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 Reassessment of stunting:
 Types of alcohol found in a bear: ethanol, methanol, propanol, butanol.
 Types of food modification: gene editing, natural selection, selective breeding, induced
mutation, genome duplication (polyploidy)
 Food modification methods include (except) quantity, quality, flavor and frequency
 What is meal management is combination of meal preparation, meal planning and meal
storage all working together in synergy. Does it avoid food wastage? yes
 Meal planning steps: RDA, food list, make a menu
 Food entitlement: it depends on what resources we have to access food) hunger and
sufficient food supply may coexist independently.
 Nutrition in emergency: any situation where there is an exceptional and wide spread
threat to life, health and basic subsistence which is beyond the coping capacity of
individuals and community. Complex emergency a major humanitarian crisis of multi-
cousal nature, essential from internal or externalconflict and whichrequires an
international response and extends beyond mandate or capacity of sing agency.
 Micronutrients in emergences: vit A, iodine, iron and zinc, folic acid those are main in
general but in emergency thiamin, vit B and vit C, niacin
 Micronutrient deficiency in Rwanda: iron
 Type of malnutrition in emergency ( edema, marasmus, kwashiorkor,kwashior-marasmus
 Cause of anemia: micronutrients deficiency (iron, cobalt, B12, B6,B9 ) and parasitic
 Micronutrient in management of diarrhea: zinc
 Source of essential fatty acids: fatty fish, shellfish,seaweed oil,flaxseed , linseed, hemp
seed, walnut, sunflower seeds, chia seeds, leafy vegetable, pumpkin seed, canola seed
soyabeans, olive oil,
 Meaning of essential nutrients: are compounds that the body can not make or can not
make in sufficient quantity.
 Child less than 6 months in emergency type of feeding: exclusive breastfeeding
 Clients with dysphasia type of diet: mechanical soft, and pureed, modify food texture
regural diet require puree, food which is tender and easy to break into pieces with a fork.
Minced and moist, assess if mixed texture are tolerated. Pureed or extremely thick:
homogenous cohesive smooth texture. Liquids must be like a nectar(slight thick) or
honey(mildly thick) clear liquid (no solid) or full liquid(pureed solid), pudding thick
liquid(moderately thick and liquidized)
 Types of diet for person with epilepsies: ketogenic diet with high 3, 4 g of fat and low
carbohydrate for every 1 g of carbohydrate and protein
 Marinating: is the process of soaking foods in a seasoned, often acid, liquid before
cooking its add flavor.
 Blanching: is cooking techniques where fruits and vegetables briefly immersed in boiling
water for 1or 2 min followed by an ice bath to rapidly cool off the food or a mild
treatment that primarily destroys enzymes and reduce microbial load
 Diet for mouth sores: choose soft bland food (soups and stews, meat are soft and tender),
not raw fruits with tough skin, avoid citrus fruits and juice, salty, spicy foods tomatoes,
carbonated and caffeinated drinks avoid alcohol, very hot food , choose good sources of
protein to combat weight loss, 8 to 10 ounces of water each day. Use good mouth care.
 Steps for nutrition education( good sequence of steps) : strategies, objectives, topics,
 When to diagnose diabetes type 2: 2 hours after meal 7.8 to 11.1 mmol/ l, 4to 7 mmol/l
 Boiled cassava and apples which has high glycemic index:
 Anthropometric measurement of children: height, weight, HC, MUAC, age,
 Management of diabetes is diet of low glucose
 Risk factors of diabetes type 2: old age 45, prediabetes, g diabetes, family history of
diabetes, obesity
 What mineral that improve hypertension: sodium
 Definition of epidemiology: branch of medicine deal with the incidence, distribution and
possible control of diseases and other factors relating to health.
 Epidemiology and anthropology: an integrated approach dealing with bio-socio-culture
aspects as strategy for the control of endemic diseases vise pathology: medical specialty
concerned with the study of the nature and cause of diseases and anthropology: the study
of humanity through the application of biology, culture studies, archaeology, linguistics,
and other social sciences.
 Which is responsible of red/blue/purple colour of fruits: anthocyanin
 What is lost during washing of cutting meat: minerals mainly Na and K
 Role of monitoring process and control impact
 Role of calcium: health of bones and teeth, functioning of nerve and muscles tissue,
keeping a normal heartbeat, clotting blood
 Prevalence and incidence
 Vehicle of diseases: mode of diseases transmission of infectious pathogens from the
source vector of diseases: living organism that transmit infectious agents from infected
animal to a human or another animal and route of diseases
 Recommended range of dairy intake of dietary fibers: 25 to 30 g per day.
 Distribution of vitamin A to children 6 to 12 months and period100 000 IU
 Distribution of vitamin A to children 12 to 59 months and period 200 000 IU
 Oil refining method: separation (distillation and absorption), cracking, reforming,
(reshape), combine and treat
 Preterm delivery: < 37 weeks very preterm < 28 weeks
 Caloric value of wet feeding in emergency ( feeding in emergency)
 Primary health care
 ABCD in full: anthropometric, biomedical, clinical, dietary, nutrition care process:
nutrition assessment, nutrition diagnosis, nutrition intervention and nutrition monitoring
 FFQ where it is used in large epidemiological studies
 Method used to remove phytate from cereals: fermentation, soaking , germination
(sprouting) and enzymatic treatment of grains with phytase enzymes
 Effects of drinking coffee and tea while eating: they contain tannin (polyphenol) which
interfere with iron absorption

 Cause of pellagra: lack of niacin, tryptophan, or malabsoption of those nutrient or

gastrointestinal diseases
 Other name of vit D calcitriol
 Anorexia nervosa: is an eating disorder characterized by an abnormally low body weight
in an intensive fear of gaining weight and distorted perception of weight.
 Treatment of anorexia: to restore to health body weight, body image issues as weight is
regained, acceptability of certain food, healthful food plan for weight gain, addressing
negative feeling trigger foods, nutrition education, devp behavior strategies
 Definition of hemorrhoids: swollen enlarged veins that form inside and outside of the
anus and rectum.
 Food borne intoxication or poisoning: it happen when toxic bacteria growing on food is
released into the bloodstream after contaminated food is eaten.
 Iron mineral role: transfer of oxygen from lungs to other parts of the body, component of
enzymes and protein helps in metabolism, helps muscle store and use oxygen.
 DRIs: Dietary reference intakes
 Normal iron range for girls and boys 12 to21 years 8 mg -15 mg
 Canning: method of food preserving from spoilage by storing it in containers that are
hermitically sealed and then sterilized, pasteurization: heat treatment destroy pathogenic
microorganism and their enzymes in certain food and beverage
 LDL: bad cholesterol which transfer cholesterol from liver to the cells, HDL: good
cholesterol which absorb cholesterol and carry it back to the liver for excretion.
 The most prevalent global burden is under nutrition
 Thermophilic bacteria: grow in high temperature ranged btn 41 and 122 degree celicius
 Microbiology: is the study of all living organism that are too small to be visible with the
naked eye. Bacteria, viruses, Achaea, fungi and protozoa
 Most bacteria grow best at neutrol PH
 Triggers of nutrition in emergency: natural disaster, conflicts, political crisis, economics
shocks and food price.
 Antioxidant: selenium
 Role of lipid in intense exercise: fat is extremely important substance for muscle
contraction both at rest and during exercise free fatty acid from triglyceride stored in
muscle oxidized during exercise.
 List of macro minerals: Ca, P, Mg, Na ,K, CL, S
 Basal metabolic rate: is the amount of energy that is expended at rest in neutral
environment after the digestive system has been inactive for about 12 hours or energy
required to keep the body functioning at rest
 Definition of putrefaction: the process of decay or rotting in a body or other organic
matter, decomposition of organic matter eg: anaerobic splitting of protein by bacteria and
fungi resulting in production of a foul. It occurs btn 10 to 20 days of the death of an
 Definition of dyspepsia (indigestion): persistent or recurrent pain or discomfort in the
upper abdomen or nondescript, nonspecific upper abdominal symptoms which may
include discomfort, bloating, a feeling of unusual fullness with very little intake of food
or following meals.
 Hormone responsible of uterus contraction is oxytocin
 Role of international code on breast milk substitution: the aim of this code is to the
provision of safe and adequate nutrition for infants by protection and promotion of
breast-feeding, and ensuring the proper use of breast-milk substitutes, when these are
necessary on the basis of adequate information and through appropriate marketing and
 Definition of international code of breast-milk substitutes: is an international health
policy frame work for breastfeeding promotion adopted by the world health assembly in
1981. It recommends restrictions on the marketing of breast milk substitutes such as
infant formula to ensure that mothers are not discouraged from breastfeeding and
substitutes, substitutes are used safely if needed. Also covers ethical consideration and
regulations for marketing of feeding bottles and teats.
 Macronutrient distribution range: 45% to 65% of carbohydrate, 10% to 35% protein, 20%
to 35% fat
 What is hidden hunger: is a form of malnutrition that occurs when intake and absorption
of vitamin and minerals are too low to sustain good health and development.
 Types of malnutrition: overnutrition and undernutrition
 Double burden of malnutrition: is characterized by coexistence of undernutrition along
with overweight and obesity, or diet related no communicable diseases with individuals,
households, populations and across the life course.
 Functions of RAHP:

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