, Neisseria Reproductive System  Pain in the scrotum, sometimes
gonorrhoea, Escherichia coli moving to the rest of the groin.
 Swelling and redness in the
 Blood in the semen.
 Fever and chills.
 Pain when urinating.

36. Pelvic inflammatory disease Chlamydia trachomatis (CT) and Neisseria Reproductive System  Pain — ranging from mild to
gonorrhoeae (NG) severe — in your lower abdomen
and pelvis.
 Abnormal or heavy vaginal
discharge that may have an
unpleasant odor.
 Abnormal uterine bleeding,
especially during or after
intercourse, or between menstrual
 Pain during intercourse.
 Fever, sometimes with chills.

37. Sexually transmitted diseases Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, and syphilis. Reproductive System  Sores or bumps on the genitals or
(STD) in the oral or rectal area.
 Painful or burning urination.
 Discharge from the penis.
 Unusual or odorous vaginal
 Unusual vaginal bleeding.
 Pain during sex.

38. Endocarditis staphylococci (staph) and streptococci Circulatory System  Aching joints and muscles.
(strep)  Chest pain when you breathe.
 Fatigue.
 Flu-like symptoms, such as fever
and chills.
 Night sweats.
 Shortness of breath.
 Swelling in your feet, legs or

39. Myocarditis staphylococcus Circulatory System  Chest pain.

 Rapid or irregular heartbeat
 Shortness of breath, at rest or
during activity.
 Fluid buildup with swelling of the
legs, ankles and feet.
 Fatigue.
 Other signs and symptoms of a
viral infection such as a headache,
body aches, joint pain, fever, a
sore throat or diarrhea.

40. Pericarditis Streptococcus pneumoniae Circulatory System  Abdominal or leg swelling.

 Cough.
 Fatigue or general feeling of
weakness or being sick.
 Low-grade fever.
 Pounding or racing heartbeat
(heart palpitations)
 Shortness of breath when lying

41. Syphilis Treponema pallidum Circulatory System  Enlarged lymph nodes near the
 Small, painless sores on the skin
anywhere on the body, including
inside the rectum and vagina

42. Chagas Trypanosoma cruzi Circulatory System  Swelling at the infection site.
 Fever.
 Fatigue.
 Rash.
 Body aches.
 Eyelid swelling.
 Headache.
 Loss of appetite.

43. Meningitis Streptococcus pneumoniae  Sudden high fever.

(pneumococcus)  Stiff neck.
 Severe headache that seems
different from normal.
 Headache with nausea or
 Confusion or difficulty
 Seizures.
 Sleepiness or difficulty waking.
 Sensitivity to light.

44. Meningoencephalitis herpes virus Nervous system  headache,

 fever
 pain in neck movement
 light sensitivity
 and seizure.

45. Toxoplasmosis Toxoplasma gondi Nervous system  Headache

 Fever
 Swollen lymph nodes
 Muscle pain

46. Opportunistic infections salmonella Nervous system  fever

 lethargy
 new pattern of headache or
headache lasting longer than 3
 new-onset seizures, or altered
mental function strongly suggest
an acute focal brain lesion.
47. Aspergillosis Genus Aspergillus Nervous System  Cough
 Wheezing
 Coughing up blood
 Shortness of breath
 Fever
 Stuffy nose
 Runny nose
 Headache
 Chest pain
 Skin lesions

48. Cytomegalviruses Herpes Viruses Nervous System  Fever

 Night sweats
 Tiredness and uneasiness
 Sore throat
 Joint and muscle pain
 Low appetite and weight loss
 Large mouth ulcers

49. Malaria Genus Plasmodium Nervous System  High fever

 Shaking chills that can range from
moderate to severe
 Profuse sweating
 Headache
 Abdominal pain
 Muscle pain
 Nausea
 Vomiting
 Diarrhea
 Anemia
 Deep breathing and respiratory
 Clinical jaundice and evidence of
vital organ dysfunction
 Impaired consciousness
 Bloody stools
 Convulsions
 Coma

50. Tubercolosis Mycobacterium Respiratory System  Persistent cough (which lasts for
more than 2 weeks)
 Cough with blood in sputum
 Fever for more than 2 weeks
 Pain in chest
 Weight loss
 Night sweats
 Loss of appetite


Make a lists of common infections in every body system or body area. Use this format for your activity. Please use this chapter of your book for the common list of infections.
Submission is on or before December 11 Saturday 12:00 PM. Thank you.

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