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Government of Tamilnadu

Department of Employment and Training

Course : TNPSC Group I Exam

Subject : Geography
Topic : Minerals in India

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Department of Employment and Training


A mineral is a natural substance of Various stages of development

organic or inorganic origin with definite
have been named after minerals,
chemical and physical properties. A
rock which has large concentration of a such as:
particular mineral is called the ore of that 1. The Stone Age: Man made weapons
mineral. and implements from stones.
2. Copper was probably the first metal
Characteristics of minerals: that man learnt to mine and with its
1. They are unevenly distributed over use started the Copper Age.
the surface of the Earth. 3. The Bronze Age started when man
2. No country in the world is self- developed a stronger and more
sufficient in all the minerals. durable metal by mixing copper
3. Most of the minerals have and tin.
impurities. 4. About 3000 years ago, the Bronze
4. Minerals are exhaustible. Age was replaced by the lron Age.
5. Iron Age came to be replaced by the
Steel Age in the modern times.


Metallic minerals: produced in our country,out of which 30

The metallic minerals contain metals may be considered quite important. Most
such as iron, copper, manganese, bauxite, of the metallic minerals are found in the
gold, etc. The metallic minerals are further peninsular plateau region, especially in
divided into: the old crystalline rocks. The minerals
a. Ferrous minerals, which have iron are generally concentrated in three belts.
contents, such as iron, manganese, There may be some occurrences here and
nickel, cobalt, tungsten, etc. there in isolated pockets.
b. Non-ferrous minerals do not have The three belts are as under: The
from contents, such as gold, silver, Northeastern Plateau region, the
copper, bauxite, etc. Southwestern Plateau region and the
Northwestern region.
Non-metallic minerals:
a) The non-metallic minerals do not Iron Ore:
contain metals, such as mica, Iron is the backbone of modern
limestone, gypsum, potash, coal. civilization and is a metal of universal use.
b) Some non-metallic minerals are also It is a durable and cheap metal which can
regarded as the mineral fuels, such be moulded in different forms and can be
as coal and petroleum. mixed with other metals to form alloys. Iron
is not found in pure form. It is often mixed
Distribution of Minerals with lime, magnesium, phosphorous,
It has been estimated that nearly silicon, etc.
100 different minerals are known to be


Haematite It is reddish in color, so it is also known as red- 60-70%
Magnetite The color of the ore is dark brown to blackish and is 70%
known as black ore. It has magnetic properties.
Limonite It is yellow or light brown in color. It is called hydrated 40- 60%
iron oxide, when the iron ore in mixed with oxygen
and water. Its mining is easier and cheaper.
Siderite It is an inferior variety of iron ore and has many 20- 40%
impurities. It is also called iron carbonate.


Reserves of Iron Ore Jharkhand: PurviSinghbhum, Paschimi

India has about 20 per cent of the Singhbhum and Palamau districts, at
world’s total reserves of iron ore. About 75 Charia in Singhbhum district. A major
per cent of the total reserves of the iron ore part of the iron ore production goes to
in India are of haematite grade. Rourkela, Bokaro, and IISCO steel plants.
Jharkhand, Orissa, Karnataka, Madhya The exports are mainly through Haldia
Pradesh, Chattisgarh and Goa, have about port.
97 per cent of the total iron ore reserves of Karnataka: The bulk of the production
India. (more than 90 per cent) comes from
State/Area Percentage of the Bellary district, followed by Chitradurga,
Reserves Chikmagalur, Bijapur, Tumkur, etc. The
1. Jharkhand 25.7 state is the second largest producer of iron
2. Orissa 21.6 ore in India.
3. Karnataka 20.7 Goa: It is the third largest producer
4. MP-Chattisgarh 18.5 of iron ore and most of the production
5. Goa 10.5 comes from the mines in North Goa.
6. Maharashtra 1.8 The ore is of inferior quality. Almost the
7. Others 1.2 entire production from Goa is exported to
Orissa: The high grade haematite variety
AREAS OF IRON ORE of iron ore is found in the Mayurbhanj,
PRODUCTION Keonjhar and Sundargarh districts. The
other producing districts or areas are
Today India is the largest producer
Sambalpur, Cuttack and Korapur.
of iron ore in Asia and seventh largest
Andhra Pradesh: The main iron ore
producer in the world. Most of the iron
producing centres are in the districts
ore mined in India are of Haematite and
of Anantapur, Khammam, Kurnool,
Magnetite varieties. These ores have
Cuddapah, Krishna and Nellore.
high percentage of iron contents and low
Tamil Nadu: Most of iron ore with 35
sulphur contents.
to 50 per cent of iron contents are found
Madhya Pradesh-Chattisgarh: Durg,
in Salem, North Arcot, Tiruchchirappalli,
Bastar and Jabalpur districts. Bailadila
Coimbatore and Madurai districts.
range in Bastar and Dhalli-Raihara range
in Durg are the main producing regions.
Some production of iron ore is from
Raigarh, Bilaspur, Mandla, Balagat and
Ratnagiri, Chandrapur, Satara and Bandara
Surguja districts.
districts in Maharashtra; Bhilwara and


Udaipur districts in Rajasthan; Junagarh There are three main areas of manganese
and Bhavnagar districts in Gujarat; production in our country.
Mahendragarh district in Haryana; 1. The northeastern region,
Rajauri, Jammu and Udhampur districts comprising Orissa and Jharkhand.
in Jammu and Kashmir; and in some The reserves are about 19 per cent
parts of Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, and and the production is about 33 per
Himachal Pradesh. cent.
2. The central region, comprising
Trade of Iron Ore:
Madhya Pradesh and north
Exported to Japan, South Korea, East
Maharashtra. The reserves are about
European Countries and the Gulf region.
15 per cent and the production is
The main ports handing the export are
about 39 per cent.
Marmugao, Vishakhapatanam, Paradip,
3. The peninsular region, comprising
Mangalore, Haldia and Chennai.
Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Goa
and south Maharashtra. The
Manganese is a black hard and iron-like
reserves are about 45 per cent and
metal, which is widely used in the making
the production is about 30 per cent.
of iron and steel and in the manufacture
of ferro-manganese alloys. It is also used
It is the largest producer (33 per cent)
in the manufacture of bleaching powder,
of manganese in the country. The ore has
dry cell batteries, enamel, insecticides,
high iron and low phosphorus contents.
plastics, glazed potteries, matches, glass
Districts: Keonjhar, Sundargarth,
and chemical industries.
Korapur, Kalahandi, Mayurbhanj, Talcher
Occurrence and Reserves of Manganese
and Bolangir districts.
In India
Madhya Pradesh:
The highest occurrence of manganese
It is the third largest producer (20 per
ore in India is found in the Dhawar system
cent) of manganese in the country. The
of rocks. India has 20 per cent of the total
main producing districts are Balaghat,
known reserves in the world. The main
Chhindwara, Jabalpur and Jhabua. Small
reserves are in Karnataka, Orissa, Madhya
deposits are also found in Dewas, Sehore
Pradesh, Maharashtra and Goa. Some
and Nimar districts.
reserves also occur in Andhra Pradesh,
Jharkhand, Gujarat, Rajasthan and West
With largest reserves of manganese, the
state is the fourth largest producer (14 per
Areas of Manganese Production in
cent) in the country.
Districts: Bellary is the most important
India is the fifth largest producer of
producer followed by Shimoga, Chitradurga,
manganese in the world, after Brazil,
Tumkur and Belgaum districts.
Gabon, South Africa and Australia.


Others: Limestone (calcium carbonate) is

The other producing states are Andhra associated with rocks composed of
Pradesh (Srikakulam and Vishakhapatnam carbonate of calcium and magnesium or
districts), Rajasthan, Goa, Gujarat, mixture of the two. Limestone deposits are
Jharkhand, Tamil Nadu and West Bengal. of sedimentary origin and exist in almost
Bauxite: all geological formations except in the
Bauxite, a clay-like substance, is the Gondwana region.Of the total consumption,
ore of aluminium. Due to its lightness, 75 per cent is used in cement industry, 16
strength, malleability, ductility, heat and per cent in iron and steel industry, 4 per
electrical conductivity and resistance to cent in chemical industry and the rest in
atmospheric corrosion, aluminium has paper, sugar, fertilizers, ferro-manganese,
become one of the most useful metals in glass and rubber industries.
the present age. Converting bauxite into Areas of Limestone Production
aluminium, depends on the availability of Almost all the states in India produce
cheap and enough electricity. some quantities of limestone, but about
Reserves of Bauxite in India: 75 per cent of the total production comes
The Indian reserves of bauxite are the from Madhya Pradesh, Chattisgarh,
fifth largest in the world after Guinea, Andhra Pradesh, Rajasthan, Gujarat and
Australia, Brazil and Vietnam. More than Karnataka
half of India’s bauxite reserves are in Coal:
Orissa and Andhra Pradesh states. Coal, a mineral fuel, is the main
Recently extensive deposits of bauxite source of energy in India. Coal is an
have been discovered in the Jammu and organic substance, composed mainly of
Poonch areas of the Jammu and Kashmir hydrocarbons, found in the sedimentary
state. The other states which have rich rocks. In the geological past, large areas
reserves of bauxite are Jharkhand, under thick forests were buried under
Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Maharashtra, the sediments. The heat and pressure of
Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Goa and
the overlying sediments together with the
Uttar Pradesh.
earth movement led to the formation of
Areas of Bauxite Production
coal. Coal’s capacity to give energy depends
About 90 per cent of bauxite in our
upon its carbon content.
country is of metallic grade. There has been
a significant progress in the production of Types of Coal
bauxite in India. Coal can be grouped in four types,
Orissa, Jharkhand, Bihar, Gujarat, such as peat, lignite, bituminous and
Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, anthracite.
Chattisgarh and Tamil Nadu.


Type Carbon Characteristics Occurence

PEAT less than 40 % It has a high percentage of
moisture and volatile matter. It
leaves a large amount of ash.
LIGNITE 40- 60% Lignite is soft, but more compact Rajasthan, Tamil
than peat. It has large percentage Nadu, Assam
of moisture and less amount of and Jammu and
combustible matter. Kashmir
BITUMINOUS 60- 80% The moisture and the volatile Jharkhand,
contents are also less. In this type Orissa, West-
of coal is also known bunker coal Bengal, Madhya
to the sailors. It is widely used in Pradesh and
the making of coke and gas. Coke Chhattisgarh.
is mainly used in the iron and
steel industry for smelting iron
ore in blast furnaces.
ANTHRACITE 80- 90% It has no volatile matter. It Only in Jammu
does not ignite easily, but once and Kashmir,
lighted, it has the highest heating and that too
capacity. It burns for a long time in very small
and leaves very little ash behind. quantity.

Occurrence of Coal in India:

The coalfields in India are classified into Rapid industrial development after
two groups: independence gave a great boost to coal
1. The Gondwana Coalfields: Mostly production in India. It further increased
in river valleys, such as Damodar, after the nationalization of coal mines
Mahanadi, Son, Godavari, in 1972 and the formation of Coal India
Wardha, Narmada, etc. Ltd. in 1975.
2. The Tertiary Coalfields: Assam, Coal Production in India
Meghalaya, Tamil Nadu, Rajasthan, India is the fourth largest coal producer
Gujarat and Arunachal Pradesh. in the world.
About 80 percent of the coal deposits
in India is of bituminous type, and is of


non-cooking grade. About 75 percent of producing centres to the consuming

lignite production comes from Neyveli areas.
in Tamil Nadu and the rest from Origin and Occurrence of Petroleum
Kachchh district of Gujarat. The crude petroleum deposits are found
Problems of Coal Mining In India only in the sedimentary rock basins of
 Coal distribution is highly uneven marine origin. But all sedimentary rocks
throughout India. do not contain mineral oil. Petroleum has
 Coal-consuming industries have to an organic origin and is formed by the
pay a high price for coal. gradual decay and compression of various
 Much of the Indian coal is non- marine deposits.
coking grade. This is unsuitable for They remain buried for millions of years
metallurgical industries. and the decomposition of the organic
 The problem in transportation arises matter has led to the formation of mineral
due to lack of railway facilities, oil.
variation in gauges, shortage Reserves of Petroleum in India
of wagons, slow movement of 1. The Terai zone running parallel to
trains, pilferage, etc. the Himalayas from Jammu and
 The coal mining techniques are old Kashmir to Assam.
and outdated. 2. River basins of Ganga, Satluj, etc.
Coal dust in the mines near the pit- including deltaic tracts of Ganga,
heads Mahanadi, Godavari, Krishna and
 Create environmental pollution. Kaveri.
 The safety measures are expensive. 3. The continental shelf along the
 There are heavy losses due to Western Coast, Gulf of Cambay, and
pilferage, and fire in the coal mines the islands in the Arabian Sea and
and at pit-heads. the Bay of Bengal.
 Power shortage. Areas of Petroleum Production
Petroleum Until 1953, Digboi was the sole
Petroleum is found in the underground producer of mineral oil in India. There are
reservoirs associated with sedimentary four main petroleum producing regions in
rocks. In some reservoirs the mineral oil our country.
is found in association with natural gas. 1. Two of them are on-shore-the
Petroleum is a compact and convenient Brahmaputra valley and the Gujarat
fuel, which has revolutionized land, air Coast.
and water transportation. It can be easily 2. The other two are off-shore-the
transported through pipelines from the western coast off-shore oilfields and the


eastern coast off-shore started in 1961. The petroleum is rich

oilfields. in kerosene and gasoline. The entire
About two-third of the total petroleum production is sent to Kovali and Trombay
production in India comes from the off- refineries. The Ahamedabad - Kalol area is
shore oilfields. located towards the north of the Cambay
basin. The other oil-fields are in Kosamba,
The Brahmaputra Valley
Kathana, Sanad, Dholka, Bakrol, Kadi,
It is the oldest oil producing region in
India. The main oil producing fields are
at Digboi, Moran-Hugrijan, NaharKatiya, The Off-Shore Oilfields
Rudrasagar, Surma Valley, etc. in the Kuchchh, Khambat, Konkan, Malabar
districts of Dibrugarh and Sibsagar in Coast, Coromandel Coast, Sundarbans
Assam. and Krishna-Godavari delta.
The crude petroleum from Digboi is sent The West Coast off-shore oilfields
the ONGC has discovered oilfields at
to Digboi refinery and from NaharKatiya
Mumbai High(1974, The petroleum has a
to Noonmati and Barauni refineries.
higher percentage of petrol and kerosene),
The Moran-Hugrijan is located 40 km
Bassein and Aliabet.
southwest of NaharKatiya. The crude oil
The Eastern the Coast Off-shore
is sent to the Barauni refinery. Some oil- Oilfields Petroleum and natural gas
fields have been located in Tripura and have been discovered in the basin and
Arunachal Pradesh. delta regions of Godavari, Krishna and
Kaveri rivers. These oil fields are likely to
The Gujarat Coast
contribute to about 3 to 4 million tonnes
This is the second largest petroleum
of crude oil every year.
producing area in India. This area has two
Reserves of crude oil have also been
distinct oil-bearing belts-Gulf of Cambay discovered in Bilaspur (UP), Jawalamukhi
(Cambay and Ankleshwar) and the area (Punjab), Barmer (Rajasthan), etc.
from Kaira to Mehsana (Kalol, Navgam, Oil Refineries
Bacharji and Mehsana). The first oil refinery was commissioned
The Cambay oil-fields lie about 60 km at Digboi (Assam) in 1901, with a capacity
west of Vadodara. The crude oil has less of two lakh tonnes per year.
sulphur and more wax. The commercial
production in the Ankleshwar region



Refinery State Year of
1. Digboi (IOC) Assam 1901
2. Trombay (HPCL) Maharashtra 1954
3. Trombay (BPCL) Maharashtra 1955
4. Vishakhapatnam (HPCL) Andhra Pradesh 1957
5.Noonmati (IOC) Assam 1962
6. Barauni (IOC) Bihar 1964
7. Koyali (IOC) Gujarat 1965
8. Kochi (BPCL) Kerala 1966

9. Chennai (IOC) Tamil Nadu 1969

10. Haldia (IOC) West Bengal 1975

11. Bongaigaon (IOC) Assam 1979

12. Mathura (IOC) Uttar Pradesh 1982
13. Mangalore (MRPL) Karnataka 1996
14. Jamnagar (RIL) Gujarat 1999
15. Panipat (IOC) Haryana 1997
16. Tatipaka Andhra Pradesh
17. Nagapattinum Tamil Nadu


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