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2016 MARCH



2016 MARCH
lhtr tclchcr's rnanual tbr the Crade I I English T'ext provides detailett explanation
11s1 f11rn, tg tcach the different components of'each unit. [rach lesson usuall;"

t*nnri*,ts ol'lt reading passage followed by comprehension questions. a cloze item.

g vrreirhulary developrnent componcnt, a punctuation exercise, a grammar revierv
*gliorr. rvriting tasks ancl cxiircises on poems.

l'hc rr;anual f<rr eacit unit bcgins with the aims of the tcsson. thc tirnc alloned ancl
lhc telching aids needed. The reading passage is usually preceded by a pre-
reorJinq activity to arouse the interest of the students as well as to provide theln
'l'he manual shows how
wlth any' help needcd to understand thc reading rnaterial,
rtudcnts'sult-skills ol-rcading ma-v- be dcvcloped and the kind of reading strategies
tirot students need to apply'to be able to deal with unknowtt vocabularl'. Key to
thc comprehcnsion cxercises arc provided to help teachers in dcciding the correct
{nswcr. manual also provides cxplanation on ltorv 1o hclp stttdents deai rvith
iht: cloze item and flurther expand their vt'rcabulary. Both tbrm as well as litnction
is dealt rvith in the grammar revicrv sccti<ln. 1-irc writing task consist5 of rvriting a

paragraph. an essay or a letter and the manutrl i"rrovides lechniques based on

l)r()ccss u,riting to dcvclop thc writing skill of ih'; ,,tttdents. Uoth tcachers and
students wilt of paticncc in promt;tirtg the writing skill. It is alstr
need to havc a lot
irnp<lrtant that the teacher provides both encouragemsnt and l-et:dback trt stttdcnts
so that striclents will know whcre they havc gone wrong and horv their rvriting
shoulcl be irtrproved. Additional grammar exercises arc Drovided in thc ntanual str
that teachcrs can cxtra excrciscs to students tcl ensurc thcir mastery of a
grarnmatical fr:ature or a slruoturc. Whenever possible. lhe teacher shoulC creatc
opporturritics for students 10 use English to convc)' real intbrtnation.

It is lroped that thc teaclrcr's rnanual rrill lre rr!'hclpto the teachcr in itnprt,ving thc
quality ol- their teaching as well as in devcloping thc language skills o{'the
thatthcy will become cornpetent uscrs olthe Ilnglish languagc both in
studenr.s so
thcir acadentic pr-rrsuits and in their luture oareers and become highly qualilied
human resourccs fbr thc nation.

Title of the Unit : The Calendar

AimoftheLesson : To familiarize students with the origiir of the calendar
contained in the reading passage, to teach the grammar
on To Infinitive and Reported Speech, and to practice
writing a guided paragraph.
Allocation : 45 minutes x l0 periods
TeachingAids : Acalendar
Teaching Procedure
Pre-reading Stagt
Step 1: Predicting frslirr the Tifle
. Ask students to read the title.

' Read the title aloud as a model and ask

students to repeat after you with
correct pronunciation.
Calendar / krel.on.ds./
' Ask students what they expect to read in the passage
after reading the titre.
Accept any relevant answers.
Step 2: Doing pre-reading tasks

' Ask students the questions from the pre-re" .,ng

Task in the text.
Suggested Answers
l. My date ofbirth is ...........
2' There are seven days in a week in
the Myanmar calendar. They are
Taninganwe (Sunday), Taninra (Monday), -Ainga
(Tuesda), Boddahu:
(wednesday), Kyatha-bade: (Thursday),-
ihouk.lkyo (Friday) and, sane

3. No, each month does not have the same

number of days.

Step 3: Pre-teaching
. Select the difficult words in the passage whose meaning students may not be
able to guess from the context.

Rome : eepo$;r doo3$3e

Step 4: Model Reading

. Ask students to put a slant line whenever the teacher makes a pause.

. Read the passage in meaningful chunks as a model.

Step 5: Checking the pauses and Reading aloud

. Re-read each paragraph and point out the pauses you have made.
. Ask students to check whether they have drawn the slant lines in the correct
. Ask students to read aloud with correct pauses. Note down the words students
cannot pronounce well.

Step 6: Drilling the pronunciation of unfamiliar words

. Drill the words that students cannot pronounce well and ask them to listen to
and repeat after you.

Example: scientific, Egypt, Julius Caesar, Gregorian

While-reading Stage
Step 1: Silent Reading, Skimming and Scanning
Silent Reading
. Ask students to read paragraphs I - 5 silently.

Select aparagraph and ask students to read the paragraph quickly and ask them
what that paragraph is about.
Example: What is the first paragraphabout?
More than 2,000 years ago, scientists in Egypt
made a calendar. There
were ten days in a week, three weeks in
a month,lnd twelve months in a year.
This calendar showed away to count weeks
and months, but it was not scientific.
Answer: about the Egyptian calendar
Select noticeable and specific information
in the paragraph. Ask students to find
Example: Where was the first calendar made?
Answer: in Egypt
Silent Reading
. Ask students to read paragraphs 6 and7 silently.

' Select a paragraph and ask the students

to read the paragraph quickly and ask
them what that paragraph is about.
Example: What is this paragraph about?
Many years rater in Rome, Jurius caesar tried
thought that a year should be 365 days
to fix the calendar. He
and 6 hours torg.-rr. added an extra day
every four years. The year with an extra
day is callei leap year. The year is
really, 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes and
46 seconds long. Julius Caesar,s
calendar was almost twelve minutes too
fast. Twelve minutes is not much, but by
the year 1582 scientists showed that the
calendar was about l0 days faster than
the sun. Pope Gregory XIII wanted to
make a better pi;.
Answer: how Julius caesar tried to fix the
Egyptian calendar
' Select noticeable and specific information
in the paragraph. Ask sfudents to
find it.
Example: Look at the given paragraphand
find the year in which scientists
showed that the carendar was about l0 days faster than the sun.

Many years later in Rome, Julius Caesar tried to fix the calendar. He
thought that a year should be 365 days and 6 hours long. He added an extra day
every four years. The year with an extra day is called leap year. The year is
really, 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes and 46 seconds long. Julius Caesar's
calendar was almost twelve minutes too fast. Twelve minutes is not much, but by
the year 1582 scientists showed that the calendar was about 10 clays faster than
the sun. Pope Gregory XIII wanted to make a better plan.
Answer: 1582
Silent Reading
. Ask students to read paragraphs 8 and 9 silently.
Select aparagraph and ask the students to read the paragraph quickly and ask
them what that paragraph is about.
Example: What is this paragraph about?
Scientists tried one way, and then they tried another. Finally, they
decided to continue to have every fourth year as a leap year. Then they solved
the problem of the calendar going too fast. They made a plan to take out three
days every 400 years. A year ending in 00 is not aleap year unless it can be
divided evenlyby400. The year 1600 was a leap year, but 1700, 1800 and 1900
were not. The year 2000 was a leap year.
Answer: about how scientists tried to keep the calendar right in the future
. Select noticeable and specific information in the paragraph. Ask students to
tmcl rt.

Example: Look at the given paragraph and find the name of the calendar used

This is the plan we use now. Our calendar, named for Pope Gregory, is
called the Gregorian Calendar. It is not quite exact. It is 26 seconds fast each
year by sun time. Our calendar will not be fast by a whole day for at least 3,000
Answer: the Gregorian Calendar

Step 2: Dealing with Referents, unfamiliar words

and Complex Strucfures
Dealing with Referents
' Select some referents (pronouns) and ask students to find
their antecedents
(what these pronouns refer to).
Example: what does the underlined word in the given sentence
refer to?
Many years later in Rome, Julius Caesar tried to fix the calendar.
thought that a year should be 365 days and 6 hours long.
Answer: Julius Caesar
Dealing with Unfamiliar Words

' Select some unfamiliar words and ask students to guess

their meaning by
breaking the words into different meaningful parts, guessing
the meaning of
the words from affixes or contextual clues.

Example: What does the phrase 'leap year'mean in these

sentences? What is the
contexfual clue word?
"He added an extra day every four years. The year with an
extra day is
called leap year.,,
Answer: leap year: the year with an extra day
The verb 'is called' is the clue to the meaning of
'leap year'. The phrase preceding
it defines what follows it.
Dealing with Complex Structures

' Select complex structures that sfudents may find

difficult and explain them.
How can you divide the given sentence into its smaller parts?
Twelve minutes is not much, but by the year 1582
scientists showed that the
calendar was about 10 days faster than the sun.
Answers: Main clause : Twelve minutes is not much
Main clause : scientists showed
Conjunction : but
Subordinate clause : that the calendar was about l0 days faster than
the sun

Post-reading Stage
Step 1: Checking Comprehension
. Ask students to do the comprehension exercises from the text book.

A. Choose the correct expression to fill in each blank.

scientific 2.(d) i watch 3. (b) count 4. (d) solve
1. (d)
5.(d) 365 days,5 hours,48 minutes and46 seconds
6. (b) 10 days, 7. (b) a leap 8. (a) an extra 9. (b) exact
10. (a) 24 hours
B. Complete the following table, using the information from the passage.
Stage Name of When Weakness/ Solution
Calendar made Problem
I The more than not scientific made a five-day
Egyptian 2000 years slower than holiday at the end of
calendar ago the sun year each year

2 Julius many almost twelve made a plan to take

Caesar's years later minutes too out three days every
calendar fast 400 years
J The ts82 26 seconds Nil.
Gregorian fast each year
will not be fast by a
whole day for qt least
3,000 years

C. Answer the following questions in complete sentences.

1. Scientists in Egypt made the first calendar.
2. The Egyptians' way of counting weeks and months is that there were ten days
in a week, three weeks in a month and twelve months in a year.
3. It takes the earth a day to turn around one time.
4. The earth takes ayeff to travel around the sun one time.
5. The Egyptian year was 360 days long.
6. The Egyptians' yearly calendar was like using a watch that
runs slow.
7. The Egyptians solved the problem by making
a five-day holiday at.the end
each year.
8. Julius caesar made the Egyptian calendar right by adding an
extra day every
four years.
9' The main problem for the scientists in pope
Gregory,s time was how to keep
the calendar right in the future, year after year.
10' Scientists solved the problem of Julius Caesar's
calendar going too fast by
making a plan to take out three days every 400 years.
D. Discussion points
Do you think the following pairs of underlined
expressions are similar in
meaning? Say yes or No.
1. No 2. Yes 3. yes 4. yes 5. yes
Step 2: Inferring

' Ask students a question for the information which

is not explicitly stated in the
. Ask them to use their experience and intuition.
Will the year 2100 be a leap year? Why?
Answer: No, it is because the year 2100 cannot be divided evenly by 400.
Step 1:
Ask them to study the following sentences.
The Use of 'Make'
l. More than 2,000 years ago, scientists in Egypt
made a carendar. (produced or
2. Adding five holidays did not make the Egyptians,
calendar right. (cause sth /
sb to be or become sth)

3. pope Gregory XIII wanted to make a better plan. (make + noun equivalent to
4. 360 days do not make a full year. (equal)
Step 2: Ask them to read out the instruction and put the expressions in the
Step 3: Check the answers, making them read aloud.
Now put the following expressions in the correct column given below'
produce or create cause sth / sb make + noun equal
to be or equivalent to
become verb
make a calendar make it right make a plan make a year

make wine make it clear make a guess 5 andT make 12

make one's own make it easy make a decision A hundred pyas

make one kyat


A. To Infinitive and Gerund

(1) To Infinitive
The Infinitive is the basic form of a verb (without inflections).
To infinitive can be used in structures such as these -
verb -r to infinitive
Example She decided to stay at home last night.
verb * question word + to infinitive
Example They found out how to put together days, weeks, months and years.
verb * object + to infinitive
Example The Egyptian calendar showed a way to count weeks and months.
verb + object -t question word i to infinitive
Example I'll show you how to play chess.
adjective + to infinitive
Example It is easy to understand the calendar we use today.

adjective + of /for + object -r to infinitive

Example : It's very kind of you to help me.
Exercise : complete the sentences using the rto infinitive,, form of the verbs
in the box.
1' to unlock 2. to meet 3. to leave 4. to spell 5. to answer 6. to find
(2) The Gerund
When we use the -ing form as a noun, it is called
The -ing form can be used
after prepositions
Example : It was like using a watch that runs slow.
after certain verbs
Example : I enjoy running.
as the subject or object ofa sentence
Example : Adding five holidays did not make the Egyptians,yearry calendar
after certain idiomatic expressions
Example : This is an excellent book. It's worth
after certain verbs which are followed by the preposition ,to,
Example : I'm looking forward to visiting you in July.
Exercise : complete the sentences using the -ing form of the
verbs in the
1. swimming 2. sewing 3. getting
4. calling 5. Making
B. The Pronoun System
A pronoun is used in place of a noun. The noun it refers
to is caled the

Example: I read the book. It was good.

(The pronoun "it" refers to the antecedent
noun ,,the book',.)
Mya Mya said, "I drink tea."
(The pronoun "r" refers to the speaker
whose name is Mya Mya.)

Possessive pronouns are not followed by a noun; they stand alone.

Example: The book is mine. Yours are over there.
Possessive adjectives are followed immediately by a noun; they do not stand
Example: My book is here. Your books are over there.
Possessive nouns require apostrophes'

Example: That book is Mya MYa's'

Possessive pronouns do not take apostrophes.

Example: That book is hers, and those are theirs. (Correct)

* That book is her's, and those are their's. (Incorrect)

Person, Gender and Number in the Pronoun System

Person First Second Third
Number Singular Plural Singular Plural Singular Plural

Gender Masc. Fem. Neut.

Subject T we you you he she it they

Object me us you you him her it them

Possessive mlne ours yours yours his hers its theirs

Possessive my our your your his her its their


Reflexive myself our-selves yourself your- himself herself itself them-

selves selves

Exercise I: Identify the pronouns and their antecedents in the following

1. She: a pronoun; The teacher: antecedent
2.He: a pronoun; Htut Htut: antecedent
3. they : a pronoun; many monkeys : antecedent
4. it: a pronoun; This problem: antecedent
5. She : a pronoun; Hnin Hnin: antecedent
Exercise rr: FilI in each brank with an appropriate form of the pronoun
possessive pronoun given in brackets.
1. they 2.I
him, his, your
3. we, her, 4. he, my
5. I, hers, theirs 6. mine 7. himself g. yourself, themselves
f. its 10. you

C. Reported Speech
Reported speech refers to reproducing the idea
of another person,s words. Not all
of the exact words are used. verb 6rms and pronouns
may change. euotation
marks are not used.
Example: He said, "f am very busy now.,,
He said that he was very busy then.
Reported Statements
Ifthe reporting verb (the main verb of the sentence,
e.g. said) is in the past tense,
the verb in the noun clause will usually alsb
be in a past fonr,.
when reporting verb is in the simple present, present perfect,
or future tense,
the verb in the noun clause is not changed.
When the reporting verb (say, think, etc.) is in
the past tense, there can be a shift
to a form that refers to an earlier time. when
changing from Direct Speech to
Reported Speech, tenses change in the following
Direct Speech Reported Speech -I
Simple Present Simple Pasi ,-.l
Preccnf (annli-,,^,,^
Present Continuous I Past ,.
^ rtinuous
^-,- Co I

Present Perfect Past Perfect

Simple Past Past Jerfect
Past Continuous Past -'erfect Continuous
Past Perfect Past Perfect
Future Cont,'tional
Conditional CE,,.',.'onal Perfbil-
Unless the reporters are talking about themselves or addressing the persons they are
reporting, the first and second person becomes the third person'

Vyou he/she me/you ---+ him/her

we/you they us/you ---> them
When a time is specified (yesterday, today, tomorrow), it is replaced by a less
specific term. For examPle:
yesterday -__-> thedaybefore, thepreviousday
today + that daY

now j then
Example : Mya Mya said, "I am hungry now."
Mya Mya said that she was hungry then.
Exercise : Finish each sentence in such a way that it means exactly the same
as the sentence that is given.
1. The teacher told Kyaw Kyaw that she would see him the day after tomorrow.
2. Thtzar told the policeman that she had lost her way.
3. The headmistress told Mg Mg that she would see hem in the office.
4. The thief admitted that he had stolen the money.
5. The teacher told Hla Hla that she could sit there.
. Ask the students to read the given prompts.
Using the prompts given, write a short paragraph on:
"The Gregorian Calendar".
- Gregorian Calendar - we use now
- based on Julius Caesar's calendar
- Pope Gregory XIII wanted - make Julius Caesar's calendar
right twelve minutes faster than sun year
- scientists tried one way - another - decided to continue to
have every fourth year - as leaP Year
- planned to take out three days every four years

- in Gregorian calendar - seven days in week, four weeks in month, twelve

months in year
year ending in 00 - can be divided evenly by 400- leap year
not quite exact, 26 seconds fast each year by sun time
accepted - not be fast by a whole day for at least 3,000 years
called Gregorian Calendar - in honour of pope Gregory
Ask students to answer the following questions.
Which tense is to be tised for this paragraph? Why?
Is there a verb for the prompt 'Gregorian calendar - we use now,? which
form of the verb will you use?
which subject(s) will you use for the prompts 'based on Julius caesar's
How will you connect the two points 'pope Gregory XIII wanted, and .make
Julius Caesar's calendar right'? '
How will you connect the two points 'pope Gregory XIII wanted to make
Julius caesar's calendar right' and 'twelve minutes faster than sun year?
which subject(s) and verb(s) will you use for the prompts .another,?
How will you connect the two points 'scientists tried one way, and .they tried
which subject(s) will you use for the prompts .decided to continue to have
every fourth year as leap year ,?
which subject(s) will you use for the prompts .planned to take out three days
every four years'?
which article will you use for the phrases 'in week,, .in month,, and .in
which subject(s) and verb(s) will you use for the prompts .seven days in
week, four weeks in month, twelve months in year,?
Which article will you use for the subject , year ending in 00'?
which subject(s) and verb(s) will you use for the prompts ,leap year,?
which subject(s) and verb(s) will you use for the prompts .not quite exact,?
which subject(s) and verb(s) will you use for the prompts .26 seconds fast
each year by sun time'?
- Which subject(s) will you use for the prompts 'accepted' and the prompts
not be fast by a whole day for at least 3,000 years'? And how will you
connect the two Points?
- Which subject will you use for the prompts 'called Gregorian Calendar - in
honour of Pope Gregory'?
. If students have the answers, ask them to write the first draft and insert the
transitions words between the sentences.
. Ask students to check the spelling, gralnmar and punctuation.
. Give feedback.
, Ask students to write a fair copy.
The Gregorian Calendar
The Gregorian Calendar is the calendar we use now. It is based on Julius
Caesar's calendar. Pope Gregory XIII wanted to make Julius Caesar's calendar
right because it was twelve minutes faster than the sun year. Scientists tried one
way after another. Finally, they decided to continue to have every fourth year as
leap year. They planned to take out three days every four years. In the Gregorian
Calendar, there are seven days in a week, four weeks in a month and twelve
months in a year. A year ending in 00 which can be divided evenly by 400 is
called a leap year. It is not quite exact. It is 26 seconds fast each year by sun time.
It is accepted that the calendar will not be fast by a whole day for at least 3,000
years. It is called the Gregorian calendar in honour of Pope Gregory.

Teaching procedure for writing a friendly letter

Step 1
. Ask students what a friendly letter is. (A letter to a person you are familiar

' Discuss with them the different parts of a friendly letter. (The heading
includes the sender's address and the date. The sender's address needs to be
located at the top of the page in the centre or at the top right-hand corner. Jh"
date needs to be located under the sender's address on the left-hand side of the
page above the greeting. The greeting needs to be located under the heading
on the left-hand side of the page. The greeting would include such words as
Dear _.The body of the letter includes the message. It is
*ritten i, pu.agruph form. The closing of the letter would include such words
as Sincereiy, oi Yo.r. friend. The signature is the writers signed name under
the closing.)
. Give one example by using these points.
Step 2
. Ask students to read the given situation.

' Elicit the writer and the receiver of the letter and what the main message is.
. Discuss visiting a place.

For example: telling your friend that you have planned a trip to Bagan on the full
moon day of rhadingyut and inviting himrher to join you on this trip
- when you will go there
- how long you will stay there
- when you will come back
Step 3

' Tell sfudents that they can choose one or more than one place.
For example: visiting Bagan
- When you will begin yourjourney
- How you will go there
- Which town you will arrive at
- At what time you will arrive there
- How long you will stay there
- When you will come back
Elicit the ideas about the format of a personal leffer.
For example:
- The Heading (address and date)
- The Greeting (beginning with the word "dear" and ending with a comma
and using the person's given name or relationship)
- The Body (the main text including the message they want to write)
- The Leave taking (short expression on a single line, ending with a comma)
- The Signature (the name of the addresser)
Highlight the tense that is suitable for the given letter (the message they
are going to write is about a trip to Bagan on the full moon
day of Thadingyut
and inviting someone to join the writer on this trip, so the tense is
future tense.
Step 4
. Provide students with some useful expressions for beginning the letter and
finishing the letter.
For example: @eginning the letter)
I hope you are keeping well./ I hope this letter finds you well.
I haven't been able to write to you ----.
It's been a long time since I last wrote to you.
For example: (Finishing the letter)
Let me stop my letter here / I'11 stop my letter here as I have to do my homework /
to study my lessons.
That's all for now.
Please give my love to your family lto all my friends.
I'm looking forwards to seeing you soon / to your reply.
Do come to my birthday party lto my house.
Do write to me as soon as possible. / Drop a line to me if you're free.
Do convey my best regards to everyone at home.
Step 5
. Ask students to write the first draft when they have the points they need,
telling them to focus on only the content.
. Tell students to focus on organization and punctuation, grammatical errors,
spelling, etc)
Step 6
. Give feedback. (writing one sample copy on the board by the teacher,
point, .g out the organization, punctuation, grammatical errors, spelling, etc.)
. Ask students to write a fair copy.
B. You arc ZinMar. You live atNo. 18, Yadana Street, Yankin. Write a letter to
your friend Mon Mon, telling her that you have planned a trip to Bagan on the
fullmoon day of Thadingyut and inviting her to join you on this trip. Refer to
a calendar, and give a detailed progralnme of the trip you have drawn up
( will begin the journey; which town you will arrive at; at what
time; how long you will stay there; when you will come back, etc.)
No. 18, yadana Street,
3'd June, 200g.
Dear Marlar,
How are you? I hope you and your family are in good health. As for me, I
am well and studying my lessons very hard.
Next month, we be having our Thadingyut holidays. How will you spend
the holidays? I have planned to go on a trip to Bagan with my family
on the fult
moon day of Thadingyut. I'd like to invite you to join us on this trip. we
will go
there in our car. My uncle will drive. We will leave Yangon in the early
of the day before the full moon day of Thadingyut. we *ill uoi,n. in Bagan
at 6
in the evening. we will stay at Thandd Hotel in Nyaung oo. on the full moon
day of Thadingyut, we will visit the famous pagoaas in Bagan such as the
Shwezigone, the Ananda, the Thatbyinn)ru, the Dhammayangyi,the
Bupaya and
the shwegugyl. we will also go and see the Saraba Gateway. we can
enjoy the
beautiful scenery of the Ayeyarwady river from the Bupaya. we'll enjoy the
sunset from the Dhammayangl'r, zedi. we'll buy tradition*^ :ouvenirs.
Next day,
we will cross the Ayeyarwaddy by ferry and climb up the .Tant-kyi,
hill. we will
stay in Bagan for three days and come back to yangon two days
after the full
moon day of Thadingyut. I'm sure we will have a great time in Bagan.
Let me stop here. If you want to join me, please reply as soon as possible.
I'm looking forward to seeing you.

Yours lovingly,


Title of the Unit : T ro Much Knowledge Maketh Fools
Aim of the Lesson : To develop sfudents' enjoyment 'n reading stories, to
familiaize students with the voci ,uls1y on the names
of some sfudies and to review the i ,e of puncfuation, to
teacl: the grammar related to reported speech and to
give e shrdents practice in paragrrph writing
Time Allocation i .! [t s x 10 r .rtrds

Teaching Procedure
Pre-reading Stage
Step 1: Predicting from the Title
, Ask students to read the titte.
. Read the title aloud as a model and ask students to repeat after the teacher
with correct pronunciation.
Reading the title
Knowledge: /'nohd3/
N.B. 'maketh' (Old English) : make / makes
. Ask students what they expect to read in the passage after reading the title.
. Ask students the questions from Introducing the Topic.

' Accept any relevant answers.

Introducing the Topic
l. Look at the titte. What do you think the story is about?
2. Can you tell me a Myanmar proverb concerning too much knowledge?
3. What do you understand by the word 'maketh'?
Step 2: Answering the Pre-reading Questions
. Ask students the questions for the Pre-reading Task in the text.
Pre-reading Task
Answer the pre-reading questions.
Suggested Answers (Accept any relevant answers.)
Possible answers
1. If we read a lot of books, we get knowledge / pleasure'
2. People usually study at schools and universities to gain knowledge.
3. We call a person who is stupid, a fool.
4. A word which is opposite in meaning to'foof is 'clever''
Step 3: Pre-Teaching

' Select difficult words in the passage whose

meaning students may not te able
to guess from the context.
Astrology : the study of the positions of stars and the moverirents
the planets in the belief that they influence human
Philosophy : the study of the nature and meaning of the universe
and oi
human life
indigestible : (of food) that cannot easily be digesteci in
the stomach
bile : the greenish brown liquid with a bitter unpleasant
that is produced by the LIVER to help the
body to deal
with theee fats we eat, and that can come into yo..-.mouth
when you VOMIT with and empty stomach o3i:e@
disconsolate : very unhappy and disappointed
bael : Eq16.-,3
astride : with one leg on each side of something
constellation : a group of stars that forms a shape in the
sky and has a
Step 4: Model Reading
' Ask sfudents to put a slant line whenever the
teache makes a pause.
. Read the passage in meaningfi;l chunks
as a modr l.
Step 5: Checking the pauses and peading
' Re-read each 1:aragraph and point out the pauses
that you have made.
' Ask sfudents to check whether they have
drawn the correct slant lines.
' Ask sfudents to read aloud with correot pauses.
Note down the words sfudents
cannot pronounce well.
Str-'p 6: Dritting the pronunciation of unfamiliar words
' Drill the words that sfudentr; cannot pronounce
well and ask them to listen tr.
and repeat after the teacher-
Example: philosophy, astrology, bael, strcwn liste

While-reading Stage
Step 1: Silent Reading, Skimming and Scanning
Silent Reading
. Ask students to read Paragraph I silently'
. Ask sLdents to read the given paragraph quickly and ask them what the
paragraph is about..
once upon a time, there were four youths studying under the
professor Iiisaparmauk of Taxila. They all came of rich
families from
different lands. Each followed his natural bent and specialized
in different
studied medicine;
branches of study. one studied music and dancing; another
another studied astrology; and the fourth, philosophy'
Example : What is the paragraph about?
Answer : about the four youths studying under the famous professor
. Select noticeable and specific information in the paragraph. Ask students to
find it.
Example: Can you tell me something about the families of the four
Answer : They all came of rich families'
Example: Where did the four youths study?
Answer : At Taxila
Example: What are the branches of studies mentioned in the patagtaph?
Answer : Music and dancing, medicine, astrology and philosophy.
Silent Reading
. Ask students to read Paragraphs 2,3 and 4 silently'
. the
Ask students to read the given paragraphs quickly and ask them what
paragraphs are about.
After studying for three years they were considered proficient in their
professor I 'd
respective ,rrbj".t-r, and the time came to tuy good-bye to their
gave them a
return to their respective parents. As a parting gift the professor
cooking pot, as well as some grail, in order that they
would have something
to cook and eat should their dry rations run out before
they reached home.
Then, as his final gift to his students, the profossor gave
them a piece of
advice. "Remember," he said to them, i'the for. of you may
be proficient,
each in your own subjec! but if you don't have the
sense to act suitablyu to the
time and circumstance of a situation, you may have to go
hungry. ,,
Not quite comprehending what the great teacher meant, they looked
at one
another, but said nothing, and after payrng their respects
to their professor, set
forth on their joumey home.
What is the main idea of this paragraph?
Answer: The professor's gifts to his students: a cooking pot
and some grain as
well as a piece of advice
How long did they study under the professor?
Answer: For three years
What was the parting gift of the professor to his students?
Answer: A cooking pot and some rice
What was the final gift of the professor to his students?
Answer: A piece of advice
what might happen to the students if they did not follow their professor,s
Answer: They might go hungry
Silent Reading
. Ask students to read paragraphs 5 and 6 silently.
' Ask students to_ read the given paragraphs quickly and ask them what
paragraphs are about.
After travelling for a number o{days their dry rations ran
out and the pot
g! the grain given to them by their professor came in very
useful indeed.
"How'thoughtful our great teacher is!" they felt and got down to the
of cooking themselves'a meal. There ru, .i., for all four c,f them all
lght, but they would have to do something about "rurrfr
thJcurry. So they drew lots
for the different tasks to be carried out in Jrder to get
a decent meal.
Thus, the man of music unaal"ing was to cook the rice. The medico
was to buy meat and fish; the astrologer was to gather vegetables; and
philosopher was to get some ghee (which is clarified butter) to cook the curry
in. And thus each set out to do his task.
What are the given paragraphs about?
Answer: Their dry ration ran out and so they thought of cooking themselves a
What happened after travelling for some days?
Answer: Their dry ration ran out.
How did the four youths feel about the professor?
Answer: "How thoughtful our great teacher is!"
What was the duty of the man of music and dancing?
Answer: To cook the rice

What was the task of the medico?

Answer: To buY meat and fish
What was the task of the astrologer?
Answer: To gather vegetables
What was the task of the philosopher?
Answer: To get some ghee
Silent reading
. Ask students to read Paragraph 7 silently.
. Ask students to read the given paragraphs quickly and ask them what the
paragraphs are about.
The medicg wpnt to the nearest village and therg in the bazaat he found
and found
various kinds of meat and fish. He looked around for some time
that no.fAiry sUited him. His medical knowledge now seemed to warn
which meat oi' fish was indigestible, which not nutritious, which
unse,asonable, which would what disease, which would upset the
stomach and which the bilp, iill finally he left without buying any
meat or
What is the main idea of the paragraph?
Answer: The medico went to buy meat and fish but he did
not buy anything.
Where did the medico go to buy meat and fish?
Answer: To the nearest village
Did the medico buy any meat or fish?
Answer: No, he didn,t.
Silent Reading
' Ask students to read paragraphs g and 9 silently.
' Ask students read the given paragraphs quickly and ask them what
paragraphs are about.
The philosopher, however, got the required ghee, which
he packed in a
green leaf and retraced his steps. On ihe way fre
soon became lost in
philosophical speculations. "Ghee," he said to himself, ,,comes
from cow,s
milk' cows eat grass, and yes, leaves, too. Ah then, in a way, ghee comes
from cow's milk, and cow's milk comes from leaves, and
so the'giee and the
leaf are related!" on_and on he philosophized,, quite trappily
unaware of the
ghee in the leaf in his hand melting graduarly
ana arippi.rg.
By the time he met the medico, who was coming back empty-handed
the village market, there was nothing left of the glr;
h. naa uougtrt! He, too,
was now empty-handed. The two of them looked at
each other,lot knowing
whether to smile or weep and each recounted to the
other what Lad happened
to him, as they walked back to where the man of music and
dancini *u.
supposed to be cooking the rice. But there, to their
horror, they founJtheir
friend looking as disconsolate as ever, moping beside
a broken-pot with the
rice strewn all over the fire-place.
What is the main idea of the given paragraphs about?
Answer: The philosopher, the medico and the man of music and
dancing were
not successful in carrying out their tasks.
where did his friends find the man of music and dancing?
Answer: Near a broken pot.


' -dents to read paragraphs 10, 11 and 12 silently.

k students to read the given paragraphs quickly and ask them what the
tragraphs are about.

"Soon after the three of you left," wailed the cook, "I built a fte, rinsed
the rice, put it in the pot, added the required amount of water, and placed the
pot on thofire. After some time, the pot began to simmer, and then it started
to boil. I watched and could not help but hear the bubbling noise of the
boiling rice. To my ears it sounded so much like the rhyhmic beats of music
coming from a drum that I started dancing to it. And, ... and, ..."
"And what happened?" asked his two friends. "AIld," continued the
cook," one backward kick of my right heel caught the pot. And there, as you
can see, is the end of our rice!"

The other two, who had come back empty-handed, now found it quite
easy to admit to the cook that they, too, had failed to accomplish what they
had set out to do. Suddenly, they remembered their astrologer friend, who
was to get some vegetables. Off they went to look for him in the forest, and
there atop a tall bael tree was their friend, sitting tight.
What are the given paragraphs about?
Answer: The man of music and dancing was not successful in cooking the rice
and the astrologer was on the bael tree.

What happened when the rice started to boil?
Answer: The pot began to simmer.

What did the man of music and dancing do when the rice started to boil?
Answer: He danced to the bubbling noise of the boiling rice.
How did the pot get broken?
Answer: One backward kick of his right heel caught the pot and it broke.

Where did they find their astrologer friend?

Answer: Atop a tall bael tree.
Silent Reading

' Ask students to read paragru 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17 silently.
Before they.could say -rnything, g" askoroger calrecl oui to them. ,,H"y,
I've got all the tender bael reaves thai srhould go ieI *irh o* mear. See!,, h.
said, holding up the leaves he had plucked.

"Then why are you still there astride that branch? What are you
on there for?"

"Ah," replied the astrologer, "the climbing up was easy because r.t
moment I was under the influence of an ascending
constellation. But now, the
climbing down is quite a different matter. You see, the
stars are not just right as
yet and I am waiting for the moment when I'll be
under the influence of a
descending constellation. "

"Oh, to hell with your stars and constellations!" thc three on the grounci
yelled, almost in unison. "Just come you down!,,

The poor astrologer was friglrtened out of his witr

He started to climb
slowly, shakily. But he wis trembling so much tl t he
-do-Tn - half-slippeJand
half-fell, andlay in a stunned heap on the gro.ria. His thn e
friends lifted him up
and all he had were bruises and cuts. No tender
baer reaves!
What are the given paragraphs about.?
Answer: The astrologer tried to
3et soirie leaves but Le coulorrt get any.
V,'hy didn't he get down tire trce immediately?
Answer: Because h9 was v'aiting for the rnoment when
he,d be under the
influence of a descending constellation.
What were all he had after clinrbing dcwn the hee?
Arrswer: Bruises and cuts.
Sil:nt Reading
' Asl. '' rirlnts tti read part.gralrhs ig and 1 ; s:leritly.

Now with no meal in sight, each began to realize how and why he had failed
in carrying out his lot. Then, slowly, the wisdom of the parting advice given to
them by their great teacher dawned upon them.
"Remember, the four of you may be proficient, each in your own subject, but
if you don't have the sense to act suitably to the time and cireumstance of a
situation, you may have to go hungry."
What is the main idea of this paragraph?
Answer: The four youths came to realize the meaning of the advice given by
their professor.
What was given by their great teacher?
Answer: the parting advice
Step 2: Dealing with Referents, Unfamiliar Words and Complex Structures
Dealirrg with Referents
. Select some referents (pronouns) and ask students to find their antecedents
(what these pronouns refer to).
What do the underlined words in the passage refer to?
1. The word'them'refers to "four youths".
2. The word'his'refers to "the professor's".
3. The word'you'refers to "the professor's sfudents".
4. The word'He'refers to "The medico".
5. The word'it'refers to "the rice".
Dealing with Unfamillar Words
. Pick out unfamiliar words and ask studertts to guess their meanings from the
context, using reading strategies. They can be asked to find the clues such as
'the comma' in the appositive construction, the conjunction 'or' the colon ':'
and the defining words and Phrases.
Example: What does the word 'comprehending' mean?
Not quite comprehending what the great teacher meant, they looked
at one
another, but said nothing, and after payrng their respects
to their professor, set
forth on their journey home.
comprehending : understanding
The phrase "whht the great teacher meant" is the contexfual
clue to the
meaning of the word 'comprehend'. 'understand' and .mean,
are said to be
collocations i.e. the words usualry used together. The phrase ,comprehending
what the great teacher meant' can be rephrased as'understandingwhat
the great
teacher meant'. Hence, 'comprehend' and 'understand, are virt,ally
interchangeable and have almost the same meaning.

Dealing with Complex Structures

' Pick out the complex structures and divide them into separate
clauses such as,
main clauses and subordinate clauses in order to make them
easy to
How can you divide this sentence into its main clause and
subordinate clause?
Before they could say anything, the astrologer called
out to them.
Main clause - the astrologer called out to them
Subordinate clause - Before they could say anything
Post-reading Stage
Step 1: Checking Comprehension

' Ask students to do the comprehension exercises in the text.

write the appropriate words or groups of words to complete the sentences.
1. different 6. very useful
2. families 7 .the curry
3. three years 8. drew lots
4. respects 9. butter
5. ran out 10. knowledge

Answer the following questions in complete sentences.

1. The four youths returned to their respective parents after studying for three
2. The advice the professor gave his students was to have the sense to act
suitably to the time and circumstance of a situation. (or)
The advice the professor gave his students was that if they did not have the
sense to act suitably to the time and circumstance of a situation, they might
have to go hungry.
3. The four students felt that their great teacher was thoughtful because after
travelling for a number of days, their dry rations ran out and the pot and the
grain which he had given them came in very useful.
4. The medico came back without buyng any fish or meat because his medical
knowledge wamed him that nothing suited him.
5. The philosopher came back empty-handed because the ghee packed in the
green leaf in his hand had melted gradually and dripped.
6. The astrologer was waiting for the moment when he would be under the
influence of a descending constellation to climb down from the tree.
7. The pot of rice was caught by one backward kick of the right heel of the
man of music and dancing, and it broke.
8. The four youths failed to carry out the different tasks because they did not
have the sense to act suitably to the time and circumstance of a situation, and
they applied too much knowledge of the subjects they had studied to their
Step 2:Inferring

' Ask students a question for the information which is not explicitly stated in
the passage.
. Ask them to use their experience and intuition.
Do you think the four youths were really proficient in their studies?
Do you think it was easy to travel in those days?
Who do you think was the most stupid young man?
What moral lesson do you get from the passage?
Accept any relevant answers.

A. Put the following into three groups under the given tr"aairgs. The first
one is done for you.
. Ask them to do the exercise and check the answers.
B' Fill
each blank with the correct word from the words given
in Exercise A.
Teacher's instruction
. Ask sfudents to read out the instruction.

' (Put the following into three groups under the given
headings. The first one is
done for you.)
. Ask students to read out the vocabulary items given.
r artiste; medicine; astrologer; medico; astrology; music
and dancing; cures the
sick; teaches philosophy; entertains people with songs and dance;
philosopher; foretells the future; philosophy

' Ask them to put the words into three groups under the given
No People Subject Work they do
1 medico medicine cures the sick
2 artiste music and dancing entertains people with songs
J astrologer astrology and dance

4 philosopher philosophy foretells the future

teaches philosophy
B. 1. Another name for a doitoiisEedico.
2. A person who is an expert in philosophv is a philosopher.
3. An astrologer can foretell the future.
4- An artiste is a person who entertains people with songs and

Punctuete the following.
l. "Ghee," he said to himself, "comes from cow's milk.
2. "And what happened?" asked his two friends.
3. See!" he said, holding up the leaves he had plucked.
4. Then, as his final gift to his students, the professor gave them a piece of
5. "Oh, to hell with your stars and constellations!" the three on the ground yelled.

I. Reported speech (Questions)
In reported questions, the structure of a question is replaced by that of a
Examples: 1. "How long should a day or a year be?"
Noone can dewcide how long a day or ayeat should be'
2. Cherry said, "What time does the film begin?"
Cherry wanted to know what time the film began.
3. She said to me, " Can you speak Japanese?"
She asked me whether/if I could speak Japanese.

Exercise: Finish each sentence in such a way that it means exactly the same
as the sentence that is given.

l. Ko Lin asked me iflwhether I had any plan to go abroad again.
2. Daw Lay Khin asked what time the bank closed.
3. Mee Mee asked him where she could frnd Lynn.
4. Ko Phyo wanted to know what that word meant.
5. Mother asked me ifl whether Mi Mi was going out that night.
6. Lin Htet asked his friend what had happened to him the previous night.
7. The teacher asked me why I was absent the day before.

8. u Yan Naing asked her how long she had been in her present job.
9' The police asked the driver ifl whether he could show him his driving
10' Myo Myo wanted to know ifl whether Nilar had received his leffer.
II. Reported speech (Requests and Commands)
Example: l.MgMg invited me to cometohis party.
(V) (pro) (Infinitive phrase)
2.I told NiNi tostudyharder.
(V) (N) (Infinitive phrase)
1. The doorman warned the visitor not to touch the paintings.
2. Thaw Thaw reminded Maw Maw not to forget to lock the
3. Thandar told Nandar not to be late for the meeting the following
4. The teacher ordered his class to stop talking while he was
5. The manager asked his secretary to arrange the meeting for
Teaching procedure for writing a paragraph based on
the given prompts.
Step I
. Ask students what a paragraph is.

' Tell students that aparagraph is a group of sentences that develop

one central
point' Most paragraphs have two parts: the sentence that presents
the central
point and the sentences that develop that point. The
sentence that presents the
central point of the paragraph is the topic sentence, the
sentences that develop
the point are the supporting details.
Step 2

' Discuss with sfudents points to be considered for writing

a paragraph before
explaining to them.

' Tell students that they have to put in articles (a, an, the) where necessary
before nouns, prepositions (in, orr, at, etc) before place
or time and think
about the tense as well. (If the situation refers to the present
situation, the
present tense of the verb has to be used. If it refers
to the past situation, they
have to use the past tense of the verb.), use not only
the correct tense of the
verb given but also the correct form of the verb, ttri* of
the singular and

plural forms of the verb as well as the active or passive form of the verb, use
pronouns if necessary, pay affention to the punctuation and insert connectives
(and, but, however, so, etc..) to show the logical sequence between sentences.
. Ask students to write a paragraph based on the given prompts if they are
ready with the points to be considered for writing a paragraph. You need to
give examples.
Step 3
. Tell students that they are going to write a grammatically and factually correct
paragraph based on the given prompts.
. Ask students to read the prompts given.
A.Using the prompts given, write a shortpatagraph on: "The man of music and
man of music and dancing come of rich family
he be one of the four students of famous professor Disaparmauk of Taxila
on the way home they run out of dry ration
draw lots to decide who be to do what task
task of man of music and dancing be to cook rice
build fire, rinse rice, put it in pot; add required amount of water and place
pot on fire
after some time pot begin to simmer and boil
watch and hear bubbling noise of boiling rice
to his ears sound so much like rhythmic beats of music coming from a
drum that start to dance to it
one backward kick of his right heel caught the pot and it break and rice be
strewn all over the fire place
The Man of Music and Dancing
The man of music and dancing came of a rich family. He was one of
the four students of the famous professor Disaparmauk of Taxila. After studying
for three years, they came back home. On the way home, they run out of their dry
ration. They drew lots to decide who was to do what task. The task of the man of
music and dancing was to cook the rice. He built a frr.e, rinsed the rice, put it in
the pot, added the required amount of water and placed the pot on the fire. After
some time the pot began to simmer and started to boil. He watched and heard the
bubbling noise of the boiling rice. To his ears,
It sounded so much like the
rhythmic beats of music coming from a drum that
he started to dance to it. One
backward kick of his right heel caught the pot
and it broke and the rice was
strewn all over the fire place.

B.You are Nyi Nyi. you live in No31, pandaw Street,

Taungtha; write a letter to
your uncle, telling him/her about the university you
would like to attend after
you have passed the matriculation examination.

No.3l, pandaw Street,

l5th March2007
Dear Uncle Kyaw,
How are you and Aunty May? I hope both of you are
in the pink of hearth.
As for me I'm fine, too. I'm sorr5, for not writing to you
for a lonj time. As you
know, I'm in Grade 11 this year and I'm busy ,trraying
my lessons. How are Ko
Lay and Ma Htwe? Are they also studying hard? nlirig
university students, they
might not feel as much stressed as me. I envy them
a tot. t,-'rro* too"much
pressurized by myself Mum and my Great
stuiy Guide, Ma Ma Gyi who wants
me to become a medical student like her.
By the way, uncle Kyaw, I'm thinking about the university
I,d like to
attend after finishing my matriculation. As yotrLo*,
I,ve been to the University
of Medicine (l) for several times as Ma Ma Gyi often takes
me there. It is
situated on Pyay Road in Kamaryrt Township
opposite MRTV. on the left there
is Yangon Institute of Education and on the
nght, vangon university. Behind the
campus is the beautifur Inya Lake where
sailing boats and yachts can be seen.
The building houses various departments, library
and theatre. The whole campus
looks pleasant and tidy. The students attend
classes and do practicals regularly.
They seem to be happy and carefree. My ambition
is to become a successful
surgeon like my father. So I want to attend that
University and I,m trying to pass
the matriculation exam with flying colours. If
I have a chance to attend that
University, I'll sfudy medicine not only from books
but also from experience,
observations and practice. I'll also try my best
to be selected for scholarship to
learn abroad so that I'll have ,r, opportrnity to
serve my country with advanced
and up-dated medical knowledge and effective
Uncle Kyaw, I' sure my dream will come true one day.Let me stop my
letter here as I have to do a lot of homework tonight. Please write to me when
you're free because your letters are Some tonic for me aS you are very good at
encouraging and giving advice as well as information.
Please give my love to all at home'
Your affectionate nePhew,
Nyi Nyi

C. Write an essay of THREE paragraphs on: "flow I cook a pot of rice" (the
traditional way).
How I Cook a Pot of Rice
People from Asia eat rice as their staple food. Rice is ample in our
cogntry, too and we eat rice with some curry as our main course. We usually have
three meals a day and we have rice and curry at lunch and dinner. For breakfast
we eat various snackS that are made from rice. So most Myanmar women know
how to cook a pot of rice as well as how to make snacks from rice.
We need only some grain and sufficient amount of water to cook rice.
Firstly, we make fire with some firewood. Secondly, rice is put into a pot and it is
rinsed three times. And then the pot is put onto the fire. After about five to ten
minutes it begins to simmer. We have to stir the mixture of rice and water several
times. When it boils we have to remove the lid of the pot so as not to let the liquid
of the boiled rice overflow from the pot. After about five minutes at this stage,
you have to reduce the heat. So you have to take out some burning firewood
under the pot and then cover the pot with the lid again.
The pot is left on the fire for about seven minutes. When all the water
evaporates from the pot, we have to test a few grains of the rice by pressing it
between our thumb and forefinger. When you are sure that you get the rice which
is well cooked, it is ready to be served.
Title of the Unit : The Moon: A Nice place to Visit?
Aim of the Lesson To famlliaize students with reading passages or
science, to review the use ofaffixes, to teach the use o
adverb clause of reason, adverb phrase of reason an.
there is no ....thatlwho .....not structure and provide
practice in paragraph writing and letter writing.
Time Allocation 45 minutes x 10 periods

Teaching Aids Photos of the moon surface

Teaching Procedure
Pre-Reading Stage
Step 1: Predicting from the Tifle

' Ask students to read the title.

' Read the title aloud as a model and ask students to repeat after
the teacher
with correct pronunciation.
Reading the title
Moon: lmwn/
nice :
visit : l'
'Ask students what they expect to read in the passage after reading the title.
(Accept any relevant answer.)
Step 2: Doing pre-reading tasks
. Ask students the questions from the pre_reading Task.
Suggested Answers (Accept any relevant answers.)
1. We can see the moon and stars in the sky at night.
2. No, I don't think the moon is like the earth.
3. No, I don't think there is life on the moon.
4. Yes, man has been to the moon.
5. Accept any relevant answers.
6. Accept any relevant answers'
Step 3: Pre-teaching Diflicult Vocabulary
. Select the difficult words in the passage whose meaning students may not be
able to guess from the context.
. Pre-teach the words: hostile, existence, molecule, adverse
hostile : (adj) unfriendly; unpleasant or not suitable for living or
growing (<-:oi{ oocc { eccc r oeq ccceoc)

existence : (n) state of existing; a particular way of life

molecule : (n) the smallest possible physical unit of an element or
compound, composed of atoms; a very small
particle ( eo6 o3 cqlp: r $ 3 o 3 ( cQ.) $ 3 e,-,1 3 : o 6

oocc :c c:S ag : et8 o a: $3 occcnS o glq f 6,


adverse : (adj) negative and unpleasant; not likely to produce a

good result; dangerous (elocnoS :oocr

Step 4: Model Reading

r Ask students to put a slant line whenever the teacher makes a pause.
. Read the passage " The Moon: A Nice Place to Visit?" in meaningful chunks
as a model.

Step 5: Checking the pauses, and reading aloud

. Re-read each paragraph and point out the pauses the teacher has made.
. Ask students to check whether they have drawn the slant lines in the correct
. Ask students to read aloud with correct pauses. Note down the words students
cannot pronounce well.
Step 6: Drilling the pronunciation of unfamiliar words

' Drill the words that students cannot pronounce well and ask them to listen to
and repeat after the teacher.
Example: atmosphere, particularly, gravitational, environment temperature,
While-Reading Stage
Step 1: Silent Reading, Skimming, Scanning
Silent Reading
. Ask students to read the first paragraph silently.

' Ask students to read it quickly and ask them what it is about.
Example: What is the given paragraph about?
The moon has been described by songwriters and poets as a place for a
romantic escape. We know of course that the moon is actually u ,iry hostile
environment for human beings.
Answer: the false belief that the moon is a nice place

' Select noticeable and specific information in the paragraph and ask students
to find it.
Example: Look at the paragraph. who describe the moon as a place for a
romantic escape?
The moon has been described by songwriters and poets as a place for a
romantic escape.
Answer: songwriters and poets
Silent Reading
. Ask students to read paragraphs 2 and,3 silently.
:" Ask students to read the paragraphs quickly and ask them what they are about.
' Example; What are the given paragraphs about?

The moon is completely devoid of water because the force of gravity on

the moon is much less than on the earth. (The moon is much smaller; its
surface is about as large as Africa.) The lack of a strong gravitational pull has
caused any water the moon may have had to leak out into space over the 4.6
billion years that it has been in existence. Of course, since there is no water,
there is also no vegetation. So if you go, bring your lunch.

There is no air on the moon because its gravity is insufficient to retain an

atmosphere. Accordingly, travellers to the moon require not only oxygen and
water but also protection against cosmic rays that are unfiltered by an
atmosphere. No atmosphere also means no weather - no wind, no rain, no

Answer: the lack of water and air on the moon

. Select noticeable and specific information in the paragraph and ask students
to find it
Example: Look at the paragraph. How old is the moon?
The moon is completely devoid of water because the force of gravity on
the moon is much less than on the earth. (The moon is much smaller; its
surface is about as large as Africa.) The lack of a strong gravitational pull has
caused any water rhe moon may have had to leak out into space over the 4-6
billion years that it has been in existence. Of course, since there is no water,
there is also no vegetation. So if you go, bring your lunch.

Answer: The moon is over 4.6 billion years old.

Silent Reading
. Ask students to read paragraph 4 silently.
. Ask students to read the paragraph quickly and ask them what it is about.
Example: What is the given paragraph about?
Temperatures on the moon are quite extreme, ranging from 110. C to -
173. C. This occurs because there is no atmosphere to filter the sun's rays
when it is shining and then to blanket in'warm air when the sun goes down.
These extremes of temperature are particularly striking during a
solar eclipse,
when the earth passes directly between the sun and the moon, temporarily
blotting out the sun's light. At such times the temperature on the moon dips
very rapidly and then rises immediately as the sun emerges from the earth,s
shadow. The change in temperature may be as much as 200. c in one
This sudden change can cause rocks to shatter due to the alternate expanding
and contracting. Thus if you visit the moon, deciding what to wear could
be a

Answer: the extreme temperatures on the moon


' Select noticeable and specific information in the paragraph and ask students
to find it.
Example: Look at the paragraph. when are the extremes of temperatures
striking on the moon?
These extremes of temperature are particularly striking during a solar
eclipse, when the earth passes directly between the sun and the moon,
temporarily blotting out the sun,s light.
Answer: during a solar eclipse
Silent Reading
. Ask students to read Paragraph 5 silently.

' Ask students to read the paragraph quickly and ask them what it is about.
Example: What is the given paragraph about?
There is no twilight or dawn on the moon. Like the earth, the moon
not shine by its own light; it reflects the light of the sun. Unlike the
however, there is no atmosphere to diffrrse the light as day becomes night
night turns into day. changes from light to dark and dark to lighi occur

Answer: There is no twilight or dawn on the moon.


. Select noticeable and specific information in the paragraph and ask students
to find it.
Example: Look at the paragraph. What does the moon reflect?
Like the earth, the moon does not shine by its own light; it reflects the light of
the sun.

Answer : The moon reflects the light of the sun.

Silent Reading
. Ask students to read from paragraph 6silently.
. Ask students to read the paragraph quickly and ask them what it is about.
Example: What is the given paragraph about?
The lunar sky is black. (Blue sky on the earth is produoed by the
scattering of blue light in the spectrum by particles of air.) On the moon stars
are visible in the daytime, but you would have to shield your eyes from the
unfiltered sunlight to view them.
Answer: the lunar sky
. Select noticeable and specific information in the paragraph and ask students
to find it.
Example: Look at the paragraph. To view the stars on the moon, what would
you need to shield your eyes from?

The lunar sky is black. (Blue sky on the earth is produced by the
scattering of blue light in the spectrum by particles of air.) On the moon stars
are visible in the daytime, but you would have to shield your eyes ftom the
unfiltered sunlight to view them.
Answer: We would need to shield our eyes from the unfiltered sunlight.
Silent Reading
. Ask students to read from paragraphT silently.
' Ask students to read the paragraph quickly and ask them what it is about.
Example: What is the given paragraph about?
There is no sound on the moon. Sound travels on waves of air molecules.
Since there is no air, there is nothing to transmit sound. Leave your transistor
home. Also, the moon is not a magnet the way the earth is. Vou can leave
your compass home too.
Answer: the lack of sound on the moon
r Select noticeable and specific information in the paragraph and ask students
to find it.
Example: Look at the paragraph. In the paragraph,what is the earth
compared with?
There is no sound on the moon. Sound travels on waves of air mol.eules.
since there is no air, there is nothing to kansmit sound. Leave your tr ,tor
home. Also, the moon is not a magnet the way the earth is. Vo,, .u, ."ure
your compass home too.
Answer: The earth is compared with the magnet.
Silent Reading
. Ask students to read paragraph 8 silently.
' Ask students to read the paragraph quickly and ask them what it is about.
Example: What is the given paragraph about?
The moon is a satellite of the earth, revolving around the earth once every
twenty-nine and a half days. The moon itself rotates, but it does so very
slowly. Therefore the same side of the moon is always visible to us. To get
to the moon, you would have to travel 240,000 miles, a distance that is about
the same as circling the earth at the equator ten times.
Answer: the distance between the moon and the earth

. Select noticeable and specific information in the paragraph and ask students
to find it.
Example: Look at the paragraph. What is the distance between the earth and
the moon?

To get to the moon, you would have to travel 240,000 miles, a distance that is
about the same as circling the earth at the equator ten times.
Answer: 240,000 miles
Silent Reading
. Ask students to read paragraph 9 silently.
. Ask students to read the paragraph quickly and ask them what it is about.
Example: What is the given paragraph about?
It is clear that if you were making a trip to the moon, you would need to pack
more than a toothbrush and a change of underwear. Its adverse conditions
would make it very difficult for a visitor from the earth.

Answer: the things you would need to bring on your trip to the moon
. Select noticeable and specific information in the paragraph and ask students
to find it.

Example: Look at the paragraph. When would you need to pack more than a
toothbrush and a change of underwear?

It is clear that if you were making a k"ip to the moon, you would need to
pack more than a toothbrush and a change of underwear. Its adverse
conditions would make it very difficult for a visitor from the earth.

Answer: When we were making a trip to the moon, we would need to pack
more than a toothbrush and a change of underwear.
step 2: Dealing with Referents, unfamiliar
words and comprex structures

' Select some referents (pronouns) and ask

sfudents to find their antecedents
(what these pronouns refer to).
what does the underlined word in the given sentence
refer to?
There is no air on the moon because its gravity
is insufficient to retain an

Answer: The word..its,, refers to ..the moon,s,,.

What does 'This, in the following sentence refer
Temperatures on the moon are quite exffeme,
C' This occurs because there is no atmosphere to titter ttre sun,s c to r73o
ranging from l r0o
rays when it
is shining and then to blanket in warm air
when the sun goes down.
Answer: "This" refers to "the fact that temperafures
on the moon are quite
extreme, ranging from 1 l0o C to _ I73o C,,.
Dealing with unfamiliar words

' Ask students to read the passage " The Moon:

A Nice place to Visit?,, silently
for 10 minutes and underline the words they don,t understand.
' Select one of the unfamiliar words students
have underlined and ask them to
guess its meaning from the context.

' If necessary, use synonym or anton5rm, use or draw pictures on the board or
as a last resort give Myanmar translations
to makl clear the meaning of
unfamiliar words.
Pick out unfamiliar words and ask students
to guess their meanings from the
context, using reading strategies.

Example: what does the word'devoid'mean?

what clue helps you to get the
The moon is completely devoid of water.....Of
course, since there is no water,
there is also no vegetation.

Answer: devoid : completely lacking

The clause 'since there is no water'in the next sentence indicates the meaning
of the word 'devoid' in the first sentence.

Dealing with complex structures

Pick out the complex structures and ask students to divid'e them into
separate clauses such as main clauses and subordinate clauses in order to
make them easy to understand.
Example: How can you divide the given sentence into its smaller parts?
The lack of a strong gravitational pull has caused any water the moon may
have had to leak out into space over the 4.6 billion years that it has been in

Answer: Main clause : The lack of a strong gravitational pull has caused any
water .. .. to leak out into space over the 4.6 billion years.
Relative clause (1) : (which) the moon may have had

Relative clause (2): that it has been in existence

Post-Reading Stage
Step 1: Checking Comprehension
. Ask students to do the reading comprehension exercises in the textbook.
. Check students' answers and give feedback.

A. Write the appropriate words or groups of words to complete the


1. environment
hostile 2. completely devoid

3. water 4. filters

5. particularly striking 6. shatter

7. satellite 8. magnet

g.daytime lO.adverse conditions

B. Read the passage and put a tick ( z ) against the feature if the earth
the moon has it. And put a cross ( x if the earth or the
) moon doesnrt.

No Features The Earth The Moon

I Strong gravitational pull X
2. Water x
J. Vegetation x
4. Air x
5. atmosphere X
6. Weather x
7. extremes of temperature x
8. tlilight or dawn x
9. Reflecting the light of the sun
10. Blue sky x
1l Stars visible in the daytime x
12. Sound x

c. Answer the following questions in complete sentences.

1' There is no water on the moon because the force of gravity
on the moon is
much less than on the earth.
2. There is no vegetation on the moon because there is no water.
3' There is no air on the moon because its gravity is insufficient to retain an
4' We have a solar eclipse when the earth passes directly between
the sun
and the moon, temporarily blotting out the sun,s light.
5' The effect of the sudden change in temperature is that this
can cause rocks
to shatter due to the alternate expanding and contracting.

6. It takes the moon twenty-nine and a half days to revolve around the earth
7. We always see the same side of the moon because it rotates very slowly.
8. The moon is 240,000 miles away from the earth.
9. It would not be easy for a visitor to survive on the moon because of its
adverse conditions.
10. The main idea of the passage is that the moon is not a nice place to visit
due to its adverse conditions.

Step 2: Inferring
. Ask students a question for the information which is not explicitly stated in
the passage.
. Ask students to use their experience and intuition.
Example: Do you think people could live on the moon in the future?
Answer: Accept any relevant answers.
(A) Vocabulary in Context
. Ask students to read out the instruction and circle the letter of the answer that
best matches the meaning of the underlined word as it is used in each of the
. Check the answers, by making the students read aloud.
Exercise I: Circle the letter of the answer that best matches the meaning of
the underlined word as it is used in each of these sentences.

Answers to Exercise 1:
1. (b) lack 6. (c) blocked
2. (c) drip water 7. (a) varies
3. (b) plant life 8. (d) spread
4. (d) screened 9. (c) moon
5. (a) the sun's 10. (b) unfavourable
. Ask students to read out the instruction.
Exercise 2: Use your dictionary to find out what prefixes the following
words take. Some words may take more than one prefix.
. Ask students to read out the new words.
untrue unable misunderstand ffi
invisible incomplete unfriendly irregular uncleai

r Ask students to do Exercise II and check the answers.

Answers to Exercise 2
1. Sometimes people will misunderstand you when you are too frank.
2. I do not believe your story as I think it is_untrue.
3. The service at was bad and the hotel staff were very unfriendly.
4. The word 'ox' has an irregular plural.
5. Five hours sleep is insufficient for most people.
6. Students are given incomprete sentences to finish them.
7. Germs are invisible to the naked eye.
8. I tried to read the letter but the handwriting is very unclear.
9. Unlike the earth, there is no atmosphere on the moon.
10. She has never been to school so she is unabre to read
or write.
Adverb clauses of reason
We camped there since it was too dark to go on.

' In this sentence, since it was too dark to go on is an adverb clause

and it
expresses the reason of camping there.

since it was too durk to go on ccp! adverb clause

GEB' camping g6q$6:eri oe@:E:q8:oi eco.SpoElrr
' Generally the adverb clause of reason follows the main clause
and explains it.
Adverb clauses of reason crp! main clauses .:3oE:oplrr
. Adverb clauses of reason, like adverb clauses of purpose, answer the "Why"
question They are dependent clauses. i.e. they can not stand by themselves.
Adverb clauses of reason crp! Adverb clauses of purpose d.S.."E Why
eo:3$: -%d sae$o8$6o$rr Adverb clauses of reason op! oependent
clauses $6$:r c3:$c:e16cod$Eg6s o8eorr
. In the sentence, since it was too dark to go on is not a complete sentence. It
needs to be completed by an independent clause We camped there.
Go3@o3G1)? o1.ntrq8 since it was too dark to go on oEi complete
sentence co6qoqo5ec,rr We camped there o)Gc)? independent clause
c o co c c
cDo?9qf o?e2oc)eil
. Adverb clauses of reason are sometimes placed at the beginning of a clause,
for emphasis.
cr- o c c cr-c
saccDssEfcb[gloieoc qpigo5ald$O Adverb clause of reason o! sentence
erl eg"q:q8coalo{ coc:$ogrr
. When an adverb clause begins the sentence, use a coflrma to separate the two
Adverb clause of purpose 4 sentence erl$oa11
98:ei qtq8 claus" S E ed i$c: q$ comma co $eo: qer g
sa rr

e.g. Because of my late response, I was not allowed to enter the

Since I wanted to pass the test I studied hard.
. When the adverb clause finishes the sentence there is no need for a comma.
ocn<S$ Adverb clause of purpose tr8 sentence erlegccfq8 co::od-"l
cc o c cc
9c36I s?n3%c comma co8qfoc So'lrr L

e.g. He went to bed early because he was sleepy.

The flight was cancelled due to bad weather.
. Look at the table for more information about how to use adverb clause of
reason markers.
Adverb clause of reason
4a$E-d marker
Adverb clauses of reason

:iii- ii. u" couldn't attend the class u""a"re he was ill. --j;
ii i: ii
I i: As I g"l-U".t home early, I helped my mother injj
t;";;;ir'""t' -,,
ii:t ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :::::::,:i::::::::::::::::::::i:i::::,::,::::--. i
to Lrrtr raul urar tne weatner was colo, we stayed
ji il;. ii

::That's the reason ii I didn't have my umbrella. rhai;s trr" ..uro" ;d i ;!i

ii*hv ii w"t. ji

There is/was no...... who/that...... not

@ouble Negative)

Father: There is no cow that does not eat grass.

son: Just like'There is no father who does not give pocket money'.

we use'There is/was no .... who/ that ... not'structure to express a truth

condition, either universal or general.
'There is/was no .... who/ that ... not' structure c{ oooqsag$o:6lr:r
cor? o{3ag$ -fr4..4 q$cq :cc
"rTG al rr

There is no tree that does not have roots.
There is no mother who does not love her children.
Pattern (1)

' There is/ was no + gilgular Noun + who/ that + Sing Neg yerb
e.g. (a)

who/ that does not love her children.



A11the students in the class wear uniforms.

There is no student in the class who/that does uniforms.

not wear

Pattern (2)
. There is/ was no + Singular Noun + whoi that + Subject + Negative Verb

People use computers all over the world.

There is no place in the world where people do not use

There is no place in the world where computers are not


There is/was no.......... who/that.. not @ouble Negative)
1. There is no student in the class who does not use ball-point pens.

2. There is no worker in the factory who does not work overtime.

3. There is no town or village in our country that does not have a pagoda.
4. There is no citizen who does not love his motherland.
5. There is no student who does not look forward to the vacation to

6. There is no one who does not work for a living.

7. There is no beach resort in our country that I have not been to.
8. There is no house in this street that I do not like.
9. There is no neighbour who we are not friendly with.
10. There is no student in the class who does not do his exercises regularly.

Writing exercise
write 5 sentences, beginning with "There is no...".use the cue words that have
been provided.

1. dog, like meat

2.boy, active
3. house, have roof
4. student, want to pass the examination
5. car, make noises

Step I
. Ask students to read the given prompts.
A. Using the prompts given, write a short paragraph on: The Moon
- satellite of earth; 240,000 miles away
- devoid of water; force of gravity on moon - less than on earth
- causes water on moon to leak out into space

- no vegetation; no water
- no air; its gravity - insufficient to retain atmosphere
- no atmosphere; no weather
- temperatures on moon - extreme; no atmosphere to filter sun's ro1r5 urro
to blanket in warm air
- sudden change in temperature causes rocks to shatter
- no twilight or dawn; not shrine by its own light
- lunar sky - black; stars - visible in daytime
- no sound; no air
- not a nice place to visit

' Ask students to form into groups of four and read the given prompts.
. Elicit their ideas about writing this paragraph.
. Ask sfudents to answer the following questions.
- Which article do you use before the noun,moon'? And why?

- Do you find any verb in the prompt'moon - satellite of earth'?

- Which verb do you use?
- Which form of 'verb to be' is to be used?
- Which is 240,000 miles away from the earth?
- Which is the subject of the prompt'devoid of water'?
- Which verb will you use for'devoid of water'Why?
- Which article(s) do you use before the noun'force of gravity' 'moon'

- Which verb do you use for the prompt ' force of gravity on moon -
less than on earth'?

- Which connector do you use to link the two sentences?

- Which causes water on the moon to leak out into space?
- How can you form sentences for the following prompts?
'no vegetation'; 'no water" 'no sound" 'no air'no atmosphere to filter
sun's rays and to blanket in warm air', 'no twilight or dawn'

- Which verb(s) will you use for the prompt 'its gravity - insufftcient'
and'temperatures on the moon - extreme?

- What is the connection between the two points 'no atmosphere' and'no

- Which article will you use for the noun phrase'sudden change'?
- Which does not shine by its own light?
- Which verbs will you use for the prompts 'lunar sky - black' and 'stars
- visible'?
- Which is not a nice place to visit?
. Ask students to think about points to be considered for writing a parugraph
and write the first draft.
, Tell students not to reproduce the paragraph learnt by heart.
. Ask students to check grammar, spelling and punctuation.
. Give feedback.
. Ask students to write a fair copy.
The Moon
The moon is a satellite of the earth .Itrs 24,000 miles away from the
earth. The moon is completely devoid of water due to its gravity which is less
than on the earth. This causes water on the moon to leak out. into the space.
Since there is no water on the moon, there is no vegetation at all. Besides, there
is no air on the moon as its gravity is insufficient to retain an atmosphere. No
atmosphere means no weather. Temperatures on the moon are quite extreme
because there is no atmosphere to filter the sun's rays and to blanket in warm air.
The sudden change in temperature causes rock to shatter. There is no twilight or
dawn on the moon. The moon does not shine by its own light. The lunar sky is
black and the stars are visible in the daytime. There is no air on the moon to
transmit the sound. So, the moon is not a nice place to visit.


Title of the Unit : Clocks through time
Aims of the Lesson : To familiarize students with the vocabulary on
different types of clocks, and to teach the use of
connectives, no sooner ...... than and the active
voice and the passive voice
Time Allocation : 45 minutes x 10 periods
Teaching Aids : Photographs of different types of clocks such as
sundials,water clocks, pendulum clocks and digital
Teaching Procedure
Pre-reading Stage
Step 1: Predicting from the Title
. Ask students to read the title.
. Read the title aloud as a model and ask students to repeat after you with
correct pronunciation.

Through : l0rut I
. Ask students what they expect to read in the passage after reading the title.
Accept any relevant answers.
Step 2: Doing pre-reading tasks
. Ask students the questions from the Pre-reading Task in the text.
. Ask students to put a tick next to the expression that they expect to read in the

A. Put a tick 1/) next to the expression that you expect to read in the

time is precious
different types of clocks
the origin of clocks

the inventors of clocks

Accept any relevant answers.
Answer the following questions in short phrases.
Suggested Answers (Accept any relevant answers.)
1. We wear a watch on the wrist or carry it in the pocket whereas we put a clock
on a table or on the wall. A clock is usually larger than a watch.

2. digital watch/clock, electric watch/clock, quartz watch/clock, automatic

watch/clock, stop watch, etc.
3. Nowadays, apart from ordinary watches worn on one's wrist, they are also
found in the form ofrings, key chains, brooches, bracelets, lockets, etc.
Step 3: Pre-teaching
. Select the difficult words in the passage whose meanings students may not be
able to guess from the context.
r Pre-teach the words: glass blowing, odometer, tunnel, pendulum'
glass blowing = (n) the art or activity of blowing hot grass into shapes
using a special tube o$go8sao:os
odometer : (n) an instrument in vehicle that measures the number
of miles it has traveled ofl:{doid:cr3{cm

tunnel : (n) a n:urow passage

pendulum : (n) a long straight part with a weight at the
moves regularly from side to side to control
movement of a clock gcfl{$e3:
Step 4: Model Reading

' Ask students to put a srant rine whenever the

teacher makes a pause.
. Read the passage in meaningful chunks
as a model.
Step 5: Checking the pauses, and Reading
' Re-read each paragraph and point out the pauses
the teacher has made.
' Ask students to check whether they have drawn
the slant lines in the correct

' Ask students to read aloud with correct pauses.

Note down the words students
cannot pronounce well.
Step 6: Drilling the pronunciation of
unfamiliar words
' Drill the words that sfudents cannot pronounce well and ask them to listen to
and repeat after the teacher.
Example: sundials, odometer, pendulum,
While-reading Stage
Step 1: Silent Reading, Skimming and
Silent Reading
. Ask students to read paragraph I silently.

paragraph quickly and ask
Select a paragraph and ask the students to read the
them what that ParagraPh is about.

Example: What is this paragraph about?

began making
It was probably around 3,000 years ago that people first
observed that shadows
things to help them measure the passage of time. Having
drew a circle and
move around trees as the sun moves across the sky, someone
even divisions on
put a stick in the centre. As the sun passed overhead, he marked
people could tell which part
the circle as the shadow of the stick crossed it. Then
fell across'
of the day it was by noticing which mark on the circle the shadow
circles were called "sundials." Latet,they were made
of stone and metal to
last longer.

Answer: about'sundials'.
paragraph' Ask students to find
Select noticeable and specific information in the
fell across
Answer: by noticing which mark on the circle the shadow
Silent Reading
. Ask students to read paragraph 2 silently'
paragraph quickly and ask
Select a paraglaph and ask the students to read the
them what that ParagraPh is about.

Example: What is this paragraph about?

so men kept
course, a sundial did not work at night or on cloudy days,
was a striped candle'
inventing other ways io teep track of time. One invention
stripe melted in about
Each stripe took the same airount of time to melt. If each
an hour, about three hours would have passed when
three stripes melted'

Answer: about'a striPed candle'.

Select noticeable and specific information in the paragraph.
Ask students to find
Why did people invent a striped candle?
Answer: because a sundial did not work at night or on cloudy
Silent Reading
. Ask students to read paragraph 3 silently.
select a paragraph and ask the students to read the paragraph
quickly and ask
them what that paragraph is about.
Example: What is this paragraph about?
A water clock was another way to tell time. A container had a line
with a
number beside it for every hour. It also had a tiny
hole in the bottom. The
container was filled with water that dripped through
the hole. When the water
level reached the first_line, people knew that an rroL
naa passed. Each time the
water level fell to another line, one more hour had passed.
Answer.' about 'a water clock,
Select noticeable and specific information in the paragraph.
Ask students to find
when did people know that an hour had passed in a water
Answer.' when the water level reached the first line
Silent Reading
. Ask students to read paragraph 4 silently.
select a paragraph and ask the students to read the paragraph
quickly and ask
them what that paragraph is about.

Example: What is this paragraph about?

Candles and water clocks helped people know how much time had gone by.
But candles had to be remade, and water clocks had to be refilled. So, after glass
blowing was invented, the hourglass came into use. Glass bulbs were joined by a
nalrow tunnel of glass, and fine, dry sand was placed in the top bulb' The
hourglass was easy to use, but it had to be furned over every hour so the sand
could flow again.
Answer.' about 'glass blowing'.
Select noticeable and specific information in the paragraph. Ask students to find
What happened when the hour glass was turned over every hour?
Answer.'the sand flowed again
Silent Reading
. Ask students to read paragraphs 5 and 6 silently.
Example: What are these paragraphs about?
It was about 600 years ago that the first clock with a face and an hour hand
was made. One of the first such clocks was built for a king of France and placed
in a tower of the royal palace. The clock did not show minutes or seconds.
Usually it did not even show the correct hour! Since there were no planes or
trains to catch, however, people were not concerned about knowing the exact
Answer: about 'the first clock with a face and an hour hand'
Select noticeable and specific information in the paragraph. Ask students to find
Knowing the exact time was not so important for people 600 years ago. Why?
Answer: because there were no planes and trains to catch
Silent Reading
. Ask students to read paragraph 7 silently.
Example; What is the paragraph about?
Watches came into use as soon as clocks were made small enough
to be
carried. These did not always tell the correct time, either. They were
often put
into beautiful watchcases, which were made to rook rike anything the
Answer.' about'watches'
Select noticeable and specific information in the paragraph. Ask
students to find
When did watches come into use?
Answer.'when clocks were made small enough to be carried
Silent Reading
. Ask students to read paragraphs g and 9 silently.
Example; What are these paragraphs about?
The pendulum clock was invented in 1657. This was the beginning
of the
style of clocks we call ..grandfather clocks,,, which were
enclosed in tall wooden
Pendulum clocks showed the hours more exactly than earlier
clocks, since
the weight on the pendulum could be moved up or down
to make the clock go
faster or slower. Alout forty years later, minute and
second hands were put on
some clocks. Grandfather clocks are very much in demand
againtoday. They are
usually very expensive, however, and require more spac" thu,
othlr styles of
Answer: about'pendulum clocks,
Select noticeable and specific information in the paragraph.
Ask students to find
Example: When was the pendulum clock invented?
Answer.' in 1657
Silent Reading
. Ask students to read paragraph 10 silently.
Step 2: Skimming
Example: What are these paragraphs about?
As people began to go to more places and do more things, they were more
interested in knowing the correct time. By 1900, almost every house had, aclock,
and nearly every well-dressed gentleman wore a watch on a chain fucked in his
vest pocket.

Answer: about'using clocks'.

Select noticeable and specific information in the paragraph. Ask students to find
Why were people more interested in knowing the correct time?
People were more interested in knowing the correct time because they began to
go to more places and do more things.
Silent Reading
' Ask students to read from Line 44 to Line 46 (trtaragraph I l) silently.
Example: What is the paragraph about?
Today, of course, we have electric clocks that keep giving the right time
until they are unplugged or the electricity goes off. Scientists have invented
clocks that look like large machines and tell the correct time to a split second.
Answer.' about'electric clocks'
Select noticeable and specific information in the paragraph. Ask students to find
what is essential for electric clocks to keep giving the right time?
Answer.' Electricity
Silent Reading
. Ask students to read paragraph 12 and 13 silently.
Example: What are these paragraphs about?
The most modem electric clocks for home use do not have faces
or hands.
These clocks are called digital clocks, and they tell the time
with a set of
numerals which appear in a little window. The seconds are
counted off like the
tenths of a mile on the odometer of a car.
Many electric clocks are combined with radios, which can sometim6s
set to tum on automatically. Thus, instead of an alarm ringing
in your ear in the
morning, you can hea-r soft music playing when it is time to get
up. some clocks
will even start the coffee maker! Although clocks and watchis play an important
part in people's lives in industrialized countries, time is
still regarded in very
different ways in different parts of the world.
Answer.' about 'digital clocks,
Select noticeable and specific information in the paragraph.
Ask students to find
Do modem electric clocks for home use have faces or hands?
Answer.' They have neither faces nor hands.
Step 2: Dealing with Referents, unfamiliar words and
Complex Structures
Dealing with Referents

' Select some referents (pronouns) and ask students to find

their antecedents
(what these pronouns refer to).
Example: what does the underlined word in the given sentence refer
Gradually, clocks began to be popular. They still did not keep
correct time, but
they were unusual, and they could be beautifrrlly decora:ed.
Answer: clocks

Dealing with Unfamiliar Words

. Select some unfamiliar words and ask students to guess their meanings of
them by breaking the word into different meaningful parts, guessing the
meaning of the word from affixes or contextual clues.
Example; What does the phrase "digital clocks" mean in the following

What is the contextual clue?

The most modern electric clocks for home use do not have faces or hands.
These clocks are called digital clocks, and they tell the time with a set of
numerals which appear in a little window.
digital clocks : the most modern electric clocks for home use that do not have
faces or hands
The verb 'are called' is the clue to the meaning of "digital clocks". The phrase
preceding it defines what follows it.
Dealing with Complex Structures
. Select complex structures that students may frnd difficult and explain them.
Example: How can you divide the given sentence into its smaller parts?
As people began to go to more places and do more things, they were more
interested in knowing the correct time.
Main clause : they were more interested in knowing the correct time
Subordinate clause : people began to go to more places and do more things
Conjunction : as

Post-reading Stage
Step 1: Checking Comprehension
. Ask students to do the comprehension exercises from the text book.

A. Read paragraphs 4, 5 and 6 and then complete the following

sentenceswith the correct word or words.
1. use ,2 easy, 3. concerned, 4. wood, 5. exactly

Step 1:Ask students to read out the instruction and choose the letter of the answer
that best matches the meaning of the underlined word as it is used in each
ofthe sentences.

Step 2:Check the answers, making them read aloud.

Choose the meaning that best suits the underlined word in each sentence
from the choices given.l
1. (c)making by sending a current of air
2.(b) pointers on a dial or dials
3. (a) one sixtieth part of an hour
4. (a) small instruments showing the time, worn on the wrist
5. (a) warning sound or signal
step Ask students to read the instruction and the verbs given in the box.
A. Replace the underlined words in the following sentences with suitable
words or phrases in the box.

need operate gone by indicate wanted

Step 4:Ask students to do as instructed and check their answers.

1. A sundial did not onerate at night or on cloudy days.
2. When the water level of the water clock reached the first line, one hour
had sone by.

3. Usually, the first clocks and watches did not even indicate the correct

4. Grandfather clocks are very much wanted againtoday.

5. Grandfather clocks are usually very expensive, however, and need more
space than other styles of clocks.

. Connectivesjoin sentences, clauses and phrases.
Connectivesep:oplo1lcDJoJ2sr o1cntr)cp:gf occ
g€ocrro:gcrp: cDocDoo
6<.lBGcr ocr::o5rclp:$6crEirr

A. Connectives (Compound)
. We use compound expressions as "Connectives". They are:
in order that; so that; on condition that lprovided that;
even if / even though; as though / as if; as well as; as soon as
1. rn order that is used to describe purpose of doing something.
In order that oE$oEtt E1q6q$6:d oe@6:q8:{eoE$og$rr
lst clause -| in order that + 2nd clause (the purpose of the action in
the first clause)

e.g.The time-table was put up in order that the students would know when
classes will begin.

2. so that is used to express the result or reason of doing something.

so that op$ -Ett$e6$6:e@o6. q$el p$qcuo8 d.ed
0fq6q$6:d oe@6:q&{ eo5$oEil
lst Clause * so that + 2nd Clause (the result of the action in the
1st Clause)

e.g. He saved part of his salary so that he could buy a cycle.

lst Clause + so that + 2nd Clause (the reason for the action in
the lst Clause)

e.g. He has to earn a lot of money so that he can buy his children nice food and

3. On condition that and provided that are used to express the fact that
something will happen only if something else happens.

On condition that 96. provided that oE! sae$saeEoEq8 $g-

o$c:oe$raegco6q6 E6$EoE$ saalcBS a2:opirr

lst Clause + on conditionthatlprovided that + 2nd Clause

e.g. I will allow you to go out on condition that you come back before
4. Even if and Even though are used to express contradiction.
Even if
96. Even though op[
oe$saeqo6q6qE ao$"q8coo5 oeo.r:
@6psoJ"s qGf eoTQopirr
e.g. Such an act would not be kind even if it were just.
5. As if and As though are used to express the fact that something which is not
true or cannot come kue.

As if 96. As though op$ el$6$Eeoo sae$saeE o6q6c{ eoT$ep qE

e.g. She speaks as though she were a very leamed person.

6. As well as has the meaning of like or similar to.

As well as crp! sao>rsc?c?ecr: o8g1<SqoElrr
e.g. Nilar as well as Kyi Pyar will phone you about the trip.
7. As soon as is used to express the fact that the second incident occurs
immediately after the occurrence of the first incident.
As soon as crg! <-,coosa$Es:ac,tr,rS
$:eqccrS qd<ro$6oc1c6 atrc,S$E:

{"6"1 BEoJC,SBE,{ ".TEq,

qE q:oplrr i

e.g. She trembled as soon as she heard the news.



Exercise: Fill in the blanks with appropriate compound connectives.
KEY (Connectives)
l' He studies his lessons regularly so that he will pass the exams without
having any diffrculty.
2. You will succeed on cvndition that/provided thalyoutry very hard.
3. I will let you lnow rny secret on condition that/ provided that yog dont
tell anybody.
4- As soon as the headmaster saw me, he started scolding me.
5. She took a taxi so th$ she would not be late for her class.
6. Parents love their sons cs well as their daugfirters.
7. She screamed loudly as if shehad seen a ghost.
8' Myo Myo as welr as Toe Toe obeyed the teacher's orders.
9' My grandmother uses her glasses when she reads so that she can see
10. She behaved as if lhad purposefully hurt her feelings.

Noreoner .... tlrn

r 'fNo s(x)ner than" is used to say that something -lrappeno
immediately after something else.
Form: Nosooner*eur* sub+ V + then + sub + V
e.g. No sooner had they entered the cinema hall than the film started.
r In the strucfure 'No sooner ... than,, an auxiliary comes immediately after
'No sooner'. The subject is written only after this. The second part of the
sentence is rewritten after,than,.

oiqoaS no sooner cq:ar3isaa'i 93:egcc,s9

-r?@* euxiliary verb
g subject c$ c,5 coco 3i rr ooe@cd q o3,Q d :r{ tnan er\ caco5q8

e.g. As soon as I had taken the medicine, I felt relieved from the pain.
No sooner had I taken the medicine than I felt relieved from the pain.

NOTE: The auxiliary to be used depends on the tense of the verbs of the
given sentence.

Go:@o:Ga)"o1q{ verb oA3 tense ecrTgo3i$ auxiliary crieQcS:


e.g. (1) As soon as she reached home, she went to bed.

No sooner did she reach home than she went to bed'
(2) Aung Aung had just had his dinner, when the phone rang'
No sooner had Aung Aung had his dinner than the phone rang.

Exercise: Rewrite these sentences by using'no sooner than'.

KEY (No sooner than)
1. No sooner had she graduated than she got a job.
2. No sooner had we started out for Bago than it started to rain.
3. No sooner did the plane take off than I realized that I had left my suitcase
4. No sooner did she start telling us about herself than she burst into tears.
5. No sooner had he finished his homework than he went out to play.
6. No sooner had he just arrived at the airport than the plane left.
7. No sooner had Mary finished her breakfast than she left for work.
8. No sooner did she get home from school than she took a bath.
g. No sooner had Nilar tidied the room than the visitors came in.
10. No sooner had mother gone to bed than she heard a knock on the door.

The active voice and the passive voice

. The active voice is the form of a verb in which the subject is the person or
thing that performs the action.
. The passive voice is used when the subject is affected by the action of the
Active: subject + verb + object
Passive: subject + verb (be+ past participle) + (by + agent)

e.g. Active: (a) Mary helped the boy.

Passive: (b) The boy was helped by Mary.
S V Agent
' In the passive, the object of an active verb becomes the subject of the
passive verb and the subject of the verb becomes "the agent" in the passive verb.
. In the above example, 'the boy' in the active sentence (a) becomes the
subject of the passive sentence (b). Sentences (a) and (b) have the same meaning.
NOTE: [n rewriting a sentence in the passive voice, the agent can be rewritten
with'by'to make it prominent.
Passive olqQ$"qrqr%8 agent qoaTeocpLqS.i"fl seocr)BGo:
eoEQcQ eocoal @o:oer\ egcc,6qd uy 1{ ecr'l 3 :
$ Q$ od ""6G e1o3l rr

e.g. This table was made by my grandfather.

r However, when the subjects of the active sentences are pronouns such as
U Wel He/ She/ they and non-definitive subjects such as 'people, someone,
somebody', there is no need to rewrite them with'by'.

{."-E active olcqler\ subject (Ef"?Se) c.>a: qc6oc:qp: @6occc

IAile/He/She/They el3iailt,la:ol ddqtql ooSg$:oc:$3: oflea:c people,
someone, somebody 4.86ql3 uy gf 98:oi."fl 0$"q,q$oc$cr'1 rr

e.g. Active: People grow rice in lndia.

Passive: Rice is grown in India.
Forms of The Active Voice and The Passive Yoice

Tense Active Passive

V-s, -es aml is I are + past participle

e.g. Mary helps John. John is helped by Mary.

amlis lare't V-ing am / is I are * being * past participle

Tense Active Passive

Mary is helping
John is being helped by Mary.

Present Has/have*past
Perfect participle has / have f been + past participle

Mary has helped
John has been helped by Mary.

4 V (simple past) was / were * past participle

e.g. Mary helped John. John was helped by Mary.

5 was/were+V-ing was / were + being + past participle

Mary was helping
John was being helped by Mary.

6 had + past participle had + been + past participle

Mary had helped
John had been helped by Mary.

will + V-inf will + be + past participle

7 am /is /are + going am /is I arc * going to * be * past
to +V-inf participle
Marywill help John.
John will be helpedbyMary.
e.g. Mary is going to
John is going to be helped by Mary.
help John.

Modal canl must/ should can I must/ should ....+ be * past
Auxiliaries ....+ V-inf participle

Mary should help John should be helped by Mary.
Exercise: Finish each sentence in such a way that it means exacfly the same
as the sentence that is given.

KEY (The Active Voice and the passive Voice)

1. Customers are served by waiters and waitresses.
2. The lessons are going to be explained by the teacher.
3. The story book has been returned to the library by Nilar.
4. This antique table was made in 1734.
5. The song is being sung by the children.
6. The children broke the window pane.
7. Vehicles and factories cause air pollution.
8. John has suggested a new idea.
9- Identity cards must be brought by all students to the examination hall.
10. Ann will be invited to the party by Bill.

. Ask students to read the given prompts.
A.Using the prompts given, write a short paragraph on:"The pendulum clock"
- pendulum clock - invent 1657
- also call - Grandfather Clock
- enclose in tall wooden box
- show - hours more exactly than earlier clocks because weight on
pendulum - can move up or down to make clock faster or slower
- -
- grandfather clocks - very popular today
- however they be very expensive - require more space - other styles of
. Ask students to answer the following questions.
- which article will you use for the subject'pendulum clock'?
Is it the doer of the invention or not? If so, which form of the verb will
you use?
- Which tense is to be used for this paragraph? Why?

- Which subject(s) will you use for the prompts 'also call'- Grandfather
Clock'and'enclose in tall wooden box'?
- Which showed the hours more exactly than the earlier clocks?
- Which article is suitable for the noun'weight'?
!'moves up or down"?
- Is weight the doer of the action
- Which form of the verb will You use?
- Which verb will you use for the prompt 'to make clock - faster or
- Is the verb given for the prompt 'grandfather clocks - very popular
today'? Which verb is needed and whY?
- What form of the verb be'will you use?
- How will you connect the two points 'they be very expensive' and
'require more space - other styles of clocks'?
. If students have the answers, ask them to write the first draft and insert the
transitions words between the sentences.
. Ask students to check spelling, gralnmar and punctuation.
. Give feedback.
. Ask students to write a fair copy.

The Pendulum Clock

The pendulum clock was invented in 1657. They were also called the
Grandfather Clocks which were enclosed in tall wooden boxes. Pendulum
clocks showed the hours more exactly than earlier clocks because the weight on
the pendulum could be moved up or down to make the clock go faster or slower.
Grandfather clocks are very popular today. However, they are very expensive
and require more space than other styles of clocks.
Teaching procedure for writing a friendly letter

Step 1
. Ask students what a friendly letter is. (A letter to a person you are familiar
. Discuss with students the parts in writing a friendly letter. The heading
includes the sender's address and the date. The sender's address needs to be
located at the top of the page in the centre or at the top righthand corner' The

date needs to be located under the sender's address on the left-hand side of the
page above the greeting. The greeting needs to be located under the heading
on the left-hand side of the page. The greeting would include such words as
Dear .The body of the letter includes the message. It is
written in paragraph form. The closing of the leffer would include such words
as Sincerely, or Your friend. The signature is signed name of the writer
under the closing
. Give one example by using these points.
Step 2
. Ask students to read the given situation.
' Elicit the writer and the receiver of the letter and what the main message is.
. Discuss a watch.
For example: telling about the watch that you have chosen for your cousin
as a birthday present
- brands of a watch (Citizen, Romanson, euartz etc.)
- colours of a watch
- price of a watch
Step 3
. Tell students that students can choose one or more than one.
For example: visiting resort areas
- What the brand is (Citizen, Romanson, Seiko)
- What the colour is (black, gold)
- What the shape is (round, oval, rectangular)
- tn which country it is made (Switzerland, Japan)
- With alarm or not
- Where you bought it (Cherry Oo, Titan)
Elicit the ideas about the format of a personal letter.
For example:
- The Heading (address and date)
- The Greeting (beginning with the word "dear" and ending with a
comma and using the person's given name or relationship)
- The Body (the main text including the message they want to write)
- The Leave taking (short expression on a single line, ending with
a cornma)

- The Signature (the name of the addresser)

Highlight the tense that is suitable for the given letter (the message they
are going to write is about a watch that has been chosen for a cousin as a
birthday present, so the tense is simple present tense).
Step 4
' Provide students with some useful expressions for beginning the leffer and
finishing the letter.
For exemple: @eginning the letter)
I hope you ilre keeping well./ I hope this letter finds you well.
I haven't been able to write to you ----.
It's been a long time since I last wrote to you.
For example: (Finishing the letter)
Let me stop my letter here / I'11 stop my letter here as I have to do my
homework / to study my lessons.
Thatts all fm now.
Please givo my love to your family I to allmy friends.
I'm looking forwards to seeing you soon / to lour reply.
Do corne to rny birtMay party lto my house.
Do write to me as soon as possible. / Drop a line to me if you're free.
Do convey my best regards to everyone at home.
Step 5
' Ask students to write the first draft when they have the points they need,
telling them to focus on only the content.
' Tell students to focus on organization and puncfuation, grammatical errors,
spelling, etc)
Step 6
' Give feedback. (Teacher writing one sample copy on the board , pointing out
the organization, punctuation, grammatical errors, spelling, etc.)
. Ask students to write a fair copy.
B. You are Hlaing Bwar. You live in No.l01, Thazin Street, Mawlamyaing.
Write a letter to your cousin, telling himlher about a watch that you have
chosen for him/trer as a birthday present.

- The Leave taking (short expression on a singre line, ending with

a comma)
- The Signeture (the name of the addresser)
Highlight the tense that is suitable for the given letter (the message they
are going to write is about a watch that has been chosen for a cousin as a
birthday present, so the tense is simple present tense).
Step 4
' Provide sfudents with some useful expressions for beginning the letter and
finishing tlre letter.
For exemple: @egianing the letter)
I hope you are keeping well./ I hope this letter finds you well.
I haven't been able to write to you ----.
It's been a long time since I last wrote to you.
For example: (Finishing the tetter)
Let me stop my letter here / I'11 stop my letter here as I have to do my
homework / to study my lessons.
That's all for now.
Please givo my love to your family I to allmy friends.
I'm looking forwards to seeing you soon / to your reply.
"Do come to my birthday parfi lto my house.
Do write to me as soon as possible. / Drop a line to me if you're free.
Do convey my best regards to everyone at home.
Step 5
' Ask students to write the first draft when they have the points they need,
telling them to focus on only the content.
' Tell students to focus on organization and puncfuation, grammatical errors,
spelling, etc)
Step 6
' Give feedback. (Teacher writing one sample copy on the board , pointing out
the organization, puncfuation, grammatical errors, spelling, etc.)
. Ask students to write a fair copy.
B. You are Hlaing Bwar. You live in No.101, Thazin street, Mawlamyaing.
Write a letter to your cousin, telling himlher about a watch that you have
chosen for him/her as a birthday present.

No. 101, Thazin Street

7. t.07
Dear Nyi Nyi,
How is everything with you? I hope you and your family are in the best of
health. As for me, I am well and studying my lessons very hard.
I sent a beautiful watch to you as a birthday present. I know that you want
a new watch. The brand of that watch is "Romanson" which is very popular
nowadays. It is made in Italy. It is very beautiful and it keeps correct time. It is
oval in shape with black illuminated dials. That's why you can know the time
even at night. I know that you don't like to get up early in the moming although
you want to get up to study your lesson. So I intentionally chose the watch with
an alarm. The soft music of the alarm bell will wake you up. I hope you like the
Let me stop here. If you don't mind, please write to me and tell me
whether you like it or not. I'm looking forward hearing from you.

Yours lovingly,
Ko Ko
c. write an essay of rHREE paragraph on: " Different types of clocks and
Different types of clocks and watches
Just as in the saying "Time and tide wait for no man,,, time is precious for
all human beings in this Knowledge Age. So clocks and watches, the machines
that show us time, are very important and useful these days. Technicians today try
to invent more and more modern clocks and watches to fulfill the needs of

Before these modernized clocks, the very first types of clocks are sundials.
People needed to draw a circle and put a stick in the centre. As the sun passed
overhead, divisions on the circles are marked as the shadow of the stick crossed
it. People knew time by looking atthe mark on the circle. Another type is a water
clock. It was a container that had a line with a number beside it andlhat was filed
with water that dripped through the hole. The water level would tell time of ri,,;
day. The next type is the pendulum clock. The weight on the pendulum moving
up or down makes the clocks go faster or slower and it gives the time.

Years later, people invented another type of clock called electric clock
that give the right time. Some clocks show the time with a set of numerals and
this type is called digital clocks. Nowadays, high technology is helping us to
create more and more modem clocks and watches.


Title of the Unit : Self-service and the supermarket
Aim of the Lesson : To famlliarize students with the vocabulary on self-
service stores, and to teach the grammar on adverb
clause of purpose, after + verb-ing and without * verb-
Time Allocation : 45 minutes x 10 periods

Teaching Aids : Photos showing how goods are displayed in a


Teaching Procedure

Pre-reading Stage
Step 1: Predicting from the Title
. Ask students to read the title.
. Read the title aloud as a model and ask students to repeat after you with
correct pronunciation.

self-service: /,self 'sgI.vts /

supermarket : I',moI.klt/
. Ask students what they expect to read in the passage after reading the title. ta,

Accept any relevant answers.

Step 2: Doing Pre-reading Tasks I

. Ask students the questions from Pre-reading Task in the text.


Suggested Answers (Accept any relevant answers.)

1. We can buy different kinds of things we need at shops, stores, markets and
2. A very large store selling food and other things is called a supermarket.
3. I have been to such a shop. It is ....
4. we can see different kinds of meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, different
designs of clothes, shoes, sandals and various kinds ofgoods.
5. Such shops have become popular nowadays because people can buy
everything they want at one place and they can serve themselves there.
Step 3: Pre-teaching
r Select the difficult words in the passage whose meanings students may not be
able to guess from the context.
. Pre-teach the words: facilities, perishable, overtax, hygienic, streamline
facilities(n) : buildings, services, equipment, etc. that are
provided for a particular purpose
/-- c e c e e
o? o cocc 6If 3eo? m 3ac@ccD 3a g
( o)

$lecccoeo.:c,5 sa f : g $ : o o $ 3")

perishable(adj) : (especially of food) likely to decay or go bad

quickly (96 ri rq,rSca>c saoq o@3.saoc:saoo) s

overtax (v) : to make sb/ sth do more than they are able or want
to do (saq$sodQSBDd)
hygienic(adj) : clean and free of bacteria and therefore unlikely to
spread disease (Qrgor-3 reoc)
streamline(v) : make a system, an organization, etc. work better,
especially in a way that saves money
(o8 eepo8 q d GE c4 rl3 - $ )
Step 4: Model Reading
. Ask students to put a slant line whenever the teacher makes a pause.
Read the passage in meaningful chunks as a model.
Step 5: Checking the Pauses. and Reading Aloud
' Re-read each paragraph and point out the pauses the teacher has made.

' Ask sfudents to check whether they have drawn the slant lines in the correct
. Ask students to read aloud with correct pauses. Note down the words students
cannot pronounce well.
Step 6: Drilling Unfamiliar Words
. Drill the words that students cannot pronounce well and ask them to listen to
and repeat after the teacher.
Example: prepacked, itemizing, multi-tiered
While-Reading Stage
Step 1: Silent Reading, Skimming and Scanning
Silent Reading
. Ask students to read the first paragraph silently.
. Ask the students to read the first paragraph quickly and ask them what that
paragraph is about.
Example: What is the given paragraph about?
During the last few years, there has been an enonnous increase in the number of
shops, stores and supermarkets which provide facilities for self-service. Their
general purpose is to provide goods of every description attractively and
hygienically and in perfect condition, so that the customer can serve herself, and
then pay for the goods with the minimum of delay.
Answer: about the general purpose of self-service stores
. Select noticeable and specific information in the paragraph. Ask students to
find it.
Example: Look at the given paragraph and find out which facilities supermarkets
During the last few years, there has been an enonnous increase in the number
of shops, stores and supermarkets which provide facilities for self-service. Their
general pupose is to provide goods of every description attractively and
hygienically and in perfect condition, so that the customer can serve herself and
then pay for the goods with the minimum of delay.

Answer: facilities for self-service

Silent Reading
. Ask students to read the second paragraph silently.

' Ask students to read the second paragraph quickly and ask them what that
paragraph is about.

Example: What is the given paragraphabout?

The organizers of a self-service store have their difficulties. They must display
a great number of goods in a minimum space without covering up anything.
They must deal with perishable foodstuffs requiring different ranges of
temperature; and they must arrange a speedy flow of customers past the cash
registers without overtaxing the operators.

Answer: about the difficulties of the organizers of a self-service store

. Select noticeable and specific information in the paragraph. Ask students to
find it.
Example: Look at the given paragraph and find the kind of foodstuffs the
organizers must deal with.
The organizers of a self-service store have their difficulties. They must digplay
a great number of goods in a minimum space without covering up anything.
They must deal with perishable foodstuffs requiring different ranges of
temperature; and they must arrange a speedy flow of customers past the cash
registers without overtaxing the operators.

Answer: perishable foodstuffs

Sitent Reading
. Ask students to read the third paragraph silently.

. Ask the students to read the third paragraph quickly and ask them what that
paragraph is about.

Example: What is the given paragraph about?

For the purposes of display, many devices are used such as long lengths of
adjustable shelves to take various sizes of packs, rotating circular shelves, islands
of display stands, racks for tubed foods, and multi-tiered mobile stalls.

Answer: about the devices used for display

. Select noticeable and specific information in the paragraph. Ask students to
find it.
Example: Look at the given paragraph and find what devices are used for
tubed foods

For the purposes of display, many devices are used such as long lengths of
adjustable shelves to take various sizes of packs, rotating circular shelves, islands
of display stands, racks for tubed foods, and multi-tiered mobile stalls.
Answer: racks
Silent Reading
. Ask students to read the fourth paragraph silently.
. Ask the students to read the fourth paragraph quickly and ask them what that
Parqgfaph is about.
Example: What is the given paragraph about?
Perishable foodstuffs and quick frozen fruit, vegetables and meat are kept in
refrigerated self-service cabinets, which keep goods at the required temperatures.
These are at zero degree Fahrenheit for frozen food, 28-32 degrees for meat and
fish, and 40-50 degrees for dairy produce and provisions.
Answer: about the need of different temperatures for different kinds of goods


' Select noticeable and specific information in the paragraph. Ask students to
find it.
Example.' Look at the given paragraph and find the temperatures needed for meat
and fish.
Perishable foodstuffs and quick frozen fruit, vegetables and meat are kept in
refrigerated self-service cabinets, which keep goods at the required temperatures.
These are at zero degree Fahrenheit for frozen food, 28-32 degrees for meat and
fish, and 40-50 degrees for dairy produce and provisions.
Answer:28-32 degrees
Silent Reading
. Ask students to read the fifth paragraphsilently.
' Ask the students to read the fifth paragraph quickly and ask them what that
paragraph is about.
Example: What is the given paragraph about?
The problem of quick payment has been solved by the use of modern cash
registers. one such machine called the Automatic ltemizing and Change
Computing Cash Register, first records the cost of each item and totals the bill.
Then it also registers the sum given in payment, and shoots out the right change
into a cup near the customer.
Answer: about how the problem of quick payment has been solved by the use of
modern cash registers

' Select noticeable and specific information in the paragraph. Ask students to
find it.
Example: Look at the given paragraph and find the name of the niodern cash
The problem of quick payment has been solved by the ose of modern cash
registers. One such machine called the Automatic Itemizing and Change
Computing Cash Register, first records the cost of each item and totals the bill.

Then it also registers the sum given in payment, and shoots out the right change
into a cup near the customer.
Answer: Automatic Itemizing and Change Computing Cash Register
Silent Reading
. Ask students to read the sixth paragraph silently.
, Ask the students to read the sixth paragraph quickly and ask them what that
paragraph is about.
Example: What is the given paragraph about?
Some of the advantages of self-service seem to be that there is no waiting to
be served; there is a wide variety of choice, and it is claimed that prepacked meat
and vegetables are hygienic. Shopping is said to be more "streamlined" and more
economical. Nevertheless many people still prefer to be served by a small
shopkeeper who knows them personally and will deliver goods to their homes.

Answer: about some of the advantages of self-service

. Select noticeable and specific information in the paragraph. Ask students to
find it.
Example: Look at the given paragraph and find a prominent adjective that
describes shopping at a self-service store.

Some of the advantages of self-service seem to be that there is no waiting to

be served; there is a wide variety of choice, and it is claimed that prepacked meat
and vegetables are hygienic. Shopping is said to be more "streamlined" and more
economical. Nevertheless many people still prefer to be served by a small
shopkeeper who knows them personally and will deliver goods to their homes.

Answer: "streamlined"

Dealing with Unfamiliar Words

. Select some unfamiliar words and ask students to guess their meanings by I
breaking the word into different meaningful parts, guessing the meaning of €
the word from affixes or contextual clues. Uo

Sample Answers:
Guessing the meaning of a word by breaking it into meaningful parts
prepacked :pre +pack+ s4
pre- : before
pack : preserve food in a particular substance
-ed : past participle
Guessing the meaning of a word from the context
What does the phrase 'hygienic'mean in the given sentence?
Some of the advantages of self-service seem to be that there is no waiting to be
served; there is a wide variety of choice, and it is claimed that prepacked meat
and vegetables are h:tgienic.
hygienic: clean and free of bacteria
Since meat and vegetables are prepacked, it can be assumed that they are clean
and free ofbacteria.
Dealing with Complex Structures
' Select the complex structures that students may find difficult and explain
Example; How can you divide the given sentence in.^ its smaller parts?
Nevertheless many people still prefer to be served by a small shopkeeper
who knows them personally and wiII deliver goods to their homes.
Adverb : Nevertheless
Main clause : many people still prui-r to be served by a small
Relative Clause (1) : who knows them persona'l.,
Conjunction : and
Relative Clause (2) : (who) will deliver gcuds to their homes
Post-reading Stage
Step 1: Checking Comprehension
. Ask sfudents to do the comprehensiorr ;?orn i' -extbook.
Choose the best answer.
1. (c) 2.(a) 3. (d) 4. (d) s. (b)

B. Find these words in the text.

1. enormous provide
2. 3. self-service 4. display
5. operator 7. sPeedY 8. rack

9. advantage 10. varietY

C. Complete the following with the correct forms of the answers in Exercise
1. self-service, 2. displayed, 3. operators, 4' enormous,
5. advantages, speedy
D. Answer the following questions in complete sentences.
1. During the last few years, the number of shops, stores and supermarkets has
2. The goods are provided attractively and hygienically and in perfect condition
in supermarkets.
3. Some of the difficulties of a self-service store are that the organtzers must
display a great number of goods in a minimum space without covering up
anything, deal with perishable foodstuffs requiring different ranges of
temperature and arrarlge a speedy flow of customers past the cash registers
without overtaxing the operators.
4. Long lengths of adjustable shelves, rotating circular shelves, islands of
display stands, racks and multi-tiered mobile stalls are used in supermarkets
for the purpose of display.
5. Perishable foodstuffs, quick frozen fruit, vegetables and meat are kept in
refrigerated self-service cabinets.
6. Frozen fruits are kept at zero degtee Fahrenheit.
7. Quick payment is done by the use of modern cash registers.
8. One of the modern cash registers used in supermarkets is the Automatic
Itemizing and Change Comp*ting Cash Register.
9. Many people prefer to be served by a small shopkeeper because he knows
them personally and will deliver goods to their homes.
10. I prefer a self-service store to a traditional shop because at a self-service store,
there is no waiting to be served; there is a wide variety of choice; prepacked

meat and vegetables are hygienic and shopping is said to be more streamlined
and more economical. (or) Accept any other relevant answers.
Step 2: Inferring
' Ask students a question for the information which is not explicitly stated in
the passage.
. Ask them to use their experience and intuition.
Select a sentence from the text. Ask students to read it and answer the inference
They must display a greatnumber of goods in a minimum space without covering
up anything.
Why must things not be covered up in a supermarket?
so that customers can see everything and choose things by themselves.
Filt in each numbered blank with a word from the list given.
1. been 2. shops 3. self-service 4. of 5. perfect
6. herself 7. the 8. self-service 9. a 10. space
11. with 12. and l3.customers 14. operators 15. are
16. shelves 17. circular l8.tubed 19. and 20. kept

Step l:Tell
students to read the words in the box and ask them the question:
What are all these words associated with?
Answer: Supermarket
Step 2:Ask students to read the instruction and do the exercise as instructed
A. The following words and phrasts rre all to do with the supermarket. Fill
in the blank spaces of the diagranr. Some are already filled io help you.
packs operator serve
refrigerated cabinets pay for shopkeeper racks
foodstuffs organtzer dairy produce display
Step 3:Let them check the answers.

Mobile stalls

customer cabinets

meat and

verbs to do

People: organizet,operator, shopkeeper, customer
Devices: refrigerated cabinets, mobile stalls, racks, packs
Goods: meat and vegetable, foodstuffs, dairy produce
Verbs to do with supermarkets: pay for, serve, display
ask the rest to
Step 4:Ask one of the students to read out a question at a time and

Answer the following questions.

1. What do you call a person who buys things from a supermarket?
Answer: We call a person who buys things from a supermarket
2. In which places are meat and vegetables kept in supermarkets?
Answer: Meat and vegetables are kept in refrigerated self-service
cabinets in supermarkets.
3. What devices are used for tubed foods?
Answer: Racks are used for tubed foods.
4. What do you call a person whose job is to receive and pay out money in a
Answer: We call a person whose job is to receive and pay out money in a
Step 5:Ask students to read the explanation and instruction in exercise B. Make
them do the exercise. Then check the answers.
B. - ed / en forms of some verbs can be used as adjectives. Change the
following verbs into-ed/en adjectives and supply a suitable adjective in
each sentence. Some of the words can be used more than once.
refrigerate streamline require
freeze prepack itemize
1. Frozen foods are kept at zero degree Fahrenheit in supermarkets.
2. A person must have the required experience to be able to manage a
3. Perishable foods in supermarkets should be kept refrigerated.
4. Shopping at a supermarket is said to be streamlined.
5. In supermarkets, the itemized accounts are registered by computers.
6. Prepacked fruits sold in supermarkets are hygienic.
7. Refrigerated fruits do not taste as good as fresh fruits.
8. Foodstuffs which can go bad quickly should be kept at the required
A. Adverb Clause of Purpose
I need to buy a new coat soon because my old one is worn out.

' In this sentence, because my old one is worn out is an adverb clause and it
expresses the purpose ofbuying a new coat.

co:@c:6a)c"1cq1q3 because my old one is worn out o3! adverb clause

EdEr a new coat o<-rSq@3;er\ purpose crieoSpr:31rr

. Adverb clauses of purpose answer the question Why. They are dependent
clauses. i.e. they can not stand by themselves.

Adverb clauses of purpose ogl Why eo:g$:saqc,S sae@<-,3@6ccalrr

Adverb clauses of purpose ccgl dependent clauses @6@:r c.3:@:q6o3l

o crl e o
$c[ge :erflo<.trr
. In the sentence, "Because my old one is worn out." is not a complete
sentence. It needs to be completed by an independent clause " I need to buy a
new coat soon".

6o:@cica)co'1cqq€ because my old one is worn out o3i complete

sentence o6lelo2o8GOrr I need to buy a new coat soon o?ca)c independent
crause o)o? flqf o?sao3reil
. Adverb clauses of purpose are sometimes placed at the beginning of a clause
for emphasis.

saq:p1cQeocq3jgc,Sa"3@€ Adverb clause of purpose of sentence er\

eg.q:q3 coc:eogfi a: gl rr

' When an adverb clause begins the sentence, use a comma to separate the two

Adverb clause of pu[pose sentence ei

93 :er\ -n? t og3 clause Sdtd g &rq$ co-ma cogl e<.,: qelgl rr

e.g,To reach the airport on time, we had to complete the trip in two hours.
Because it was such a beuutiful day,l decided to go for a walk.

' When the adverb clause of purpose finishes the sentence, there is no need for
a comma.

sam<.lS$ Adverb clause of purpose of sentence er\ eqcoSqd oo:od-ul

93:er\ saag:qd comma og) q$oc$.i rr

e.g. I went to the store yesterday to buy a coat.

I need to buy
new coat soon becuuse my old one is worn -,,t.

' Look at the table for more information about how to use adver, clause of
purpose markers.

Adverb clause of purpose qprd es,ecc,5ol

4A$ 0-d marker co)c:
c oc c
o?c Gcocoo icaJegil
Adverb clauses of purpose

.,for *i,.A corkscrew is a tool for openingl:'for + gerund' is used for

;;gerund ::
bottles. general purposes

::^ . Sally brought a paintingo------

from school to ., ,
_, " to
.r-- i,i. show . .rl*_^;r::
her mother.

followedby infinitive

ii.- ^^- :r'Mother doesn't let him climb trees ini,'in -*" can be followed
- ;,
iirn CaSe --;i "' case'
ij ii case he tears his trousers. :rby present tense
iiin ,,'We curved their names on the stone inii'in
iii;::------i, ::.We
ini,'in order that,
that' can
c2n Ibe,
:iorder .i order that future generations should:ifollowed by mayl shall orii
iittrat ,, know what they
:: had done jjother
ijother past forms ii

:i ii::- di. ,L
t aq computer - ,,,'so
..'so that' can be followed
followed byii
ii^^ **^* ... She took ^^_^rrrar anrrr
course so that' ":.:^'*" ,uo",Y',:"""*o'
ilso tnat ,j , rr get a *^*^_ job.
;^L i: v,
' "'-*^"rrr*Jlrrrorr vtor ur

i: she could e - -'--- J--'
^-+ ^ beffer i,
forms jj
ii i:past !j

iir He doesn't dare to leave the hous .asfii

'lest' means 'for fear that'
i:lest j, someone should
. ;; ii

i: ::
recognize him.
;oflo it can be followed byii
'should' ii

Purpose can be shown in one of these ways:

1. To + infinitive / In order to / In order not to / So as to / So as not to
Study the following rxamples.
Do you eat to live or iive to eat?
She is going out in ord.,1-.Is do some shopping.
He got up early so as n)_[_!e be late for school.
2. So that lln order that + modal verb * verb
So that is often used instr:ad of in order to when the idea of ability is being
"Can" and "Will" are used in the ad.,,erh clarrqe f6r 2 nreg4nf and fufure irieanino

"Would" and "Could" are used after so that in past sentences'

Example: (1) Please turn down the radio so that I can get to sleep.
(2) I turned off the cassette so that my roommate could study well'
3. In case
In case is used to talk about taking a precaution , that is, 'doing something
because something bad maY haPPen'.
The verb in the 'in case' clause is in the present tense even though
you are talking
about the future.
Example: Lock all the doors and windows in case there are thieves in the
Exercise: Use the most appropriate linking words under B to join each action
under A with its appropriate purpose under C'
1. I went to the shop in order to buy some bread'
2. She drank lots of black coffee in order to keep awake'
3. The bank uses a video camera in order to discourage the robbers'
4. The workmen use wood in order to make a stall'
6. He is studying very hard in order to stand first in the exam.
7. He went to the station early so as not to miss the train'
8. The actress wore a col0urful dress so that she would atttact the attention
of the crowd.
9. She is on a diet so as not to get fat.
10. She opened the window in order to let some fresh air into the room'

After +V-ing
rya* r-yaw:
rather came home and then he had a bath'
Tun Tun: Yes, after coming home, father had a bath'
. We use 'after 1 Vioe' structure to
one after another.

'after * V6r' structure crf o@6caq1c,5qp:r .oo3gc'69qPt c"61$:o61 @6

q"Sn"? e$cccaioulo3S n: oglrr

Omit words indicating sequence such as 'first, next, and, then' as well as ones
that show reason such as because'.

3. After having the meeting, they announced the results.

4. After having his meal, he brushed his teeth.
5. After being washed, the fruits and vegetables were kept in refrigerated
6. After taking his degree, he applied for a job.
7. After being destroyed by a strom, the houses were rebuilt by the villagers.
8. After making a plan to go on holiday, he packed the things he needed.
9. After folding the letter, he put it back in the envelope.
10. After looking at a number of grammer books, he chose the right one for his
Without + V-ing
r We use 'without+ Ving' structure to transform a negative sentence, indicating
that someone did something without taking reasonable or necessary steps.
without + VinB structure sac: o@3:olcqcri eQcS:oioq:T%3 ,?tEt
Co e C C C" C O l-- e c e C
s)o?ooc()JccDDe oo?oo?c? lglo?o6P%c GorfcSCD3JcGa)cr

cy seo ca)c oq <., eocS ca uS epqp, Q1q 3$

flB 3 r.,? ".TE.q E 3 :@6
3 :el o 3i rr

r Remove afiy negative element such as 'not', 'nsver' etc.

negative (o@3:) sa8g1<-Seoc€eccc not g€ never occ3locrroro?rd
@1o3<i r
r Place the clause containing'not' after'without'
negative o'l oSeccc r.rrorg{ without er\ eEcc,Sqd o3lo,.,;,-,1,r
I Write 'comma' at the end of the 'without + V-ing' phrase and rewrite the
remaining part of the sentence.
ocrro:go6ger\ oag:gc cornma *dpr .qJ$.l
oc,Seq:<i rr

( Active )Without + Verb present participle

(Passive ) Without + being * Verb past participle
Study the following examples.
(1) The customer took the items and left. bill.
She did not pay the
The customer took the items and left without payrng the bill.
(2) He stole some small packets from the shop. No one saw him.
He stole some small packets from the shop without being seen.
Exercise : Combine the following sentences, using
"Without + V_ ing,,.

I without asking permission from the teacher, he left the room.

2. Without telling anyone, she resigned from her work.
3. without studying regularly, you will not get high marks in
4. Without eating anflhing, Father went to work.
5. without being read, the books were returned to the library.
6. Without being invited, he attended the party.
7. Without being reminded, he repaired the tap.

Step l.Ask students to read the prompts given and complete
the table.
The advantages and disadvantages of going to a supermarket
are listed
below. complete the table by serecting r.o- trr" given list.
- It is convenient to buy things.
- The prices are fixed.
- No bargaining is allowed.
- Foods are good for health.
- A wide variety of goods are disprayed attractively and hygienicalry.
- The prices are a little more expensive.
- The service is quick.
- It provides frozen meat, fruits and vegetables.
- It saves our time.
- It makes us impersonal.
- The place is neat and tidy.
- It provides different kinds of goods in one place.
- It gives a variety of choice.
- It attracts people.


It is convenient to buy things. No bargaining is allowed.

The prices are fixed. The prices are a little more
Foods are good for health. expensive.

A wide variety of goods are It provides frozen meat, fruits

displayed attractively and and vegetables.
hygienically. It makes us impersonal.
The service is quick.
It saves our time.
The place is neat and tidy.
It provides different kinds of
goods in one place.
It gives a variety of choice.
It attracts people.

Step 2: Ask students to write a paragraph about 'the advantages and

disadvantages of going to a supermarket' by using the prompts
above. You can start like this 'shopping at a supermarket has both
advantages and disadvantages ...-...'.

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Going to a supermarket

Shopping at a supermarket has both advantages and disadvantages. Some

advantages of going to a supermarket are as follows. It is convenient to buy
things. The prices are fixed. A wide variety of goods are displayed attractively
and hygienically. The service is quick. It saves our time. The place is neat and
tidy. It provides different kinds of goods in one place. It gives a variety of choice.
It attracts people. There are also some disadvantages. No bargaining is allowed.
At a supermarket, the prices are a little more expensive. It makes us impersonal.
Therefore, going to a supermarket has both advantages and disadvantages.

Title of th e Unit : Robots
Aims of the lesson: To give students knowledge
of modem technology, to teach
students adjective forming suffixes, modal
auxilaries and
the use of Although/Inspite of
Time Allocation : 45 minutes x 10 periods
Teaching Aids : Charts, pictures
Teaching Procedure
Pre-reading Stage
Step 1: Predicting from the TiUe
. Ask students to read the title.
' Read the title aloud as a model and ask
students to repeat after the teacher
with correct pronunciation.
Reading the titte
Robot : /' I
Ask students what they expect to read in the
passage after reading the title.
Accept any relevant answers.

Step 2: Doing pre-reading task

' Ask students the questions from the pre-reading Task in the text.
Look at the pictures and answer the following
Suggested Answers (Accept any relevant
Picture A
1. They are a man and robot. They are playing
2. The robot is winning.
3' No, the man does not look happy because he is l. ing the game.
Picture B
1. The man is reprogramming the robot.
2' He can do this because he is a human
being whc ,s intelligence.
3. The robot is now under the control of
the man.

Picture C
l. The man looks haPPY now.
2. Although the robots seem to be intelligent, human beings control them by
a programme.

General Discussion
1. The man is cleverer.
2- Robots are invented by human beings'
3. Robots are under the control of human beings'
4. No, robots can never completely replace human beings for all kinds
Step 3: Pre-teaching
may not be
' Select the difficult words in the passage whose meanings students
able to guess from the context.
. pre-teach the words: reliable, complexity, equipments, toxic, domestic,
reliable : that can be trusted to do something well
complexity : the state of being difficult to understand
equipments : the things that are needed for a particular purpose or activity
toxic : containing poison, or poisonous
domestic : used in the home, connected with the home or family
employment : the use of something

Step 4: Model Reading

Ask students to put a slant line whenever the teacher makes a pause.

Read the passage in meaningful chunks as a model'

Step 5: Checking the Pauses, and Reading Aloud
. Re-read each paragraph and point out the pauses the teacher has made'
. Ask students to check whether they have drawn the slant lines in the correct
. Ask students to read aloud with correct pauses. Note down the words
students cannot Pronounce well'
step 6: Drilting the pronunciation of unfamiliar
' Drill the words that students cannot pronounce well and ask them
to listen to
and repeat after the teacher.
Example: supervisor, complexity toxic, domestic,
While-reading Stage
Step 1: Silent Reading, Skimming and Scanning
Silent Reading
. Ask students to read paragraph I and,2 silently.
' Select a paragraph and ask students to read the
paragraph quickly and ask
them what thatparagraph is about.
Example: What is this paragraphabout?
The ability to work under the control of a programme
is what distinguishes
robots from less "intelligent" machines.
cranes anJ mechanical diggers can pick
up things and move them around but they are not
men to drive and control them; they cannot -uotr. These machines need
be controlled by a programm"-lik" u
true robot.
Answer: About the difference between less intelligent
machines and robots.
' select noticeable and specific information in
the paragraph.
. Ask students to find it.
Example: Look at this paragraph and say why cranes
and mechanical diggers
need people to drive and control them.
cranes and mechanical diggers can pick up things
and move them around but
they are not robots. These machines need
min toirive and control them; they
cannot be controlled by a programme like
a true robot.
Answer: Because they cannot be controlled by programme
a like a true robot.
Silent Reading
, Ask students to read paragraph3 silently.
' Select a paragraph and ask students to read
the paragraph quickly and ask
them what that paragraph is about.

Example: What is this paragraph about?

Computers are very reliable; they can work for a long time without breaking
down. This is because they have no moving parts. Robots need lots of moving
parts. They have motors and gearboxes which move and can wear out, and they
need people to maintain them like any other machine. Eventually, robots will
probably be able to service and mend each other. However, robots are generally
predictable, precise and untiring in their work. Used correctly, they can improve
the quality of products, as they do not have "off' days. They can also bring
savings in materials and energy.
Answer: The difference between computers and robots
. Select noticeable and specific information in the paragraph.
. Ask students to find it.
Example: Look at this paragraph and say why the robots need people to
maintain them like any other machine.
Robots need lots of moving parts. They have motors and gearboxes which
move and can wear out, and they need people to maintain them like any other
machine. Eventually, robots will probably be able to service and mend each
Answer: Because they have motors and gearboxes which move and can wear out.
Silent Reading
. Ask students to read paragraph 4 silently.
. Select a paragraph and ask students to read the paragraph quickly and ask
them what that paragraph is about.

Example: What is this paragraph about?

Human workers now have the number of hours they work each day limited by
law. The law also protects them from working in dangerous conditions. [n
special factories, robots can work happily for 24 hours a day. They work on
through the night while their human supervisors are at home in bed. If there were
any problems, the robots could ring up the supervisor and ask for help!
Answer: robots can work non-stop and do not require close supervision.

' Select noticeable and specific information in the paragraph.

. Ask students to find it.
Example: Look at this paragraphand find how human workers are protected.
Human workers now have the number of hours they work each day limited by
law. The law also protects them from working in dangerous conditions.
Answer: Human workers are protected by the law from working in dangerous
Silent Reading
r to read paragraph 5 silently. Ask students
' Select a paragraph and ask students to read the paragraph quickly and ask
them what that paragraph is about.

Example: What is this paragraphabout?

Robots are growing in complexity and their use in industry is becoming more
widespread. Robots are mainly used in working with automatic machines
equipments in mass production industries, where the same tasks must be repeated.
Car production is the primary example of the employment of large and
robots. They are used in the process for the painting, welding and assembly
of the

Answer: Robots are increasingly used in mass production industries

' Select noticeable and specific information in the paragraph.
. Ask students to find it.
Example: Look at this paragraph and find where the robots are used in car
car production is the primary example of the employment of large and
complex robots. They are used in the piocess for the painting, weldiig
assembly of the cars.

Answer: in the painting, welding and assembly of the cars'

Silent Reading
. Ask students to read patagraph 6 silently.
. Select a paragraph and ask students to read the paragraph quickly and ask
them what that ParagraPh is about.

Example: What is this paragraph about?

Robots are also useful in environments which are unpleasant or dangerous for
humans to work in, for example, bomb disposal, work in space or underwater, in
mining and for the cleaning of toxic waste. Robots are also used for patrolling
these toxic areas. Domestii robots are now available that perform simple task
such as vacuum cleaning and grass cutting. Other domestic robots are being
produced with the aim of providing companionship or play partners to people'
Answer: The usefulness of robots in the environments which are dangerous for
humans to work in.

' Select noticeable and specific information in the paragraph'

. Ask students to find it.
Example: Look at this paragraph and find the simple task a domestic robot can
perform for humans
Domestic robots are now available that perform simple task such as vacuum
cleaning and grass cutting. Other domestic robots are being produced with the
aim of providing companionship or play partners to people'
Answer: vacuum cleaning and grass cutting for humans
Step 2: Dealing with Referents, Unfamiliar Words and Complex Structure
Dealing with Reference
. pick out some words used in the passage and ask them to guess the words
they refer to.
. Check their answers and give feedback.
Examples: what do the following words in the passage refer to?

1. them refers to "tools and parts',.
2. they refers to "computers."
3. their refers to "ofrobots".
4. where refers to "in mass production industries,,.
5. which refers to "environments"
Dealing with Unfamiliar Words
' select some unfamiliar words and ask students to guess the meanings of
them by breaking the word into different meaningful parts, and guessing the
meaning of the word from affixes.
Examples: gearbox,widespread,unpleasant
Guessing the meaning of a word by breaking it into meaningful parts.
'widaprcrd = wide
I "Tuo : ,


cover alarge area to be known or used by more and
more people
widespread existing or happening over alarge area or among many
Guessing the meaning of a word from affixes
unpleasant - un- + pleasant
not ( prefix with negative sense) J
enjoyable, pleasing, or attractive
unpleasant -------) not enjoyable, not attractive
Post-reading Stage
Step 1: Checking Comprehension
' Ask students to do the comprehension exercises from the text.
A. choose the most appropriate answers to complete the following
1. (d) 2.(b) 3.(a) 4.(a) s.(d) 6.(c)

B. Complete the following statements according to the information

obtained from the passage.
l. special machines 6. predictable, precise, and untiring

2. physical work 7. matenals and energy

3. maintain 8. 24 hours

4. computer prograrnme 9. the supervisors

5. people 10. complex

C. Answer the following questions in complete sentences.

1. Two examples of less "intelligent" machines are cranes and mechanical ,
2. They are different from robots because robots can work under the control
of a programme.
3. Two advantages of working with computers are that they are reliable and
they can work for a long time without breaking down.
4. It is more expensive to use a robot than a computer because they have lots
of moving parts which move and can wear out, and they need people to
maintain them.
5. It is economical to replace manpower with robots because robots can work
24hours aday.
6. If they encounter problems at work, they can ring up the supervisor and ask
for help.
l. We can find the use of large and complex robots in mass production
8. The two dangerous work are bomb disposal and cleaning of toxic waste.
9. Domestic robots can do the vacuum cleaning and grass cutting.
10. Domestic robots are robots used in houses.
FiIl in each numbered blank with a word from the list given.
1. hours 6. are
production 12. 17. also
2. dangerous 8. supervisor 13. repeated lg.'dangerous
3. happily f. in t4.the 19. bomb
4. on 10. becoming 15. are 20. mining
A. The odd-one out
'odd' means 'strange and unusual' and 'the odd one out, is the one that is
different from all the others in a group of people or things.
Example : joint; . fit t"; elbow; lung; muscle; knee; skin; cure
The odd one out is "cure" because except for the word..cure,,, all the words
given are parts of the body.
Exercise : Which word is the odd one out in each set? Why?
Set I : crane computer motor supervisor robot
mechanical digger washing-machine dish_washer
Answer: The odd one out is "supervisor" because except for the word
"supervisor", all the words given are ..machines,,.
Set 2 : clerk cook crew commander
compass coach captain customer
Answer: The odd one out is "compass" because except for the word ..compass,,,
all the words given are'.people,,.
Set 3: clean patrol service mend
ring move maintain paint
Answer: The odd one out is "maintain" because except for the word
"compass", all the words given are "actions lliat robots can do,,.
B. Adjective-forming Suffixes
A 'suffix' is a letter or a group of letters added at the end of a word to make
another word.
Example : '-y' added to trust' to make trusty'
We use suffixes to form different parts of speech. Here are some common
suffixes which, when added to a word, change it into an adjective.
Suffix Meaning Examples
-al of; concerned with musical, seasonal
-ab1e that can be done countable, honourable

-tu1 having; with beautiful, useful

-less without sleepless, fearless
.l*9 intended to preventive, active
. ;a .

-oris tull of poisonous, mbuntainous'

-ed/-en having confused, amazed,

-ing causing tiring, amazing
Exercise I : Add correct sulfixes to the words given to form adjectives.
moveable protective
dangerous harmful
successful predictable
hopeful / hopeless destructive
natural saved
creative golden
Exercise II : Rewrite the following sentences, using the correct form of the
words given.
1. famous 6. successful
2. dangerous 7. creative
3. protective 8. destructive
4. dangerous and harmful 9. honourable
5. reliable 10. repeatitive

l. Exercise rrr : Complete the following sentences with appropriate

adjectives from the list given.

1. reliable 3.special 5.available T.domestic 9. precise
expensive 4. physical 6. intelligent 8. predictable 10. sophisticated
A. Modal Auxiliaries
Aux: Uses Present / Future Past
will l.100% certainty Iwill come tomorrow. He said that he would
2. willingness lwill carry your bags.
come to my birthday
3. polite request Will you post this letter
for me, please?
would l. polite request I{ould you close the
window, please?
2. preference I would rather stay
home than go out.
shall 1. offer Shalllcarry the bag?
2. suggestion Shall we go there?
2. future with'I' I shall do whatever you

should 1. advisality We should study We should have

regularly studied regularly
2.90% certainty She should pass the She shouldhave
exam passed the exam

can 2. ability I possibility I can run very fast. I could run very fast
when I was young.
2. informal permission Yott can use my pen.
3. informal polite Canlborrow your
request dictionary?

Aux: Uses Present / Future Past

could 1. polite request Could you type this
letter for me?

2. suggestion
I could help you if you
3.less than50%o He couldbelate. He could have been

may 1. polite request Mayluse the phone?

2. formal You may sit down.


3. less than 50% It may rain today. He may have arrived


might l. less than 50% He might be at the He might have been at

canteen. the canteen.

must l. sfrong I must finish my I had to finish my

homework. homework.

2.95% certainty
My friend looks pale. My friend looked pale.
She must be sick. She must have been

Aux: Affirmative Negative fnterrogative
witl Iwill wait for you. I will not wait for Will youwait for me?
WouId I would like a cup I would not go Would you like a cup of
of tea. there alone. tea?
ShaII I shall be twenty We shall not Shall we leave now?
next year. forget you.
Should You should keep You should not Should we do this?
your promise. break your
Can You can wait here. YorJ cannot park Can I use your phone?
yotrr car here.
CouId The train could be He could not fi;rr,- Could
I borrow your pen?

May You may leave He may not May I use your computer?
now. come.
Might I might go out He might not Might he be there?
tonight. come.
Must You must leav{ You must not Must you go now?
now, if you want I
drop these
to catch the train. glasses.

use a modal with each verb in brackets. More

possible. Use the one thrt seems most
than one auxiliary may be
appropriate to Vo".
1. should 4.St,all 7. would
2. could not 5. must g. Could, could
3. should 6. mty 9. Could, coukl 10. could

B. Although + In sPite of
Study the following examPles:

(1) I haven't improved although I take the medicine regularly.

In spite of taking the medicine regularly, I haven't improved.

(2) Although domestic robots have simple vision, they would not be able to
climb the stairs.
In spite of having simple vision, domestic robots would not be able to
climb the stairs.
Exercise : Finish each sentence in such a way that it means exactly the
as the sentence that is given.

1. In spite of felling unwell, she went on working'
2. In spite of being dropped, the cup didn't break'
3. In spite of being told she would get the job, she didn't get it.
4. In spite of working the whole night, he couldn't finish the work.
5. In spite of looking very thin, grandpa seems to be in good health.

A.Using the prompts given, write a very short paragtaph on :"Things I would
like my robot to do"
- if I have robot of my own - want it wash clothes - make my bed
- do washing dishes
- clean and Polish floor and shoes
- make coffee for me
- switch in and off lights - TV
- find things I lost at home
- actas a securitY guard
- keep me company when I am home

Things I would like my robot to do

If I have a domestic robot of my own,I would ask it to wash my clothes,
so that after school I would have more time to play with my
friends. I would
teach it how to make my bed and I would ask it to make my
bed. I would also ask
it to wash the dishes after I have finished my meal. Twice a week, I would let
clean and polish the floor. I would teach it how to clean my
shoes too.
Sometimes, during my study hours, I would ask it to be with me
because when I
feel bored and not interested in my lessons, it would make me a
cup of coffee to
make my mind fresh. My robot would switch on the lights when it
becomes dark
comes and it would switch off the lights when everybody in the house
is in bed.
It would know how to switch on and off the TV. I am a person who is very
forgetful so if I have my own robot, I would assign it to find the things
I lose at
home. when I fall asleep at night, it would act as a security guard.
My robot
would be a useful and helpful thing that could keep me company when
r am at
home so I could ask it to do whatever I like.

B. write an essay of THREE paragraphs on: "Advantages and

disadvantages of
having robots".

Advantages and Disadvantages of Having Robots

Today, people are very interested in having and using robots.
This idea is
presented in many science fiction stories. whether a
robot has a figure of a
human being or not, if it can be controlled by a special prograflrme
with the use of
computer, it is called a robot.

The advantages of having robots are that they are not human
beings or
animals that can feel tired or disinterested. So, they can work
for 24 hours a day
without complaining. Moreover, the owners do not need to give
extra money to
them if they work extra hours. As they are just specially made
machines, they can
break down after using for a long time. But they can be repaired.
After being
repaired, they do not need to take a rest like human workers.
If a partof a robot
breaks down during the working hours, the owners do not need
to compensate
them. They do not ask the owners to promote them or give them more
They do not ask the owners to give them holidays. They
can also work in
dangerous places. The disadvantages of having robots
are as follows. Robots can
work without taking any rest and they do not ask for any money. So, instead of
using many workers, the owners of the factories use robots. The result is that
there are many jobless people and the families that depend on these people face
difficulties. Another disadvantage is that robots cost a lot of money. Therefore,
factory owners cannot afford to buy many robots. Because of this; the factories
cannot manufacture as much aS the owners want. Another important
disadvantage is that robots are not human beings so they cannot solve unexpected
problems as humans do. They can do according to the programme that the
humans have installed in them. They also cannot do all the work that humans
Robots are sophisticated and modern but they cannot absolutely replace
humans. In some science fiction movies, robots rule the country and human
beings are under the control of robots. But this kind of situation would be only in
the imagination of the writer. In reality, robots are just machine and they cannot
replace human beings who are the most intelligent creatures in the world.


Title of the Unit Dreams Do Come True

Aims and Objectives To expose students to short stories, to review the
Pronoun System and to focus on the use of
Reported Speech (Question)
Time Allocation 45minutesx6periods
Teaching Aids
Teaching Procedure
Pre-reading Stage
Step 1: Predicting from the Title
. Ask students what they expect to read in the passage after reading the title.
. Read the title aloud as a model and ask students to repeat after teacher.
Step 2: Answering the Pre-Reading Questions
. Ask students the questions from the Pre-reading Task.

Suggested Answers (Accept any other relevant answers.)

1. I have wished for something in our life.

2. I wish to become a good doctor. I dream about becoming
a doctor one day.
3' If I won the State Lottery, I would donate some money
to the Meditation
Centre, some to the hospitals and some to the schools.
4' I would like to be a famous writer because I could eam a lot
of money travel
all over the world and tell my experience to the readers.
Step 3: Model Reading

' Ask students to put a slant line whenever the teacher makes a pause.
' Teacher reads the passage "Dreams do come True" in
meaningful chunks as a
Step 4: Checking the pauses, and reading aloud

' Re-read each paragraph and point out the pauses the teacher has made.
' Ask students to check whether they have drawn the slant lines in the correct

' Ask students to read aloud with correct pauses. Note down the words
students cannot pronounce well.
Step 5: Drilling the pronunciation of unfamiliar words

' Drill the words that students eannot pronounce well and ask them to listen to
and repeat after teacher.

Example: feminine, diamond, chocolate, policemen.

\Mhile-Reading Stage
Step 1: Silent reading, Skimming and Scanning
Silent reading
. Ask students to read from line l0 to 13 silently.

' Ask students to read the paragraph quickly and ask them ,,what is
paragraph about?" / "what is it about?" /
"what is the main idea of this
She told me her dream. Some day, when my father had a lot of money,
would buy diamond earrings for her. Not big ones, of course' "See," she said,
pulling her ears, "these were pierced when I was 15. Wouldn't I look pretty
with liule diamonds?"
Answer: (It is) about the mother's dream.

Select noticeable and specific information in the paragraph and ask
to find it.
Example: when did the writer's mother have her ears pierced?
Answer: (The writer's mother had her ears pierced) when she was 15'

Silent reading
. Ask students to read from line (22) to line (26) silently'
. Ask students to read the paragraph quickly and ask them "What is it about?"
"What is the main idea of these lines?"
Her dream came true. My father gave her the diamond earrings' They were
tiny icebergs in big gold prongs. She sat before the mirror, turning her head
from side to side. My father paid a little a month for those earrings for a long
time. I was glad her dream came true. When they dressed to go out, I told her
how beautiful she looked. She wasn't really beautiful but she lifted her head
like a queen when those earrings were on.
Answer: (It is) about how the mother's dream came true'
. Select noticeable and specif,rc information in the paragraph and ask students
to find it.
Example: Who paid for the diamond earrings?
Answer: The father paid for the diamond earrings'

Silent reading
. Ask students to read from line (22)to line (26) silently'


' Ask students to read the lines quickly and ask them "what is it abaut?,, I
"What is the main idea of these lines?"
Silent reading
. Ask students to read from line (37) to line (39) silently.

' Ask students to read the lines quickly and ask them "what is it about?,, I
. "What is the main idea of these [ines?"
Great good luck sometimes tot.ches a person at least once. It touched me. A
book I wrote became a best-se,ller in 16 countries. I bought a house on the
beach. My dream had come truo.
Answer: (It is) about how the boy's dr,:rm came true at last.

' Select noticeable and specific informrrtion in the paragraph and ask students
to find it.
Example: In how many countdes did ils book become a b:st-seller?
Answer: (His book became a best-seller) in 16 countries.
Step 2: Dealing with Referents

' Select some referents and asl< students to find their ante -lents (whrt these
pronouns refer to).

1. My mother and I wsrs disarfr€rs. When the days were soir autl icnclcr, we t)al
on the beach, digging our toes into the hot sand.
2. I would be able to ; rok at the ocean every day, in ar its rrroods.
3. The earrings were r one a 'ong time before I noticed. When I asked about
them she smiled anr' :rie{ at t},e same time.
1. ttwett refers to "my mot] er and I".
2. "itstt refers to "of the oc )an".
3. ttthem" refers to "the earrings".
Step 3: Dealing with unfamiliar Words
. pick out unfamiliar words and ask students to guess their meanings from the
context, using reading strategies. (If necessary, use s)monym or antonym, use
or draw pictures on the board or break each of them into its smaller parts or as
a last resort give Myanmar translations to make clear the meaning of some
unfamiliar words.)
Example: What does the word "clumsy''mean in this sentence? What is the
contextual clue word?
"John," she said to my father, "help me with this. I'm so clumsy'"

Answer: The word "clumsy" means "doing something in a difficult way"'

Jenny Tier Bishop asked her husband for help with the box. This might be
because she found it difficult to open that box and put on the earrings as she
was blind. Hence, "clumsy''means doing something in a difficult way.

Possible unfamiliar words

breaker: a wave breaking into foam (as against the shore)
shoulder: aL area adjacent to or along the edge of a higher, more prominent,
or more imPortant Part
crash: to break violently and noisily : smash
thunderous: making or accompanied by a noise like thunder
feminine: characteristic of or appropriate or unique to women
prim: stiffly formal and ProPer
ruffle: to erect (as feathers) in or like a ruff
pier,,-. to run into or through as a pointed weapon does
admiration: a feeling of respect and liking for someone
curling: to move or progress in curves or spirals
pawn: one that can be used to further the purposes of another

salary: fixed compensation paid regularly for services

rosette: a thing that has the shape of a rose
due: having reached the date at which payment is required

ignore: to refuse to take notice of

surf: the foam, splash, and sound of breaking waves
plushy: luxurious, showy
Step 4: Inferring
' Ask students a question for the information which is not explicitly stated in
the passage.
. Ask them to use their knowledge of the world and intuition.
Example: was the father rich enough to buy the diamond earings for his
Answer: No, he wasn't. (My father paid a little money for those earrings for a
long time.) (Accept any appropriate answers.)

Post-reading Stage
Stepl: Comprehension
' Ask students to read the given words aloud and find out the answers.

' ,{sk sfudents to hnd out what the underlined words in the passage refer to
within five minutes.

A. What do the underlined words in the passage refer to?

1. "They" Z."we" 3."he" 4."Thef' S."this"
1. 'They' refers to 'the big breakers'.
2r,,',!trg? f-g&rs to 'my mother and I'.
3. 'he' refers to 'my father'.
4. 'They'refers to 'the diamond earrings'.
5. 'this' refers to 'the plushy box'.
' Ask sfudents to read the passage again and complete the sentences.

B. Complete the following sentences.

l. Jenny Tier Bishop
2. pierced
3. servants
4. the diamond earrings
5. mother's dream
. Ask them to answer the questions within 10 minutes.
C. Answer the following questions in complete sentences.
1. The mother dreamed about wearing the diamond earrings which her husband
would buy for her when he had a lot of money.
2. She laughed at the young boy's dream because he dreamed that his house
would have servants who would have nothing to do but carry silver trays loaded
with sweets and chocolate bars, and so his dream was childish.
3. The young boy's dream came true when a book he wrote became a best-seller
in 16 countries and he bought a house on the beach.
4. The author gave his mother the diamond earrings.
5. No, Jenny was not able to tell whether her present was beautiful because she
had been blind for years.

Step I
. Ask students to find the words in the passage that have the same meanings
as the following. Check their answers.

1. high : tall
2. unable to see : blind
3. gave up : surrendered
4. youngpeople : youth
5. not different : same
Step 2

' Ask students to find the words in the passage that have the opposite meanings
as the following. Check their answers.

1. laughed : cried
2. cold : hot
3. big tiny
4. unhappy : glad
5. ugly : beautiful
Step 3
' Ask students to choose the meaning that best suits the meaning of the
underlined word or phrase in each sentence. check their answers.
1- (a) stout and strong
2. (c) pushing
3. (a) took no notice of
a. (a) paid very little
5. (c) book sold in very large numbers

. Ask students to punctuate the following and check their answers.
l. "You," she said, "are an inquisitive little boy."
2- "Yes, ma'am," I said. "You sure would."
3. 'Your father had to pawn them," she said.
4. "Earrings," she said, " a form of vanity we can't afford."
5. "John " she said to my father, "help me with this. I'm so clumsy."
Determiners: little, a little, few, a few
I)eterminers: Quantity Form
r { determiner is a word which is used with the noun and which limits the
meaning of the noun in some way.

. Determiners {-dq" +"6+€oaqBG3Jc ocrr":q:@6$: {p3efi

o 1 e C e e"
q)o+e:o)of C e
3aogl(r) 3ac3 cDE.sJo)Dell
. Some of the determiners are as follows:

{ determiners qp: 9c eoo.,E,.,'l sa 3 : @ 6 o $ rr
1.. {
.' A11, no, each, every, some, any, much, many, several, more, most, little,
less, few, fewer, enough, one, two, first, second, last, either, neither.
. These determiners tell us how many or how much is refened to:
g) oeterminers crtr::opi saeqsaqc,S oglea.odg $-d"?-d{
. All is used with uncountable nouns and with countable, plural nouns.
. Att 4 nqogd$eqeocqc6ep:g6. nq%d$qcoo sro,Ps oE$:qc6
C..1 C
{ J.
L t-
e.g. All electrical equipment should be checked carefully.
. No is used with uncountable nouns and with countable plural or singular

' No 4 eqqcrS$ el qe cr:gc6.;p:g6.eqqcr5$ qe or srelps

oC C C OC C/ O\ C r rl q--
cDisfroop: (a)J @o?cDf!f"C)C)P!9q c)soloer
. e.g. No sugar is added to natural orange juice.
. Each atd every can only be used with singular, countable nouns.
. Each 1E every4 nqogo8$qn.r, o51o3$:qr6o,p:g6.c7: ,iogirr
. e.g. Fill in eachblar* in the exercise.
They interviewed every applicant for the job.
. Some and any can be used with both uncountable and plural countable
nouns. We use some for positive statements and for offers, and we use
any for questions and negative statements.
. Some 96. any 4 nq%n8$qeo:Ec6g6. eqqcr5$tlqeocqo6
g 6 qo . g 6.a2: o p$ rr some { o {o1cq5 6.cn6:o76: alcr5ep:og8 c7:$:

any q.
sreels o1c4 98. o$6ro'lcntre,p:q8 cq:op$r
e.g. There is some tea left. (positive statement)
Are there any foreign students at Yangon University? (question)
There isn't any time left to do the work. (negative statement)

Would you like to have some tea? (offer)

. Much is only used with uncountable nouns.
. Much 4 "qqd$erqecr:gc6crp:s$cr: cr:oplrr
e.g. How much money do you save every month?
There isn't much time left.
I ft1 spoken English, much is usually used in questions or negative
sentences. We use a lot of inpositive statements.
r ocn?sehfg8 saeo:o1cntrg8 o$&o1cntrerp: $ much .:3 o:$: a
totof { ra{olcqelp:qE o:o1o$rr
e.g. Indonesia exports a lot of oil.
. Many and severul can only be used with countable, plural nouns.
. Many 1E severalfi"qqd$qccDcaoJ":t^8$:g:6epr
S€e, oplrr
e.g. Many families take their holidays in Kalaw.
Chit Oo Nyo has published several short poems but he is better
known for his novels.
. More can be used with countable, plural nouns and with uncountable
. More {"qgc,5$qea:" oep:cB$:Ec5e1c:g8 oqccro
e.g. Austrians bluy more classical music records than any other people.
We should eat more vegetables and less fat to be healthy.
. Most is the superlative form.
. Most fi superlative form ea@6cr:oElrr
e.g. Ngapali isthe most beautiful beach in Myanmar.
. Little is only used with uncountable nouns. It is often used with very.
. Little 4 eqqcr5$elqca>2 qc6e.p:gfoo ?,Er coalco{ very
e.g. There is (very) littletimeleft.
. Less is usually used with uncountable nouns. It is the comparative form
of little and it means a smaller quantity of something.

Less 4 eqq.r5$elqco" qr6"ptg€ ?t"r€ug8:ccpi tittte {

comparative form BS$ coEqco6l-d E$1$:eo: raeelraqcf
$oeo? Qo?oeil
e.g. There's /ess water in the reservoir this year than last year.
. Few is used with countable, plural nouns. It is often usedwith uery.
. Few 4 "qqd$qeoc oep:c8$:g:6op:g€ qtEt caallco{ uery

SEC$ c7:o$rr
e.g. He has very few friends.
Fewer is used with countable, plural nouns. It is the comparative form
of few.
c2ro$rr 98:opi
Fewer fi "q%d$qcaD
few 6 comparativeform $6op!rr
e.g. Fewer people were killed in road accidents in 1976 than in
Determiners are used with nouns to specify their quantity'
. Determiners qptd EcSqp:er\ saeqsao2c,6r ,roc.olcrf
oo'1o23 a7:o3)rr
. "Little" and "a little" are used with uncountable nouns. "Little" means
hardly any and emphasizes the smallness of the amount. It is
distinguished from "a little" which means at least some'
. sE "u little" o8*c{ uncountable nouns ofs-9e €$:t:d^
"Little" SE
"Little"'mofloeoocr5 qp!:<fto${ eoTg$:$:- -q$t€:*
--EpitI.rSgl $n.,,.,-$"?$ m8g1cS
EStd -"rr,"u,"rT0-
q"rd "a little" g€qrprt"rEi"
e.g. I have got very little time. (hardly any at all)
I have got a little time. (at least some)
. "FeW" and "a few" are uSed r.vith COUntable nOUnS. "FeW" means
hardly any and emphasizes the smallness of the number. It is
distinguished from "a few" which means at least some'
. few' 1E 'a few' 8,fi.q%d$q:T 9c6ey::q8 a7:op!rr /erl
g g!:r:lopi oieo6 g$:o3!rr
"r$ "$*reoccrS
e.g. I have got very few friends. (hardly any at all)
I have got a few friends. (at least some)
Exercise: Complete the following sentences by inserting few, a few, Iittle, a
little in the blanks.
1. little 6. little
2. few 7. A few
3. a little 8. A few
4. afew 9. alittle
5. a few 10. a few
B. Conditionals
AII conditional sentences have two clauses, the main clause and the if-
In Type I Conditional sentences, we use all future tenses in the main
clause and all present tenses in the if-clause.
We use Type I conditionals to describe something that is reasonably possible.
Examples: (1) If we hurry, we will be in time for class.
(2) If you practise more, you will become a better player.
Exercise I : Supply the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1. are, will go
2. will not need, rains
3. will give, see
4. like, will bring
travel, be
We form Type II Conditional sentences with if + past (or if + coul$ + would.
We use would + verb infinitive in the main clause and all past tenses in the if-
We use Type II Conditionals to describe what is totally impossible. We use were
in place of was after if in all persons.
Examples : (1) If you had longer legs, you would be able to run faster.
(2) If I were better qualified, I would apply for the job.
Exercise II : Supply the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1. had, would take
2. drank, would not feel
3. were, would be
4. understood, would find
5. were, would go
We form Type III Conditional sentences with if + past perfect (ouf + could
have) -r would have. We use would have r verb past participle in the main clause
and past perfect tense in the if-clause.
We use Type III Conditional sentences to express regret, etc. about things that
can now never happen.
Examples : (1) If we had gone by car, we would have saved time.
(2) If I could have stopped in time, there wouldn't have been an
-!! ';tr: r .aCCident.

Exercise III : Supply the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1. had not eaten, would not have been
2. had enjoyed, would have done
3. had nqt rur-r,would not have come
4. had earned, would have been
5. had not been, would not have been
A.Using the prompts given, write a short paragraph on: The boy's dream and
when it came true
- Jim Bishop be ten years old - go beach with mother
- dream of day when he own house on beach ' 'rr' )''
'swbets and
- have servants who carry silver trays loaded with
chocolate bars
- grow up during hard times
i' , ..:,'{ i :r,f,e*her's salary cut
"'i "'1u i:: ;:"i16ffier make clothes on sewing machine

- ,XlY,,house
on same beach
i r., .- , 1i
Dream,come tnre
. Ask student io form into groupd of four ura d'uJ'iirfp**ptr'gi+.n.
r Let student think of the tense to be used, the articles for the noun ,house,,
'beach', 'same', etc. and the possessive form for 'father' and 'mother,, the
subject for the prompt 'buy house on same beach'. They need to come up
the reason why they think so.
' Ask student to write the first draft discussing with their group members.
. Ask sfudent to check spelling, grammar and punctuation.
. Give feedback.
. Tell student to write a fair copy.
The boyrs dream and when it came true
When Jim Bishop was ten years old, he went to a beach with his mother.
He always dreamed of the day when he would own a house on this beach. His
house would have servants who would carry silver trays loaded with sweets
chocolate bars. When he grew up, his family faced hard times. As his
salary was cut, his mother made their clothes on sewing machine. Moreover,
night she sewed rosettes on silk garters for a penny a piece. Later,he became
writer and a book he wrote became a best-seller in 16 countries. He bought a
house on the same beach. At last, his dream came true.

B. Your are win Tun Than. you live at 79, Manawhari Road, yangon. write a
letter to your friend Zaw ThuYa telling him about what you would like to
in the future.
78, Manawhari Road
Dear Zaw Thu Ya,
How are things with you? As for me, I'm in the pink of health and hope
you are alos well. At last I've decided which university to attend
and subject to
specialize in. You are the first among my friends to know about it.
As you've known, I've got five distinctions and total marks of 502 in the
BEHS exam. Now I must decide which universitry to join as my Mum
and Dad
have allowed me to decide on my own. what I'm interested in is the
BA (Epp)
offered by the National Management University EPP is the short form of
for Professional Purposes. I think that English that is taught in that course
can be
useful in any profession. I've been interested in English since I was very young
and I've read lots of books written in English, you know. My brother,s
Ko Ye win, who is living next door, is now attending the Epp Second year.
getting more interested in it because he always tells us about
his experience at the
course. So, I've made up my mind to join the BA (EPP) Course and Mum and
Dad also agreed with me. Do write and tell me your plans. I'm very curious to
know which university you plan to attend.

Yours lovingly,
Win Tun Than


Title of the Unit Advertisements: The Pros and Cons

Aims of the Lesson To enable students to study the advantages and
disadvantages of advertisements
To enable students to differentiate between
informative and pointless advertisements
To teach students noun-forming suffixes, and
paired connectives
To expose students to argumentative writing style
To enable students to have knowledge of
informative and persuasive advertisements
Time Allocation 45minutesx8periods
Teaching Aids Pictures, brochures, pamphlets, any suitable

Teaching Procedure
Pre-reading Stage
Step 1: Predicting from the title
. Ask students to read the title.
. Read the title aloud as a model and ask students to repeat after you with
correct pronunciation.
Reading the title
Advertisements : / od'vsI.tIs.monts /
Pros and Cons : I pretz at'konz I
' Ask students what they expect to read in the passage after reading the title.
(Accept any relevant answers.)
Step 2: Doing pre-reading tasks
. Ask students the questions from Pre-reading Tasks in the text.
Pre-Reading Tasks
Suggested Answers (Accept any relevant answers).
1. If we want our products to be well-known, we should advertise.
2. we can see advertisements on TV, billboards, as well as in newspapers,
magazines and journals.
3. Sample answers
Advertisement Where seen Like/Dislike Reason
TV Like I like the graceful
models and the
background music.
The Myanmar Like
I like the
Times Journal
background scene.

Billboard Dislike
I think it is not
attractive and
' Ask students to read the advertisement and answer the questions ihat follow.
Suggested Answers (Accept any relevant answers.)
a. In the above advertisement, two acfual facts about the restaurant are given.
b. They are the name of the restaurant and the number of the tables.
c. The words that are used to make us think that this restaurant is the most
suitable one for the customers are "the most delicious meals in town / the
cheapest meals and the best drinks".
Step 3: Pre-teaching
' Select the difficult words in the passage whose meanings students may not
be able to guess from the context.
' Pre-teach the words and phrases: live up to, personality, opponents,
influence, convince, imply
live up to :to do as well as or to be as good as otlrer people expect you to
personality: a person whose strong character makes them noticeable
opponents : people who are against something
influence : to have an effect on a particular situation and the way that
it develops
convince to make somebody believe that something is true
imply : suggest

Step 4: Model Reading

. Ask students to put a slant line whenever the teacher makes a pause.
. Teacher reads the passage in meaningful chunks as a model.
Step 5: Checking the pauses, and reading aloud
. Re-read each paragraph and point out the pauses the teacher has made.
. Ask students to check whether they have drawn the slant lines in the correct
. Ask students to read aloud with correct pauses. Note down the words
students cannot pronounce well.
Step 6: Drilling the pronunciation of unfamiliar words
. Drill the words that students cannot pronounce well and ask them to listen to
and repeat after teacher.
Example: ideas, enormously, product, employnent, licence, advertiser,
television, persuade, information, opponent s, magazine, degree,
pleasure, market, emotions, educated, perfect, mothers,
intelligence, discontented, luxuries
While-reading Stage
Step 1: Silent reading, Skimming and Scanning
Silent reading
. Ask students to read paragraph 1 silently.
. Ask students to read the paragraph quickly and ask them "What is this
paragraph about?" / "What is it about?" / "What is the main idea of this
Answer: (It is about) how advertising helps distribution of goods and pay for
. Select noticeable and specific information in the paragraph and ask students
to find it.
Examples: 1) How does advertising help the distribution of goods?
2) In what way does advertising pay for services?
Answers: 1) by drawing attention to new ideas
2) by getting money from advertisements
Silent reading
. Ask students to read paragraph2 silently.
' Ask students to read the paragraph quickly and ask them "What is this
paragraph about?" / "what is it about?" /
"what is the main idea of this
Answer: (It is about) the need to keep up the quality of the products and
' Select noticeable and specific information in the paragraph and ask sfudents
to find it.
Example: Do you think that a regular advertiser easily promises
the quality of
a product? Why (not)?
Answer: No, I don't think so. Because the public has the good sense not to
buy poor quality article.
Silent reading
. Ask students to read paragraph 3 silently.
' Ask students to read the paragraph quickly and ask them "what is this
paragraph about?" / "what is it about?,, I
',what is the main idea of this
Answer: (It is about) informative and persuasive advertisements.
r Select noticeable and specific information in the paragraph
and ask students
to find it.
Example: What kinds of advertisements are boring?
Answer: Advertisements that only inform (or) advertisements
that only gives
information are boring.
Silent reading
. Ask students to read paragraph 4 silently.
. Ask students to read the paragraph quickly and ask them "What is this
paragraph about?" / "What is it about?" / "What is the main idea of this
Answer: (It is about) good advertisements and silly or pointless ones.
. Select noticeable and specific information in the paragraph and ask students
to find it.
Example: Are all advertisements are good?
Answer: No, they are not.
Silent reading
. Ask students to read paragraphs 5 and 6 silently.
' Ask students to read the paragraph quickly and ask them "What is it about?" /
"What is the main idea of these paragraphs?"
Answer: (It is about) advertisements that influence our emotions.
. Select noticeable and specific information in the paragraph and ask students
to find it.
Example: What information do advertisements give?
Answer: information about the products which are avallable on the market.
Silent reading
. Ask students to read paragraph 7 silently.
. Ask students to read the paragraph quickly and ask them "What is this
paragraph about?" / "What is it about?" / "What is the main idea of this
Answer: (It is about) different aims of advertisements depending on different
age groups.
. Select noticeable and specific information in the paragraph and ask students
to find it.
Example: What are the common feelings of young people?
Answer: They want to be more attractive, more successful and up to date.
Silent reading
. Ask students to read paragraph 8 silently.
' Ask students to read the paragraph quickly and ask them "what is this
paragtaph about?" / "What is it about?" / "What is the niain idea of this
Answer: (It is about) the problem with advertisements.
' Select noticeable and specific information in the paragraph and ask students
to find it.
Examples: 1) Do you think money can make everything?
2) What are the things that money cannot buy?
Answers: 1) No, I don't think so.
2) personal good looks, intelligence, good friends or a happy
Step 2: Dealing with Referents
' Select some referents and ask students to find their antecedents (what these
pronouns refer to).
l. Money spent on advertising is money well spent. rt assists a rapid
distribution of goods at reasonable prices.
2. No regular advertiser dare offer a product that fails to live up to the promise
of his advertisements. He might fool some people for a littlg while through
3. Recently, I heard a well-known television personality declare that he was
against advertising because it persuades rather than informs.
4. Some advertisements are silly. Some are pointless _
5. They can also make people feel depressed and discontented with their
ordinary lives, especially those people who have only a small amount of
money to spend on luxuries.
1.It : Advertising
2. He : a regular advertiser
3. he : a well-known television personality
4. Some : Some advertisements
5. their : people's

Step 3: Dealing with unfamiliar Words

. Pick out unfamiliar words and ask students to guess their meanings from the
context, using reading strategies. (If necessary, use synonym or antonym, use
or draw pictures on the board or break each of them into its smaller parts or as
a last resort give Myanmar translations to make clear the meaning of some
unfamiliar words.)
Example: What does the word "distribution" mean in this sentence? What are
the contextual clue words?
Money spent on advertising is money well spent. It assists a rapid
distribution of goods at reasonable prices.
distribution : something to do with selling because of the contextual clue
words "advertising", "rapid", "goods" and "prices"
Possible unfamiliar words
1. reasonable : not too expensive because of the contextual clue
"rapid distribution"
2. misleading : mis (negative forming prefix )+ lead (root)
(adjective forming surfix.
: giving the wrong idea
3. article product because of the contextual clue word advertised
4. touch on : mention/ express/ describe because of the contextual
word "point"
5. hair-spliuing : taking care of unimportant detail because of the
preceding sentence and the following sentence both
focusing on persuasion
6. admission : noun form of the verb "admit"; the contextual clue
words are "opponents", "prepared" and the statement
"not every advertisement is a good one"
7. pointless : point (root) + less (negative forming suffix)
having no purpose
8. adventurous adjective form of the noun "adventure"
g.discontented dis (negative forming prefix) + content (root) +
ed(adj ective forming suffi x)
: not satisfied with

Step 4: Dealing with Complex Structures

. Select the complex sentences that students may find difficult to understand
and explain them.

1. By helping to increase the demand for goods, it increases the
number of
workers needed to supply the goods and, therefore, provides employment.
Explanation: Teach sfudents the use of connectives "and" and "therefore"
and also "by * Ving".
2. He will not do so for long; for the public has the good sense not to buy the
poor quality article more than once.
Explanation: In the first part of the sentence, the word "for" refers to "a
period of time". But in the second part, the word "for"
means ttbecausert.

3. If I see an article advertised, it is the surest proof I know that the article
does what is claimed for it, and that it is good value.
Explanation: The second part of the conditional sentence is divided into
two clauses main clause and subordinate clause. In the
subordinate -clauses, there are two clauses which are
combined with the conjunction "that".
4. Advertisements for teenagers will emphasize that those products will
young people more attractive, more up to date, more socially successful,
and more able to enjoy themselves, as well as more successful in their
education and job prospects.
Explanation: Teach students the use of "comma" and "as well as" to add
more ideas or points and also the use of "adjectives" after
the verb "make".
Post-reading Stage
Step 1: Checking Comprehension
' Ask students to read the given words aloud and find out the answers.
A. What do the underlined words in the passage refer to?
[. "It" 2. "He" 3. ..heD
4. "thelf' 5. "they''
' check the answers with the class and provide with the correct answers.
1. The word 'It' refers to "advertising".
2. The word 'He' refers to "a regular advertiser".
3. The word'he'refers to "a well-known television personality".
4. The word'they'refers to "most people".
5. The word'they'refers to "ladies".

' Ask sfudents to read the given questions aloud and answer them in complete

A. Answer the following questions in complete sentences.

' Check the answers by asking a student a question and then check the answer
with the class.
. Give feedback and provide them with the correct answers.
1. Yes, it is a good idea to spend money on advertising because it assists a
rapid distribution of goods at reasonable prices.
2. Without advertisements, the daily newspapers would cost a dollar or more
for each and the prices of television licences would need to be doubled.
3. Advertisers don't dare to offer a product that fails to live up to the promise
of their advertisements because they cannot fool people for long.
4. Advertisers can't fool people for long through misleading advertising
because the public has the good sense not to buy the poor quality article
more than once.
5. People will feel bored if advertisements give information only.
6. We can't say all advertisements are good because some advertisements are
silly and some are pointless.
7. Advertisers should know that everyone tends to dream of having a beffer
8. Advertisers try to make us believe that our dreams will come true if we
buy their products.
9. Advertisements aimed at men often include the picture of a pretty girl to
suggest that a man will be more attractive to women if he owns a certain
type of car, or watch, or if he dresses in a certain style.
10. Teenagers are usually interested in the products that will make young
people more attractive, more up to date, more socially successful, and
more able to enjoy themselves, as well as more successful in their
education and j ob prospects.
. Ask students to read the passage and fill the grids.
. Check the answers with the class and provide the correct answers.
Grid 1. Advertisements
Advantages Disadvantages
1. assistrapid distribution of l.persuade rather than inform
goods at reasonable prices 2.some are silly and some are pointless
2. draw attention to new ideas 3.imply that money can make people's
3. help enormously to raise dreams come true but this is obviously
standard of living not so
4. increase the number of workers 4. become a form of lying
needed to supply goods 5.try to influence people's mind and
5. provide employment emotions
6. help to pay for many services 6.make poor people feel depressed and
7. help to keep up the quality of discontented with their ordinary lives
the products and services you
8. give information about the
products which are available
on the market
Grid 2
Type of What some advertisements For what purpose
people suggest they should buy
Men a certain type of car, or watch to be more attractive to women
or clothes in a certain style
Women home cleaning products to become perfect wives and
Teenagers the products that will make to be more attractive, more
young people more attractive, successful, and more able to
more up-to-date, more socially enjoy themselves
successful, and more able to
enjoy themselves, as well as
more successful in their
education and job prospects
The Public the products that can make to be better educated, more
their dreams come true successful, wealthier, better
looking, more adventurous
' Ask students to read the given words in the box aloud and the sentences
which are not complete.
. Ask them to fill the blanks using the words given in the box.

' Check the answers by asking a student a question and then check the answer
with the class.
. Give feedback and provide them with the correct answers.
1. available, 2. discontented, 3. influence, 4. misleading, 5. emotions
Step 2: Inferring
' Ask students a question for the information which is not explicitly stated in
the passage
. Ask them to use their knowledge of the world and intuition.
Example: Do you believe what the advertiser said about the quality of a
product in an advertisement? (Accept any relevant answers.)
No, I don't.
Stepl: Elicit the meaning of 'antonym'.
Antonyms are words that have opposite meanings.
Example: new / young ---+ old
pretty / beautiful ----+ ugly
Step 2: Ask students to match words with opposite meanings. Then check the

1. enormous tiny
2. educated illiterate
3. boring interestin
4. pointless informative
5. well-known anonymous
Step 3: Ask students to fill the blanks with suitable words from those given in
Exercise (I).

Step 4:Check the answers.

1. We didn't want to read the article from the beginning to the end. It was a
boring one.
2. Dinosaurs are enormous creatures.
3. He became a well-known joumalist in his late forties and now he can earn
a lot of money from his articles.
4. Although his parents were illiterate, they wanted him to become an
educated person, so they sent him to school.
5. This TV advertisement takes three minutes but it is pointless because we
are not clear about what kind of goods is being advertised.
Step 5:Ask students to read out each group of noun-forming suffixes row by row.
Noun-forming Suffixes
A suffix is a word element added to the end ofa root to form a new word.
Suffixes can change the word-class and the meaning of the word. There
are a lot of noun-forming suffixes but the following are more common
(1) -erl-eer/- ier l -or l -zr
They stand for a person who does an activity (that is, this person is a doer
or an agent) and these sufftxes have active meanings. They form nouns
which refer to a person who performs a particular action, often because it
is theirjob.
Example: painter engineer financier actor liar
(2) -erl-or
They are also used for things, tools and machines which do a particular
job or action.
Example: computer calculator lawn-mower indicator
(3) -ee
It usually has a passive meaning, that is, this kind of person receives or
experiences the action.
Example: interviewee trainee examinee
(4) -antl-ent
They show that aperson does something (for someone) or a person who is
in a certain state or condition.
Example: applicant dependent seryant attendant

(5) -ess
It sometimes stands for a female person or animal.
Example: actress lioness waitress tigress heiress
(6) -ence/-ance/-ce/-ness/-ment
They show the state of being or the act of something.or somebody.
Sometimes, they show the quality and sometimes they refer to the process
of making or doing something or to the result of this process.
Example: dependence significance tidiness fulfillment
(7) -sis/-uresAy/-ityAth
These suffixes show the state or condition of something or someone, and
sometimes they show the action which has been or which can be done.
Example: analysis failure delivery flexibility
(8) -aI
This suffix shows the action of somebody or something, and sometimes it
shows the state or condition.
Example: approval survival rehearsal trial
(9) -age
It shows the act of something or somebody.
Example: storage breakage marriage wreckage
(1 0) -ionAtion/-sion/-ation

They form nouns which refer to a state or process, or to an instance of that

Example: admission explosion action investigation
(11) -ship
It shows how things or people are related.
Example: relationship kinship friendship partnership
It also shows the state of being.
Example: ownership hardship
It sometimes shows the skill with which something is made.
Example: workmanship
(12) -etl-ette/-ling
They have the meaning of being very little.
Example: cigarette piglet booklet duckling
(13) -ist/-ian
They indicate that such a kind of person does a particular job as his
profession or plays a certain kind of musical instrument.
Example: artist comedian magician violinist
(14) -hood
It shows the state or position of certain people.
Example: manhood childhood neighbourhood
Sometimes it shows probability.
Example: Iikelihood
(15) -ist (person) and -ism (activity or ideology)
They are used to express people,s beliefs, and ideologies.
Example: Buddhism Buddhist atheism atheist
(16) -ful
It forms nouns which refer to the amount of a substance that something
contains or can contain.
Example: handful spoonful plateful mouthful
Step 6: Ask students to add suitable suffixes to the words underlined in the given
sentences. Check the answers.
Exercise I :
1. windscreen-wiper 6. membership
2. professional photographer 7. involvement
3 addressee 8. priesthood
4. pianist 9. rivulet
5. purity l0.actress
Step 7:Ask students to make nouns from the words given in brackets, making
necessary changes in spelling. Check the answers.
Exercise II :
1. The doctor's (diagnosis) was that I had bronchitis.
2- It is impossible to read the (signature) at the bottom of your letter.

3. The (recovery) of a ship from the bottom of the sea is difficult.

4. She accepted his (apology) with a nod and a smile.
5. What's the (difference) between animals and creatures?
6. I want to know the time of his (arrival) beforehand.
7. Yesterday, I came across a strange (advertisement) in the newspaper.
8. Her (pronunciation) is very good.
9. The earthquake caused the complete (destruction) of the village.
10. (Prevention) is better than cure.
11. The (loveliness) of the view almost took my breath away.
12. The villagers looked at the strange creature with great (curiosity).
KEY (Grammar)
A. Connectives (Compound)
Step 1: Ask students to do the exercises.

Exercise: Fill in the blanks with appropriate compound connectives.

Step 2: Check their answers.
1. He studies his lessons regularly so that he will pass the exams without
having any difficulty.
2. You will succeed on conditionthatlprovided that you try very hard.
3. I will let you know my secret on condition thatlprovided that you don't
tell anybody.
4. As soon as the headmaster saw me, he started scolding me.
5. She took ataxi so that she would not be late for her class.
6. Parents love their sons as well as their daughters.
7. She screamed loudly as if she had seen a ghost.
8. Myo Myo as well as Toe Toe obeyed the teacher's orders.
9. My grandmother uses her glasses when she reads so that she can see
10. She behaved as if I had purposefully hurt her feelings.
B. Relative Clauses
Step 1: Ask students to do the exercises.
Exercise r : FiIl each blank with w h o/th at/w hic h/w h o m/w h o s e.

Step 2: Check their answers.

1. My friend who lives in Mandalay is going abroad.
2. The cake that Lin Lin made has all been eaten up.
3. The camerathat you lent me is very good.
4- The teacher whose house is near mine helps me with my homework.
5. Have you found the book that you lost?
6. The bus which I'm waiting for is late.
7. The girl whom you saw at the market is my cousin.
8. Yesterday I met a man whose daughter works at MRTV.
9. The man who paid for the meal was a friend of my father.
10. The film which we saw was really interesting.
Exercise rr: combine the following sentences, using ,who/that/which/
whom/whoser. The first one is done for you.

Example: Her daughter was injured in a car accident. She is now in hospital.
Her daughter who was injured in a car accident is now in hospital.

1. A woman answered the phone. She told me you were out.

The woman who answered the phone told me you were out.
2. That pagoda was destroyed by an earthquake. It has now been rebuilt.
That pagodathat was destroyed by an earthquake has now been rebuilt.
3. we met a salesgirl at Lucky one Supermarket. She was very impatient.
The salesgirl whom we met at Lucky one Supermarket was very impatient.
4. A bus goes to Hlaing-thabyar.It runs every half hour.
The bus that goes to Hlaing-thar-yar runs every half hour.
5. Ni Ni was looking after a dog. Its leg had been broken in an accident.
Ni Ni was looking after a dog whose leg had been broken in an accident.
C. If -> Unless
Step 1: Ask students to study the following examples.
(1) If you study hard, you will not fail in the exam.
Unless you study hard, you will fail in the exam.
(2) If you don't take my advice, will get into trouble.
Unless you take my advice, you will get into trouble.

Step 2: Ask students to do the exercises.

Exercise: Finish each sentence in such a way that it means exactly the same as
the sentence that is given. Check their answers.
l. If you behave well, youwill not be punished.
Unless you behave well, you will be punished.
2. I will not finish my work in time if you do not help me.
Unless you help me, I will not finish my work in time.
3. They will go out for a walk if the weather is not bad.
Unless the weather is bad, they will go out for a walk.
4. The cut on his hand will not be infected if he goes to the doctor.
Unless he goes to the doctor, the cut on his hand will be infected.
5. If she doesn't have classes to attend, she will visit me.
Unless she has classes to attend, she will visit me.
6. If you do not follow the doctor's advice, you will not become well.
Unless you follow the doctor's advice, you will not become well.
l. I will be hungry at work if I don't have some breakfast.
Unless I have some breakfast, I will be hungry at work.
8. If I do not have enough money, I cannot help my family.
Unless I have enough money, I cannot help my family.
9. If you follow the rules and regulations, you won't get into trouble.
Unless you follow the rules and regulations, you will get into trouble.
10.If I like the necklace, I will buy it.
Unless I like the necklace, I won't buy it.

KEY (Writing)
A. In most advertisements, the advisers use qualitative adjectives to express
the quality of their goods and services. Now, use the adjectives below to
complete the following advertisement.
l. wooden, 2.ventilated, 3.fresh, 4.clean, 5.spacious,6.quiet, 7.far,8. close,
9.available, I 0. reasonable
B. Using the prompts given, write a short paragraph on: "The capitar Guest

The Capital Guest House is a top grade accommodation. It is situated in

the heart of downtown Yangon. You can stay at the Capital Guest House at
the most economical rates. It is clean, quiet, comfortable and safe. Ever
room is air-conditioned and bath attached. Hot and cold shower, telephone
and satellite TV are available 24 hours. It is within walking distance of
shopping area and easy to get taxis. You can enjoy a nice view of Yangon
city especially the famous Shwedagon Pagoda, the Sule Pagoda and Yangon
River. Being a family run guest house, the capital Guest House ensures
attentive and personal services at all times in a unique and friendly
atmosphere. For reservation, please call0l-444555 or Fax 95-445555, No. 1
Maha Street, Latha Township, Yangon, Myanmar.

c. write an essay of THREE paragraphon: "The advertisement r like best".

The Advertisement I like best
As I am a television addict, I have seen many television programmes and
advertisements. Among the television advertisements I have seen, I like the
advertisement of "Cool toothpaste" best.

It is telecast in four versions.Three versions star the same actors and

actresses Lwin Moe, Pale' win and Thinzar wint Kyaw. In the fourth
version, Thinzar Wint Kyaw is not included. In the first version, Thinzar Wint
Kyaw sells toiletries and cosmetics while Lwin Moe and Pale' Win come and ask
for "cool toothpaste" which Thinzar wint Kyaw does not sell. The two
customers go back, disappointed. This advertisement suggests "Cool Toothpaste"
is a well-known brand. The second version runs as follows. Thin Zar Wint
Kyaw acts as a go-between who tries to bring together Lwin Moe and Pale' Win.
Lwin Moe does not like Pale' Win because of her yellowish teeth. pale' Win
does not like Lwin Moe either because of the foul smell from his mouth. Thinzar
wint Kyaw gives them "cool roothpaste" which helps them solve their
problems. The third version is one in which Lwin Moe acts as a photographer
and Thinzar Wint Kyaw is the assistant to Lwin Moe and pale'Win, a model.
Lwin Moe asks Pale' win to smile while posing for a photograph. But pale' Win

does not smile at all. So Thin Zar Wint Kyaw tells Lwin Moe about the reason
for Pale' Win not smiling. As soon as he knows the reason, he gives her a tube of
"Cool Toothpaste". Soon after this, Pale' Win gives a beautiful smile which
shows her pearly teeth. This advertisement implies that this toothpaste can make
one's teeth white and beautiful.

I like this advertisement more than the others because the actors and
actresses act well and naturally.


Title of the Unit Sleep and Dreams

Aim of the Lesson To know the nature and importance of sleep and
biological characteristics of sleep and dreams
To build and enrich vocabulary of the learners on
feelings, sleep and dreams
To enable students to express their feelings in English
To teach students the use of relative clauses and If and
Time Allocation 45minutesx6periods
Teaching Aids
Teaching Procedure
Pre-reading Stage
Step 1: Predicting from the Title
. Ask students to read the title.
. Read the title aloud as a model and ask students to repeat after you with
correct pronunciation.
Reading the title
Sleep :/slirp/
Dreams : ldritmz I
. Ask students what they expect to read in the passage after reading the title.
Accept any relevant answer.
Step 2: Doing pre-reading task
. Ask students to answer the.questions from the Pre-reading Task. Check
the answers. (Accept any relevant answers.)
Suggested Answers
Step 3: Pre-teaching
' Select the difficult words in the passage whose meaning students may not be
able to guess from the context.
. Pre-teach the words: scattered, confused

scttered (adj) spread far apart over a wide area or over a long period of
confused (adj) : unable to think clearly or to understand what is
happening or what somebody is saying

Step 4: Model Reading

. Ask students to put a slant line whenever the teacher makes a pause.
' Read the passage "Sleep and Dreams" in meaningful chunks as a model.
Step 5: Checking the pauses, and Reading aloud

' Re-read each paragraph and point out the pauses the teacher has made.
' Ask students to check whether they have drawn the slant lines in the correct
' Ask sfudents to read aloud with correct pauses. Note down the words students
cannot pronounce well.
Step 6: Drilling the pronunciation of unfamiliar words
' Drill the words that students cannot pronounce well and ask them to listen to
and repeat after the teacher.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge :/'sremjuel 'ter.lar'keo.ler. rd3 /
laboratories : / lo'bor.e.ter.i, -triz I
occurs: /e'ksr(r)s/
exhausted : I tg'zctsttd I
embarrassed: / lm'brer.ost /
adolescents : /,red.el'es.ents /
apnea: / rp'nhe I
Silent Reading
. Ask students to read the first paragraph silently.
. Ask students to read the paragraph quickly and ask them "What is this
paragraph about?".
" Oh sleep! It is a gentle thing,
Beloved from pole to pole."
Samuel Taylor Coleridge, a famous British poet, wrote these words over 100
years ago. Most people would agree with him. Sleep is very important to
humans; the average person spends 220,000 hours of a lifetime sleeping. Until
about thirty years ago, no one knew much about sleep. Then doctors and
scientists began doing research in sleep laboratories. They have learned a
great deal by studying people as they sleep, but there is still much that they
don't understand.
Answer: The importance of sleep
. Select noticeable and specific information in the paragraph and ask students
to find it.
What is the average sleeping hours of a person in his lifetime?
Sleep is very important to humans; the average person spends 220,000
hours of a lifetime sleeping. Until about thirty years ago, no one knew much
about sleep. Then doctors and scientists began doing research in sleep
laboratories. They have learned a great deal by studying people as they sleep,
but there is still much that they don't understand.
Answer: 220,000 hours
Silent Reading
. Ask students to read the second paragraph silently.
. Ask students to read the paragraph quickly and ask them "What is this
paragraph about?"

Scientists study the body characteristics that change during sleep, such as
body temperature, brain waves, blood pressure, breathing, and heartbeat. They
also study rapid eye movement (REM). These scientists have learned that
there is a kind of sleep with REM and another kind with no rapid eye
movement (NREM).
Answer: Changes of the body characteristics during sleep

' Select noticeable and specific information in the paragraph and ask students
to find it.
What are REM and NREM?
Scientists study the body characteristics that change during sleep, such as
body temperature, brain waves, blood pressure, breathing, and heartbeat. They
also study rapid eye movement (REM). These scientists have learned that
there is a kind of sleep with REM and another kind with no rapid eye
movement (NREM).
Answer: REM is 'rapid eye movement' and NREM is 'no rapid eye
Silent Reading
. Ask students to read the third paragraph silently.
' Ask students to read the paragraph quickly and, ask them "what is this
paragraph about?".
NREM is divided into three stages. [n stage one, when you start to go to
sleep, you have a pleasant floating feeling. A sudden noise can wake you up.
In stage two, you sleep more deeply, and a noise will probably not wake you.
In stage three, which you reach in less than thirty minutes, the brain waves are
less active and stretched out. Then, within another half hour, you reach REM
sleep. This stage might last an hour and a half and is the time when you
dream. For the rest of the night, REM and NREM alternate.
Answer: (This paragraph is) about how REM and NREM function during
. Select noticeable and specific information in the paragraph and ask students
to find it.
How long might REM last?
NREM is divided into three stages. [n stage one, when you. start to go to
sleep, you have a pleasant floating feeling. A sudden noise can wake you up.
In stage two, you sleep more deeply, and a noise will probably not wake you.
In stage three, which you reach in less than thirty minutes, the brain waves are
less active and stretched out. Then, within another half hour, you reach REM
sleep. This stage might last an hour and a half and is the time when you
dream. For the rest of the night, REM and NREM altemate.
Answer: (REM might last) an hour and a half.
Silent Reading
. Ask students to read the fourth paragraph silently.
, Ask students to read the paragraph quickly and ask them "What is this
paragraph about?
Body movement during sleep occurs just before the REM stage. The
average person moves about thirty times during sleep each night.
Answer: This paragraph is about body movement during sleep.
. Select noticeable and specific information in the paragraph and ask students
to find it.
How often does a person move during sleep each night?
Body movement during sleep occurs just before the REM stage. The average
person moves about thirfy times during sleep each night.
Answer: A person moves about thirty times during sleep each night.
Silent Reading
. Ask students to read the fifth paragraph silently.
. Ask students to read the paragraph quickly and ask them "What is this
paragraph about?"

Sleep is a biological need, but your brain never really sleeps. It is never
actually blank. The things that were on your mind during the day are still
there at night. They appear as dreams, which people have been discussing
centuries. At times people believed that dreams had magical powers
they could tell the future.
Answer: (This paragraph is) about how our brain functions during sleep.

' Select noticeable and specific information in the paragraph and ask students
to find it.
Does our brain sleep?
Sleep is a biological need, but your brain never really sleeps. It is never
actually blank. The things that were on your mind during the day are
there at night. They appear as dreams, which people have been discussing
centuries. At times people believed that dreams had magical powers
or that
they could tell the future.
Answer: Our brain never really sleeps.
Silent Reading
. Ask students to read the sixth paragraph silently.
' Ask students to read the paragraph quickly and ask them "what is this
paragraph about?"
Sometimes dreams are terrifying, but they are usually a collection
scattered, confused_ thoughts. If you dream about something that is
you, you may wake up exhausted, sweating, and wittr a rapid heartbeat.
Dreams have positive effects on our lives. During a dream, iie brain
concentrate on a problem and look for different solutions. Also, people
&?-u- during a goo-d night's sleep are more likely to remember newly learned
skills. In other words, you learn better if you dream.
Answer: (This paragraph is) about how dreams affect on a person's daily life.
' Select noticeable and specific information in the paragraph and ask students
to find it.
what may happen to you if you have a dream that worries you?

Sometimes dreams are terrifying, but they are usually a collection of

scattered, confused thoughts. If you dream about something that is worrying
you, you may wake up exhausted, sweating, and with a rapid heartbeat.
Dreams have positive effects on our lives. During a dream, the brain may
concentrate on a problem and look for different solutions. Also, people who
dream during a good night's sleep are more likely to remember newly learned
skills. In other words, you learn better if you dream.
Answer: (If we have a dream that worries us,) we may wake up exhausted,
sweating, and with a rapid heartbeat.
Silent Reading
. Ask students to read the seventh paragraph silently.
. Ask students to read the paragraph quickly and ask them "What is this
paragraph about?"
Reseaichers say that normal people may have four or five REM periods of
dreaming a night. The first one may begin only a half hour after falling asleep.
Each period of dreaming is a little longer, the last one lasting up to an hour.
Dreams also become more intense as the night continues. Nightmares usually
occur towards dawn. .

Answer: (Thisparaga$h is) about REM.

. Select noticeable and specific information in the paragraph and ask students
to find it.
When do nightmares usually occur?
Researchers say that normal people may have four or five REM periods of
dreaming a night. The first one may begin only a half hour after falling asleep.
Each period of dreaming is a liule longer, the last one lasting up to an hour.
Dreams also become more intense as the night continues. Nightmares usually
occur towards dawn..
Answer : Nightmares usually occur towards dawn.
Silent Reading
. Ask students to read the eighth paragraph silently.
' Ask students to read the paragraph quickly and ask them ,,what is this
paragraph about?"
People dream in colour, but many don,t remember the colours.
people can control some of their dreams. They make
sure they have a happy
ending. Some people get relief from bad dreams by writing them
down and
then changing the negative stories or thoughts into positive
ones on the
written paper. Then they study the paper before they go to sleep
Answer: (This paragraph is) about dream control.
' Select noticeable and specific information in the paragraph and ask students
to find it.
How do some people get relief from bad dreams?
People dream in colour, but many don't remember the colours.
people can control some of their dreams. They make
sure they have a happy
ending. Some people get relief from bad dreams by writing
them down and
then changing the negative stories or thoughts into positive ones
on the
written paper. Then they study the paper before they go to sleep
Answer : Some peopre get relief from bad dreams by writing them
down and
then changing the negative stories or thoughts into positive
on the written paper.
Silent Reading
. Ask students to read the ninth paragraphsilently.
' Ask students to read the paragraph quickly and ask them ,,what is this
paragraph about?"
Many people talk in their sleep, but it is usually just confused half
sentences. They might feel embarrassed when someone
tells them they were
talking in their sleep, but they probably didn't tell any secrets.
Answer: (This paragraph is) about the habit of peopie's talking in
their sleep.
. Select noticeable and specific information in the paragraph
and ask sfudents
to find it.
How might people feel when someone tells them they were talking
in their

Many people talk in their sleep, but it is usually just confused half
sentences. They might feel embarrassed when someone tells them they were
talking in their sleep, but they probably didn't tell any secrets.
Answer People might feel embarrassed when someone tells them they were
talking in their sleep.
Silent Reading
. Ask students to read the tenth paragraph silently.
. Ask students to read the paragraph quickly and ask them "What is this
paragraph about?"
Sleepwalking is most common among children. They usually grow out of
it by the time they become adolescents. Children don't remember that they
were walking in their sleep, and they don't usually wake up if the parent leads
them back to bed.
Answer: Sleepwalking is the most common feature among children.
. Select noticeable and specific information in the paragraph and ask students
to find it.
When do children stop sleepwalking?
Sleepwalking is most common among children. They usually grow out of
it by the time they become adolescents. Children don't remember that they
were walking in their sleep, and they don't usually wake up if the parent leads
them back to bed.
Answer: (Children stop sleepwalking) by the time they become adolescents.
Silent Reading
. Ask students to read the eleventh paragraph silently.
. Ask students to read the paragraph quickly and ask them "What is this
paragraph about?"
There are lots of jokes about snoring, but it isn't really funny. People
snore because they have trouble breathing while they are asleep. Some snorers
have a condition called sleep apnea. They stop breathing up to thirty or forty
times an hour because the throat muscles relax too much and block the
Answer: (This paragraph) is about snoring.

' Select noticeable and specific information in the paragraph and ask students
to find it.
Why do people snore?
There are lots of jokes about snoring, but it isn't really funny. people
snore because they have trouble breathing while they are asleep. Some snorers
have a condition called sleep apnea. They stop breathing up to thirty or forty
times an hour because the throat muscles relax too much and block the
Answer: (People snore) because they have trouble breathing while they are
Silent Reading
. Ask students to read the twelfth paragraph silently.
' Ask students to read the paragraph quickly and ask them "what is this
paragraph about?"
Most people need from 71/z to 8% hours of sleep a niglrt, but this varies
with individuals. Babies sleep eighteen hours, and old people need less sleep
than younger people. If someone continually sleeps longer than normal for no
apparent reason, there may be something physically or psychologically
Answer: Sleeping hours vary according to individual.
' Select noticeable and specific information in the paragraph and ask students
to find it.
How long do babies sleep?
Most people need from 7% to 8% hours of sleep a night, but this varies
with individuals. Babies sleep eighteen hours, and old people need less sleep
than younger people. If someone continually sleeps longer than normal for no
apparent reason, there may be something physically or psychologically
Answer : Babies sleep eighteen hours.
Silent Reading
. Ask students to read the thirteenth paragraph silently.
' Ask students to read the paragraph quickly and ask them "what is this
paragraph about?"
You cannot save hours of sleep the way you save money in the bank. If
you have only 5 hours of sleep for three nights, you don't need to sleep an
extra t hours on the weekend. And it doesn't do any good to sleep extra hours
ahead of time when you know you will have to stay up late.
Answer: Sleeping extra hours is of no use to people.
' Select noticeable and specific information in the paragraph and ask students
to find it.
Is it good for you to sleep extra hours ahead of time when you know you
will have to stay up late.
You cannot save hours of sleep the way you save money in the bank. If
you have only 5 hours of sleep for three nights, you don't need to sleep an
extra t hours on the weekend. And it doesn't do any good to sleep extra hours
ahead of time when you know you will have to stay up late.
Answer : No, it isn't good for us to sleep extra hours ahead of time when we
know we will have to stay up late.
Step 2: Dealing with Referents
' Select some referents and ask students to find their antecedents (what these
pronouns refer to).
Example : Scientists study the body characteristics that change during
sleep, such as body temperature, brain waves, blood pressure,
breathing, and heartbeat. They also study rapid eye movement
Answer : ttTheytt refers to trThe scientistsrr.
Step 3: Dealing with unfamiliar words
' Ask students to read the passage "Sleep and Dreams" silently for 10 minutes
and underline the words they do not understand.
' Select one of the unfamiliar words they have underlined and ask them to
guess its meaning from the context.
. If necessary, use synonym or antonym, use or draw pictures on the board or
as a last resort give Myanmar translations to make clear the meaning of
unfamiliar words.
Pick out unfamiliar words and ask students to guess their meanings from the
context, using reading strategies.
Post-reading Stage
Step 5: Checking Comprehension.
. Ask students to answer the questions.

A. What do the following words refer to in the passage?

. Check the answers with the class.
1. The word 'they' refers to "doctors and scientists".
2- 'These scientists' refers to "scientists who study rapid eye movement
3. 'This stage'refers to "REM sleep".
4. The first one'refers to "the first REM period of dreaming"
5. The word'it'refers to "sleepwalking".
6. The word'it'refers to "snoring".
' Ask students to complete the following sentences. Check the answers with the
class and provide them with the correct answers.
B. Complete the following sentences.
1. thing
gentle 5. nightmare
2. Dreams 6. sleepwalking
3. dreams 7. snore
4. rapid heartbeat 8. hours of sleep
Ask students to answer the questions in complete sentences. Provide them
with the correct anslvers.
C. Answer the following questions in complete sentences.
1. Researchers have learned about sleep by studying people as they sleep.
2. while people are asleep, the body characteristics such as body
temperature, brain waves, blood pressure, breathing and heartbeat change.
3. Some people believe that dreams have magical powers or that they can tell
the future.
4. Dreams have positive effects on our lives.
5. As the sleep period continues, dreams become more intense.
6. Some people get relief from unpleasant dreams by writing them down and
then changing the negative stories or thoughts into positive ones on the
written paper.
7 - I think sleep is important for us because we spend a third of our lives
' Ask students to filI in each numbered blank with a word from the list given.
Fill in each numbered blank with a word from the list given.
' check the answers with the class and provide with the correct answers.

l.brain 2. blankduring 4. They 5. discussing
6.dreams 7. tell
8. they 9. thoughts 10. worrying
1 l.and 12. effects 13. brain 14. for 15. a
l6.remember IT.leam 18. normal 19. periods 20.may
' Ask students a question for the information that is not explicitly stated in the
. Ask them to use their knowledge of the world and intuition.
Example: what can happen to people who do not have enough sleep?
(Accept any relevant answers.)
Answer: People who do not have enough sleep can suffer from headache and
giddiness. Some people work so hard that they do not sleep for
about a couple of days. Those people may get hallucination and it
affects the people around them.
Do events usually take place systematically in a dream?
No, they don't. (Accept any relevant answers.)
Step l:Ask students to read the instructionand match the words as instructed.
Step 2:Ask students to read out the words and their meaning.
Column A Column B
[. confused b. mixed up in the mind
2. disappointed h. unhappy because something you hoped for did not
3. embarrassed e. feeling ashamed, awkward, uncomfortable
4. exhausted d. extremely tired
5. horrified j. extremely shocked by something unpleasant
6. puzzled c. unable to understand something
7. scattered a. unable to keep one's thoughts on one subject for a
long time

8. terrified i. extremely frightened

9. worried f. not feeling happy or relaxed because you keep
thinking something unpleasant might happen
10. upset g.unhappy because something unpleasant has
happened; sad

Step3:Ask students to complete the sentences using suitable adjectives from

Exercise A and check the answers.
1. I was exhausted every day when I first started taking exercise, but I
am used to it now.
2. Students get worried when the examination draws near.
3. She was confused by the instructions and didn't know what to do.
4. As her thoughts were scattered, she could not think of the solution to
the problem.
5. I felt very embarrassed when I was punished in front of the class.
6. The children were disappointed when the picnic was cancelled
because of the bad weather.
7. Mg Mg is still terrified about the accident though it was not his fault.
8. Mother was horrified to see the man beating the dog to death.
9. The teachers were puzzled, why such a clever student failed in the
10.I was upset to stay alone at home when it was raining heavily.
Step 4: Ask students to complete the table with the adverb forms of the words
given. Check the answers.
Adiective Adverb Adjective Adverb
important importantly intense intensely
pleasant pleasantly happy happily
biological biologically dangerous dangerously
terrifying terrifyingly permanent permanently
rapid rapidly general generally
different differently interested interestedly
normal normally sleepy sleepily

Step 5:Ask students to filI in the blanks with a suitable adverb from the table in
Exercise C . Check the answers.
1. The teachers love her because she always speaks pleasantly.
2. Boys are normally more playful than girls.
3. The students listened interestedly to the teacher's story about
4. The children played in the park happily.
5. Although they are twin brothers, they behave differently.
6. My family will be living permanently in Kalaw from now on.
7. Toe Toe is hurt easily because she feels everything very intensely.
8. Our hearts beat more rapidly after exercising.
9. I answered the phone terrifyingly when it rang in the middle of the night.
10. The new headmaster is generally strict and severe.

A. Connectives (Paired)
Exercise I: Combine the following pairs that contain parallel structure by
using the paired connectives given in brackets.
1. He has neither a pen nor a pencil.
2. Both Ko Ko and Ko Lay enjoy horseback riding.
3. You can have either tea or coffee.
4. Soe Soe is not only a clever student but also a good runner.
5. Daw Thuzar loves not only roses but also orchids.
t'such ... thaf'.
Exercise Combine the sentences by using "so ... thaf' or
1. The room has such comfortable chairs that the travelers find it easy to fall
2. U Dawtha was so angry that he put his fist through the window-pane.
3. The teacher is so kind that all the students love him.
4. She has such a fierce dog that nobody dares to come near her house.
5. He bought so many books that he had no money left.

Exercise III: Filt the blanks with suitable connectives -- though yet / whether
... or.
1. Whether you come to me or not, it is not my business.
2. Though she is pretty yet she is not proud.
3. Whether the headmaster praised them or scolded them, they behaved as
4. I will try my best whether I get a reward or not.
5. Though the desert is covered with sand yet people try to grow plants and
B. Both ...and € Not only... but also i--* Neither... nor
1. Not only Yu Yu but also Mu Mu eats beef.

Both Yu Yu and Mu Mu eat beef.

2. Neither Mya nor Hla has been to Bago.
Not only Mya but also Hla has never been to Bago.
3. Both human beings and animals can live on the moon.
Not only human beings but also animals can live on the moon.
4. Both the worm and the snail do not have a backbone.
Neither the worm nor the snail has a backbone.
5. Neither Ko Ko nor I were present yesterday.
Not only Ko Ko but also I was absent yesterday.
C. either... or
1. Either or you are to blame.
2. She must be either stupid or careless.
3. They will choose either Nyo Nyo or phyu phyu.
4. Either you stop staying away from classes or you willbe punished.
5. You can either sit here or wait outside.
D. neither of
1. Neither of the (two) boys is hardworking.
2. Neither of us has been to Kalaw.
3. Neither of the actors was good.
4. Neither of us can answer this question.
5. I like neither of these sweaters.

Using the prompts given, write a short paragraph on: "What we can do if we
cannot sleep"
- sometimes -cannot sleep
- it may be- feel hungry
- if so- should take - cup of warm milk - biscuits
- it is not good - take coffee - contains caffeine
- it - only keep - more awake
- sometimes -cannot sleep - because worried - something
- when this happens - not take sleeping pills
- this - dangerous - they - habit forming
- instead - should try - relax - mind and body
- can also think - something pleasant
- can get up- read- book or study until - feel sleepy
- when - cannot sleep - because feel ill - can take - sleeping pill with - cup
of milk - but it - be - doctor's advice
- relaxing - mind and bodyfall sleep - best way -
Students are going to write a grammatically and factually correct paragraph
based on the given prompts.
. Ask students to read the given prompts and answer the following questions.
- Which is the subject of the first prompt?
- Do you use any article before this subject?
- Which adverb will be followed by the verb "cannot sleep"?
- In the second line, is there any subject?
- Which should be the subject of the given phrase "feel hungry"?
- Which article should be used for the noun'cup of warm milk'?
- How can you join the two nouns'cup of warm milk'and'biscuits'?
- Which connector will you use to join these two phrases "it is not good "-
"take coffee"?
- Is there any connection between "take coffee" and "- contains caffeine"?
- What should you use between "keep " - " more awake"?
- Which is the subject for this line "--cannot sleep - because worried -

- What will you put in this phrase 'worried -something,?,,

- what can you add to the prompt 'when this happens - not take sleeping
pills' to make it negative?
- What are some ways that you can do if you cannot sleep well?
- Which possessive form will you put before ,- mind and body,?
- which is the verb of this phrase 'relaxing our mind and body - best way -
fall sleep'?
- Do you use any article before 'best way'? Why?
- What will you put before '- fall sleep'?
I Discuss students students the points to be considered for writing aparagraph.
T Ask students to write the first draft and check grarnmar, spelling and
T Give feedback.
I Ask students to write a fair copy.

"What we can do if we cannot sleep,

Sometimes, we cannot sleep well. It may be because we feel hungry. If
so, we should take a cup of wann milk and some biscuits. Actually, it is not
good to take coffee because it contains caffeine. so, it only keeps us more
awake. Sometimes, we cannot sleep because we are worried about something.
When this happens, do not take sleeping pills. This is dangerous because they
cause habit forming. Instead of taking pills, we should try to relax our mind and
body. we can also think about something pleasant. we can get up and read a
book or study until we feel sleepy. When we cannot sleep because we feel ill,
then we can take a sleeping pill with a cup of milk but it should be according to
the doctor's advice. Actually, relaxing our mind and body is the best way to-al

Teaching procedure for writing a friendly letter
Step 1

' Ask students to read the given situation. (Write a letter to your best ftiend
about a pleasant dream you had about her and your other friends.)
. Discuss with students the word "Dream" by asking questions.
o Do you usually dream every night?

o What kind of dreams do you have? (pleasant dreams or nightmares)

o How do you feel about the dream when you wake up? (excited,
frightened, happy)
o When do you dream? (at midnight, dawn)
' Ask students who the writer and the receiver of the letter are, what their
gender and age are and what the main message is.
Step 2
. Elicit their ideas about the pleasant dream.
o What kind of dreams are pleasant dreams? (passing the exam with
distinctions, winning lottery, visiting places of interest, going to the game
city with friends, etc.)
o When did you have this pleasant dream? (one week ago, two days ago,
o What did you do before you sleep? (read a novel, watched TV, etc.)
o What happened in the dream?
o How did you feel when you woke up? (very happy)
. Discuss with students the format of the letter. (The heading, greeting, body,
subscription and signature)
. Highlight the tense that is suitable for the given letter (the letter students are
going to write about is a pleasant dream the writer had, so the tense is mainly
simple past tense) and the sentence pattern they are going to use, By the time/ the
use of 'When', etc.)
Step 3
. Provide students with some useful expressions for beginning the letter and
finishing the letter.
Step 4
. Ask students to write the first draft when they have been equipped with the
points they need, telling them to focus on only the content.
. Tell sfudents to focus on organization and punctuation, grammatical errors,
spelling, etc)
Step 5
. Give feedback. (writing one sample copy on the board by the teacher,
pointing out the organization, punctuation, grammatical errors, spelling, etc.) d.

. Ask sfudents to write a fair copy


No.45, Inya Road

28 Jarurary,2006
Dear Sandar,
How are you? I do hope this letter finds you well and happy. As for me,
I'm fine but busy with my lessons, you know.
I am writing this letter to tell you about an unusual dream that I had a few
days ago which included you. It was very interesting. In my dream, you and I
were in a beautiful garden with a lot of roses, jasmines, and orchids. While we
were walking in the garden and enjoying the sight of the flowers, we heard a
sweet song. But we didn't know who was singing. When we searched for the
singer, we met our classmates. They were also looking for the singer. I suddenly
got a glimpse of a beautiful girl who was singing a sweet song. Her voice was so
sweet that it was like that of a songbird. We gathered together and tried to
approach her. When we were quite close to her, I woke up and found that I was in
my bed' I still remember the sweet voice and the beautiful girl. I wonder what the
dream signifies.
Do you also have strange dreams like me? Do write and tell me about
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Yours lovingly,
Aye Aye


Title of the Unit : Looking Good
Aim of the Lesson : To build up students'vocabulary on personal looks
To teach students descriptive adjectives, the use od, so... that, and such ...that
To enable students to describe people
Time Allocation : 45 minutes x 7 periods
Teaching Aids : Pictures ofpeople, faces, etc.
Teaching Procedure
Pre-reading Stage
Step L: Predicting from the Title
. Ask students to read the title.

' Read the title aloud as a model and ask students to repeat after teacher with
correct pronunciation.

' Ask students what they expect to read in the passage after reading the title.
Reading the title
Looking /'lukr4 /
good I godl
' Ask students what they expect to read in the passage after reading the title.
(Accept any relevant answers.)
Step 2: Doing Pre-Reading Task
. Ask students the questions from the Pre-reading Task.
Pre-Reading Task

Suggested Answers (Accept any relevant answers.)

1. The adjectives that describe a person's looks are beautiful, handsome,
goodJooking, attractive, graceful, elegant, etc.
2. The physical features of a person are face, nose, mouth, eyes, forehead,
cheeks, ears, hair, height, build, complexion, etc.
The adjectives that can be used with them are tall, long, short, fat, thin,
plump broad, low, high, rosy, pale, large, etc."
3. Yes, I am satisfied with my looks. I like my eyes best. (oy'
No, I am not satisfied with my looks. I don't like my -----.
4. ----- has bright eyes, black hair and a thin nose.
Step 3: Pre-Teaching

' Select the difficult words in the passage whose meaning students may not be
able to guess from the context.

' Pre-teach the words: concern, slight, texture, plump, lustrous,

inscrutable, dainty, encourage, perspiration, impression, atmosphere,
defect, handicap
. Glossary
concern (v) : influence, worry
slight (adj) small and thin in size
texture (n) the way the skin feels when you touch it
plump (adi) : having a full rounded usually pleasing form
lustrous (adj) : bright
slant (adj) : not straight or level; sloping
inscrutable(adj) : not readily investigated, interpreted, or understood
dainty (adi) : small and delicate in a way that people find
encourage (v) : to give somebody support, courage or hope
perspiration (n) : sweat
impression (n) : idea, a feeling or an opinion that you get
about sb/sth or that sb/sth gives you
atmosphere (n) : a surrounding influence or
accurate (adi) : free from error especially as the result of care
defect (n) an imperfection
handicap (n) : a physical disability
Step 4: Model Reading
' Ask sfudents to put a slant line whenever the teacher makes a pause.
' Teacher reads the passage "Looking Good" in meaningful
chunks as a model.
Step 5: Checking the pauses, and Reading aloud
' Re-read each paragraph and point out the pauses the teacher has made.
' Ask students to check whether they have drawn the slant lines in the correct

' Ask sfudents to read aloud with correct pauses. Note down the words
cannot pronounce well.

Step 6: Drilling the pronunciation of unfamiliar words

. Drill the words that students cannot pronounce well and ask them to listen to
and repeat after teacher.
Example: lustrous, inscrutable, gangling, handicaps, ankles
Step 1: Silent Reading, Skimming, and Scanning
Silent Reading
. Ask students to read "Growing and Changing" silently'
. Ask students to read the paragraph quickly and ask them "what is this
paragraph about?"/ "What is it about?"/ "What is the main idea of this
Growing and Changing
It is natural if your appearance concerns you a great deal' After all, the
way you look now may still be very new to you. From the age of about eleven,
your body alters in shape and size, and your face changes too. Slight little girls
are transformed into tall young women with well developed figures. The
who used to be tallest in her class may stop growing at fifteen and find herself
less than average in height. Snub noses lengthen; eyes that previously looked
large may appear smaller because they have remained the same size while the
other features have grown. Not only that, but the texture of your skin probably
different, and you are likely to suffer from spots.
Answer: (It is) about growing and changing of girls from the age of about

. Select noticeable and specific information in the paragraph and ask students
to find it.
At what age a girl maY stoP growing?
Answer: (A girl may stop growing) at fifteen.

Silent Reading
' Ask students to read "what is Beauty or Handsomeness?" silently.
. Ask students "What is this paragraph about?".
Different people have different ideas of beauty. You only have to look at
those around you to realize that people are attracted by every possible physical
type. Some people find plumpness attractive. Some go for black hair; others,
brown. At different times in history, writers and artists have admired pure, high
foreheads or low, broad ones; large, round, lustrous eyes or slanting, inscrutable
ones; sloping shoulders or broad, square ones; wide, humorous mouths or neat,
small ones; turned-up noses or straight ones.
Answer: (It is) about what people think of the meaning of beauty and
' Select noticeable and specific information in the paragraph and ask students
to find it.
Are young people worried about how they look?
If you are worried about how you look, you're certainly not the only one.
Most of your friends probably feel equaly insecure, though they may not
admit or show it. Girls who are tall usually long to be dainty and small, and
vice versa; plump girls with rosy round faces would love to be pale and
delicate; slender girls with very white skin/ hate their pale and colourless
Answer: Yes, they are.
Silent Reading
. Ask sfudents to read "Body Image', silently.
' Select aparagraph and ask students "what is this paragraph about?".
The way you see yourself in your mind's eye may not even be accurate.
For instance, girls who have once been fat often think of themselves like this
long after they have become slim. Girls with a feature they do not like, such
as a long nose or thick ankles, become so unhappy about it that even when
they look in the mirror, they are quite unable to judge their total appearance.
If they could only relax and see themselves clearly, they might see how
unimportant these so- called defects actually are.
Answer: (It is) about what people see as defects in their appearance are not
as important as they seem to be.


' Select noticeable and specific information in the paragraph and ask students
to find it.
What is more important than physical appearance?
What matters most is the kind of person you are. It would be foolish to
suggest that looks do not matter at all, but everyone knows people with all
kinds of 'beauty handicaps' who nonetheless have easy, loving relationships.
The key to their success is often a warrn, kind heart/ and, most important,
Answer: Self-acceptance (is more important than physical appearance).
Step 2: Dealing with Referents

' Select some referents and ask students to find their antecedents (what these
pronouns refer to).
Example: The girl who used to be tallest in her class may stop growing at
fifteen..... (Line 5)
Some people find plumpness attractive. @g go for black hair;
others, brown. (Line1 6)
1. her = of the girl who used to be tallest
2. Some : Some people
3. Others : Other people
Step 3: Dealing with unfamiliar words

' Pick out unfamiliar words and ask students to guess their meanings from the
context, using reading strategies. (If necessary, use synonym or antonym, use
or draw pictures on the board or as a last resort give Myanmar translations to
make clear the meaning of unfamiliar words.)
Example: what does the word "snub" mean in this sentence? what is the
contextual clue word?
snub noses lengthen; eyes that previously looked large may appear
smaller because they have remained the seme size while the other features
have grown.

snub: short and furned up
The word "lengthen" is the clue to "snub". what shape do the noses have
before they lengthen? They are short, and may be tumed up. Hence, snub
noses mean short and turned up noses.
Step 3. Complex Structures

' Select the complex sentences that teacher may find difficult for students to
understand and explain them.
At different times in history, writers and artists have admired pure, high
foreheads or low, broad ones; large, round, lustrous eyes or slanting, inscrutable
ones; sloping shoulders or broad, square ones; wide, humorous mouths or neat,
small ones; turned-up noses or straight ones.
Explanation : All clauses share the same subject and verb. Therefore, they
are left out.
At different times in history, writers and artists have admired pure, high
foreheads or low broad foreheads.
They have admired large, round, lustrous eyes or slanting, inscrutable eyes.
They have admired sloping shoulders or broad, square shoulders
They have admired wide, humorous mouths or neat, small mouths
They have admired turned-up noses or straight noses.
Step 4: Inferring

' Ask students a question for the information which is not explicitly stated in
the passage.
. Ask them to use their knowledge of th-^ rv,rlcl anc intuition.
Example: Can a girl grow up when she is twenty?
No, she can't. (Accept any approprii,re an.wers.)

Post-reading Stage
Step 5: Checking Comprehension
. Ask sfudents to do comprehension exercises.
. Check their answers.
A. Complete the following sentences.
1. about eleven 6. appearance
2. attracted, 7. attractive to boys
3. low broad ones 8. beauty handicaps'
.large, round, lustrous eyes 9. Dieting
5. admit or show it 10. face and figure

B. Answer the following questions in complete sentences.

1. Changes in a girl's body occur from the age of about eleven.
2. Tall girls wish to be dainty and small.
3. Plump girls with rosy round faces long to be pale and delicate.
4. Girls are worried about their appearance because a lot of pressures are
encouraging them to be so.
5. Women's magazines, advertisements and the media warn girls about bad
breath, perspiration, being too fat or too thin.
6. Women's magazines, advertisements and the media try to impress on girls
that if they use a certain shampoo or cosmetic, they will become attractive
to boys.
7. People with all kinds of ' beauty handicaps ' still have easy, loving
relationships because hey have wafin, kind hearts and, most important,
8. According to the writer, looking good means making the best of us,
9. We can diet to become thinner or fatter.
10. We can improve the way we look with clothes, hairstyle, skin care and, if
we wish, make-up.
Step l:Ask
students to choose the adjectives in column B that will be
appropriate for the nouns in Column A. Check the answers with the class.
Column A Column B
1. height (c) tall
2. build (e) plump
3. hair (a) long, black
4. shoulders (h) sloping
5. face (b) rosy, round
6. eyes (d) lustrous
7. nose (f snub
8. mouth (g) wide, humorous
9. forehead O high
lO.complexion (i) pale
Step 2. Ask students to complete the following sentences with appropriate nouns
or adjectives in Exercise A.
Check the answers.
l. My brother is about 5 feet l0 inches high.
2. She has got long black hair.
3. My father has a high forehead.
4. Her wide, humorous mouth always seems to be smiling.
5. She has just recovered from malaria. Her complexion is rather pale.
Step 3: Tell students that the given adjectives can be used to describe people's
' Ask them to divide the words into two groups: positive and negative.
. Check the answers with the class.
Positive Adjectives: handsome, beautiful, striking, slim, lovely, good-
looking, pretty, attractive, slender, stylish
Negative Adjectives: plump, fat, slight, skinny, ugly, lean, small, thin, plain

Step 4: Ask students to c< mplete the sentences with appropriate positive or
negative adjectives given in Exercise C.
Step 5: Ask them to check the answers with their partners. Provide them with the
correct answers.
1. The actor is so handsome that he is very popular with girls.
2. A person who eats too much sweet will get fat.
3. Nowadays, girls like to be slim so they are always on diet.
4. Although the girl is ugly she has a kind heart.
5. You look lovely in that beautiful dress.
A. Too... to / Enough ... to
1. Her finger is not small enough to wear this ring.
2. He is not old enough to drive a car.
3- Your hair is too long to be tied.
4. The sum is not easy enough for us to solve.
5. He was too stupid/dull enotrgh to understand what they meant.
6. The book is too boring for me to continue reading it.
7. The doctor said, "You are too weak to walk yet."
8. The child is too short toreach the bottle on the shelf.
B. So... that/
1. He is so aggressive that people don't like him.
2. She drove the car so fast that she couldn't avoid the collision.
3. We sometimes work so hard that we cannot enjoy life.
4. The shirt is so big that it cannot fit you.
5. The actress wore too much rnake-up to look like a peasant woman.
6. She has changed too much for me to recognize her.
7. The print is too small for my grandmother to read it.
8. The wall was too high for the children to climb over it.

C. So...that/ Enough

1. These shoes are big enough to fit your feet.
2. The room is large enough to be used as a reception
3. He looked handsome enough to become an
4. He is foolish enough to believe what everyone
5. The car is so big that all five of us can ride in it.
6' The boy is soc lever that he can give the answer at
7. Your essay is so good that itcan win a prize.
8. The boy is so slim that he can slip through the fence.
D. So...thatl Such... that
1. she is such a kind-hearted girl that every student loves her.
2. He is such an old person that he cannot take care of himself.
3' It is such an easy sum that he cannot enjoy even a few jokes.
4' He is such a serious person that he cannot enjoy
even a few
5. The shampoo is so expensive that I cannot afford to buy it.
6. The gold ring is so small that I cannot wear it.
7. The girl is so so skinny girl that herparents are worried about her
8. The dream was so frightening that I stayed
awake for a long time.
' Ask sfudents to read aloud the given nouns and
' Make sure that students know the meaning
of all the words by checking their
comprehension for the given words.

' If necessary, explain the words by describing some students in the

class as

' Let sfudents write a paragraph on ',My Best Frieno,, describing hisrher
physical appearance using the words they
have studied.
' Ask students to show their writing to a friend
and let him/her guess who that
person is.
Teaching procedure for writing an essay:
My Favourite TV star
Step I
' Introduce sfudents with the word actor, actress,
vocarist, model, star, etc.
' Elicit the ideas about "my favourite TV Star" by
asking questions:

(1) Do You usuallY watch TV?

(2) Which programme do you like best?
(3) Who is Your favourite TV Star?

Step 2
. their favourite TV Star'
Ask students to write down some facts concerning
- What is the name of your favourite TV star?
(Height, build, age, face,hair,
- How does heishe look? (his/her appearance)
eYes etc.)
the TV Stars? (stylish, lovely
-What makes him/her to be popular among
-What are his/her achievements?
-Why do you like himlher? (Give reasons)
Step 3
. the-paragraph (Introduction' Main
Ask students to arrange the facts to put in
Body and Conclusion) to have a well-organized
given essay topic' ( As the
. Ask students the tense that is suitable for the
paragrupgis about one,s favourite iv .tur,
it is mainly simple present tense )
. going to use' ( e'g' while"""''
Ask students the sentence pattern they are
When. ., ComParison of Adj' etc')
Step 4
have the points they need'
. Ask students to write the first draft when they
telling them to focus only on the content'
grammatical errors'
. Tell students to focus on organization and punctuation'
spelling, etc.
Step 5
. copy on--the board' pointing
Give feedback. (The teacher writing one sample
atrcal elrors, spelling, et. )
out the or gan\zation, punctuation, giamm
, Ask students to write a fair coPY'
My Favourite TV Star
There are many programmes on MRTV and Myawaddy TV.
The people
who take part regularly in TV programmes and are well known to
the people and
are regarded as stars. They are popular and they can influence people,
young and
old, to do good things or bad things.
There is one TV star I like best. His name is Min Zin. Heis the presenter
of a music programme. He is about 30 years old. He is of average height and
weight but he is quite good looking He always keeps his hair neat and tidy.
wears Myanmar clothes when he is on TV. As he has a pleasant smile
on his face
most of the time, he can make the music show lively. He can talk
about many
subjects. His job is to introduce the singers to the people watching TV.
He has a
great sense of humour and makes people laugh a lot. He
can keep people
interested from the beginning of the programme till the end
of it. Most of the
people in my town switch on their TV whenever Min zin
is on air. Everyone
likes watching him on TV.
since I like his programme, I also try not to miss watching his
programme. when he meets people outside, he is very friendly
and he ,.l,".
refuses to write an autograph for anyone. Although he is very popular
among the
young people, he leads a simple life. I would like to be a TV
star like him. Due to
the reasons mentioned above, he is my favourite TV star.


Title of the Unit Mosquito: Getting To Know the Enemy
Aims of the Lesson To teach students how to describe diseases, to give
students knowledge of mosquitoes and diseases caused
by them, to raise students' awareness of mosquitoes'
threat, to teach singular and plural forms of noun and
determiners and to teach sfudents how to transform active
voice into passive voice.
Time Allocation 45 mins x 10 periods
Teaching Aids Maps, Charts, Graphs, pictures

Teaching Procedure
Pre-reading Stage
Step L: Predicting from the Title
. Ask students to read the title.
. Read the title aloud as a model and ask the students to repeat after you with
correct pronunciation.
Reading the title
Mosquito / mos'kiI.teu,me'skiI.teu /
Enemy : /'en.e.mi /

' Ask students what they expect to read in the passage after reading the title.

' Accept any relevant answers.

Step 2: Doing Pre-reading Task
, Ask students the questions from the Pre-reading Task in the text.
Suggested Answers (Accept any relevant answers)
1. Yes, I know what mosquitoes are'
2. No,I don't like them.
3. Theyarebad.
4. They suck the blood of people and animals and spread diseases.

5. Yes, I know some diseases caused by mosquitoes. They are malaria and
dengue fever.

Step 3: Pre-teaching
, Select the difficult words in the passage whose meanings students may not be
able to guess from the context.
. pre-teach the words : antennae, larvae, wigglers, aquatic, fertile, allergic,
hazards, infected, inflammation, Syrry)toms, treatments, precautions, resolve,
fatal, immunity, immuno-suppressed, vaccine, exposure, essential, resistance,
lethal, pesticides.
Antennae either of the two long thin parts on the heads of some
insects, used to feel and touch things with (p:98)

larvae an insect at the stage when it has jus-t come out of an

egg and looks like a short fat worm (,i,n-"f A)
wigglers insects that move from side to side or up and down
short quick movements (Q :ecoccr3-$,)
aquatic connected with water/ growing or living in, on or near
water (oqgf { 3 eocl eqqd ec,'l c,5 go:eoc)
fertile of people, animals or plants that can produce babies,
young animals, fruits or newplants ({1:.oodeoc)
allergic connected with a medical condition that causes you to
react badly or feel illlsick when you touch or eat a
particular substance
(o o g) earcl sad 3 oeooocrS
6 eoeoc)
Hazards a thing that canbe dangerous or cause damage
infected containing harmful bacteria ("qrd c2:oc,6er:c)
inflammation a condition in which a part of the body becomes red,
sore and swollen because of infection or injury
symptoms a change in your body or mind that shows that you
not healthy (eepoioogo:c)
treatments something that is done to cure an illness or to make
somebody look or feel good (q.rg)
precautions = something that is done in advance to prevent problems
to avoid danger (@1-3"o"a"Sn)

resolve = to find an acceptable solution to a problem or difficulty


fatal = causing or ending in death (eoeo$3occc)

immunity = the body's ability to avoid or not be affected by

infection and disease (eepo1 c4?5$383tqd)

immuno-suppressed = the act of stopping the body from reacting against

the substance that can cause disease

(.ep d I 5$3 g 5:q gJ :eoeoc)

vaccine = a substance that is put into the blood and that protects
thebody from a disease (crrcqcSoao:)

resistance = the power not to be affected by something (S$8qd)

lethal = causing or able to cause death (ea:eo$8eoc)

pesticides = a chemical used for killing insects (Qt-o3n-t)

Step 4: Model Reading

. Ask students to put a slant line whenever the teacher makes a pause.
. Read the passage in meaningful chunks as a model'

Step 5: Checking the Pauses, and Reading Aloud

. Re-read each paragraph and point out the pauses the teacher has made'
. Ask students to check whether they have drawn the slant lines in the correct
. Ask students to read aloud with correct pauses. Note down the words
students cannot Pronounce well.

Step 6: Drilling the Pronunciation of Unfamiliar Words

' Drill the words that students cannot pronounce well and ask them to listen to
and repeat after the teacher.
Example: Wigglers, infl ammation, immunity, hazards, vaccine
While-reading Stage
Step 1: Silent Reading, Skimming, and Scanning
Silent Reading
. Ask students to read the first paragraph silently.
' Select ? par_agraph and ask students to read the paragraph quickly and ask
them what thatparagraph is about.
Example: What is this paragraph about?
Nearly two million species of insects grouped, into about 30 orders, live
in many different habitats throughout the world. They are very important
because they pollinate flowers and are food for birds and other animals.
However, many insects are pests that feed on crops or spread diseases. One
such insect is the mosquito.
Answer: About insects
' Select noticeable and specific information in the paragraph.
Example: Look at this paragraph and find what mosquito is.

. Nearly_tw-o million.species of insects grouped, into about 30 orders, live

in many differenl..habitats throughout thJ world.' They are very important
b-ecause they pollinate flowers ind are food for birdi and other uiir*tr.
However, qany insects pests that feed on crops or spread diseases. one
such insect is the mosquito.
Answer : A kind of pests that feed on crops or spread diseases
Silent Reading
. Ask students to read the second paragraphsilently.
' Select a paragraph and ask students to read the paragraph quickly and ask
them what thatparagraph is about.
Example: What is this paragraph about?
There are about_ 3,000 species of mosquitoes, which are distinguished by
their antennae of 14 or 15 segments and by the presence of scales on the
veins of their wings. The larvae are called wigglers and are aquatic, feeding
on plants, algae, and microscopic animal life. Some mosquitoes feed on the
juices of plants, and some do not feed at all in their adult stage. Only female
mosquitoes suck the blood of humans and other warm-blooded animals,
because they need blood to develop each batch of fertile eggs. But like the
male mosquito, females feed only on nectar for their food source.
Answer: About the species of mosquitoes, larvae and their food
Select noticeable and specific information in the paragraph.
Example: Look at this paragraph and find what dengue hemorrhagic fever is.
Symptoms of dengue fever generally start 5 to 6 days after being bitten by
the infected mosquito and include fever, painful headaches, eye, joint, and
muscle pain, and rash. The rash usually begins on the arrns or legs about 3 to
4 days after the fever starts. These syrnptoms resolve completely within I to
2 weeks. Dengue hemorrhagic fever is a severe, potentially fatal infection that
occurs when someone with immunity to one type of Dengue virus is infected
by a different type. Its symptoms include loss of appetite, vomiting, intense
abdominal pain, shock and bleeding from the nose or under the skin. The
occuffence of dengue hemorrhagic fever may be associated with those either
experiencing their second infection, being immuno-suppressed, or being
under the age of 15.
Answer : a severe, potentially fatal infection that occurs when someone with
immunity to one type of Dengue virus is infected by a different

Silent Reading
. Ask students to read the third paragraph silently.
' Select a paragraph and ask students to read the paragraph quickly and ask
them what that paragraph is about.
Example: What is this paragraph about?
The female mosquito locates her human targets by following the carbon
dioxide that we exhale. When the mosquito bites a human, she injects saliva
into our skin before drawing blood. This saliva helps her to penetrate the skin
and prevents blood clots from developing in her food canal. The
welts and
itching that we experience after being bitten are an allergic reaction
to the
Answer: Holv female mosquitoes locate their human t rgJ., what they do
before they bite humans, and the effectiveness of their saliva

' Select noticeable and specific information in the paragraph.

Example: Look at this paragraph and find what dengue fever is.
Dengue Fever is a viral disease carried by the Aedes mosquitoes.
disease occurs mainly in tropical and subtropical regions and is
most co1nmon
during the rainy season in areas infested with the infected mosquitoes.
According to the wHo, 2.5 billion people are atrisk from the four
ma.lor types
of dengue virus, which is transmitted to people from infected mosquitoes.
year there are tens of millions of cases.

Answer : Dengue fever is a viral disease carried by the Aedes mosquitoes.

Sitent Reading
. Ask students to read the ninth paragraph silently.
' select a paragraph and ask students to read the paragraph quickly and
them what that paragraph is about.
Example: What is this paragraph about?
Symptoms of dengue fever generally start 5 to 6 days after being bitten
the infected mosquito and include fever, painful headaches, eye,loint,
muscle pain, and rash. The rash usually begins on the arns or legs
about 3 to
4 days after the fever starts. These syrTptoms resolve completely within
1 to
2 weeks.
.dnswer: About the symptoms of Dengue,fever

' Select noticeable and specific information in the paragraph. . :

Example: Look at this paragraph and find what the vaccine for Dengue fever

There is no vaccine against dengue fever. Recommended treatmenJ for

the disease is bed rest and common drugstore pain and fever medication. Since
there are four types of dengue viruses, having one type of virus will only give
protection against that type, not the others. Dengue hemorrhagic can be fatal.
medical intervention for dengue hemorr,hagic fever may prevent serious
Answer: None
Silent Reading
. Ask students to read the twelfth paragraph silently.
. Select a paragraph and ask students to read the paragraph quickly and ask
them what that paragraPh is about.
Example: What is this paragraph about?
Symptoms may occur in 6-8 days or several months after being bitten and
include regularly occurring fevers with chills, nausea, and muscle pain'
Infection results in the enlargement of the spleen and liver, and in fatal cases,
capillaries in the brain are blocked. The majority of malaria deaths occur
among young children and pregnant women.
Answer: About the symptoms and the infection results of Malaria
. Select noticeable and specific information in the paragraph.
Example: Look at this paragraph and find what drug parasites are particularly
resistant to.
Early diagnosis and prompt adequate treatment is essential in curing
malaria and pieventing death. A limited number of drugs for treating malaria
are available. However, in some regions the parasites are resistant to certain
antimalarial drugs, particularly chloroquine. People continuously infected
gradually develop immunity to the disease.
Answer: chloroquine
Step 2: Dealing with Referents, Unfamiliar Words and Complex Structures
Dealing with Reference
" Pick out some words used in the passage and ask them to guess the words
they refer to.
. Check their answers and give feedback.
What do the following words in the passage
refer to?
"They" refers to .,Insects,,
"she" refers to..the mosquito,'
"It" refers to ,.viral encephalitis,,
"which" refers to ..dengue virus,,
"its" refers to ..Dengue hemorrhagic fever,s,,
(of Dengue hemorrhagic fever)

Dealing with Unfamiliar Words

. Select some unfamiliar words and
ask sfudents o guess the meanings
by breaking the word into different of them
meaningful parts, guessing the
meaning of the word from affixes
or contextual clues.
Examples: wigglers, allergic, nuisance,
Sample answers:
Guessing the meaning of the word
by breaking it into different meaningful
Wigglers=wiggl(e)*er+s -plural

To move uo*t,o. r" *>doer of action

orup and down
in short quick movements
wigglers insects that move from side to side
down in short quick movements or up and

Guessing the meaning of the

word from aflixes
Allergic = allerg(y) + is

A medical contition that
causing something or likely to
causes you to react badly or
particular substance
feel ill / sick when you touch or eat a

sub-tropical = (prefix) + tropical (base word)

near + oftroPical regions
precaution : pre- (prefix) + caution (base word)
before + care

paintul : pain (base word) + - ful (suffix)

pain + (adjective-forming affix)
treatment : treat (base word) + -ment (suffix)
treat + (noun forming affix)
Guessing the meaning of the word from the context
way in: To guess the meaning of "nuisansg'?, oSk the students to read the
whole paragraph.
..Few people like mosquitoes. They inflict itchy bites and buzz around our
ears. B,oi mosquitoes are much more than a nuisance; they can pose serious
health hazards."
In the first sentence, students can see that people have negative feelings
towards mosquitoes. So, we can guess that nuisance must be something
negative. The words in italics are clues to the meaning of the
Wi., mosquitoes bite and cause btuzingsounds around our ears, they annoy
that make
us. Instead of saying "mosquitoes are much more than the insects
than a nuisance'"
us fairly angry," the writer says "mosquitoes are much more
Hence, nuisance is a thing that is annoying or makes r;s fairly angiry'
nuisance = a thing that is annoying, i.e. that makes somebody fairly angry

Way in: Ask the studenJs to read the sentence that has "symptoms" and the
sentence that comes after it.
"Although most people infected with viral encephalitis have only mild or
symptoms, serious cases can cause headaches, high fevers,
ctnwlsions, delirium, coma, and even death. Synrptoms appear 4 to 15 days
after being bitten."
According to the first sentence, "s5r.mptoms",can be a change that occurs
people utta it also related to some kind of disease and that can also be
mild or
After looking at the second sentence, we can guess
that ..symptoms,,
can also be understood as indications
of something. so, ,.symptoms,, means. a
change in your body or mind that shows
that you ui" ,"t hearthy.
symptoms u.,.n*re in.your body or
mind that shows that you are not
healthy; a sign that something exists, especially
something bad
Dealing with Complex structures
Select complex sentences that students
may find difficult and explain them.

Nearly two million species of insects grouped,

into about 30 orders, live in
many different habitats throughout the
: Nearly two million species of insects can
be grouped into about 30 orders
and they live in many different habitats
throughoit t}i worta.
since there are four types of dengue viruses,
having one type of virus will
only give protection against that type, not
the others.
=There are four types of dengue viruses and
if you have vaccine rvr
for v,v
one type
of virus, it will not give you protection from
r*. *;;.
the other
Post-reading Stage
Step 1: Checking Comprehension

' Ask students to do the comprehension

exercises from the text.
A. Write the symptoms given in the passage for
each disease.
(i) Encephalitis (a) headaches
@) high fevers
(c) (d) convulsions
(e) delirium (f coma
(ii) Dengue fever (a) fever
(b) painful headaches
(c) muscle pain (d) &rh
(iii) Malaria (a) fever with chills (b)
(c) muscle pain

A. Complete the following table.

Name of I)isease Time / Season Treatment

1. Encephalitis Warm months No special treatment

2. Dengue Fever Rainy season Bed rest, pain and fever medication

3. Malaria Rainy season A limited number of drugs

C. The writer hasitateA tnffittowing'ideas' in the passage. Find sentences
that supPort these ideas.
1. Not all mosquitoes feed on the juices of plants'
2. Only female mosquitoes bite human beings'
3. The female mosquitoes know where people are by following the carbon
dioxide that theY breathe out.
4. Insects that feed on blood can carry diseases between humans and
animals and humans.
5. Several very serious diseases are spread by mosquitoes'
feed at all in
1. Some mosquitoes feed on the juices of plants, and some donOt
their adult stage.
2. Orly female mosquitoes suck the blood of humans and other warm-blooded
animals, because they need blood to develop each batch of fertile eggs'
3. The female mosquito locates her human targets by following the carbon
dioxide that we exhale.
4. Insects that feed on blood have the potential to transmit diseases between
humans and between animals and humans'
5. Mosquitoes are the most highly developed insect bloodsuckers and are carriers
of several very serious diseases, namely yellow fever, encephalitis, dengue
fever, and malaria.
D. Complete the following sentences with the correct word or words'
t. larvae 2.exhale 3'an allergic reaction

4. transmit 5. bloodsuckers
E. Give complete answers to the following questions.
1. Insects can be found in many different habitats
throughout the world.
2' Insects are very important because they pollinate
flowers and are food for
birds and other animals.
3' Mosquitoes are different from other insects in that mosquitoes are insects that
feed on crops and spread diseases while
other insects foflinate flowers and are
food for birds and other animals.
4. The larvae of mosquitoes live in water.
5. The larvae of mosquitoes feed on plants, argae,and
microscopic animal life.
6' A female mosquito injects saliva into the skin because
this saliva helpsher to
penetrate the skin and prevents
blood clots from developing in her food canal.
7 ' Yiral encephalitis is a disease that is transmitted
by mosquitoes
from infected
small animals, usually birds and rodents,
to humans and that causes
inflammation of the brain.
8. The Aedes mosquitoes carry Dengue
9. Protozoal parasites cause Malaria.
10. we must wear protective clothing, sleep
under bed nets, have screens on alr
windows and doors and use repeilJits to protect
ourselves from these diseases.
Step 2: Inferring

' Ask the students a question for the information

which is not explicitly stated
in the passage.
. Ask them to use their experience and intuition.
Example: Why doesn't the male mosquito
suck the blood of warm-blooded
Answer: It doesn,t need to develop the,eggs.
Step I
' Ask students to choose the most suitable meaning
of the word from the
choices given.

Step 2
. Check answers.
Exercise : choose the most suitable meaning of the word from thechoices
t. (c) insects
2. (a) identified
3. (b) bringing out
4. (a) frnd the Place
5. (b) acting against
A. Plural Forms of Nouns
Step 1
. Ask students about differences between singular nouns and
plural nouns'

Step 2
. Ask students how to form plural forms of nouns'
two birds ilmake most nouns Plural, add-s'
two streets

2. one dish two dishes 466 -a5 16 nouns ending in -sh, {h, -ss, -
one match two matches
one class two classes
one box two boxes
3. one baby two babies If e"ds in a consonant * -y, change
" "oun
'!" to 'o i" and add -es' If -Y is
one city two cities the
preceded by a vowel, add -s: boys, da

4. one knife two knives If a n"r" "naa in -fe or -f, change the

one shelf two shelves

(Exceptions: chiefs, roofs.)
5. one tomato two tomatoes T6tLrrai6r- of nouns that end in + is

one zoo two zoos sometimes -oes and sometimes -os'-oes:

one zero two zeroes/zeros


6. one child two children Some nouns have irregular plural forrnr
one foot two feet
one man two men
one mouse two mice
one tooth two teeth

7. one deer two deer The plural form of some nouns is the same
one sheep two sheep as the singular form.
one species two species

8. one cacfus two cacti Some nouns that English has borrowed
crisis two crises from other languages have foreign plurals.
one larva two larvae
Step 3
. Ask sfudents to do the exercises.
2.5. Plural Forms of Nouns
Exercise : write the plural forms of the nouns. The first one is done for you.
Step 4
. Check answers.
l. potatoes 6. fish
2. dormitories 7. opinions
3. geese g. wolves
4. leaves g. sandwiches
5. wishes 10. beliefs

2.6. Determiners:
Step I
. Ask students to tell the determiners they know.
Step 2
. Ask them why they use determiners
B. Determiners: Quantity Form
A determiner is a word which is used with the noun and which limits the
meaning of the noun in some way. Some of the determiners
are as follows:

no, each, every, somg, any, much, many, several' more'

most' little' less'
fewer, enough, one, two, first, second, last, either, neither'
These determiners tell us how many or how much is refeffed

All isused with uncountable nouns and with countable, plural nouns:
Example : should be checked carefully.
All electrLcal equipment
or singular nouns:
No is used with uncountable nouns and with countable plural
Example : Na sugar is added to natural orange
Each and every can only be used with singular, countable nouns:
Example : Fill in eachbla*in the exercise'
They interviewed every applicant for the job'
countable nouns' A
Some and anycan be used with both uncountable and plural
offers, and we use
useful'rule' is that we lse some for positive statements and for
any for questions and negative statements:
Example : There is some tea left'
There rsrlt any time left to do the work'
Much is only used with uncountable nouns:
Example : How muchmoney do you save every month?
There isn'tmuch time left'
In spoken English, much is usually only used in questions or negative
We use a lot of inpositive statements:
Example : Indonesia exports a lot of oll'
Many and several can only be used with countable, plural nouns:
Exarnple: Many families take their holidays in Pyin Oo Lwin'
better known for his novels'
Morecan be used with countable, plural nouns and with uncountable
Example: Austrians bly more classical music records or tapes than
anY other PeoPle.
Most is the suPerlative form :
Example: Ngapali isthe mostbeautiful beach in Myanmar'
Little is only used with uncountable nouns. It is often
used with ue4y:
Example: There is (very) lialetimeleft.
zess is usually used with uncountable nouns.
It is the comparative form of little
and it means a smaller quantity of something:
Example: There's ress water in the reservoir this year
than last year.
Few is used with countabre, plural nouns. It is
often used with uery:
Example: He has veryfew friends.
Fewer is used with countable, plural nouns. It is
the comparative form of
Example: Fewer people were killed in road accidents
in T976than in r990.
Step 3
. Ask sfudents to do the exercises.
Exercise 1: few, a fewr little, a litfle
Exercise : Put au, many, more, most, ress,
few or fewer in the blanks berow.
Make sure that the sentences make sense.
Step 4
. Check answers.
1.all 5. more
2. few 6. most
3. more 7. more
4. many
C. Active and passive Voice (Without Agent)
Step I
Ask students to study the given examples.
Step 2
' Explain the steps involved in transforming sentences
from active voice into
passive voice.

e.g. People should obey the laws of the country.

Itisn't always necessary to have an agent. In the
exampre, the agent is not
definite or important or can be inferred. so, it
can be e*p.essed as follows:
The laws of the country should be obeyed.

Agents like "people, somebody, someone,

etc'rr are not necessary in the passive'

Examples: (1) People grow rice in Myanmar'

Rice is grown in MYanmar'
(2) Someone has broken the window'
The window has been broken'
(3) No one locked the door yesterday'
The door was not locked YesterdaY'
Step 3
. Ask students to do the exercises'
Exercise: Change the following into the passive'
Step 4
. Check answers.
1. My bicYcle has been stolen'
2. The streets are cleaned everyday'
3. A bridge was built across the river only last year'
4. Such a story will not be believed'
5. Dinner was being prepared when we came'
6. When was this radio bought?
7 . Mg Mg has not been seen todaY'
g. Has the keY we lost been found?
10. Why are mosquitoes disliked?

ParagraPh Writing
Step I
. Let students read the given prompts'
Prevention of the diseases caused by mosquitoes
- mosquitoes: sPread many diseases
- various ways to Prevent
- avoid mosquito bites
- wear protective clothing
- use mosquito repellents
- sleep under mosquito netting
- have screens on windows and doors
- drain or cover all standing water
- use insecticides to kill mosquitoes
- prevention better than cure
Step 2
. Ask students to answer the following questions.
- Which is the subject of the first line 'mosquito: spread many diseases'?
- what do you need to put in the place of (:) between mosquitoes :
spread many disease?
- In the second line, is there any subject or verb?
- which subject and verb should be used for the second line? why?
- Is it a complete sentence? How can you continue?
- What are the preventions?
- Which verb will you use for the prompt'prevention better than cure'?
Step 3
' Ask students to think about points to be considered for writing a paragraph
and to write the first draft and to check grammar, spelling and punctuatioi.
Step 4
. Give feedback.
Step 5
. Ask students to write a fair copy.
Prevention of the diseases caused by mosquitoes
Mosquito is a kind of insect that spreads many diseases. There are
various ways to prevent these diseases. To avoid mosquito bites,
we should
wear protective clothing mostly between dusk and dawn, use mosquito
repellent and sleep under mosquito nets. Moreover we should have
on all windows and doors. We should drain or cover all standing
water. We
should use insecticides to kill mosquitoes. We must realize that prevention
is better than cure.
Letter Writing
Step 1

Ask students to read the given situation.

..Write a letter to a friend, who has just recovered from a bout of malaria. Give
her some encouragement and promise to help her with the lessons she has missed
at school."
Step 2
. Ask students who the writer and the receiver of the letter are, what their
gender and age are and what the main message is'
. Tell students that they are going to write about a friend who suffered from
malaia and is now feeling better; they have to give encouragement and
promise to help her with the lessons she has missed at school.
Step 3
. Elicit their ideas by asking some questions
Step 4
. Discuss with them the format of the letter (the heading, the greeting, the body,
subscription and signature).
, Ask students which tense is suitable for the given message (mainly present
. Revise the sentence patterns they have leamt in the grammar section'
Encourage them to use these pattems in their writing'
Step 5
. Ask students to write the first draft when they have the points they need,
telling them to focus only on the content.
. Tell students to focus on organization and punctuation, grammatical errors,
spelling, etc)
Step 6
. Give feedback. (the teacher writing one sample copy on the board, pointing
out the organization, punctuation, grammatical elrors, spelling, etc.)
. Ask students to write a fair coPY

No.45, ZezawaSt.
25 December,2007
Dear Thu Thu,
How are you? I heard that you have been down with-malaria for a
weeks' I am sorry to hear that. You must have missed a lot
of your lessons. How
are you feeling now? I hope you are feeling much better.
Thu Thu, it is bad that you suffered from malaria. you need to keep
yourself from being b1tte1 by mosquitoes. They are cariers
of many diseases.
Please eat nourishing fo_od so that you can recover much
faster. Now that you
have received good medical treatment, I am sure that you
are now completely
cured. As for your school lessons, please don,t worry.
i will help you *ith th.
lessons you missed during the past weeks. Just tell
m! what you need and I will
help you. By the way, May May sent her love to you.
With very best wishes,
Your loving friend,
Soe Soe


Title of the Unit Travel in Southeast Asia I
Aim of the Lesson To familiaize students with the countries in the
Southeast Asia, to know their locations and
geographical features
To teach students "-ed" adjectives and ..-ing,, adjectives
To teach sfudents how to use adverb clauses of,time and
degrees of comparison
Time Allocation 45 mins x 10 pds
Teaching Aids Maps, Charts, Graphs, pictures

Teaching Procedure
Pre-reading Stage
Step 1: Predicting from the Title
. Ask students to read the title.
. Read the title aloud as a model and ask students to repeat after the teacher
with correct Pronunciation.
Reading the title
Travel : l'trnv.el I
Southeast : /, sau0'irst /
Asia : i'er.3e, -je /
, Ask students what they expect to read in the passage after reading the title.
. Accept any relevant answers'
Step 2: Doing Pre-reading task
. Ask students the questions from the Pre-reading Task in the text'
1. Write down the names of as many countries in Asia as
you can think of'
Then, working in groups, make a list of the Southeast Asian countries'
2. Look at the map and then write the names of the countries next to

numbers in the maP.

3. Name five tourist attractions in your country'
Suggested Answers (Accept any relevant answers)
1. The countries in Asia that I can think of are Myanmar, Thailand, Laos,
china, Japan, cambodia, vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore,_the
Philippines, Brunei Darussalam, Bangladesh, India and Korea.
Southeast Asian countries are Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, carnbodia,
Lrdonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, the Philippines, and Brunei
2. 1. Myanmar 2. Vietnam

3. Laos 4. Thailand
5. Cambodia 6. Malaysia

7. Brunei Darussalam 8. Singapore

9. Indonesia 10. The PhiliPPines

3. Five tourist atfactions in our country

are the Shwedagon pagoda, Bagan,
Mandalay, tnlay Lake and Ngapali Beach.
Step 3: Pre-teaching

' Select the difficult words in the passage whose meanings students may not be
able to guess from the context.
r Pre-teach the words: tourist attractions, episodes, heart-stopping
tourist attractions : places which make tourists want to visit for pleasure
episode : parts or events of a story
heart-stopping : very exciting
Step 4: Model Reading
' Ask sfudents to put a slant line whenever the teacher makes a pause.
. Read the passage in meaningful chunks as a model.
Step 5: Checking the Pauses, and Reading Aloud
' Re-read each paragraph and point out the pauses the teacher has made.
' Ask students to check whether they have drawn the slant lines in the correct

' Ask students to read aloud with correct pauses. Note down the words
sfudents cannot pronounce well.
Step 6: Drilling the Pronunciation of Unfamiliar Words
' Drill the words that students cannot pronounce well and ask them to listen to
and repeat after the teacher.
Example : tourist attractions, episodes, heart- stopping, ethnic, artifacts
While-reading Stage
Step 1: Silent Reading, Skimming, and Scanning
Silent Reading
. Ask students to read "Brunei Darussalam,, silently.
' Select a paragraph and ask students to read the paragraph quickly and ask
them what thatparagraph is about.

Example: What is this paragraph about?

Bandar Seri Begawan, the capital of Brunei Darussalam, has many sights
to offer. The Hassanal Bolkiah Aquarium, for instance, features a colourful
display of tropical fish. At the Brunei Arts and Handicraft Training Centre,
yon .un buy traditional Brunei handicraft such as silverware, brocade and
ceremonial daggers.
Answer: about the interesting places in Bandar Seri Begawan
. Select noticeable and specific information in the paragraph.
. Ask students to find it.
Example: Look at this paragraph and find the name of the water village.
In the centre of Bandar Seri Begawan, and overlooking an impressive
view of the water village, Kampong Ayer, is the Omar Ali Saifuddin Mosque,
which is ranked as one of the most attractive mosques in Asia.
Answer: Kampong Ayer
Silent Reading
. Ask students to read "Cambodia" silently.
. Select a paragraph and ask students to read the paragraph quickly and ask
them what that paragraph is about.
Example: What is this paragraph about?
Angkor Wat, which is situated in northwest Cambodia, is the largest
temple in the world. It is unlike all the other Khmer temples in that it faces
west, and it is inspired by l2th Century Hinduism.
Answer: about Angkor Wat, the largest temple in the world
. Select noticeable and specific information in the paragraph.
. Ask students to find it.
Example: Look at this paragraph and find what the Reamker is'
Located within the Royal Palace compound, the Silver Pagoda is so
named because of its floor, which is made up of 5,000 silver tiles. The walls
surrounding the compound are covered with frescos depicting episodes from
the Khmer version of the Ramayani, the Reamker.
Answer: the Khmer version of the Ramayana
Silent Reading
. Ask students to read "Indonesia" silently.
I Select a paragraph and ask students to read the paragraph quickly and ask
them what thatparagraph is about.
Example: What is this paragraph about?
Jakatta, the capital of Indonesia on the northwest coast of Java, is a place
where industries like textiles, chemicals, plastics, etc. are concentrated. Not
to be missed is one of the world's wonders - the biggest Buddhist temple in
the world - at candi Borobudur in Java, built during the ninth century.
Answer: about Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia
r Select noticeable and specific information in the paragraph.
. Ask students to find it.
Example: Read this paragraph and find what a visitor can experience in
In east Java, one can find the most exciting mountain scenery. one can
visit mountain resorts such as Tretes and Selecta; take a short ferry ride from
the city of Surabaya to Madura for a heart-stopping bull race, filled with
Answer: a heart-stopping bull race
Silent Reading
. Ask students to read "Laos" silently.
I Select a paragraph and ask students to read the paragraph quickly and ask
them what thatparagraph is about.
Example: What is this paragraph about?
Laos is situated in the Souvan-naphoum peninsula. It comprises of many
ethnic groups, each minority group having its own tradition and beautiful
culture. So Laos is a country rich in tradition and culture.
Answer: about the location of Laos and its rich tradition and culture

. Select noticeable and specific information in the paragraph.
. Ask students to find it.
Example: Read this paragraph and find evidences of the high skills of the
artists of the 19th century
Some of the Buddha images and artifacts show the finest designs which
indicate the high skills of the artists of the lgth century.
Answer: some of the Buddha images and artifacts
Silent Reading
. Ask students to read "Malaysia" silently.
. Select a paragraph and ask students to read the paragraph quickly and ask
them what thatparagraph is about.
Example: What is this paragraph about?
Malaysia is famous for its pleasant beach resorts, Langkawi, Pangkor,
Tioman island, Damai Beach in Sarawak, and, again, Penang. Each of these
offers water-sports of all kinds as well as snorkelling and scuba diving around
the numerous coral reefs that line Malaysia's shores.
Answer: about Malaysia's famous beach resorts

. Select noticeable and specific information in the paragraph.
. Ask students to find it.
Example: Read this paragraph and find the names of the two parts of
Malaysia is separated into two sections by the South China Sea; Peninsula
Malaysia links with Thailand on the mainland of Asia, while East Malaysia
comprises the states of Sabah and Sarawak.
Answer: Peninsula Malaysia and East Malaysia

Step 2: Dealing with Referents, Unfamiliar Words and Complex Structures

Dealing with Reference
. Pick out some words used in the passage and ask them to guess the words
they refer to.
. Check their answers and give feedback.
What do the following words in the passage refer to?
where refers to "at the market areas"
which refers to "the floor of the Silver Pagoda"
It refers to "Indonesia"
its refers to "of Yogyakarta"
which refers to "the finest designs"
. Dealing with Unfamiliar Words
. Select some unfamiliar words and ask students to guess their meaning by
breaking the word into different meaningful parts, guessing the meaning
of the word from affixes, or from contextual clues.
Examples: handicraft
Sample answers
Guessing the meaning of a word by breaking it into meaningful parts
handicraft:ha+d(y) +

connected with hand(s) +

anactivitylthing made by hand(s)
handicraft a thing made by hands

Guessing the meaning of a word from affixes

unspoilt :un- +
not ( prefix with negative sense) +

damaged, ruined, destroyed, useless

unspoilt # not ruined, not damaged
Guessing the meaning of a word r.";::. context
Way in: To guess the meaning of "heritage", ask sfudents to read the whole
"Yogyakarta is regarded as a special cultural centre of Java. It offers festivals,
royal ceremonies, batik and silver work, and the sultan's palaces are proof of its
In the first sentence, the words "cultural centre" can be found.
In the following sentence, the words "sultan" and "palaces" can be seen.
According to the word "cultural", heritage may have the meaning of something
which is connected with culture: customs, beliefs, arts, way of life, literafure,
thought, music, etc.
According to the words "royal ceremonies", and "the sultan's palaces", in
lndonesia, at times in history, there were kings or sultans who ruled the country.
But at present, these are only the representation of rich culture in the past.
So, heritage may be the history, traditions or the qualities that a country or
society has had for many years and that are considered an important part of its
heritage : the history, traditions or the qualities that a country or society has had
for many years and that are considered an important part of its character
Way in: Ask students to read the sentence that comes before the sentence that
carries the word "aquarium".
Bandar Seri Begawan, the capital of Brunei Darussalam, has many sights to
offer. The Hassanal Bolkiah Aquarium, for instance, features a colourful
display of tropical fish.
We can guess the meaning of the word "aquarium" from its context. The phrase
"a colourful display of tropical fish" is the clue to this word. We can see a
colourful display of tropical fish at the aquarium. So, "aquarium" means "a
building where different kinds of fishes are displayed".
aquarium: a building where different kinds of fishes are displayed
Dealing with Complex Structures
. Select complex sentences that students may find difficult and explain them.

The National Museum, located just north of the Royal Palace, represents the
finest of Phnom Penh's architecture.
: The National Museum which is located just north of the Royal Palace
represents the finest of Phnom Penh's architecfure.

In the centre of Bandar Seri Begawan, and overlooking an impressive view of
the water village, Kampong Ayer, is the Omar Ali Saifuddin Mosque, which
is ranked as ono of the most attractive mosques in Asia.
: The Omar Ali Saifuddin Mosque is one of the most attractive mosques in
Asia. It is in the centre of Bandar Seri Begawan. The mosque overlooks an
impressive view of the water village, Kampong Ayer.

Post-reading Stage
Step 1: Checking Comprehension
. Ask sfudents to do the comprehension exercises from the text.

Brunei Darussalam
A. Answer the following questions in complete sentences.
1. Brunei Darussalam is situated on the northwest coast of the island of
2. Bandar Seri Begawan is the capital of Brunei Darussalam.
3. Kampong Ayer is a water village in Brunei Darussalam.
4. Temburong Zoo is in the eastem partof the country, Brunei
5. Five tourist attractions are mentioned in the passage.
B. Complete the following table. One has been done as an example.
Tourist attractions Things you can see
l.The Hassanal Bolkiah a colourful display of tropical fish
2.The Brunei Arts and traditional Brunei handicraft such as
Handicraft Trainins Centre silverware, brocade and ceremonial daggers

Tourist attractions Things you can see

3. The Brunei Museum bronze and brassware, Chinese ceramlcs
and jade
4.Omar Ali Saifuddin Mosque
5. TemburongZoo A good variety of tropical wildlife

C. Answer the following questions in complete sentences.
1. The Silver Pagoda is located within the Royal Palace compound of
2. One can find the finest of Phnom Penh's architecture at the National
Museum in Cambodia.
3. The five tourist attractions in Cambodia are the Silver Pagoda, the
National Museum, Independence Monument, Wat Phnom and the
market areas.
4. The Silver Pagoda is so called because of its floor, which is made up
of 5,000 silver tiles.
5. Episodes from the Khmer version of the Ramayana, the Reamker) are
painted on the wall surrounding the palace compound.
6. The Angkor Wat temple is unusual in that it faces west.
D. Complete the following table.

Tourist attractions Where it is situated

1. The biggest Buddhist temple Candi Borobudur in Java
2. mountain resorts such as Tretes East Java
and Selecta
3. a heart-stopping bull race Madura
4. cultural centre Yogyakarta
5. Indonesia's largest national park Western Sumatra
E. Answer the following questions in complete sentences.
l. Indonesia is a land of surprises, featuring the rich culture and arts of its
people amidst the sandy beaches and cool mountains.
2.The volcanoes in Indonesia are among the most active in the world.
3. The biggest Buddhist temple in the world is one of the world's wonders in
Indonesia and it was built during the ninth century.
4. One can get to Madura by taking a short ferry ride from the city of Surabaya.
5. One will find a heart-stopping bull race in Madura.
6.Yogyakarta is said to be a special cultural centre of Java because it offers
festivals, royal ceremonies, batik and silver work, and the sultan's palaces
are proof of its heritage.
F. Answer the following questions in complete sentences.
1. Medicinal herbs can be found in the forests in Laos.
2.Laos can be said to be rich in tradition and culture because it comprises
many ethnic groups, each minority group having its own tradition and
beautiful culture.
3. The wall of the Hotai library is decorated with sapphires.
4. Tourists should visit Wat Sisaket Temple because if they do not visit this
temple, they will not have seen the heart of Vientiane.
5. The finest designs of some Buddha images and artifacts show the high skills
of the artists of thelgth Century.
G. Complete the following sentences.
l. separates
2. capital
3. hundreds ofyears
4. its pleasant beach resorts.
5. the numerous coral reefs
H. Answer the following questions in complete sentences.
1. Kuala Lumpur is worth visiting because it has many sights to keep the
tourist occupied and excellent shopping facilities.
2. one can find buildings dating back hundreds of years and wonderful
unspoilt districts in Melaka and Penang.

3. One can enjoy the romance of the past in the unspoilt districts of Melaka
and Penang.
4. The famous beach resorts mentioned in the passage are Langkawi, Pangkor,
Tioman Island, Damai Beach in Sarawak and Penang.
5. Apart from different kinds of water sports, l,tlalaysia's beach resorts offer
snorkelling and scuba diving.
I. Refer to the whole passage and complete the following table with the
capital of each country.
Country Capital

Brunei Bandar Seri Begawan

Cambodia Phnom Penh

Indonesia iakarta
Laos Vientiane
Malaysia Kuala Lumpur

Step 2: Inferring
. Ask students a question for the information which is not explicitly stated in
the passage.
. Ask them to use their experience and intuition.
Example: Do you think a heart-stopping bull race is boring?
Answer: No.
Step 1
. Ask students to complete the table and check the answers'
Country Nationality Language
Brunei Bruneian Malay
Cambodia Cambodian Cambodian
Indonesia Indonesian Bahasa Indonesian
Laos Laotian Lao
Malaysia Malay Malay

Step 2
. Ask students to complete the conversation about a holiday using '- ed'
adjective or '-ing' adjective after reading the example.
Example: I was surprised at how good the weather was.

Yes, the amount of sunshine we had was surprisiriE.

Step 3
. Check the answers.
1. I was exhausted after a long joumey. Yes, it was an exhausting
2. The holiday was very relaxing. Yes, we had a very relaxins holiday.
3. The film we saw last night was amusing. Yes, Thu Thu was certainly
amused and she couldn't stop laughing.
4. I was fascinated by the old buildings of the town. Yes, I thought they
were fascinating too.
5. The windsurfing was a thrilling experience for the children. Yes, they
were certainly thrilled to have a go.
6. Attracted by the mountain scenery I can't help gazing around. Yes, I
was also attracted by the ancient pagodas on the mountains.
7. I have been interested irr fishing. Yes, it is interesting to me too.
8. Going on a picnic to the countryside was very exciting. Yes, Lin Lin
was so excited the night before that she couldrt't sleep well.
9. Nway Nway's behaviour during the joumey was very annoying. yes,
everyone was annoyed with her.
10. We were amazed to view the city from the tower. Yes, we had an
amazing view of the whole city.
Step 4
. Ask students to practise the lines in pairs.

A. Adverb Clause of Time
Step I
' Tell students that they are going to study "Adverb Clause of time" and explain
the uses of the adverb clauses of time with examples.

After (a) After she graduates, she will After:after that time
get ajob. Before: before that time
(b) After she (had) gtaduated, A present tense, not a future
she got ajob. tense, is used in an adverb clause
Before (c) I will leave before he comes. of time. Notice examples (a) and
(d) I (had) left before he came. (c)
When (e) When I arrived, he was when: at that time
talking on the phone. (Notice the different time
(f) When I got there, he had relationships expressed by the
already left. tenses.)
(g) When I was in Chicago, I
visited the museums.
(h) When I see him tomorrow, I
will ask him.
While (i) While I was walking home, it while, as: during that time
began to rain.
As 0) As I was walking home, it
began to rain.
By (k) BV the time he arrived, he by the time : one event is
the time had already left. completed before another event
(l) BV the time he comes, we will (Notice the use of the past
already have left. perfect and future perfect in the
main clause.)
Since (m) I haven't seen him since he since :from that time to the
left this morning. present
(Notice The present perfect
tense is used in the main clause.)

Until (n) As soon as it stops raining, until, till:

to that time and then
we will leave. no longer (Till is used primarily
Till (o) Once it stops raining, we in speaking rather than writing.)
will leave.
As soon (p) As soon as it stops raining, as soon as, once : when one
as we will leave. event happens," another event
Once (q) Once it stops raining, we happens soon afterwards
will leave.
Just as (r) Just as I sat down, the phone Just as: exactly atthat moment

Step 2
' Ask students to complete each sentence, choosing an appropriate ending from
the box.
Step 3
. Check their answers and give feedback.
1. Try not to make any noise while the baby is asleep.
2. The phone stopped ringing just as I picked it up.
3. He tumed back once he saw me.
4. He never played tennis again since he broke his leg.
5. Marlar heard the news on the radio as she was driving home.
6. I will leave as soon as I have finished.
7. You have to wait until the light changes to green.
8. She understood the problem when I explained it to her.
9. You'll feel better after you have had something.
10. He thought carefully before he answered the question.
B. Degrees of Comparison
L As --..-adj/adv-------- as

Step 1

. Tell students that they are going to study the form "As -------adjladv--------
as" and explain the use of the form with some examples.

Study the following example.

Ngwe Ngwe is bright and so is Shwe Shwe.
Ngwe Ngwe is as bright as Shwe Shwe.
Step 2
. Ask the students to finish each sentence in such a way that it means exactly
the same as the one that is given.
Step 3
. Check their answers and give feedback.
1. Lwin loves coffee as much as Zin does.
2. Daw Mya Thtzar looks as elegant as Daw Hla Thuzar.
3. His shoes are as expensive as the shoes I bought this morning.
4. Sewing requires as much patience as knitting.
5. Computers make our life as convenient as telephones do.
II.adj+-er/more --- than ----+Not as ---adj--- as
Step I
. Tell students that they are going to study the forms "adj+--er / more -- than -
Not as ---adj--- as" and explain the use of the forms with some
Study the following examples:
He is taller than his brother.
His brother is not as tall as he (is).
An essay type test is more difficult than an objective test.
An objective test is not as difficult as an essay type test.
Step 2
. Ask students to finish each sentence in such a way that it means exactly the
same as the one that is given.
Step 3
. Check their answers and give feedback.
l. Hla Hla is as prettier as Win Thuzar.
2. It was not as cold yesterday as it is today.
3. I do not spend as much money as you do.
4. His brother's handwriting is not as bad as his.
5. The picture on the table is not as attractive as the picture on the wall.
III. adj+ ---er/more --- than-+ adj+---er/more tnoun
Step 1
. Tell students that they are going to study the forms "adj+-=-erlmore --- than
dj+--erlmore *noun" and explain the use of the forms with some examples.
Study the following example:
She sings better than her mother.
She is a better singer than her mother.
Step 2
' Ask students to finish each sentence in such a way that it means exactly the
same as the one that is given.
Step 3
. Check their answers and give feedback.
1. He is a better organist than his mother.
2. Ju Ju is a more creative writer than Sue Sue.
3. My father is a better golfer than my uncle.
4. Htut Htut is a more serious student than Soe Soe.
5. Older people are deeper thinkers than younger people.

A. Ask the students to write a short paragraph on "Bagan - The Ancient
Capital of Myanmar" using the information from the table.

Location about 5 kilometres south of Nyaung U

east bank of Ayeyarwady river, Central Myanamar
Area 16 square miles (ruins of Bagan)
Climate hot and dry
Historical facts the seat of the ancient Myanmar kings
dynasty from 1lth to l3th centuries

the first Myanmar Naingan founded by King Anawra hta

the sacred Pitakas brought from Thaton in 1057
the seat of serious study especially of the sacred Pali
Famous pagodas Bupaya Pagoda, Ananda Temple, Thatbyinnyu Temple,
and monuments Dhammayangyi Temple, Shwegugyi Temple,
Upali Thein, Saraba Gateway, etc.
Other interesting Bagan Archaeological Museum, Myanmar handicraft
places shops, antique shops, etc.

Sample paragraph
Bagan - The Ancient Capital of Myanmar
Bagan is situated about 5 kilometres south of Nyaung U. It is on the east
bank of the Ayeyarwady river. Bagan is in Central Myanamar. Bagan covers 16
square miles, and in Bagan, visitors can see some historical heritage and the ruins
of the old capital. As Bagan is located in the dry zone of Myanmar, it is hot and
dry. It could be called as the seat of the ancient Myanmar kings because the
kings of the Bagan dynasty from I lth to 13th centuries established their palaces
in Bagan and used it as their capital. King Anawrahta who founded the first
Myanmar Naingan also used Bagan as his capital. He brought the sacred Pi{akas
from Thaton to Bagan in 1057. After this time, Bagan became the place centre of
Buddhism in Myanmar. It was also the seat of serious study especially of the
sacred Pali language. There are many tourist attractions such as the Bupaya
Pagoda, the Ananda Temple, the Thatbyinnyu Temple, the Dhammayangyi
Temple, the Shwegugyi Temple, the Upali Thein, and the Saraba Gateway. The
Bagan Archaeological Museum, Myanmar handicraft shops and antique shops
offer the visitors to Bagan, a glimpse of Myanmar cultural arts and handicrafts.

B: Write an essay of THREE paragraphs on: "A Country I would like to visit
in Southeast Asia."
A country I would like to visit in Southeast Asia
Step I
r Introduce students with the word continent, country, city, visit, stay, live
' Elicit the ideas about "a Country I would like to visit in Southeast Asia" by
asking questions:
(1) Which continent do we live in?
(2) How many countries are there in Southeast Asia? What are they?

(3) Which country do you want to visit?

Step 2
' Ask sfudents write down some facts conceming a country they want to visit in
Southeast Asia.
e.g.(l) what are the names of the countries in Southeast Asia?
(2) what is the name of the country you want to visit? (singapore)
(3) Where is it situated?
(4) How many people live there?( about.........)
(5) What are the geographical features of this country? (........)
(6) What sort of climate does it have?
(7) What are the natural resources and how are they used?(........)
(8) What are the main types of transportation and communication?
(9) What are the famous tourist attractions of this country?(Merlion)
(10) What is the most popular in this country? (... .....
(11) when do you want to visit there? (during summer holiday)
(12) with whom do you want to visit the country? my parents)
(13) What will you do there? (visit. . . . . . . ...)
(1a) Why do you want to go there
' Ask students to arrange the facts to put in the paragraph (Introduction, Main
Body and Conclusion) to have a well-organized essay.
' Ask students the tense that is suitable for the given essay topic. (As the
paragraph is about a country, simple present tense should be used.)
Sample essay
The country I would like to visit in Southeast Asia
People travel for education, knowledge, pleasure or work. For me, I would
like to travel for pleasure. I can forget my worries when I go on a trip. As my
family is fond of travelling, we make many short trips very often and I have been

to a lot of places in Myanmar. So, this summer, as my father has made a lot of
money from his business he has decided to take us to visit our neighbouring
countries, Singapore.
Singapore is the smallest country in Southeast Asia and is densely
populated. It consists of one main island and several offshore islands. People
from all over the world visit it for different purposes. It is the business hub of
Asia and it is one of the best places to do shopping. It has many internationally
recognized hospitals. It also has a lot of tourist attractions such as Sentosa, an
island resort, Fort Siloso, Underwater world, Fantasy Island, Volcano land,
Butterfly Park, Jurong Bird Park, and Sentosa Orchid Garden. The most popular
tourist attraction is the 37-metre tall Merlion, a statue with a lion's head and the
body of a fish. I think Singapore is one of the most interesting country in
Southeast Asia. When we visit it, my father will take us to all the tourist resorts.
As it is a paradise for shoppers, I can go shopping and buy presents for my
relatives and friends. Moreover, I intend to visit the international class colleges
and universities to get knowledge of the education system of Singapore.
Since Singapore is one of the most developed countries in Asia, I look
forward to my visit to Singapore as it will be both educative and enjoyable and I
hope to gain a lot of benefit from this trip.


Title of the Unit : Travel in Southeast Asia II
Aim of the Lesson : To familiarize with the countries in the Southeast Asia, to
know their locations and geographical features, to teach
the use of adeverb clause of time and degree of
Time Allocation : 45 mins x 10 pds
Teaching Aids : Maps, Charts, Graphs, Picfures
Teaching Procedure
Pre-reading Stage
Step 1: Predicting from the Title
. Ask students to read the title.
' Ask students what they expect to read in the passage after reading the title.
r Accept any relevant answers.
Step 2: Pre-teaching
r Select the difficult words in the passage whose meanings students may not be
able to guess from the context.
. Pre-teach the words: monuments, extinct, marine, cuisine, flora and
fauna, dynasty, enclave, mausoleum, combatant
Monument : a building that has special historical importance
Extinct : no longer active
Marine : connected with the sea and the creatures and the plants
that live there
Cuisine : a style of cooking
flora and fauna : plants and animals
dynasty : a series of rulers of a country who all belong to the same
enclave : an area of a country or city where different nationalities
with different cultures live
mausoleum : a special building made to hold the dead body of
animportant person or the dead bodies of a family
combatant = a person or group involved in fighting in a war or a battle
Step 3 Model Reading
. Ask sfudents to put a slant line whenever the teacher makes a pause.
. Read the passage in meaningful chunks as a model.
Step 4: Checking the Pauses, and Reading Aloud
. Re-read each paragraph and point out the pauses the teacher has made.
. Ask students to check whether they have drawn the slant lines in the correct
. Ask students to read aloud with correct pauses. Note down the words
students cannot pronounce well.

Step 5: Drilling the Pronunciation of Unfamiliar Words

. Drill the words that students cannot pronounce well and ask them to listen to
and repeat after the teacher.

Example: monuments, extinct, marine, cuisine, flora and fauna, dynasty,

enclave, mausoleum, combatant

While-reading Stage
Step 1: Silent Reading, Skimming and Scanning
Silent Reading
, Ask sfudents to read "Myanmar" silently.

. Select a paragraph and ask students to read the paragraph quickly and ask
them what that paragraph is about.
Example: What is this paragraph about?
Myanmar, known as "The Golden Land", is famous for its glittering
pagodas, vast tracts of timber forests and huge mineral resources, as well as
for the hospitality of its people. The capital city and the gateway to Myanmar
is Nay Pyi Taw. One can find many famous historic pagodas such as the
Shwedagon, museums, parks and many places of recreation.
Answer: about Myanmar and its capital, Nay Pyi Taw.
. Select noticeable and specific information in the paragraph.
. Ask students to find it.

Example: Look at the paragraph and find why Myanmar is regarded as

"the Golden Land".
Myanmar, known as "The Golden Land", is famous for its glittering
pagodas, vast tracts of timber forests and huge mineral resources, as well as
for the hospitality of its people. The capital city and the gateway to
Myanmar is Nay Pyi Taw. One can find many famous historic pagodas such
as the Shwedagon, museums, parks and many places of recreation.

Answer: because of its glittering pagodas

Silent Reading
. Ask students to read "The Philippines" silently.
. Select a paragraph and ask students to read the paragraph quickly and ask
them what thatparagraph is about.
Example: What is this paragraph about?
The Philippines is a predominantly Catholic nation and no country in
ASEAN can rival its centuries-old churches, with their antique religious
objects. Fascinating churches to be found around Metro Manila are: the
Malate Church with its images of Our Lady of Remedies; the Las Pinas
Church, with its 165-year-old organ made entirely of bamboo; and San
Sebastian Church built in 1981, the only Gothic steel church in the country.
Answer: about the churches in the Philippines
. Select noticeable and specific information in the paragraph.
Example: Look at the following paragraph and find the outstanding feature
of the Malate Church.
The Philippines is a predominantly Catholic nation and no country in
ASEAN can rival its centuries-old churches, with their antique religious
objects. Fascinating churches to be found around Metro Manila are: the
Malate Church with its images of Our Lady of Remedies; the Las Pinas
Church, with its 165-year-old organ made entirely of bamboo; and San
Sebastian Church built in 1981, the only Gothic steel church in the country.
Answer: having its images of Our Lady of Remedies
Silent Reading
. Ask students to read "Singapore" silently.
' Select a paragraph and ask students to read the paragraph quickly and ask
them what that paragraph is about.
Example: What is this paragraph about?
The Merlion, a statue with a lion's head and the body of a fish, is a major
tourist attraction. Here, visitors get a breathtaking view of Sentosa, the city
skyline and the surrounding islands from two viewing decks - on the 9th level
at its mouth and on the l2th, its topmost level.
Answer: about the Merlion
. Select noticeable and specific information in the paragraph.
Example: Look at the following paragraph and find out the outstanding
features of Jurong Bird Park.
Visitors should not miss the beautiful 2}-hectare Jurong Bird Park
which is the largest bird park in all of southeast Asia. Home to over 8,000
birds from 600 species, the Jurong Bird Park holds the distinction of having
the world's tallest man-made waterfall.
Answer: it covers 20 hectare; it is the largest bird park in all of Southeast
Asia; it is a home to over 8,000 birds from 600 species; it has the
world's tallest man-made waterfall
Silent Reading
. Ask sfudents to read "Thailand" silently.
' Select a paragraph and ask students to read the paragraph quickly and ask
them what that paragraph is about.
Example: What is this paragraph about?
Thailand is situated on the gulf of Siam, bounded on the east by Laos and
Cambodia, on the south by Malaysia and on the west by Myanmar.
Answer: about the location of Thailand
Select noticeable and specific information in the paragraph.
Example: Look at the followirLg paragraph and find out what Ramakien
Bangkok is the capital of Thailand and is regarded as a shopper's
paradise. Some of its restaurants stage cultural shows where one can enjoy
the twin pleasures of Thai cuisine and classical dance. The dancers use
their movements to interpret the stories of the "Ramakien", the Thai
version of the Ramayana.
Answer: the Thai version of the Ramayana
Silent Reading
Ask students to read "Vietnam" silently.
Select a paragraph and ask students to read the paragraph quickly and ask
them what that paragraph is about.
Example: What is this paragraph about?
Those who visit Vietnam with its "age-old culture" should go to Hanoi
first. Although the citadel, temples and palaces constructed by various royal
dynasties have been seriously destroyed, there are many cultural monuments
still existing in Hanoi. The city is also the place where many museums,
theatres, exhibition halls, national libraries, and scientific libraries are
Answer: about Hanoi, the Capital of Vietnam
I Select noticeable and specific information in the paragraph.
I Ask students to find it.
Example: Look at this paragraph and find why Vietnam is regarded as a
country with "age-old culture".
Those who visit Vietnam with its "age-old culture" should go to Hanoi
first. Although the citadel, temples and palaces constructed by various royal
dynasties have been seriously destroyed, there are many cultural monuments
still existing .in Hanoi. The city is also the place where many museums,
theatres, exhibition halls, national libraries, and scientific libraries are
Answer: because there are not only the citadel, temples and palaces
constructed by various royal dynasties but also other cultural
Step 2: Dealing with Referents, Unfamiliar Words and Complex Structures
Dealing with Reference
. Pick out some words used in the passage and ask them to guess the words
they refer to.
. Check their answers and give feedback.
What do the following words in the passage refer to?
its refers to "of the Ayeyarwady river"
where refers to "at long, wide, sandy, and unspoilt beaches"
whose refers to "of the Bayanihan Dancers"
their refers to "ofcenturies-old churches"
which refers to "the beautiful 2}-hectare Jurong Bird Park"
Dealing with Unfamiliar Words
. Select some unfamiliar words and ask students to guess their meanings by
breaking the word into different meaningful parts, and from the affixes or
contexfual clues.
Example: Ramakien
Sample answers:
Guessing the meaning of a word by breaking it into meaningful parts

the way sb. takes the air



capture a place or person to get control of sth.
breathtaking: very surprising or impressive usually in a pleasant way so
sb. may forget to breathe
Guessing the meaning of a word from the context
Way in: Ask the students to guess the meaning of "Ramakien" by reading
the whole sentence.
"The dancers use their movements to interpret the stories of the
"Ramakien", the Thai version of the Ramayana."
The word "Ramakien" is the name of the Thai version of the Ramayana.
The comma in nouns in apposition is the clue to this word. Since the word
begins with the capital letter, it must be the name of something. The
phrase in appositive construction explains what the noun before is.
"Ramakien": the Thai version of the Ramayana
Dealing with Complex Structures
. Select complex sentences that students may find difficult and explain them.
Just 50 kilometres southeast of Bagan lies Mount Popa, an extinct
: Mount Popa is situated in the southeast of Bagan. The distance between
Mount Popa and Bagan is only 50 kilometres. Mount Popa is an extinct

Along its banks stand many ancient capitals of Myanmar kings -
Tagaung, Mandalay, Amarapura, Sagaing, Inwa, Bagan and Pyay, where
many existing old monuments and buildings reveal the greatness of their
time of glory.
: Along the banks of the Ayeyarwady river, there are many ancient
capitals of Myanmar kings such as Tagaung, Mandalay, Amarapura,
Sagaing, fnwa, Bagan and Pyay. In these capitals, there are many old
monuments and old buildings. These old monuments and old buildings
show that ancient Myanmar kings were very powerful and great in their
Post-reading Stage
Step 1: Checking Comprehension
. Ask students to do the comprehension exercises from the text.
A. Ask the students to answer the comprehension questions in complete
1. "The Golden land"
2. the greatness of their time of glory.
3. 1,200 years
4. Bagan
5. hiking and trekking.
6. long, white, sandy and unspoilt.
7. the Shan hills
B. Ask the students to answer the following questions in complete sentences.
1. In Yangon, ye cat find many historic pagodas such as the Shwedagon,
museums, parks and many places of recreation.
2. Yury ancient capitals of Myanmar kings are situated along the banks of the
Ayeyarwady river.
3. There are over 2,000 ancient pagodas in Bagan.
4. Bagan is recognized as one of the world's wonders because it has thousands
ofold pagodas.
5. Mount Popa is an extinct volcano.
6. One of the attractions of Inlay Lake is the famous leg-rowers.
7. One can study marine life and view nature at its best on the beaches of
Myanmar, other than enjoying peace and tranquility.
The Philippines
C. Ask students to answer the following questions in complete sentences.
1. The capital of the Philippines is Manila.
2. In the Philippines, one can find a wealth of entertainment from classical
plays to culfural shows and show bands.
3. The Filipinos are well-known ror'rl*'ufestive spirit.
4. Manila comes alive at night with discos and the rhythms of Filipino bands
and pop groups.
5. The Bayanihan Dancers perform at the Manila Restaurant of the Manila
6. San Sebastian Church was built in 1981.
7. The fascinating churches found around Metro Manila are the Malate Church,
the Las Pinas Church and the San Sebastian Church.
8. I think the 165-year-old organ in the Las Pinas Church is unusual because it
is made entirely of bamboo.
D. Ask students to read the second paragraph and complete the following
Holiday-makers Places of attractions
fun seekers many theme attractions
nafure lovers Sentosa's Nature Walk or Dragon Trail
history enthusiasts historical enalaves scattered throughout
the island
beach lovers Siloso, Central and Tanjong Beaches
E. Ask students to answer the following questions in complete sentences.
1. Among the several offshore islands in Singapore, Sentosa is the most
famous because it offers a collection of the country's f,rnest attractions.
2. The Marlion is strange in that it is a statue with a lion's head and the body of
a fish.

3. We can enjoy the view of Sentosa and the surrounding islands from two
viewing decks - on the 9th and 12th levels.
4. The two viewing decks are on the 9th level at the Merlion's mouth and on
the l2th, its topmost level.
5. There are 600 species of birds in the Jurong Bird Park.
6. The world's tallest man-made waterfall makes the Jurong Bird Park different
from other bird parks in the world.

F. Ask students to answer the following questions in complete sentences.
1. Thailand is situated on the gulf of Siam, bounded on the east by Laos and
Cambodia, on the south by Malaysia and on the west by Myanmar.
2. Myanmar is located to the north of Thailand.
3. The two kinds of pleasure one can enjoy at some of Bangkok's restaurants
are Thai cuisine and classical dance.
4. The dancers interpret the stories of the Ramakien by their movements.
5. Culture lovers can enjoy classical dance or drama at Thailand's National
Theatre, the Thailand Cultural Centre and the Monthienthong Theatre.
6. Visitors can do a wide range of activities from scuba diving and windsurfing
to golf at the Pattaya and Phuket beach resorts.
7. Thai boxing has become very popular in the world in recent years.
8. The adjectives 'noisy and exciting' are used to describe this particular sport.
9. According to the description in the passage, Thai boxing is not different
from Myanmar boxing because Myanmar boxing is also noisy and exciting.
G. Ask students to complete the following sentences.
1. Many beautiful beaches
2. precious flora and fauna
3. seriously destroyed
4. historical-cultural significance
H. Ask students to answer the following questions in complete sentences.
l. High mountains with a temperate climate are very attractive to tourists.
2. A great number of lakes, rivers, streams, waterfalls and grottoes make
Vietnam beautiful.
3. One can find Vietnam's age-old culture in Hanoi.
4. Those who visit Vietnam should go to Hanoi first because there are many
cultural monuments still existing there.
I. Refer to the whole passage and complete the following table with the
capital of each country.
Country Capital
Myanmar Nay Pyi Taw
Philippines Manila
Singapore Singapore
Thailand Bangkok
Vietnam Hanoi

Step 2: Inferring

' Ask students a question for the information which is not explicitly
stated in the passage.
, Ask them to use their experience and intuition.
Example: From the viewing decks of the Merlion, do you think a visitor can
see the beautiful scene?

Answer: Yes.

Step 1: Ask students to put the words below into their correct groups in the box.
Let them know that some words may belong to both groups.
Step 2: Check answers and give feedback.
adjectives to do with nature and adjectives to do with history and
scenery culture
peaceful haditional
breathtaking classical
adjectives to do with nature and adjectives to do with history and
scenery culture

exciting ceremonial

fascinating historic
attractive primitive
impressive cultural
excellent historical

Step 3: Ask students to complete the following sentences, using the appropriate
adjective from the list above. Let them know that in some cases, there
may be more than one possible answer.
Step 4: Check answers and give feedback.

1. Visiting historic/ historical sites reminds me of the romance of the past.
2. Bagan's sunset scene is breathtaking/ fascinating enough to attract tourists.
3. You can buy antique vases at some handicraft shops in the Bogyoke Market.
4. Ngapali is one of the most attractive beach resorts in Myanmar.
5. Classical music is more pleasing to listen to than pop music.
6. Our country still has many traditional customs.
7. A temperate climate is one of the attractive features of Vietnam.
A. Adverb Clause of Time
Step 1
. Ask students to classiff the following sentences according to the relationship
. between the main clause and the time clause. Let them know that they have
to write (E) if the time clause is earlier than the main clause, write (S) if the
time clause and the main clause are at the same time, and write (L) if the time
clause is later than the main clause.
Exercise I:
Step 2
. Check answers and give feedback.
1. E 2.L 3.S 4.S 5.S
Step 3
' Ask students to complete the following sentences with the appropriate time
Exercise II:
Step 4
. Check answers and give feedback.
1. I'11go swimming when it gets warner.
2. Don't forget to close the windows before you go out.
3. Mg Mg's mother was worried untill he retumed home.
4. He left for the station as soon as he received the phone message.
5. I last saw him in Bago. Since then I have never seen him.
6. After I had locked all the doors, I went to bed.
7. I often listen to the radio while I am having breakfast.
B. Degrees of comparison
I. as -----as € ---erlmore ------- than € the -est/most
Step I
' Ask students to finish each sentence in such a way that it means exactly the
same as the sentence that is given.
Exercise :

Step 2
. Check answers and give feedback.
L Yangon is more populated than any other city in Myanmar.
No other city in Myanmar is not as populated as yangon.
2. Daw Thttzar is more patient than any other lady I have ever met.
No other lady I have ever met is not as patient as Daw Thuzar.

3. Pauk Pauk is worse than any other boy in the class'

Pauk Pauk is the worst boy in the class.
4. No other computer in the department is as good as my computer.
My computer is better than any other computer in the department.
5. No other building in the street is uglier than this old building.
This old building is uglier than any other building in the street-

II.The -est / most ----* There is no as ----- as

Step I
. Ask students to finish each sentence in such a way that it means exactly the
same as the sentence that is given.
Exercise :
Step 2
. Check answers and give feedback.
1. There is no continent in the world is as big as Asia'
2. There is no person in the otgatization as reliable as U Shwe Win.
3. There is no school in our town as good as our school'
4. There is no building in the street as high as that bank'
5. There is no country on the mainland Southeast Asia as big as Myanmar'
III. One of the -est / most € er / more --- than €) as ---- as
Step 1
. Ask students to finish each sentence in such a way that it means exactly the
same as the sentence that is given.
Step 2
. Check answers and give feedback.
l. Ngwesaung is more pleasant than any other beach resort in Myanmar.
very few beach resorts in Myanmar are as pleasant as Ngwesaung.
There are very few beach resorts in Myanmar as pleasant as Ngwesaung'
2. "Titanic" is one of the most fascinating films I have ever
very few films I have ever seen are as fascinating as
There are very few films I have ever seen as fascinating
as ,,Titanic,'
3' u Myo is one of the most systematic persons I have know+.
U Myo is more systematic than most other persons I have known.
There are very few persons I have known as systematic
as U Myo.
4. Mona Lisa is one of the most varuable paintings in the
Mona Lisa is more valuable than most other paintings in the
very few paintings in the world are as valuable as Mona Lisa.
5. English is more useful than most other languages.
Very few languages are as useful as English.
There are very few languages as useful as English.

Step I
. Ask students to puncfuate the following.
Step 2
. Check answers and give feedback.

1. Myanmar, known as "The Golden Land", is famous
for its glittering pagodas.
2. Along its banks stand many ancient capitals of Myanmar
kings - Tagaung,
Mandalay, Amarapura, Sagaing, Inwa, Bagan and pyay.

3' Just 50 kilometres southwest of Bagan lies Mount popa,

an extinct volcano.
4. Manila, the capital, is a particularly lively entertainment
6' Sentosa, an island resort of Singapore, offers a collection of the country,s
finest attractions.

A. Write a short paragraph on: 'oYangon" using the information given below'

Location South-most part of the middle valley

North and East - Bago
South - Mottama Gulf
West - AYeYarwadY Division
Population Over 5 million
Climate Tropical Monsoon
lnteresting Famous Pagodas Strwedagon Pagoda, Sule Pagoda, Botataun
Places Pagoda, Tooth Relic Pagoda, Kyauktawgl

Public Places Nati,onal Museum, Gem Museum, Aquarium, At

Gallery, Zoological Garden, Hlawga Parl
People's Square, many amusement parks
Shopping Centres Bogyoke Market, Mingalar Market, 'I'hemgl
Market, and manY suPermarkets

Entertainment Mwies, Cultural shows, Stage Shows

Yangon is one of the cities of Myanmar. In the south, most part
the middle valley lies. Bago is located in the northeast of Yangon. Yangon
bounded on the south by Mottama Gulf and on the west Ayeyarwady
Division' It
is over 5
covers the area of about 3927 sqtate miles. The population of Yangon
million. It has a tropical monsoon climate. There are many famous pagodas
the Tooth
as the Shwedagon Pagoda, the Sule Pagoda, the Botataung Pagoda,
Relic Pagoda and the Kyauktawgyl Pagoda. There are beautiful public

such as th" Nutional Museum, The Gem Museum, Aquarium,

Art Gallery,
zoological Garden, Hlawga Park, and People's Square. There are
amusernent parks i, Vungon. The shopping centres like Bogyoke
Mingalar Market, and Theingyi Market offer different kinds of things to
can buy things
customers. Moreover, there are many supermarkets where people
they can watch
with satisfaction. People can relax at entertainment centres where
movies, cultural shows and stage shows.
B. Write a letter to your friend telling him/her about an interesting place that
you visited.

No.55, Shan Road,

Sanchaung, Yangon.
25th October, 2006.
Dear Cho Mar,
I hope this letter finds you well. I am also in good health. I haven't heard
anything from you for a long time. I hope you are busy with your lessons. I am
the same, too.
By the way, where did you go during the Thadingyut holidays? I visited
Taunggyi with my family. As you know Tanuggyi is a beautiful town in the
southern Shan State and it is also the capital of the Shan State. It is famous
for its
beautiful scenery and hot air balloon competition held during the Thadingyut
festival. If you love natural beauty, it is a worth visiting the place. We went
by car and we were very happy throughout our stay in Taunggyi. Lots and lots
people from all over the country took part in the festival! At night
the sky was
full of colourful and beautiful fireworks.The weather was cold but it *ui ,.ry
pleasant.we also visited some interesting places around Tanunggyi
such as
Pindaya, Inlay, etc. we enjoyed having traditional Shan food. you know I
Shan noodle very much. I bought sweaters, some green tea and some hand-woven
materials for my relatives and friends. Do you like the Shan bag I sent you
I bought returned from Taungglo'? Anyway, we had a very nicelime in Taunggyi.
will you come along with us to Taunggyi next year? I am sure you will *:ov
yourself very much in Taunggyi.
well, my letter is a liule bit long. I will stop my letter here as I have to
help my mother with her house work. If you findtiml, drop me a line.
I am
looking forward to hearing from you.

Your loving friend,



Title of the Unit Helen Keller
Aim of the Lesson to teach students to describe events in the past and
to teach sfudents how to describe a person, to teach
the use of preposition of time and plaie, when-by
the time, when--- V ing

Time Allocation 45minsx9pds

Teaching Aids maps, charts, graphs, pictures

Teaching Procedure
Pre-reading stage
Step 1: Predicting from the Title
. Ask students to read the title.
. Read the title aloud as a model and ask the students to repeat after you with
correct pronunciation.
Reading the title
Helen Keller /'hel.en 'kel.e'l
. Ask students what they expect to read in the passage after reading the title.

' Accept any relevant answers.

Step 2: Doing Pre-reading Task
. Ask students the questions from Pre-reading Task.
Suggested Answers (Accept any relevant answers.)
l. I think health is the most important thing in life.
2. I think eyesight is more important than hearing.
3. I've seen a blind person. She is about ---- . She lost her eyesight at ---
-- and she could do most of the housework by herself.
4. I have been to a school for the blind. It is near in ------ Township.
There are nearly ------ students in that school.
5. If I were blind, I would feel depressed and unhappy.
Step 3: Pre-teaching

' Select the difficult words in the passage whose meanings students may not be
able to guess from the context
r Pre-teach the words: mysterious, spoilt, miracle


mysterious = strange
spoilt = naughty
miracle = wonder
Step 4: Model Reading

' Ask sfudents to put a slant line wherever the teacher makes a pause.
. Read the passage in meaningful chunks as a model.
Step 5: Checking the Pauses, and Reading Aloud

' Re-read each paragraph and point out the pauses the teacher has made.

' Ask students to check whether they have drawn the slant lines in the correct

' Ask students to read aloud with correct pauses. Note down the words
students cannot pronounce well.
Step 6: Drilling the Pronunciation of Unfamiliar Words

' Drill the words that students cannot pronounce well and ask the stu{ents to
listen and repeat after the teacher.
Example: mysterious, Instifute, napkin, guesthouse, miracle, suitcase
While-reading stage
Step 1: Silent Reading, Skimming, and Scanning
Silent Reading
, Ask sfudents to read "Part One,, silently.
' select a paragraph and ask students to read the paragraph quickly and ask
them what that paragraph is about.

Example: What is this paragraph about?

In January, 1882, Helen almost died of a mysterious illness. Her parents
were relieved when the doctor finally told them, "You are very lucky parents.
She's going to live." But shortly after the doctor left, Mrs. Keller saw a
strange look in her baby's eyes. She called to her, "Helen, Helen." She then
screamed for her husband, "Captain, come quickly. Look at Helen." Before
he arrived he heard her cry, "She can't see or hear! My baby is blind and
Answer: Helen's becoming blind and deaf due to myterios illness
. Select noticeable and specific information in the paragraph.
Example: Look at this paragraph and find why "Helen's world was a dark
and silent place."
Helen's world was a dark and silent place. She became a very difficult
child to live with. She ran about the house doing whatever she wanted. She
became anry and violent very easily and threw things onto the floor or at
other people. She fought with other children and sometimes hurt them.
Answer: because Helen was blind and deaf therefore she could not see and
hear anything in her life
Silent Reading
. Ask students to read "Part One" silently.
. Select a paragraph and ask students to read the paragraph quickly and ask
them what thatparagraph is about.
Example: What is this paragraph about?
The director of the Institute spoke to a young woman called Annie
Sullivan. He told Annie about Helen and asked her if she would like to
become Helen's teacher. The director explained, "Helen is a very intelligent
child, but she has no language. There's a treasure inside her that needs to be
opened. And I think you can open it for her."
The director of the Institute asking Annie to become Helen's teacher.

' Select noticeable and specific information in the paragraph.

Example: Look at this paragraph and find what mysterious is.
In January,1882, Helen almost died of a mysterious illness. Her parents
were relieved when the doctor finally told them, "You are very lucky parents.
She's going to live." But shortly after the doctor left, Mrs. Keliei saw a
strange look in her baby's eyes. She called to her, "Helen, Helen." She then
screamed for her husband, "captain, come quickly. Look at Helen." Before
he arrived he heard her cry, "She can't see or hear! My baby is blind and
Answer: hard to know and understand
Silent Reading
. Ask students to read "part Two,, silently.
' Select a paragraph and ask students to read the paragraph quickly and ask
them what thatparagraph is about.
Example: What is this paragraph about?
Annie took a present for Helen from her suitcase. It was a doll. Then,
using a special alphabet, she spelt into Helen's hand, ..D-O-L-L, Doll. I,m
going to teach you language, the door to the world for you,,, she told Helen.
Helen grabbed the doll and threw it violently onto the floor. Annie tried
to make her pick it up. But, instead, Helen kicked Annie in the face and
knocked out a tooth!
Answer: Annie's first meeting with Helen

' Select noticeable and specific information in the paragraph.

Example: Look at this paragraph and find what spoilt is.
At the dining table that evening, Annie found that Helen was allowed to
eat with her hands and take food from other people's plates. captainKeller
explained, *we can't have any peace and quiet unless we give her what she
wants." Annie said, "That's exactly the point. This child is spoilt.',
Answer: uncontrollable or hard to manage.

Silent Reading
. Ask students to read o'Part Three" silently.
. Select a paragrph and ask students to read the paragraph quickly and ask
them what that paragraph is about.
Example: What is this paragraph about?
The next day,I told Helen's father, "I can't do anything with Helen unless
I have her all to myself. I want her to depend on me for her food, her clothes,
everything." Then I asked him if Helen and I could live alone in the
guesthouse in the Kellers' garden. He wasn't happy with the idea, but he
agreed. He said that Helen and I could live in the guesthouse but only for two
weeks. "Two weeks!" I thought. "That's a very short time to perform a
Answer: Annie's request to live together with Helen by themselves.
. Select noticeable and specific information in the paragraph.
Example: Look at this paragraph and find what improvement Helen made
after two weeks.
The two weeks passed. On the last morning Mrs. Keller spoke to me.
"Miss Sullivan, your eyes look very tired," she said. "Why don't you rest?
We're very happy with all that you've done for Helen. She's a different
child." "She is different," I said. "She has manners, but she doesn't have
language. She can spell thirteen nouns and five verbs, but she doesn't know
what they mean."
Answer: she could spell thirteen nouns and five verbs
Silent Reading
. Ask students to read "Part three" silently.
. Select a paragraph and ask students to read the paragraph quickly and ask
them what thatparagraph is about.
Example: What is this paragraph about?
Later that day, Helen and I were in the garden. I was thinking. It was my
last day. I needed more time. we walked over to the water pump. I began
pumping. Then I put Helen's hand under the gushing water. As usual, I spelt
the word for her, "W-A-T-E-R, Water."
Answer: Annie's attempt to teach Helen the word..water,,
. Select noticeable and specific information in the paragraph.
Example: Look at this paragraph and find Helen's achievements before she
Helen went on to learn to speak, read and write. ln 1904, she graduated
from Radcliffe College, one of the best colleges in the United States. She
later wrote books, appeared in films, toured foreign countries and became
famous all over the world. Helen and Annie stayed together for fifty years,
until Annie's death in 1936. Helen died in 1968.
Answer: She graduated, wrote books, appeared in films, toured foreign
countries and became famous all over the world.
Step 2: Dealing with Referents, unfamiliar words and complex Structures
Dealing with Reference
' Pick out some words used in the passage and ask them to guess the words
they refer to.
. Check their answers and give feedback.
What do the following words in the passage refer to?
their refers to "the proud parents (Captain Arthur Keller and Kate Keller)"
She refers to "Helen"
My refers to'oMrs. Keller (of Mrs. Keller),,
Her refers to "Annie Sullivan"
I refers to "The director of the Institute,,

Dealing with Unfamiliar Words

. Select some unfamiliar words and ask students to guess their meaning of them
by breaking the word into different meaningful parts and from the affixes or
contextual clues.
Examples: guesthouse, mysterious, miracle
Sample aRswers:
Guessing the meaning of a word by breaking it into meaningful parts


guesthouse -+ aplace to stay for visitors

Guessing the meaning of a word from affixes
mysterious . : mystery (base word) * -ious (adjective- forming
an unexplained thing
mysterious something which cannot be explained
Guessing the meaning of a word from the context
Way in: To guess the meaning of "miracle", ask the students to read the whole
The next day, I told Helen's father, "I can't do anything with Helen
unless I have her all to myself. I want her to depend on me for her food,
her clothes, everything." Then I asked him if Helen and I could live
alone in the guesthouse in the Kellers' garden. He wasn't happy with the
idea, but he agreed. He said that Helen and I could live in the
guesthouse but only for two weeks. "Two weeks!" I thought. "That's a
very short time to perform a miracle!"
In this context, Annie Sullivan regarded two weeks as a short time to
achieve a very good result. Hence, "to perform a miracle" is "to achieve a
very good result."
Miracle: to achieve a very good result
Post -reading Stage
Step l: Checking comprehension
' Ask the students to do the comprehension exercises from the text.
A. choose the most suitable expression to fill in each-blank.
1. (b) 2.(b) 3.(c)
4. (a) s.(d) 6.(b)
7. (a) s. (c) e. (b)
10. (a)
B. Answer the following questions in complete sentences.
Part One
l. Helen Keller was born on2TthJune, 1gg0, in Tuscumbia, Alabama.
2. Helen became blind and deaf after her illness.
3. Helen sometimes hurt other children.
4- The director of the Perkins Institute for the Blind asked Annie Sullivan to
become Helen's teacher.
5' The director of the Institute thought Annie could open the treasure inside
Part Two
6. The idea of helping a deaf-blind child excited Annie.
7. Helen grabbed Annie's suitcase and pulled everything out of it.
8. Annie taught Helen language by using a special alphabet and spelling it
into her hand.
9. According to the author, 'language' means 'the door to the world' for
10. Annie wanted the Kellers to leave her alone
with Helen because she could
not teach Helen anything if they let her do whatever she wanted.
Part Three
11. Annie wanted to live with Helen in the guesthouse in the Kellers' garden
because she wanted Helen to depend on her for everything she needJd.
12. Helen'sfirst word'Wah-Wah'means water.
13. The author says "The world was hers" because Helen finally had a key to
14. Helen was able to speak, read and write later.
15. Helen died in 1968.
16. I think Helen could speak, read and write later because she had a very
good and patient teacher.
17. I don't think it would be easy to teach language to a blind and deaf person
because he/she could not see and hear and could not communicate with
other people.
Step 4: Inferring
' Ask the students a question for the information which is not explicitly stated
in the passage.
. Ask them to use their experience and intuition.
Helen's world was a dark and silent place. She became a very difficult child to
live with.
Example: Why was Helen's world a dark and silent place?
Answer : Because she was blind and deaf.

Step 1
. Ask students what they understand by a phrasal verb.
Step 2
' Ask studenls to read silently the note on phrasal verb and show them some
example sentences which use phrasal verbs.
Phrasal Verbs
Phrasal verbs are basic verbs which can combine with different prepositions to
make verbs with completely new and often unguessable meanings. Phrasal verbs
are used more in speaking than in writing.
Example: (1) Helen went on to learn to speak, read and write.
(2) She ran about the house doing whatever she wanted.
Step 3
' Ask students to read out the phrasal verbs together with their meanings.
Study the following.
1. to break down : to stop because of failure
2. to bring up : to educate; rear
3. to call up : to telephone
4. to fill in : to add what is necessary to make something complete
5. to get on with : to make progress with a task
6. to go on : to continue
7. to grow up : to become adult or mature; to reach the stage of full
8. to look forward to : to anticipate something with pleasure
9. to pick up : to take hold of and lift; to gain
10. to ring up : to telephone
11. to take off : to leave the ground
12. to take part in : to participate
13. to take place : to happen
14. to wake up : to stop sleeping; to cause somebody to stop sleeping
15. to wear out : to become exhausted

Step 4
' Ask students to complete each sentence with the correct form of the phrasal
verbs given.
Exercise: Complete each sentence with the correct form of the phrasal verbs
given below.

Step 5
. Check the answers.
l. It is enjoyable for students to take part in the school sports.
2.Thinzar called up Mya Thwe as soon as she arrived in Bago.
3. Since he was brought up in England, he is very fluent in English.
4. Students usually go on their holidays after the examination.
5. We went home after the plane had taken off.
6. Where did this incident take place, in our country or abroad?

7.The travellers were tired and worn out after the long and difficult journey.
8. He realized the importance of education when he grew up.
9. Father went on sleeping in spite of the noise around him.
10. They asked h;'- to fill in a form.
Step I
. Ask students to do the exercise on cloze type
Step 2
. Check their answers and give feedback.
l. dark 6.o1 11. February 16. He
2. very 7. other 12. for l7.her
3. ran S.was 13. the 18. Helen's
4. wanted 9.could 14. with 19. a
5. easily 10. what 15. spoke 20. no
A. Prepositions
Step 1
. Explain the uses ofprepositions together with some examples.
1. At : We use "at" with times.
at 6 o'clock; at midnight; at lunch time
We also use "at" in these expressions.
at night; at Christmas; at weekends; at the age of
Example: I don't like going out at night.
He usually leaves for work at 8 o'clock.
2. On : We use "on" with dates and days.
on29 March; on Sunday; on Tuesday morning; on Saturday night
Example: He usually goes out on Saturday evenings.
3. In : We use "in" for longer periods of time. (e.g. months, years and
in March; inl957; insummer
Example: They got married in 1950.
4. For : We use "for + a period of time" to say how long something goes on.
for ten years; for five hours; for a month
Example: They have been learning English for ten years.
5. During We use "during * noun" to say when something happens.
during her stay here; during summer
Example: we visited many interesting places durins our holiday.
6. By : we use "by" to indicate manner, and the person or the means by
which an action is done.
by a specialist; by floods; by heart; by accident
Example: His clothes are made DJLan expensive tailor.
7. Along we use "along" to indicate movement or position in a line.
along the coast; along the margin
Example: There were people fishing all along the river.
8. Into : we use "into" to indicate movement from outside to inside.
into the cup; into the cage; into trouble
Example: Pour the milk into a jug.
9. To : We use "to" to indicate direction of movement.
to the theatre; to dinner; to the bottom
Example: The farmer took his fruit !q the market.
10. Out of : We use "out of'to indicate movement from inside, or separation.
out of the bottle; out of sight; out of season
Example: Take your hands out of your pockets.
Step 2
. Ask students to do the exercise on prepositions.
Exercise : FiII each blank with a suitable preposition.

Step 3
. Check their answers and give feedback.
l. at l l.during
2. at 7. in 13. at
242 9.on 14. from

5. for 10. in 15' in

B. When -------| By the time

Step I
. Explain the use of the structure "Whe+----+ By the time" with
Study the following examples.
(1) When we got to Mandalay, it was nearly dark.
By the time we got to Mandalay, it was nearly dark.
(2) When the telegram arrived, she had already heard the news.
By the time the telegram arrived, she had already heard the news.
Step 2
. Ask students to do the exercise on the forms "When By the time".
Exercise: Finish each sentence in such a way that it means exactly the same
as the sentence that is given.
Step 3
. Check their answers and give feedback.
1. By the time I woke up, it was already nine.
2.By the time your plane takes off, I will be back at home.
3. By the time the police arrived, the robbers had run away.
4. By the time mother finished washing the clothes, it was almost noon.
5. By the time we got home, it had stopped raining.
C. When V -ing
Step I
. Explain the use of "When. . ..., V-ing" with examples.
Study the following examples.
(1) When she had taken some medicine, she felt better.
Having taken some medicine, she felt better.
(2) When he heard that he gained five distinctions, he was very much
Hearing that he gained five distinctions, he was very much delighted.
Step 2
. Ask students to do the exercise on the forms ..'When....., V-ing',.
Exercise : Finish each sentence in such a way that it means exactly the same
as the sentence that is given.
Step 3
. Check their answers and give feedback.
Realizing that her friend was not sincere, she felt very sad.
2.Havingfinished the washing, her mother started knitting.
3. Remembering that she had forgoffen to post the letter, she went to the post
office again.
4. Having watered the plants, I took a rest.
5. Knowing that he had broken the record, the athlete was delighted.
Step I
. Ask sfudents to do the exercise on punctuation.
Punctuate the following.
l. in january 1882 helen almost died of a mysterious illness
2. im going to teach you language the door to the world for you
3. my helen folded her napkin said mrs keller
4. miss sullivan your eyes look very tired she said
5. she has manners but she doesnt have language
Step 2
. Check their answers and give feedback.
1.In January, 1882, Helen almost died of a mysterious illness.
2.I'm going to teach you language, the door to the world for you.
3."My Helen folded her napkin!" said Mrs. Keller.
4. "Miss Sullivan, your eyes look very tired,,, she said.
5. She has manners, but she doesn't have language.
Step I
' Tell students that they are going to read some sentences which tell Helen
Keller's life in the wrong order and they will have to reorder them according
to the time of happening.
Step 2
. After the students have finished reordering, check their answers and give
A. Here are some important facts about Helen Keller's life, but they are in
the wrong order. Rearrange the sentences in the correct order to form
each paragraph.
Paragraph One
l. Helen was born in Tuscumbia, Alabama, in 1880.
2. After that, she became a very difficult child to live with.
3. ln 1882, she almost died of a mysterious illness.
4- The director of the Institute asked Annie Sullivan to become Helen's teacher.
5. Captain Keller asked for help with Helen from an lnstitute for the Blind.
6. Because of the illness, she became blind and deaf.
1. 3. 6. 2. 5. 4.
l. Helen was born in Tuscumbia, Alabama, in 1880.
3. tn 1882, she almost died of a mysterious illness.
6. Because of the illness, she became blind and deaf.
2. After that, she became a very difficult child to live with.
5. Captain Keller asked for help with Helen from an lnstitute for the Blind.
4. The director of the Institute asked Annie Sullivan to become Helen's teacher.
Paragraph Two
l. But Annie was patient, and tried to teach Helen good manners, and asked the
Kellers to leave her alone with Helen in the dining room.
2. When she first met Helen, the child was wild, and she even kicked Annie in
the face and knocked out a tooth.
3. Annie agreed and went to Tuscumbia.
3. 2. 1.
3. Annie agreed and went to Tuscumbia.
2. When she first met Helen, the child was wild, and she even kicked Annie in the
face and knocked out a tooth
1. But Annie was patient, and tried to teach Helen good manners, and asked the
Kellers to leave her alone with Helen in the dining room.
Paragraph Three
1. one day when she put Helen's hand under the gushing water of the pump and
spelt'WATER'into her hand, she heard Helen say 'Wah Wah'.-
2. Annie then asked Mr. Keller to let her live alone with Helen in the guesthouse
in the garden, and they lived there for two weeks.
3. Later Annie succeeded in getting Helen to sit and eat her food properly.
4. Helen gradually learnt to speak, read and write and she graduated from
Radcliffe college, wrote books and became famous all over the world.
5. There Annie had complete control over Helen, and tried to teach her
6. Then she spelt'wATER'into Annie's hand, and'MorHER'and'TEACHERT
into her mother's hands.
2. 5. 3. 1. 6. 4.
2. Annie then asked Mr. Keller to let her live alone with Helen in the guesthouse
in the garden, and they lived there for two weeks.
5. There Annie had complete control over Helen, and tried to teach her language.
3.Later Annie succeeded in getting Helen to sit and eat her food properly.
l. one day when she put Helen's hand under the gushing water of the pump and
spelt'WATER'into her hand, she heard Helen siy 'Watr _ Wah'.
6. Then she spelt'WATER'into Annie's hand, and'MorHER' and'TEACHER'
into her mother's hands.
4. !{elen gradually learnt to speak, read and write and she graduated frJm
Radcliffe college, wrote books and became famous all over the world.
C. Write an essay of THREE paragraphs on: "The story I like best". :

Teaching procedure for writing an essay: The story I like best

Step I
. Tell students that they are going to study how to write an essay of three
. Ask them whether they are interested in reading stories or not and when they
started reading story books.

Step 2
. Tell students to think about different kinds of stories (bed time stories, ghost
stories, stories on adventures, etc.), the reasons for their choice (stories on
adventures, interesting, exciting, etc) and the benefits from their reading (the
main eharacters - so brave, intelligent, and diligent, do good things for the
people and society)
. Tell students that a basic essay consists of three main parts: introduction,
body, and conclusion. (Introduction introducing the topic, giving
background information on the topic; Body - the main points and supporting
details for the topic; Conclusion - restatement of the main ideas, not new

Step 3
. Ask students to think about the tense for the topic.
. Discuss with students the sentence patterns for the essay. (Students should use
the sentence patterns they have learnt in Grammar section)
Step 4
. Tell them that when students have the vocabulary, sentence patterns and
points, they can write the first draft.

' Tell them to focus on organization and puncfuation, grammatical errors,

spelling, etc.
Step 5
. Give feedback. (the teacher writing one sample copy on the board the teacher,
pointing out the organization, puncfuation, gralnmatical errors, spelling, etc.)
. Ask them to write a fair copy.

The story I like best

Stories are not real. But we need to hear or read stories to learn lessons
about life. There are good people and bad people in the world. By listening to or
reading a story, we can learn about people. I have read and heard many stories in
my childhood. One of them is my favourite.
The story is about a race betleen a rabbit and a tortoise. The rabbit was a
fast runner but the tortoise can only move very srowly because its legs are very
short. The rabbit could run fast and also jump. In the story, the rabbit was very
proud because he could run very fast. He went to the tortoise and asked him to
run a race. The rabbit thought that he could win the race easily. He thought that
the slow tortoise would never be able to beat him. To his surprise, the tortoise
agreed to run the race. From the start, the rabbit ran with the speed of wind. The
tortoise could just move very slowly. The rabbit was proud of its swiftness. He
thought that the tortoise would never finish the race. So he decideed to take a
nap. While the rabbit was sleeping, the tortoise kept moving slowly but steadily
and finished the race.
The story taught me a lesson. I learn that I should not stop tryrng even if
the task was difficult. If I worked steadily, I could succeed in whatever I did. In
the race, the winner was the tortoise. when the rabbit woke up, he could not see
the tortoise. The tortoise had passed the finishing line. From this, I learnt that I
should not behave like the rabbit and look down on other people. some people
may not be very brilliant but as they are diligent they succeed and reach their
goal. As the story gives me avery valuable lesson for my life, it is the story I like



This is a very simple poem. There is only one stanza. There are 15 lines;
lines 1,3,5,7,9,11,12 and, 14 all end with the same word (vowel sound); lines
2,4,6,8,10,13 and 15 all end with the same vowel sound.
[The teacher may use a
recording of the poem if it is availablel.

step 1: Tell studentsthat you're going to read a poem. Ask them not to look at
their books and just to listen.
I like a bridge -
Anykind of bridge at all.
A great steel bridge
With towers stiff and tall;
An old covered bridge
That spans a waterfall;
A hewn-stone bridge
With its rugged floor and wall;
A railroad bridge
Where freight trains slowly crawl;
A wooden bridge,
A cement bridge,
Whether big or small;
Yes, I like a bridge -
Just any kind of bridge at all.

[James S. Tippett]

Ask students what this poem is about.

Answer: It's about bridges.
Step 2:Tell students that you're going to read the poem again and that they must
follow you silently in their books. Ask students to underline any word or
phrase they don't understand and tell them to look those words up in the
covered bridge : a kind of bridge which has a cover it
stiff : not easily bent or moved, 'stiff because it is made ofsteel
stiff and tall : strong, straight and high
spans : goes from one side to thb other (of the waterfall)
hewn : the past participle form of the verb 'hew'(hew means'to
cut a large piece out of rock, stone or another hard material
in a rough way'
hewn-stone : stone cut from the rocks
rugged : roughanduneven
crawl : go or run very slowly
cement bridge : concrete bridge

Step 3: Ask students to answer the following questions.

(a) What does the poet say he likes?
(b) What kind of bridges does he like?
(c) What are the different kinds of bridges he likes?
(d) WhV are the towers of the steel bridge'stiff and tall'?
(e) What's a'covered bridge'?
(f) What do you think'hewn-stone'means?
(g) How do freight trains go or move?
(h) How do you know they go very slowly? / what word tells you that
they go very slowly?
Step 4:Ask students to check their answers with their friends. Give feedback to
the students.
(a) The poet says he likes bridges.
(b) He likes all kinds of bridges.
(c) He likes steel bridge, covered bridge, hewn-stone bridge, railroad
bridge, wooden bridge and cement bridge.
(d) The towers of the steel bridge are'stiff and tall'because the towers
are very high and they are made of steel.
(e) A'covered bridge'is a bridge with a roof over it.
(f) 'hewn-stone'means 'cut from stone/ cut out of stone,.
(g) Freight trains go or move very slowly.
(h) The words "crawl,' and..slowly,, areused together.
step S:Tell students that you are going to read the poem again and ask them to
repeat after you when you pause. [The teacher reads the poem according
to meaningful units, 2 or 3 rines at a time, with the clasi repeating after
her until the poem ends. This can be done chorally, group by group, row
!v ror11 or individually. The teacher can use u r..o.ding ortir"-po# ir it
is available.l


I like a bridge
Any kind of bridge at all.

A great steel bridge

With towers stiff and tall;

An old covered bridge

That spans a waterfall;

A hewn-stone bridge
With its rugged floor and wall;

A railroad bridge

Where freight trains slowlY crawl;

A wooden bridge,
A cement bridge,
Whether big or small;

Yes, I like a bridge -

Just any kind of bridge at all.

Step 6: Give students some written work'

l. Ask students to paraphrase the 'iippett.
This poem is uy rames S. In it, the poet expresses-his
He then
liking for bridges. He says that he loves all kinds of bridges'
which seem
a huge uriage made of steei with high straight towers,
,stiff because it is made of sieel. Next is an old covered bridge which
has been built over a waterfall i.e. from one side
to the other' Then'
there is- a bridge made of stone cut from the rocks,
with its rough,
one for trains
uneven floor aid wall. He also likes a railroad bridge -
poet says.he
- over *fti"ft trains carrying goods go very-sl-owly' The
atso tit es Uriages made of *ooa qt bticks. It does
not matter whether
they are big or1mall. In fact, he llkg-s all kinds of bridges.
2. Ask students what the following lines mean'
(a) A great steel bridge
With towers stiffand tall;
(b) An old covered bridge
That spans a waterfall;
(c) A hewn-stone bridge
With its rugged floor and wall;
(d) Awoodenbridge
A cement bridge
Whether big or small;
(a) A ------
With towers stiffand tall;
(b) An old covered bridge
That ---------------;
(c) A hewn-stone bridge
With its
(d) A wooden bridge
A cement bridge
Whether -----------;

Step 7: Tell students to check their answers with their friends.


There are 3_starzas in this poem and each stanzahas 4 lines.

The rhyming
is air - where and- sight flight in stanza 1; air where
- -
starua2; oak -unbroke and end - friend in stanza 3.
and strong - song in
[The teacher"may use a
recording of the poem if it is availablel.

Step 1: Tell students that you're going to read a poem. Ask them not to look
their books and just listen.


I shot an arrow into the air -
It fell to earth, I knew not where;
For, so swiftly it flew, the sight
Could not follow it in its flight.

I breathed a song into the air,

It fell to earth, I knew not where;
!9r wtro has sight so keen and strong,
That it could follow the flight of song?

Long, long afterwatd, inan oak

I found the arrow,.still unbroke;
And the song, from beginning to end,
I found again in the heart of a friend.
[Henry Wadsworth Longfe[ow]

Ask students what this poem is about.

Answer: It's about the arrow and the song and the similarity between
these two
different things.

Step 2: Tell students that you're going to read the poem again and that they must
foltw you silently in their books. Ask them to underline any word or phrase
they don't understand, and tell them to look those words up in the glossary.
flight : when something flies or moves through
the air
breathed (a song) : sang
keen : very strong
unbroke : unbroken
in the heart (of a friend) : in a friend's memory
Step 3: Ask students to answer the following questions.
(a) Look at Stanza l.What did the poet say he did?
(b) Where did the arrow fall?
(c) Did the poet know where the arrow fell?
(d) 'WhV did he not know where it fell?
(e) Look atstanza2.What did the poet say he did?
(f) Where did it fall?
(g) Did the poet know where the song fell?
(h) Why didn't he know where it fell?
(lj No* look at Stanza 3. When did the poet say he found the arrow he
had shot agal,rn?
O Where did he find the arrow?
(k) In what state did he find the arrow?
(1) When did the poet say he found the song he had shot again?
(m)Where did he find his song again?
(n) How well did his friend know his song?

Step 4: Ask students to check their answers with their friends. Give feedback to
the students.
(a) The poet said that he shot an alrow into the air.
(b) The arow fell to the ground.
(c) No, he did not know where the arrow fell.
(d) He did not know where it fell because it flew so fast for human eyes to
see where it went.
(e) The poet said (tha| he breathed a song into the air'
(f) It fellto the ground.
(g) No, he did not know where the song fell.
i[i U. did not know where it fell because no one has eyes good enough to
see where a song / the sound of a song went.
The poet said (thaQ he found the arrow he had shot again, long, long
afterward. I a long time afterward.
O He found the arrow in an oak tree.
(k) He found the arrow in an unbroken state. (or) He found the arrow in
the same (good) state as when he had shot it.
(l) The poet said (that) he found the song he had shot again a long time
(m)He found his song again in the heart of a friend.
(n) His friend knew his song from the beginning to the end.
Step 5: Tell students that you are going to read the poem again and ask them to
repeat after you when you pause. [Read the poem according to
meaningful units, 2 or 3lines at a time, with the class repeating after
her until the poem ends. This can be done chorally, group by group,
row by row or individually. Use a recording of the poem if it is


I shot an alrow into the air -

It fell to earth, I knew not where;

For, so swiftly it flew, the sight

Could not follow it in its flight.

I breathed a song into the air,

lt fell to earth, I knew not where;

For who has sight so keen and strong,

That it could follow the flight of song?

Long, long afterward, in an oak

I found the arrow, still unbroke;

And the song, from beginning to end,

I found again in the heart of a friend.

Step 6: Give students some written work.

1. Ask the students to paraphrase the poem.
In this poem The Anow und the Song by Henry Wadsworth
Longfellow, the poet has compared two things - the arrow and the
The poet said that he once shot an arow into the sky. It flew
through the air and hit the ground. But he did not know the place
where it hit the ground. The arrow flew so fast that his eyes could
not follow the path it took.
The poet said that he also sang a song very softly once, and
the sound disappeared in the air. The poet believed that like the
alrow, his song must have hit the ground. He meant that it must
have been heard by someone, somewhere. However, he did not
know by whom, because there was no one with eyesight so keen
and strong / good that it could see where the song went.
Then, a long time afterward, when he had forgotten about the
alrow he had shot and the song he had sung, he found / discovered
his arrow still unbroken i.e. as good as new. He also found out that
a friend had heard the song he had sung and learnt it. This friend
was able to sing the song from the beginning to the end for him.

2. Ask students what the following lines mean.

(a)I shot an affow into the air -
It fell to earth, I knew not where;
(b)I breathed a song into the air,
It fell to earth, I knew not where;
(c) For, so swiftly it flew, the sight
Could not follow it in its flight.
(d)Long, long afterward, in an oak
I found the arrow, still unbroke;
(e)And the song, from beginning to end,
I found again in the heart of a friend.

3. Complete the following lines from the poem.

(a) I shot an affow into the air -
It ----------, I knew not where;
(b) For, so ----------, the sight
Could not follow it in its flight.
(c) I -------- into the air,
It fell to earth, I knew not where;
(d) For who has sight so keen and strong,
That it could follow ----------?
(e) And the song, from beginning to end,
I found again

Step 7: Tell students to check their answers with their friends.

The poem has only one stanza and there are 9 lines in it. The rhyming is
tree - free; sky - high - a-nigh; bird - heard; and harmony - tree. [ihe
teacher may use a recording of the poem if it is available].

Step L: Tell students that you are going to read a poem. Ask th'em not to look at
their books and just to listen.


What does he plant who plants a tree?
He plants the friend of sun and sky;
He plants the flag of breezes free;
The shaft of beauty, towering high;
He plants a home to heaven a-nigh
For song and mother-croon of bird
In hushed and happy twilight heard -
The treble of heaven's harmony -
These things he plants who plants a tree.
Ask students what this poem is about.
Answer: what planting a tree means. / what one is doing when one
plants a tree.

step 2: Tell students that you are going to read the poem again and that they
must follow you silently in their books. Ask students to underline any
word or phrase they don't understand and tell them to look those words
up in the glossary.

flag : (a piece of cloth, usually rectangular and
fixed to a pole at one edge, that has a pattern
which shows it represents a country or a group,
or has a partialJar meaning) here it refers to a
shaft (ofbeauty) : tall, beautiful column
tower : to be very tall or large, usually in an
mpressive way; a tall beautiful column
a home : a home for the birds
heaven : the sky
a-nigh : near

mother-croon (of bird) the crooning of the mother-bird

croon to sing or talk in a sweet low voice, full of
emotion (sound made by bird)
hushed quiet, silent
twilight the period just before it becomes completely
dark in the evening
treble (being or relating to a boy's voice which sings
the highest notes, or an instrument that plays
the highest notes) here it means 'music'
heaven's treble heavenly music; music that only God's angles
can make in heaven

Step 3: Ask students to answer the following questions.

(a) Look at the first line. What question is the poet asking?
(b) What is the first answer?
(c) And what is the second answer?
(d) According to the poet, what else does he plant?
(e) Is that all he Plants? What else?
(f) For whom do you think is this home?
(g) What is heard at twilight / evening time?
1tr; wtrat do you think'song and mother-croon of
(i) What adjectives are used to describe twilight?
O What do you think'hushed and happy' means?
6; Wrrut is the sound made by the mother bird being compared to?
1tj Wtrat do you think the poet means by ' the treble of heaven's
(m)How does the poet end his poem - with a question or a statement?
(n) What is the answer to it?

Step 4:Ask students to check their answers with their friends. Give feedback to
the students.
(a) The poet is asking the question: what does he plant who plants a
(The poet is asking what a person plants when he plants a tree)
(b) The first answer is - he is planting the friend of sun and sky. (...h"
is making a friend for the sun and the sky.)
(c) The second answer is - he is planting the flag of breezes free.
(. ..making a flagwhich flutters (moves) freely as the wind blows).
(d) According to the poet, he also plants a shaft of beauty towering
high. (...also builds a beautiful tall column which towers high.)

(e) No, that is not all he plants. He plants a home to heaven a-nigh.
( high, it seems to touch the sky.)
(f) This home is for the birds.
(g) The song and mother-croon of bird is heard at twilight / evening
(h) 'song and mother-croon of bird' means the sound made by the
mother bird to its young ones.
(i) The words hushed and happy are used to describe twilight'
O 'hushed and happy' means that no sound except for the 'song and
mother-croon of bird'can be heard; everything is quiet or silent; so
it is a happy/peaceful time.
(k) The sound made by the mother bird is being compared to the
treble of heaven's harmonY-
(1) Bv 'the treble of heaven's harmony' the poet means the sound of
heavenly music.
(m)The poet ends his poem with a statement, which is an answer to
the question he asked at the beginning of the poem.
(n) The statement is: These things he plants who plants a tree'
Step S:Tell students that you are going to read the poem again and ask them to
repeat after you when you pause. [The teacher reads the poem according
to meaningful units, 2 or 3lines at a time, with the class repeating after
her until the poem ends. This can be done chorally, group by group, row
by row or individually. The teacher can use a recording of the poem if it
is available.l

What does he plant who plants atree?

He plants the friend of sun and skY;

He plants the flag of breezes free;

The shaft of beauty, towering high;

He plants a home to heaven a-nigh

FI For song and mother-croon of bird

In hushed and happy twilight heard -
I In hushed and happy twilight heard -
e The treble of heaven's harmony -

These things he plants who plants a tree.

Step 6: Give students some writing to do.

1. Ask students to paraphrase the poem.
This is a poem by H. C. Bunner. It is about a tree in particular
and all trees in general. The poet wishes to tell us about the reasons for
planting a tree and the good things that result from planting it.
The poet begins his poem with a question. He asks whether a
man knows what he is doing [planting] when he plants a tree. He does
not wait for an answer. Instead he gives it. He says that when someone
plants a tree, he is doing something good. The tree grows so high that
the branches seem to touch the sun and sky. The branches also move as
the wind (breeze) blows through them. In this way, he is giving a friend
to the sun and the sky and making a flag which flutters freely in the
breeze. He is also creating a tall beautiful column which rises high
above other things. This tree is a home for the birds. Late evening is a
time when no sound can be heard. Everything is quiet. It is a happy time
because it is bed-time for the birds. The only sound that can be heard is
the mother-bird crooning softly to its young ones. [n the happy and
silent time of twilight, this sound seemed like the heaven's music.
The poet ends his poem by saying that whoever plants a tree is
planting all these good things.
2. Ask students what the following lines mean.
(a) What does he plant who plants a tree?
He plants the friend of sun and sky;
He plants the flag of breezes free;
(b) The shaft of beauty, towering high;
He plants a home to heaven a-nigh
(c) For song and mother-croon of bird
In hushed and happy twilight heard -
(d) In hushed and happy twilight heard -
The treble of heaven's harmony -
These things he plants who plants a tree.
3. Ask students to complete the following lines from the poem.
(a) What does he plant who plants a tree? F
He plants the
O) He plants the ---------------------;
He plants the -------------- free; {
(c) The ----------, towering high; e
He plants a ---------- a-nigh t
(d) For
In hushed and ----------- heard -
(e) In hushed and happy rwilight heard -
The treble of ----------
(0 treble of heaven's harmony-
T.. who plants a tree.
Step 7: Tell students to check their answers with their friends.


There are 5 stanzas in this poem. Each stanza has 4 lines in it. ,The
rhyming is care - air I bound - ground (stanza l) ; bread - shade I attrre
fire (stanza 2); find - mind I away - day (stanza 3); ease - please / recreation
- meditation (stanza 4); unknown - stone / die - lie (stanza 5). [The teacher
may use a recording of the poem if it is available].

Step l:Tell students that you are going to read a poem. Ask students not to look
at their books and just to listen.


Happy the man, whose wish and care
A few paternal acres bound,
content to breathe ttt#x1'J:rH

Whose herds with milk, whose fields with bread,

Whose flocks supply him with attire;
Whose trees in summer yield him shade,
In winter, fire.

Blest, who can unconcern'dly find

Hours, days and years, slide soft away
In health of body, peace of mind,
Quiet by day.

Sound sleep by night; study and ease

Together mix'd; sweet recreation,
And innocence, which most does please
With meditation.

Thus let me live, unseen, unknown;


Thus unlamented let me die;

Steal from the world, and not a stone
Tell where I lie.


Ask students what this poem is about.

Answer: It is about what a quiet life means to the poet. (It is about what the
poet thinks a quiet life is.)

Step 2: Tell students that you are going to read the poem again and that
they must follow you silently in their books. Ask students to underline any
*oid or phrase they do not understand, and tell them to look those words up in
the glossary.

care : feeling of worry or anxietY
paternal : from the father's side; relating to the
acres : acres ofland
bound : tied (with)
content = contented; pleased with one's
situation in life and not hoping for
change or improvement or success
ground : an afea of land used for a particular"J"
attire :
yield : give
blest : blessed
unconcem'dly : unconcemedly; without any concern
slide soft away : pass slowly and quietly
sweet recreation = pleasant leisure or way of passing
innocence : simPle
meditation : quiet reflection on life
unknown : without fame
unlamented : without anyone to feel sad
steal from the world : leave life quietly, without anyone
stone : tombstone
let not a stone tell where I lie : no tombstone to mark the place
where I (the poet) will be buried

Step 3: Ask students to answer the following questions.

(a) According to the poet, what kind of man is happy?
(b) What is he also contented to do?
(c) What do his herds (of cattle) give him?
(d) Why does he need milk?
(e) What do his fields supply him with?
(f) What do his flocks of sheep provide him with?
(g) What do his trees give him?
(h) In the poet's opinion, what kind of man is 'blest'(blessed)?
(i) How does a happy man spend his time?
0) How does the poet wish to live?
(k) How does he wish to die?
Step 4: Ask students to check their answers with their friends. Give feedback to
the students.
(a) A happy man is one whose wants are few and simple. This kind of
man is contented with the few acres of land he has inherited from his
(b) He is also contented to remain in this place all his life. lt belongs to
him and he belongs to this place, too.
(c) His herds of cattle give him milk.
(d) He needs milk to ddnk.
(e) His fields supply him with (flour to make) bread.
(0 His flocks of sheep provide him with wool to make cloth for his
(g) His trees give him shade in summer when it is hot and firewood to
light his fire in winter when it is cold.
(h) In the poet's opinion, a man who is healthy, who has peace of mind
and who does not mind the years passing, is blessed (blest).
(D A happy man spends his time working quietly in the daytime,
sleeping soundly at night. He spends his time equally between work
and restl.
0) The poet wishes to live 'unseen'- away from people and'unknown'
- without fame.
(k) He wishes to die 'unlamented'- he does not want anyone to grieve
(sorrow) for him. He does not want anything (a tombstone) to
mark/show the place where he would be buried.

Step 5: Tell students that,you are going to read the poem again and ask them
to repeat after you when you pause. [The teacher reads the poem
according to meaningful units, 2 or 3 lines at a time, with the class
repeating after her until the poem ends. This 9an be done chorally,
group by group, row by row or individually. The teacher can use a
recording of the poem if it is available.l


Happy the man, whose wish and care

A few paternal acres bound,

Content to breathe his native air

In his bwn ground.

Whose herds with milk, whose fields with bread,

Whose flocks supply him with attire;

Whose tt'ees in sunmer yield him shade,

ln winter, fire.

Blest, who can unconcern'dly find

Hours, days and years, slide soft away

In health of body, peace of mirid,

Quiet by day.

Sound sleep by night; study and ease

Together mix'd; sweet recreation,

And innocence, which.T-9:t does. please

With meditation.

Thus let me live, unseen, unknown;

Thus unlamented let me die;

Steal from the world, and not a stone

Tell where I lie.
Step 6: Give students some writing to do.
1. Tell students to paraphrase the poem.
This poem is about the kind,of life that Alexander pope, the
poet, wished to have.
In the poetls opinion, a happy man is one whose wants are few
and simple. This kind of man is contented with the few acres of rand
he has inherited from his father. He is also quite happy to remain in
this place all his life. It belongs to him and he belongs to this place,
A happy man is also one who is contented with what he owns.
His herds (of cattle) give him milk to drink; his fields (of wheat) give
him the flour he needs to bake his bread to eat; his flock (of sheep)
supply him with the wool he needs to weave the cloth for his clothes;
his trees give him shade in summer when it is hot and give him
firewood in winter, for warr.nth and heat.
A man who is blessed is one who does not mind time passing
slowly, as he has good health and a sound mind. Such a man has quie-t
days, and sleeps soundly at night. He spends his time working and
resting. He also enjoys his leisure pleasantly and simply in any way he
likes. He also spends his time in quiet reflection on life.
The poet ends by saying that he too would like to live a quiet
life, without friends or companions and without fame. In the same
way when he dies, he does not want anyone to feel sad for him. He
wants to leave this life quietly. He does not want any tombstone to
mark the place where he will be buried.

2. Ask students what the following lines mean.

(a) Happy the man, whose wish and care
A few paternal acres bound,
(b) Content to breathe his ndtive air
In his own ground.
(c) Whose herds with milk, whose fields with bread,
Whose flocks supply him with attire;
(d) Whose trees in summer yield him shade,
In winter, fire.
(e) Blest, who can unconcern'dly find
Hours, days and years, slide soft away
In health of body, peace of mind,
(f) In health of body, peace of mind,
Quiet by day.
Sound sleep by night;
' 264
(e) ...; study and ease

Together mix'd; sweet recreation,

And innocence, which most does please
With meditation.
(h) Thus.let me live, unseen, unknown;
Thus unlamented let me die;
(i) Steal from the world, and not a stone
Tell where I lie.
J. Ask students to complete the following lines.
(a) Happy the man, whose wish and care
A ---------- bound,
(b) Content to breathe
In his own ground.

Whose ---- with attire;

(d) Whose trees in summer
ln winter, fire.
(e) Blest, who can unconcern'dly find
Hours, days and years,
In ---------------, peace of mind,
(0 In ----------------, peace of mind,
Quiet by day.
-- by night;
(g) ;study and ease
Together mix'd; ------t
And innocence, whieh most does please
with ------
(h) Thus
Thus i:l ::_ l::: T:_::i::*"*',
(i) and not a stone

Step 7: Ask students to check their answers with their friends. Give feedback to
the students.
This poem has only one stanza with 14 lines. The rhyme scheme is care
starel boughs - cows; pass - grass; daytight - night; glance - dancel can -
began; care - stare. [The teacher may use a recording of the poem if it is
Step l:Tell students that you are going to read a poem. Ask them not to look at
their books and just to listen.

What is this life if, full of care, -
We have no time to stand and stare?
No time to stand beneath the boughs
And stare as long as sheep or cows:
No time to see, when woods we pass,
Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass:
No time to see, in broad daylight,
Streams full of stars, like skies at night:
No time to turn at Beauty's glance,
And watch her feet, how they can dance:
No time to wait till her mouth can
Enrich that smile her eyes began?
A poor life this il full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.
[WiIHam Henry Davies]
(l) Ask students what this poem is about.
Answer: It is about the desire for leisure or free time to do what one
wishes to do.
(2) Ask students whether they have ever experienced the same kind of
feeling ilonging as the poet? When and why?
Step2: Tell students that you are going to read the poem again and that
they must follow you silently in their books. Ask students to underline any
word or phrase they do not understand, and tell them to look those words up in
the glossary.
leisure : time when one is not working or carrying
out duties
care : full of worry
stare : to look for a long time with the eyes wide
open, especially when surprised, frightened
or thinking
beneath the boughs : underneath brunches of a tree

daylight : (the period when there is) natural light from

' the sun
Beauty : (personification) beautiful girl
Beauty's glance : a look front a beautiful girl
enrich : to make something richer, or more beautiful
that smile her eyes began - the smile that began in her eyeq
a poor life : a meaningless life ( a life without meaning)

Step 3: Ask students to answer the following questions.

(a) How does the poem begin - with a statement or a question?
(b) What is the question?
(c) What is it that the poet would like to do underneath the trees?
(d) What does the poet wish to see when he passes the woods?
(e) What can be seen in broad daylight?
(0 WhV does the poet say that the streams are full of stars?
(g) What does he compare the sparkling of the stream to?
(h) What does'Beauty'refer to in this poem?
(i) What does'to tum at Beauty's glance'mean?
O What would the poet like to watch?
(k) What would the poet also like to see?
(1) What is the poet's opinion of life without leiswe?
Step 4: Ask students to check their answers with their friends. Give feedback to
the students.
(a) The poem begins with a question.
(b) What is this life if; tull of care, -
We have no time to stand and stare?
(c) The poet would like to stand underneath the trees and stare as long
as he wishes.
(d) The poet wishes to see where squirrels hide their nuts when he
passes the woods.
(e) Streams fullof stars can be seen in broad daylight.
(0 The poet says that the streams are full of stars because the surfaces
of the streams sparkle in the sunlight.
(g) He compares the sparkling of the stream to the sky shining with
stars at night.
(h) In this poem, 'Beauty' refers to a beautiful girl
(i) 'to turn at Beauty's glance' means to tum and look back when a
beautiful girl looks at him.
O The poet would like to watch the movement of the beautiful girl's
feet as she dances.
(k) The poet would like to see the way her mouth would curl up in the
beautiful smile which first started in her eyes.
(1) The poet's opinion of a life without leisure is that it is a poor life /
a life not worth living.
Step 5: Tell students that you are going to read the poem again and ask them
to repeat after you when you pause. [Read the poem according to
meaningful units, 2 or 3lines at a time, with the class repeating after
the teacher until the poem ends. This can be done chorally, group by
group, row by row or individually. Use a recording of dls poem if it is

What is this life il

fullof care, -
We have no time to stand and stare?

No time to stand beneath the boughs

And stare as long as sheep or cows:

No time to see, when woods we pass,

Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass:

No time to see, in broad daylight,

Streams fullof stars, like skies at night:

No time to tum at Beauty's glance,

And watch her feet, how they can dance:

No time to wait till her mouth can

Enrich that smile her eyes began?

A poor life this if, full of cdre,

We have no time to stand and stare.

Step 6: Give students some writing to do.

1. Tell students to paraphrase the poem.
This poem Leisure is written by William Henry Davies. In
it, the poet first wonders what kind of life it is, if there is only work
and no leisure. He ends by saying that without leisure, a life full of
care is meaningless. For the poet, there must be time, if he wishes,
just to stand underneath a tree and gaze at nothing for as long as one
likes, just as sheep or cows do. Life is also meaningless if there is no
time to stand and watch where the squirrels hide their nuts in the
grass; if there is no time to look at how,in daylight, the
surface of the
stream reflects the sunshine and it sparkles like ihe stars that shine
the sky at night; if there is no time to retum the look that abeautiful
girl gives you and watch her feet as she dances; if there is no time to
. wait and see how her mouth will make more beautiful, the smile that
begins in her eyes. He ends by stating that foi him, life is
meaningless if, it is so full of wori< and wIrry that we do not have
time just to idle.
2. Ask students what the following lines mean.
(a) What is this life if, full of care, -
We have no time to stand and stare?
(b) No time to stand beneath the boughs
And stare as long as sheep or cows:
(c) No time to see, when *oods we pass,
Where squirrels hide.their nuts in grass:
(d) No time to see, in broad daylight,
Streams full of stars, like skies at night:
(e) No time to turn at Beauty,s glance,
And watch her feet, how they can dance:
(0 No time to wait till her mouth can
Enrich that smile her eyes began?
(g) A poor life this if, full of care,
We have no time to stand an( stare.
3. Tell students to complete the follqlvingtines.
(a) What is this life if, full of'care, -
We have no time to --------------?

And stare as long as sheep or cows:

(c) No time to see, when woods we pass,
Where in grass:
(d) No -, in broad daylight,
Sfreams full of stars,like ---------,--:
(elN*time to turn at Beauty,s glance;
l(nd ------- how theycan dance: {t
(flIS---- till hermouth can os

Enrich that smile her eyes began?

(g) Apgor life this iq ---------------, 8

We have no time to stand and stare. 2
Step 7: Tell studenh to check their answers with their friends. oa


There is only one stanza made up of 18 lines. However, there are three
parts as shown by the way the poem is written ( the form of the poem) - 6 lines +
6 lines + 6 lines (18 lines). The rhyming is irregular. [The teacher may use a
recording ofthe poem if it is available.l

Step 1: Tetl students that you're going to read a poem. Ask students not to look at
their books and just to listen.

I thought I saw a cloud whale
Sail through a sea of blue;
It changed into an elephant
Of most unusual hue,
And even as I marvelled,
It split itself in two.
I watched a long white serpent
Winding its cloudy way,
Topounce upon a cloud frog
That unsuspecting lay.
The liule frog became a bird
And slowly flew away.
AIl aftqnoon I watched them,
Such mdgic as they knew!
I saw a white rhiloceros,
And white Stfrningos, too,
Till evening shuther Jeep blue tent .
over my private zoo'
[Norma Ginett]

(1) Ask students what this poem is about.

Answer: It's about the funny-shaped clouds that the poetess saw in
the sky, and which looked like animals in the zoo in her imagination.
(2) Ask students whether they have ever done the same thing that the
poetess did? When?

Step 2: Tell students that you are going to read the poem again and that they
must follow you silently in their books. Ask students to underline any
word or phrase they do not understand, and tell them to look those words
up in the glossary.
cloudwhale : loud shaped like a whale

asea of blue = (blue sea); here, the sky

unusual : strange; notordinary
.hue : colour
marvelled : wondered
split itself : broke into two or more parts
winding : moving in and out
unsuspecting without suspecting anything; without thinking
that something might be wrong
magic : a special and exciting quality that makes
. something seem different from ordinary things
her deep blue tent : the blue sky (compared to a tent of a deep blue
shut : close; here, it means it became dark
private zoo : the place [sky] where she alone saw funny
animal-shaped clouds
Step 3: Ask students to answer the following questions.
(a) What do you think'cloud zoo'means?
(b) How many animals are mentioned in the poem? What are they?
(c) What did the sky look like to the poetess?
(d) What did the first animal change into?
(e) What was the colour of this animal?
(f) What happened as the poetess watched this animal?
(g) What did the poetess see next?
(h) What was it doing?
(i) Did the snake catch its prey? Why?
0) What did the poetess do the whole aftemoon?
(k) How long did the poetess watch these cloud animals?
(l) To what did the poetess compare the sky?
Step 4: Ask students to check their answers with their friends. Give
feedback to the trainees.
(a) 'Cloud Zoo' mearrs not a real zoo but an imaginary one, seen in
the clouds/ sky.
(b) 7 animals are mentioned in the poem. They are whale, elephant,
serpent, frog, bird, rhinoceros and flamingo.
(c) The sky looked like a sea of blue / a blue sea to the poetess.
(d) The first animal changed into an elephant.
(e) The colour of this animal / elephant was unusual / strange.
(D A! the poetess watched,this anirnal,it qplit itself ir two lbecame
two. l

, (g) Next, the poetess saw a long white snake.

(h) It was winding its cloudy way to catch a frog.
(i) No, because the little frog became a bird *d flew away.
0) All afternoon, the poetess watohed the cloud anim*s bhanging
shape as if by magic.
(k) The poetess watched these croud animals until evening, when it
became too dark for him to see anything.
(l) The poetess compared the sky ao u a"rpllue tent.
Step 5: Tell students that you are going to read the poem again and ask them to
repeat after you when you pause. [Read the poem according to
meaningful units, 2 or 3lines at a time, with the clais repeating aftei her
until the poem ends. This can be done chorally, grorry uy groui, row by
row or individually. Use a recording of the poe* if it i, ur"ilruri.l

I thought I saw a cloud whale
Sail through a sea of blue;

It changed into an elephant

Of most unusual{ue,

And even as I marvellc4

It split itself in two,

I watched a long white serpent

tJVinding its cloudyway,

To pounce upon a'bloudl frog

That unsuspecting lay.

The liule frog became a bird

And slowly flew away.

All afternoon I watched thern,

Such magic as they knew!

I saw a white rhinoceros,

And white flamingos, too,

Till eveningshut her deep blue tent

Over my private zoo.

Step 6: Give students some writing to do.

l. Tell students to write a short paragraph on what the poem is about or
to paraphrase the Poem.
In this poem, the poet Norma Gillet, described the various
shapes clouds take on as they were filoved by the wind. To her these
shapes looked like the animals in the zoo. Thus, she called her poem
'Cloud 7-oo', asthe funny-shaped clouds were not real animals. She said
that in her imagination, she saw a'cloud' shaped like a whale moving in
the sky. It looked like the blue sea to her. As she watched, the whale
took on [changed into] another shape. This time, it looked like an
elephant but it had a strange colour. Just as she was wondering about the
strange-coloured elephant, it broke [split] into two parts. Then she
watched a cloud which looked like a long white snake, moving in and
out, to jump upon [pounce upon] a cloud frog that lay in the way
without suspecting anything. (As she watched) the little cloud frog
changed shape, became a bird and slowly flew away.
The poet watched these funny-shaped clouds all afternoon as
they changed their shapes as if by magic. She saw a white rhinoceros
and also white flamingos. She watehed these until it turned eveningand
it became too dark for her to #e anything'in her private zoo' - the place
[sky] where she alone saw these animal-shaped clouds.

2. Ask students what the following lines mean.

(a) I thought I saw a cloud whale
Sail through a sea of blue;
(b) It changed into an elePhant
Of most unusual hue,
(c) And even as I marvelled,
It split itself in two.
(d) I watched a long white serPent
Winding its cloudy way,
To pounce upon a cloud frog
That unsuspecting lay.
(e) The little frog became a bird
And slowly flew away.
(0 All afternoon I watched them,
Such magic as they knew!
I saw a white rhinoceros,
And white flamingos, too,
(g) Till evening shut her deep blue tent
Over myprivate zoo.

3. Tell students to complete the following lines.

(a) I thought I saw a cloud whale
Sail through:-------;
(b) It changed into an elephant
of ---------
(c) And even as I marvelled,
It -----------
Winding its cloudyway,
(e) To pounce upon --____
That unsuspecting lay.
(f) The little frog became a bird
And -------
(g) -----:------- I watched them,
Such magic as they knew!
(h) I saw a white rhinoceros,
And ----------------, too,
(i) Till evening shut ________
Over my pivate zoo.
step 7: Tell students to check their answers with their friends.

There is only one long stanua made up of 1g lines. The rhyming is

step l: Tell students that you are going to read a poem. Ask them not to look at
their books and just to listen.[ The teacher may use a recording
of the
poem if it is available.l

Januarycold desolate;
February dripping wet;
March wind ranges;

April changes;
Birds sing in tune
To flowers of MaY, '

And sunny June

Brings longest duy;
In scorched JulY
The storm-clouds flY,
August bears com,
September fruit;
In rough October
Earth must disrobe her;
Stars fall and shoot
In keen November;
And night is long
And cold is strong
In bleak December.
[Christina Rossetti]
(1) Ask students what this poem is about'
Answer: It's a descriition of the twelve months in the English
calendar Year'
(2) Ask students the names of the months in the Myanmar calendar.
i:i ert students whether the Myanmar calendar and the English calendar
have the same nunber of months'
(a) Ask students with what months the Myanmar calendar and the English
calendar begin, and whether the months coincide'

Stgp 2: Tellstudents that you are going to read the poem again and that
must follow you silently in their books. Ask students to underline
word or phrase they do not understand, and tell them to look those
upinthe glossary.

colddesolate : cold, unattractive and empty
dripping wet : with everything thoroughlY wet
ranges : changes (when the wind or the tide changes,
it starts to move in a different direction)
scorched : veryhot
storm-clouds : clouds blown about bY the storm
lightning-tom : (the storm-clouds) torn by lightrring
bears : to give or produce, especially fruit or
corn : (the seeds of) plants, such as wheat, maize,
oats and barley
rough (October) : violent (in October, the weather is very
disrobe : to take off the robe (clothes); here, it means
trees shedding leaves
Earth must disrobe h : the earth becomes bare (in this context);
nothing grows
keen (literary) : very sharp (as in, a keen north wind), very
cold (is) strong : (it is) extra cold
bleak : cold and bare (If the weather or a place is
bleak, it is cold, empty and not welcoming
or attractive)

Step 3: Ask students to answer the following questions.

(a) What kind of month is January?
(b) Why do you think January is like that?
(c) What is February like?
(d) In what month does the wind range (blow irregularly)?
(e) When is the weather changeable?
(f) When do flowers bloom and are birds heard to sing?
(g) What word is used to describe'June'? Why?
(h) What happens in July?
(i) In what month do trees bear fruits?
0) whv do you think the word 'rough' is used to describe october?
(k) What happens in this month?
(l) What kind of month is November?
(m)What happens in this month?
(n) What is December like?

Step 4: Ask students to check their answers with their friends. Give feedback to

(a) January is cold and desolate.

(b) January is like that because it is still winter.
(c) February is dripping wet, as it rains a lot and everything is wet.
(d) The wind ranges (blows irregularly) in March.
(e) The weather is changeable in April.

(f) Flowers bloom and birds are heard to sing in May.

(g) The word 'sunny' is used to describe 'June', because the sun
shines a lot in this month.
(h) There is thunder and lightning in July.
(i) Trees bear fruits in September.
g The word 'rough' is used to describe October because the weather
is wild and stormY I verybad.
(k) In this month, trees shed their leaves and the earth becomes bare.
(1) November is a very cold month / an extremely cold month.
(m)In this month, stars move across the sky and fall to the earth.
(n) December is very cold and unpleasant and the nights are long.

Step 5: Tell students that you are going to read the poem again and ask them to
repeat after you when you pause. [Read the poem according to
mianingful units, 2 or 3lines at a time, with the class repeating after the
teacher until the poem ends. This can be done chorally, group by group,
row by row or individually. Use a recording of the poem if it is

January cold desolate;

February dripping wet;

March wind ranges;

April changes;

Birds sing in tune

To flowers of May,

And sunny June

Brings longest day;

In scorched July
The storm-clouds fly,

August bears corn,

September fruit;

ln rough October
Earth must disrobe her;

Stars fall and shoot

In keen November;

And night is long

And cold is strong
In bleak December.

Step 6: Give students some writing to do.

1. Ask them to paraphrase the poem.

This is a poem by christina Rossetti. In this poem, the poet gives a

description of the 12 months in the calendar y"u.. Th. descriptiJn also
indirectly tells us about the 4 seasons Spring, Summer, Autumn and
The month of January is cold and bare there is nothing on the
ground and the trees have no leaves. In February, it rains and everf.thing is
wet. [n March, the wind blows hard everywhere. Then in April Ihe
weather changes and becomes good. May is a good month L""urrr.
flowers bloom and birds sing. ln June, the weather is fine as it is sunny
and the days are long. July is a very hot month. In this month, the clouds
are blown about by the storm and lightning can be seen in the sky. August
is the month when the com ripens and in Siptember, the fruits a.e read! to
be picked. In october, the weather changei and become bad. This is the
time when trees shed their leaves and the earth becomes bare. November
is cold; falling and shooting stars can be seen in the clear sky. Nothing
grows in December; everything is bare, so it is 'bleak'. Moieover, the
nights are long and it is extra cold in this month.

Note: March to May is Spring.

June to August is Summer.
September to November is Autumn.
December to February is Winter.

2. Ask students what the following lines mean.

(a) January cold desolate;
February dripping wet;
(b) March wind ranges;
April changes;
(c) Birds sing in tune
To flowers or*ur,"f
(d) And sunny June
Brings longest day;
(.) scorched July
storm-clouds fly,
(f) August bears corn,
September fruit;
(g) In rough October
Earth must disrobe her;
(h) Stars fall and shoot
In keen November;
(i) And night is long
And cold is strong
ln bleak December.

3. Ask students to complete the following lines.

(a) January cold desolate;
February --------------;
(b) March --------------;
April changes;
(c) Birds
To flowers of May,
(d) And sunny June
Brings ------------;
(e) In
The storm-clouds fly,
(0 ----------------- corn,
September fruit;
(g) In rough October
--------- her;
(h) Stars fall and shoot
In --------------------;
(i) And night is long
And -------
In bleak December.

Step 7: Tell students to check their answers with their friends.

The Pronoun System
rdentify the pronouns and their antecedents in the foltowing sentences.
e.g: Win Htike has a part-time job. He works at a fast-food restaurant.
(he: a pronoun; Win Htike : the antecedent)
1. The medico went to the nearest village and there in the bazaar he found
various kinds of meat and fish.
2. The cook said, "I built a fire, rinsed the rice, put it in the pot, added the
required amount of water, and placed the pot on the fire".
3. The hourglass was easy to use, but it had to be furned over every hour so the
sand could flow again.
4. The organizers of a self-service store have their difficulties.
5. Computers are very reliable; they can work for a long time without breaking
To + Infinitive and Gerunds
Complete the following sentences using the f'to + infinitive" form of the
verbs in the box.
get bry open meet switch on

1. Her mother asked her some fruit at the supermarket.

2. He told me him at the airport.
3. It was careless of him the light when he went out.
4. Could you tell me how to the post office?
5. He told me the door.

The Gerund
Complete the sentences using the -ing form of the verbs in the box.

do do see shop go

1. Do you go every weekend?

2. What do you like _ in your free time?
3. He is looking forward to his friend.
4. They are talking about to Kalaw for a holiday.
5. some kind of sport is good for your health.

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate articles where necessatry.
1. I want apple from that basket.
2. church on the corner is very beautiful.
3. Miss Lin spea..s Chinese.
4. I took pencil from your pile of pencils and pens.
5. One of the men said, "_ train is late today."
6. Eli likes to play volleyball.
7. I bought umbrella to go out in the rain.

9. Please give me cake that is on the counter.

10. I lived on Main Street when I first came to town.

Writing exercise
Write a short paragraph on "My Possessions."

Prepositions of Time and Place

Exercise: Fill each blank with a correct preposition.
l. Let's meet six o'clock.
2. I went to Chaungtha _ April2005.
3. She'll be at work Friday.
4. They drove to Mandalay _September 15th.
5. We arrived in this country October.
6. We get up early the moming.
7. Do you dream night?
8. He is doing his home work _ the moment.
9. I lived in Shan State _ the 1980s.
10. We like going to the movies Fridays.
11. What do you like doing weekends?
I2.He became a famous singer_ 18.
13. My grandfather died the age of seventy.
14. He's been workirg _ three weeks.
15. I fell asleep the film.
16. Did you see Tom _ your vacation?
17. I need to study English a few months before the exam.
18. The label is the bottle.
19. I met Jack _ the street.
20.Hang your coat that hook.
Writing exercise
write a paragraph using not more than l0 sentences about what you did
yesterday. Use as many prepositions you have learnt as possible. You can begin
like this:
e.g. Yesterday I got up at 5 o'clock in the morning.
Plural Forms of Nouns
Fill in the correct form of th e nouns
No. Sinsular PIural
I bike
2 cat
J cake
4 Watch
5 invitation
6 Game
7 box
8 cage
9 desk
10 pencil
11 Logo
T2 Memo
l3 Kitten
T4 Shop
t5 Knife
t6 Door
I7 Wolf
l8 highway
I9 Horse
20 Self

Determiners: little, a little, few, a few

complete the following sentences by inserting few, a few, &19, a litfle in
the blanks.
1. There are _ butterflies in the park.
2. It rained during the night.
3. She is anxious about the final exam.
4. I have books on art.
5. Only _ students are absent today.
6. Can't you walk faster?

7. Use only oil in the cuffy.

8. students haven't finished their homework.
9. I'd like to ask you
_ questions.
10. I understood of what she said.

Plut all, many) more, most, less, few, a few or a little in the blanks below.
Make sure that the sentences make sense.
1. I need more sheets of paper.
3. Their family is very poor. The children have clothes.
4. After Daw Lay had tasted the soup, she added salt to it.
5. Our company has imported bicycles this year than last year.
6. As I wasn't well yesterday, I spent of the day in bed.
7. horses are animals, but not - are horses.

9. I don't think _ people will come to the party.

10. Not people are interested in modert afi.

Modal Auxiliaries
Use a modal auxiliary with each verb in brackets. More than one auxiliary
may be possible. Use the one that seems most appropriate to you.
3. Don't read in the dim light. You (turn on) the light.
4. I have everything we need in the basket. we (go) to the beach
5. If you want to get high marks, you _ (prepare) for all the lessons.
6. Father is not home yet. He (be) here any moment.
7. Thtzar promised that she (send) me a message this moming.
8. you (point) out the bank on this map, please? I _ (not
find) it anywhere.
9. Drivers (not sound) car horns.
[0. Tun Tun (leave) home early for school but he doesn't want to.

Fill in the blanks with appropriate compound connectives.
1. He studies his lessons regularly he will pass the exams without
having any difficulty.
2. You will never succeed you try very hard.
3. I will let you know my secret you don't tell anybody.
4. the headmaster saw me, he started scolding me.
5. She took ataxi she would not be late for her class.
7. Parents love their sons their daughters.
8. She screamed loudly she had seen a ghost.
9. Myo Myo Toe Toe obeyed the teacher's orders.
10. My grandmother uses her glasses when she reads she can see
11. She behaved I had purposefully hurt her feelings.

Relative Clauses
Decide whether the underlined clauses are defining or non-defining clauses.
write (D) for defining clauses and (ND) for non-defining clauses and add
commas if they are non-defining clauses.
1. The noise that he made woke everybody up.
2- Peter who had been driving all dalz suggested stopping at the next town.
3. The man who robbed you has been arrested.
4. These books which you can get at anlz bookshop will give you all the
information you need.
5. This is George whose class you will be taking.
6. The friend with whom I was travelling spoke English very well.
7. The stairs which lead to the cellar are rather slippery.
8. John whom everyone suspected turned out to be innocent.
9. He said he had no money which was not true.
10. The hotel where they were staying was very expensive.

Writing Exercise
write a short paragraph on My Neighbours, describing their occupations,
appearance, personality, etc. use relative clauses where possible.

Adverb Clauses
Exercise: Adverb clauses of time and purpose
Read the following sentences and underline the adverb clause in each and
say whether they are adverb clauses of time or purpose.

1. All the students showed up to support the team.

2.Ihave not been well since I returned from Mandalay.
3. When you have finished your work, you may go home.
4.I gave him a key so that he could get in the house at any time.
5. Before you go, bring me some water.
6.The United Nations was formed in order that countries might discuss world
problems better.

7. I will give you a map so that you can find the way.
8. Don't talk while the teacher is teaching.
g. The repairman comes whenever he is sent for.
I0. I was wearing woolly socks as my feet were very cold'

Patterns for Transformation

After +V-ing
Finish each sentence in such a way that it means exactly the same as the
sentence that is given.
l. The teacher checked the essays and then she returned the books.
After the teacher.
2. Ma Ma did the cooking. Then she did the washing'
After Ma Ma ..
3. Hla Hla ironed the clothes when she had cooked the meal.
After Hla Hla...
4. Sandy peeped into the room. She screamed.
After Sandy......
5. The cat snatched the fried fish and then it ran away'
After the cat.
6. The vegetables were washed first and then boiled'
After the vegetables.
7. The houses were destroyed by a storm. Then they were rebuilt by the
After the houses.
8. The man was caught with narcotic drugs. He was sent to prison.
After the man.
9. She had a sore throat because she had eaten a 10t of ice-cream.
After she.
10. When he passed the matriculation examination, Ko Lay attended the English
Proficiency Course at Dagon University.
AfterKo Lay...
Writing exercise
write a short paragraph on what you did yesterday. use the structure 'after +
Ving' structure.
e.g. Yesterday, I got up at five. After brushing my teeth, I had a proper face
wash. Then I went to the breakfast table.
Without + V-ing
Exercise: Finish each sentence in such a way that it means exactly the same
as the sentence that is given.
l. She left for school. She did not eat anything.
2. He left home. He did not say good-bye to anyone.
3. You will not get high marks in English unless you study regularly.
4. You will not recover from your illness unless you take this medicine.
5. He read the book. He didn't use his glasses.
6. The cat jumped onto the table. It didn't make a noise.
7. He came to the party. Nobody invited him.
8. He came into the room. I didn't ask for permission.
9. The clothes were ironed. They were not properly washed.
10. He listened to the lecture but he wrote nothing down.

Writing exercise
Write about the bad habits of someone you know (yorr friend, brother or sister,
etc.), using the structure'without + Ving' and the prompts given.

e.g. go to bed / not switch off lights

My brother always goes to bed without switching off the lights.
l. have breakfast / not brush teeth
2. go out inrain/ not take umbrella
3. go to school lnot iron clothes
4. go to sleep / not close window
5. go shopping I not take enough money
Althoughi rn spite of
Finish each sentence in such a way that it means exactly the same as the
sentence that is given.
1. Mg Mg went to school although he was i11.
In spite of ....
2. Although the weather was bad, we went out for a walk.
In spite of ....
3. Although he is intelligent, he islazy.
In spite of ....
4. Although there was a storm, the fishing boat sailed into the sea.
In spite of ....
5. He went on working although he was feeling unwell.
In spite of ....
6. In spite of his hand being injured, he could manage to write.
7. In spite of the difficult questions, he could do well.
8. In spite of being rich, she is not happy.
9. In spite of being sisters, they do not speak to each other.
10. In spite of feeling tired, he could not fall asleep.

Writing Exercise
Complete the following sentences.
1. Although the students are clever .....
2. In spite of his old age, grandfather .....
3. In spite of the tiring work, he ....
4. Although the sky was cloudy
5. Although Daw Hla works very hard
Connectives (paired)
Rewrite the following sentences using "both...and."
1. Small pox is a dangerous disease. Malaria is a dangerous disease.

2. He buys used cars. He sells used cars.

3. She sells mangoes. She sells oranges.

4. Thi Thi goes to school. Si Si goes to school.


5. We love him. We honour him.

6. Harry enjoys horseback riding. Bob enjoys horseback riding.
1. Mya Mya is expert at using the computer. ohmar is expert at using the

8. Rice needs plenty of rain. Rice needs plenty of sunshine.

9. The Ayeyarwady is a great river. The Nile is a great river.

10. Mg Mg wants a shirt. Mg Mg wants abag.

Not only......but also

Rewrite these sentences using 'either...ort or 6neither...nor, or 6not
only...but also'.
1. Ron enjoys horseback riding. Bob enjoys horseback riding.
Not only
2. You can have tea. You can have coffee.
You can have either
3. Arthur is not at home today. Peter is not at home today.
4. She wants to buy abag. She wants to buy a dress.
She wants to buy either
5. He doesn't have a pen. He doesn't have a pencil.
He has neither
6. Zaw Zaw enjoys hunting. His father enjoys hunting.
Not only
7. She wrote the text and selected the pictures.
She not only..
8. I know you lost your wallet and your key.
I know you lost not only..
9. My country has good schools. My country has good universities.
My country has not only..
10. They can go swimming. They can play tennis.
They can either.

Writing exercise
write about ten sentences on your likes and dislikes by using both....and,
neither. ....nor, either. . ...or where possible.

Neither of
Rewrite the following sentences by using 'neither of .....r.
1. Both of them are not ugly.
Neither of ...
2. The two books do not contain any useful information.
Neither of ....
3. Both of us have never been to Mandalay.
Neither of ....
4. I don't like either of these T-shirts.
I like neither of .
5. The two boys do not study their lessons well.
Neither of ....
Write sentences using'neither of and the prompts given.
e.g. trees, have leaves
Neither of the trees has leaves.
1. tables lmade ofteak
2. rooms lclean
3. computers / good
4. the two boys / can play football
5. the books / interesting

too ... to, enough ... to

Finish each sentence in such a way that it means exactly the same as the
sentence that is given.
1. He is very sleepy. He will not study his lessons.
He is too
2. The weather is very hot. The children cannot go out.
The weather is too
3. The road is very muddy. Cars cannot use it.
The road is too
4. The horse is very tired. It cannot go another mile.
The horse is too
5. The market is very far from our house. We cannot get there in a short time.
The market is too
6. The hotel is very expensive. They cannot stay in it.
The hotel is too
7. The night is very cold. No one can go out.
The night is too
8. The medicine is very biuer. I cannot swallow it.
The medicine is too
9. The music is very loud. Nobody likes it.
The music is too
10. Your handwriting is very untidy. Your teachers will not be able to read it.
Your handwriting is too.

Writing exercise
write a paragraph on why you can't study well at home. use 'tori ... to' structure.
e.g. I want to pass the exam with high marl<s. But it is too noisy to study at
home. My brother plays the radio too loudfor me to study.

enough ... to
Finish each sentence in such a way that it means exacfly the same as the
sentence that is given.
1. The man is very tall. He can enter the competition.
The man is tall
2. We are very healthy. We can study day and night.
We are healthy.
3. The car is very fast. We can reach the school in time.
The car is fast.
4. The house is very quiet. We can sleep peacefully.
The house is quiet.
5. The boy is very hardworking. He can pass the examination easily.
The boy is hardworking ...
6. The writer became very rich. He could buy a house on the beach.
The writer became rich ..
7. Myanmar teak is very hard. It can be used in building bridges.
Myanmar teak is hard..
8. The book is very interesting. Many people bought it.
The book is interesting... ...
9. Robots are very reliable. The managers can sleep at home.
Robots are reliable
10. The man looks very strong. He can swim across the river.
The man looks strong

so... that <-------.---.-+

Finish each sentence in such a way that it means exactly the same as the
sentence that is given.
1. He is so busy that he cannot visit his friends.
He is too
2. The road was so nirrow that abus could not use it.
The road was too
3. The child was so hungry that he could not study any longer.
The child was too
4. The lesson is so difficult that the students do not understand it.
The lesson is too
5 The river is so wide that the man cannot swim across it.
The river is too. ........:....
6. The weather was so cold that we did not leave home.
The weather was too...
7. The conditions on the moon are so hostile that no one can live on it.
The conditions on the moon are too
8. The floor is so slippery that the old lady should not walk on it.
The floor is too
9. The man spoke so softly that we could not hear what he was saying.
The man spoke too ...
10. The house is so small that a large family cannot live in it.
The house is too.

so ... that such ... that

Finish each sentence in such a way that it means exactly the same as the
sentence that is given.
1. The bus was so crowded that we could not get on it.
It was such .
2. The driver was so nice that we gave him extra money.
The driver was such
3. Helen was such an active girl that Anne could not control her at first.
Helen was so
4. The picture was so beautiful that they bought it at once.
It was such .
5. The neighbours are such nice people that we are happy to live here.
The neighbours are so ....
6. The man is so kind-hearted that he helps everyone as much as he can.
He is such
7. Thidar is such a hardworking girl that the teachers like her.
Thidar is so .
8. Myanmar is so beautitui,hr, *;r;;;;pb;;;;;;i;i;il " " " "
Myanmar is such a .....
g. It was such a cold weather that I
The weather was . "o.riJ;;g";;
10. The story is so interesting that I read it trvice.
It is such an....

too ... to +-----> so ... that

Finish each sentence in such a way that it means exactly the same as the
sentence that is given.
l. The old man was too weak to walk on his own.
The old mao was so ....
2. The bus was too crowded for all the passengers to fit in.
The bus was so
3. The exercises were too hard for us to do.
The exercises were so ....
4. The worker is too tired to go on working.
The worker is so
5. The boy was too excited to thinkproperly.
The boy was so
6. The book is too expensive for me to buy.
The book is so .
7. The kite is too heavy for me to fly.
The kite is so .
8. Helen was too rough for Annie to control.
Helen was so
"""" "'
9. rhe boy is too st ort'io'r"uci, r.rir,. n"r;
The boy is so .
i"';i;;;;. :

10. The variety is too wide for the shoppers to make a


Writing exercise
write a short paregraph with alternating .so .,.. that, and .too... to,
strucfures on why you caanot go home early today.
e.g. r am so busy today that I cannot go home emly. I am too busy to go home
The teacher has given so many exercises that tr can nor
finish all of them.
The teacher has given too ruany exercises nfinish
for me dl of tien

so... that e enough... to l

Finish each sentence in such a way that it means exactly the same as the
sentence that is given.
l. The students are so intelligent that they learnt the lessons in a short time.
The students are intelligent .
2. The runner ran so hard that he reached the finishing line first.
3. Helen was so bright that she went to university.
Helen was bright
4. Thiha was so brave that he swam across the Thanlwin River.

5. The wind was so strong that it uprooted many trees.

6. The hall is so big that it can accommodate five hundred guests.

The hall is big
7. The weather was so nice that we could take a walk.

8. Mar Mar is so patient that she waited for her friend for one hour at the bus
Mar Mar is ....
9. Daw Thuzar is so generous that she sets aside half of her income for the poor.
Daw Thuzar is generous
10. He studied so hard that he got good grades in the final exam.

enough ...... to 1-._.a so ...... that

Finish each sentence in such a way that it means exactly the same as the
sentence that is given.
1. The building is strong enough to stand an earthquake. : ,

2. The baby cried in bed loudty enough for us to hear him hom the kitchen.

3. He sings loudly enough for us to hear. ,. ,

He sings so .... ..........


The carpet is so . .;t.i... :..:,.:...........'.....'.,;..:.r:...1;: j.. :'I r.'' "' :

5. Johnwas lucky enough to bb the only survivor'of the plane crash.'' t

Johnwasso.... ........'i'" ' .l

to be used all over the world. :

6. The calondar is scienti'fic enough " 0(
Thecalendirisso.,.-.'..r.....;i.;.i...i;.': ',t:.:.i.i;"r...,.';..::.:.;.......i'.'l:i':,1

7. The water in the pot is fulI enough to last one day.

Thewaterinthepotisso.... r.....i,..;....':
8. Helen was bright enough for Anne to teach language.
Helen was so
9. Shopping at supermarkets is economical enough to be popular. '^ '

Shopping at supermarkets is so ...............

10. The girl is beautiful enough to enter the beauty contest.

too ........ to <+ not enough ........ to

Finish each sentence in such a way that it means exactly the samc as the
sentence that is given.
1. The water in this stream is not pure. We cannot drink it.
The water is not
2. The bird is not strong enough to fly over the mountain.
The bird is too ....... .......
3. The car is not fast enough to reach the town in time.
The car is too
4. The house is too small for the family to live in.
The house is not
5. The room is not quiet enough for me to study my lessons
The room is too
6. It is too dangerous to leave the dog unchained.
It is not .......
7. The youths were not bright enough to understand their teacher's advice.
The youths were too
8. The patient was not strong enough to walk.
The patient was too
9. The dress is too expensive for her to buy.
The dress is not
10. You are not old enough to work in this office.

Finish each sent€nce in such a way that it means exactly the same as the
sentence that is given.
1. They studied in the library because it was very noisy outside.
lt was so
2. He couldn 't get up as it was very early.'
It was too
3. The poor man was unable to buy anything because everything was very
Everything was so
4. The students couldn't study anymore because they were very tired.
The sfudents were so ....-..!...
5. She is rich enough to buy the latest model Mercedes.
She is so ....
6. I could not get to work in time as the bus was very slow.
The bus was too
7. I could not hear Mie Mie because her voice was very soft.
Mie Mie's voice was so
8. we decided to go on a picnic as the weather was very pleasant.
The weather was pleasant enough
9. No one saw the coin on the floor because it was very small.
The coin on the floor was too ...
10. His mother couldn't put on the earrings because she was very clumsy.
His mother was so

Degrees of comparison
Positive to Comparative
Finish each sentence in such a way that it means exacfly the same as the
sentence that is given.
l. The Sittaung Bridge is not as long as the Thanlwin Bridge.
The Thanlwin Bridge is ....
2. rfe sport prograrnme is not as interesting as the music prograflrme.
The music programme is ....
3. Yupar is not as hardworking as Kaung Htet.
Kaung Htet is
4. Cambodia is not as large as Indonesia.
5. A tiger is not as fast as a deer.
Comparative to Positive degree
Finish each sentence in such a way that it means exacfly the same as the
sentence that is given.
1. Khin Khin is more intelligent than Tin Tin.
Tin Tin is
2. Doctors are more patient than engineers.
Engineers are ...
3. Arnericans are more outspoken than Aushalians.
Australians are .
4. ofan anigato, i, ui!j", t#;h;;;;;;;;ii;.
3: l*{
The head of a crocodit. ....._..1......
5. Billy earns more than Charlie.

Comparative degree (adverb) to positive

degree (adverb)
Finish each sentence in sueh a way that
sentence that is given.
it means exac,y the same as the
1. Our teacher can explain this chapter more clearly
than yours.
Your teacher ...
2. Jasmines srneii ;*;;,;; ;h;; ;;;til;:
*::lf Stir:; *;1;;;;;,h", i;;#;;;sil;il
Learning English ....:......:.
. Thura
4. can m faster thanZai Z";.
Zaw Zaw can,t
5. A plane tr".rr
A train
-""rr;;;;;,h* ;;;i;.
comparatio. a.e.".' ia;;;i ; ;;;;;d* ;;;;;; Ail;;;i
Finish each sentence in such a way that
sentence that is given.
it means exac,y the same as the
1. My mother cooks better than my grandmother.
z. Nyi Nt ,;i;; i;;;;rh*';;; i;*.
ryr Nt ..
3. Thuzar works more patiently than
4. our eru"a-oir,;;;;ii;
Our grandmother
il;; il;;,h* ;;*;
5. u rliu Kil;;;;;,r"." t"r"n rr;;h;; il
U Thu Kha . ......-.. .._._",
superlative degree (adjective) to positive
degree (adjective)
Finish each sentence in such a way that
sentence that is given.
it means exacfly the same as the
t. Wunna is the fastest runner in his tearn.
No other

2. Thuzar is the fattest persox in her fSmilyt

3. Ma Phyu is the youngest girl in the class'

There is no . :." "'
4. The Shwedagon is the greatestpagoda in Myanmar'

There is no .
5. The orchid is the most expensive flower in the market'
No other

Writing exercise
within your
Write a paragraph about your family members making comparison
family oi with people from other families'
Myfather is two years older than my mother but he lool<s younger.
Nouns in APPosition
Transform the following sentences making use of Nouns ln Apposition
in the world'
i. is foundin Mogok. Ruby is one of the ntost precious gems


3. My father was born in Mandalay. It is the second largest city in Myanmar'

4.,"", il;;;i;il6;i*;J it.-r",li;;;J *h; ;;-;;; ;countrv'

Inlay Lake
is the most famous resort in Myanmar'

Holiday makers like to visit Chaungtha in srmrner. Chaungtha is

a beach

6. Thet Thet is very helpful. Thet Thet is my friend'

7 . I'm studying at Yangon university. It'is the oldest universiry- inMyanmar'
'5 !s3udful:gir1''
8" Yan Paing met his wife at a friend's party. His wife a

g. We save our money atY:BZBank' It is a private baok'

10. Su Myat didn't come to our gathering. She is my best friend.

Writing exercise
a paragraph on your family members telling the reader who they are, what
they do, what they like or dislike using Nouns in Apposition where appropriate.
e.g. Myfather, a construction engineer, likes playing golf.

The Parallel Structure

The more/Iess/-er, the more/less/-er
Transform the following sentences making use of the more/less/-er
1. If you have to wait long, you will become more impatient.
The longer
2. If you advertise your product more, p@
The more
3. If a car is big, it needs a lot of petrol.
The bigger
4. As she grows older, she becomes more serene.
The older
5. If the hotel is expensive, the service is gqod-
The more
6. If you get up early, you will feel fresh.
The earlier
7. If you speak more English, you will become rnore fluenr
The more
8. when a girl uses too much make-uffi
The more
9. I4* 1
person grows older, sh@
The older
10. If you read more, you are rnore knowGAgeaUi-
The more

Writing exercise
Write a paragraph explaining how you are studying lfor,,your exa$liaation:and
what the improvements are in your,study usrng the.more/iess/-q r.eonsfiuctiOn.
You can begin like this.
I want to do well in the examination. The.y.efore I study wry ,, r i i : .i
hard. I t'rtow that ihe harder I try the *oreiie,iro..
When By the time .......
Finish each sentence in such a way that it means exacfly the same as the
sentence that is given.
1. By the time this letter reaches you I will have left the town-
2. When we reached the football ground, the game had begun.
By the time..
3. When the play ended, most of the audience had gone home.
By the time .
4. When he was thirty-five, he had become a well-known TV personality.
Bythe time .

5. When we got home, it had stopped raining.

Bythe time .

Writing exercise
Write a paragraph on An unlucky day by using When... and By the time.... You
can start like this:
One day I thought of going to the cinema with my friend, Zaw
Zaw. We lefi home two hours altead, but by the time we got there,
there was no ticket left.
When / V-ing
Begin the following sentences with the V-ing form.
1. When they had cooked the rice, they started cooking the curries.
2. When he had won the pize, he became famous.

3. lVhen they know each other wel1, they becarne good friends.

4. When I spoke to therl, I knew at once that they were not honest.

5. When they realized that someone had broken into their house, they rang the

Writing exercise t
tomplete the follswing sentences.
1" Knowing that the food in that restaurant is good

2. Seeing them together very often :

3. Having learnt that he can pdy football well

5. Hearing that millions of chicken died ofbird flu

Conditionals (If/Unless)
Finish each sentencgin such a wey that it means exactly the same as the
sentence that ls dven.
1. Unless he finds a job soon, his family will starve.
If he..
2. I will not go to the party unless they invite me.
3. Unless the weather is fine, we will not go on a picnic.
rf..... ........
4. Unless you have a passport, you cannot go abroad.
rf... ..
5. Unless you do as you are told, you will not get dinner.
6.i UnlesS you start out now, you won't catch the train.
- If...
7. Unless we read newspapers, we will not know what is happening around the

8. Unless you stop talking in class, the teacher will punish you.
9. Unless he wins the race, he will not get the gold medal.
10. Unless you read the manual, you can't operate this machine.

Rewrite these sendences using'unless'.

1. If we do not hurry, we will miss the train.
2. If she does not eat nutritious food, she will not be strong.
3. If you do not do your homework, the teacher will punish you.

4. Ifyou don't stop rubbing your eyes, they'llturn red,

5. You will gain weight if you don't take exercise.
You will gain weight unless.
Writing exercise
Write to your friend who always stays away from class and tell him/her about
how important it is to attend ciass regularly.
e.g. If you stay away from class, you will miss a lot of the lessons.

No sooner .................. than

Rewrite these sentences by using'no sooner than'"
tr. As soon as she had graduated she got a job.
No sooner
2. As soon as \n'e had started outforBago, itstartedto rain
3. As soon as the plane took off, lrealizedthat I had left my suitcase behind.
No sooner
4" As soon as she started telling us about herself, she burst into tears.
No sooner
5. He went out to piay as sootras he had finished his homework.
No sooner
6. Hehad just arrived at the airport when theplane left.
No sooner
7. Mary left for work as soon as she had finished her breakfast.
No sooner
8. She took a bath as soon as she got home from schooi.
No sooner
9. Nilar had just tidied the room when the visitors came in.
No sooner
10. Mother had just gone to bed when she heard a knock on the door.
No sooner
Writing exercise
Write five sontences about your daily routine using tAs soon as .....t and No
sooner ... than....r
The active voice and the passive voice
Finish each sentence in such a way that it means exactly the same as the
sentence that is given.
1. Waiters and waitresses serve custorners.

2. The teacher is going to explain the lessons.

The lessons
3. Nilar has returned the story book to the library.
The story book ,......
4. Someoae rnade this antique table iu 1734.
This antique table .......
5. The chil&en are singing the song.
The song
6. The window pare was broken by the children.

7. Air pollution is caused by vehicles and factories.

Vehicles and factories ...........
8. A new idea has been suggested by Jofrn
9. All students must brring thir identity cards to the examination hall.
Identity cards
10. Bill will invite Ann to the party.

Writing exercise
write five passrve sontences about the deveioprnent or ciocks through time.
,:.g. The sundiui was.lirst w.arie to measure the oassa"se o1 time.
:Ihere is/was no.......... who/tha;t.. not {Double iYegafive}
Finish each sentence in such a way that it rneans exactlv the sarne as rhe
sentence that is given.

1. A11 the stu&rfs in the class use ball-point pens.

There is no .
2. All fte workers in the factory urolt overtime.
Thereis no .
3. Every town or village in or country has a pagoda.
There is no .
4. Every citizen loves his motherland.
There is no .
5. Every student looks forward to the vacation to Chaungtha.
There is no .
6. Everyone has to work for a living.
There is no .
7. I have been to all the beach resorts in our country.
There is no

8. I like every house in this street.

There is no.
9. We are friendly with all our neighbours.
There is no.
10. All the students in the class do their exercises regularly.
There is no..

Writing exercise
Write five sentences, beginning with nThere is no...*. Use the cue words that
have been provided.
1. dog,like meat
2.boy, active
3. house, have roof
4. student, want to pass the examination
5. car,make noises
It is /was ... thaflwho
Finish each sentence in such r wly ttet it means exactly the same as the
sentence that is given.
1. Mg Mg suggested that we should go to Chauugtha on our holiday.
It was Mg Mg
2. U Kywe left for Singapore on business.
It was on business
l. The teacher asked Mg Thurein to stand and an*ver her question.
It was Mg Thurein .

a We heard the news three weeks latcr.

It was three weeks later
5. Ko Ko is looking for his glasses.
It is Ko Ko
6. They hid the pot of silver under the banyan tree.
It was under the banyan tnec
7. She bought the jacket at the Bogyoke Market.
It was at the Bogyoke Martet
8. Mother cooked the meals.
It was mother
9. I would like to live in tr(alaw.
It is in Kalaw
10. The cat killed the rat.
It was
Reported Speech
Finish eeeh sentence in such a way that it merns exacfly the same as the
sentcnce tfet is dven.
l. Min Min sai{-"I will come back very soon.,,
Min Min
2. Sandar said to Nge Nge, "My brother likes ice-cream."
3. Aye Aye said, n Nilar forgot to post the letter.'.
4. Ko Ko said to his mother, " I will come back next week!'
Ko Ko
5. Amy said to me, " Mg Mg is looking fo you."

6. Th€t Htar sai{ '. I witl see you tomonow, Ko Ko.,

Thet Htar
7. Mee Moc seid to TayZar, "I received your letter yesterday."
Mee Mee
8. Moh Moh said to Yamin, "I want to borrow your notes for a few days."
Moh Moh
9. "I willretum your books on Mondar" said May Thu to phyu Sin.
MayThu............. .......
10. Thant Zin said to his sister, ,I was pick-pocketed."
Thant Zm ..

r#fting exercise
You journal, an interniew with a film star who had just got an academy
lead in a
award. Write a few lines to your friend about what she said inthelnterview.
Command end rcquert

l. The teacher said to her students,,,Work hard for your future,,.

The teacher told ..
2- The aunt said to the boy, " Hurry up if you want to go out witt me."
The atmt told the boy ...
3. The tourist said to the man, nplease show me the way to thelrcst office.',
The tourist requested .. . ... . .........
4. Ko Phyo said to me, "Please se,nd me some new journals."

5. The policeman said to uncle Toe, ' me your driving license."
The policeuraa told .. .. . -. .- -. - -,

6. The receptionist said to the customer, "Please follow the beltboy to your
Thereceptionisttold.. ....i....
7. "Don't write until I tell you," the teacher said tohis students.
8. "Come and visit my village, Kalaya4" said Mu Mu.
Mu Mu invited
g. 'Study regularly or you will have trouble in the exilm' my son,* said Daw
Phyu Pyar.
Daw Phyu Pyar told
* 10. "Have some consideration toward others, my dear" I said to Pyae Pyae-
Itold ..--..
Writing exercise
Imagine that your friend was absent from class and he/she wanted to know the
homiwork the teachers gave for that day. Write a short note and tell him/trer
about what your teachers asked you to do.

Sinish each sentence in such a way that it means exactly the same as the
sentence that is given.
"r l"{rlihcr rai<i to Kn Ko' "where have you put rn;r spectacles?"
i:ollrtltf : .rskeei

Ky,.i i'':,i.i
';Yantedic knOW
":. "i--;i: i i:criow your pen, Mi Mi?'' said Thura.
,j. Daw Hla said to her son, "Willyou be working late tonight?"

5" Harry saici, "Helen, when shall I pick you up for the party?"
Fiarry asked
. Moe Moe said to her sister, "Where can I buy a good dictionary?"
Moe Moe asked .'.:...
7. The teacher said to Wai Yan, "Have you done your homework?"
The teacher asked
8. Ma Ma said, "Kyaw Kyaw, are you going to the football match?"
Ma Ma asked
9. The foreigner said to the trishaw-man, "Do you speak Engiish?"
The forelgner asked
10. "How much did you pay for the shirt, Nyi Nyi?" said Ko Ko.
Ko Ko wanted to know
Writing exercise
Imagine that one of your cousins wrote to you and asked how you studied to get
distinction in the grade 11 exam. Tell your mother about his letter. you can Uelin
like this:
e.g. May May, this morning I got a letter from phyo phyo. He wanted to knour
how I had studied for my exam.. ..

Keys to the exercises

The pronourn system
1. The medico = antecedent; he : apronoun
2. the rice : antecedent; it : a pronoun
3. the hour glass = antecedent; it : a pronoun
4. the organizers : antecedent; their : apronoun
5. Computers : antecedent; they : apronoun

To + infinitive and Gerunds

To + inlinitive
1 FIer mother asked her to buy some fruits at the supermarket.
2. He told me to meet him at the airport.
3. It was careless of him to switch on the right when he went out"
4. Could you tell me how to get to the post office?
5. He told me to open the door.
1. Do you go shopping everyweekend?
2. What do you like doing in your free time?
3. He is looking forward to seeing his friend..
4. They are talking about going to pyinoolwin for a holiday.
5. Doing some kind of sport is good for your health.
. l. the 6. -o
2. The 7. 8n
3. -O -8. the
4.a 9. the
5. the 10. he
Prepositions of tme.nd phce
l. Let's meet at six obtock
2. I went to Chaungtha in April2ms.
3. Sh€'ll be at work en Friday.
4. Theydrove to Mandalay on Septenrber l5th.

5. We arrived in thisrcountry in October.

6. We get up early in the morning.
7. Do you dream at night?
8. He is doing his honework et the moment.
9. I lived in Shan State in the 1980s.
10. We like goiag to fhe movies on Fridays.
t l.
What do you like doing at weekends?
12. He became a famous singer at 18.
13. My grandfather dbd at the agcof seventy.
14. He's bee,lr worting for three weeks.
15. I felt asleeP during the film.
16. Did you see Tom during your vacation?
17. I need to study English for a fe*'months bcfuc the exam.
18. The label is on the bottle.
19. I met Jack in the street.
20. Hang your coat on that hook.

Plural Forms of Nouns

No. Singular Plural
I bike bikes
2 cat cats
3 cake cakes
4 watch watches
5 invitation invitations
6 qame games
7 box boxes
8 cage cages
9 desk desks
l0 oencil oencils
ll logo logos
t2 memo [nemos
l3 kitt€n kittens
t4 shop shoos
l5 lnife knives
t6 door doors
t7 wolf wolves
18 hiehway hiehwavs
19 horse horses
2A self selves

I 307

Exercise 1: few, a few,little, a little
1. There are few butterflies in the park.
2. It rained a little during the night.
3. She is a little anxious about the final exam.
4. I have a few books on art.
5. Only a few of the students are absent today.
6. Can't you walk a little faster.
7. Use only a little oil in the cury.
8. A few students haven't finish their homework.
9. I'd like to ask you a few questions.
10. I understood little of what she said.
Exercise 2: all, many) more) most,less,few, a-few or a little
I I need a few more sheets of paper.
2 There are few people who know about the cause of rornado.
3 Their family is very poor. The children have a few clothes.
4. After Daw Lay had tasted the soup, she added a litfle salt to it.
5. Our company have imported more/less bicycles this year than last year.
6. As I wasn't well yesterday, I spent most of the day in bed.
7. Nl horses are animals, but not all animals are horses.
8. I have less/more money to spend on the trip than last year.
9. I don't think many people will come to the party.
10. Not many people are interested in modem art.
Modal auxiliaries
1. "It looks like it is going to rain. I will take an umbrella."
2. Sandar studied hard and she could do very well in the exam.
3. Don't read in the dim light. you can turn on the light.
4. I have everything we need in the basket. Shall we go to the beach now?
5. If you want to get high marks, you must prepare for all the lessons.
6. Father is not home yet. He will be here any moment.
7. Thuzar promised that she would a rnessage this morning.
8. could you point out the bank on this map, please? I cannot find it
9. Drivers must/should not sound car horns.
10. Tun Tun should leave home early for school but he does not want to.
1' He studies his lessons regularly so that tre will pass the exams without
having any difficulty.
2. You will succeed on condition that/ provided that you try very hard.

3. I will let you know my secret on condition thati provided that you don't
tell anybody.
4. As soon as the headmaster saw me, he started scolding me.
5. She took a taxi so that she would not be late for her class.
6. Parents love their sons as well as their daughters'
7. She screamed loudly as if she had seen a ghost'
g. rrrty gla"a*other uses her glasses when she reads so that she can see

10. She bLhaved as if I had purposefully hurt her feelings'
Relative Clauses
l. (D) The noise that he made woke everybody up'
Z. 1Nb; feter, who had been driving all day, suggested stopping at the
next town.
3. (D) The man who robbed you has been arrested'
4. qNb; fnese books, which you can get at any bookshop, will give you all
the information You need.
5. (ND) whose class you will be taking'
' This is George,
6. iol The friend with whom I was travelling spoke English very well.
7. (pl The stairs which lead to the cellar are rather slippery.
8. (ND) John, whom everyone suspected, turned out to be innocent.
g. (ND) He said he had no money, which was not true'
ro. (D) The hotel where they were staying was very expensive.
Adverb clauses
l. The students all showed up to support the team. [adverb clause of

2. iH"".t:l, been well since r returned from Mandalay. [adverb clause of

J. when you have finished your work, you may go home. [adverb clause
of timel
4. I gave hi* u key so that he could get in the house at any time. [adverb
clause ofpurpose]
5. Before yo, go, bring me some water. [adverb clause of time]
6. the United Nations Organization was formed in order that countries
might discuss world problems better. [adverb clause of purpose]
7. r wiu give you u *up so that you can find the way. [adverb clause
8. borr't talk while the teacher is teaching. [adverb clause of time]
9. The repair man comes whenever he is sent for. [adverb clause of

10. I was wearing woolly socks as my feet were very cold. [adverb clause of
After +V-inB
1. After checking the essays, the teacher retumed the books.
After the teacher had checked the essays, she returned the books.
2. After doing the cooking, Ma Ma did the washing.
After Ma Ma had done the cooking, she did the washing.
3. After cooking the meal, Hla Hla ironed the clothes.
After Hla Hla had cooked the meal, she ironed the clothes.
4. After peeping into the room, Sandy screamed.
After Sandy had peeped into the room, she screamed.
5. After snatching the fried fish, the cat ran away.
After the cat had snatched the fried fish, it ran away.
6. After being washed, the vegetables were boiled.
After the vegetables had been washed, they were boiled.
7. After being destroyed by a storm, the houses were rebuilt by the villagers.
After the houses had been destroyed by a storm, they were rebuilt by the
8. After being caught with narcotic drugs, the man was sent to prison.
After the man had been caught with narcotic drugs, he was sent to prison.
9. After eating a lot of ice-cream, she had a sore throat.
After she had eaten a lot of ice-cream, she had a sore throat.
10. After passing the matriculation examination, Ko Lay attended the English
Proficiency Course at Dagon University.
After Ko Lay had passed the matriculation examination, Ko Lay attended
the English Proficiency Course at Dagon University.

Without + Ving
1. Without eating anything, she left for school.
2. Without saylng goodbye to anyone, he left home.
3. without studying regularly, you will not get high marks in English.
4. without taking this medicine, you will not recover from your illness.
5. Without using his glasses, he read the book.
6. Without making a noise, the cat jumped onto the table.
7. Without being invited, he came to the parfy.
8. Without asking forpermission, he came into the room.
9. Without being properly washed, the clothes were ironed.
10. Without writing anything down, he listened to the lecture.

Although / In spite of
1. In spite of being ill, Mg Mg went to school.
2. In spite of the bad weather, Mg Mg went out for a walk.
3. In spite of being intelligent, he is lazy.
4. In spite of the storm, the fishing boat sailed into the sea.
5. In spite of being unwell, he went on working
6. Although his hand was injured, he could manage to write.
7. Although the questions were difficult, he could do wel1.
8. Although she is rich, she is not happy'
9. Although they are sisters, they do not speak to each other.
10. Although he was tired, he could not fall asleep.
Connectives (paired)
both ....and
l. Both small pox and malaria are dangerous diseases.
2. He both buys and sells used cars.
3. She sells both mangoes and oranges.
4. Both Thi Thi and Si Si go to school.
5. We both love and honour him.
6. Both Harry and Bob enjoy horseback riding.
7. Both Mya Mya and Ohnmar are expert at using the computer.
8. Rice needs both plenty of rain and sunshine.
g. Both the Ayeyarwady and the Nile are great rivers.
10. Mg Mg wants both a shirt and abag.
6not only...but also'.
'either...or' or'neither...nor' or
1. Not only Ron but also Bob enjoys horseback riding.
2. You can have either tea or coffee.
3. Neither Arthur nor Peter is at home today.
4. She wants to buy either abag or a dress.
5. He has neither a pen nor a Pencil.
6. Not only Zaw Zaw but also his father enjoys hunting.
7. She not only wrote the text but also selected the pictures.
8. I know you lost not only your wallet but also your key'
9. My country has not only good schools but also good universities.
10. They can either go swimming or play tenqis.

Neither of
1. Neither of them is/ are ugly.
2. Neither of the two books contains/ contain any useful information.

3. Neither of us has lhave ever been to Mandalay.

4. I like neither of these T-shirts.
5. Neither of the two boys studies / study his/ their lessons well.
too .... to, enough .... to
too ... to
1. He is too sleepy to study his lessons.
2. The weather is too hot for the children to go out.
3. The road is too muddy for cars to use.
4. The horse is too tired to go another mile.
5. The market is too far from our house to get in a short time.
6. The hotel is too expensive for them to stay in.
7. The night is too cold for anyone to go out.
8. The medicine is too bitter for me to swallow
9. The music is too loud for anybody to like it.
10. Your handwriting is too untidy for your teachers to be able to read.

enough ... to
1. The man is tall enough to enter the competition.
2. We are healthy enough to study day and night.
3. The car is fast enough (for us) to reach the school in time.
4. The house is quiet enough (for us) to sleep peacefully.
5. The boy is hardworking enough to pass the examination easily.
6. The writer became rich enough to buy a house on the beach.
7. Myanmar teak is hard enough to be used in building bridges.
8. The book is interesting enough for many people to buy.
9. Robots are reliable enough for the managers to sleep at home.
10. The man looks strong enough to swim across the river.
so... that <--+
1. He is too busy to visit his friends.
2. The road was too narrow for a bus to use.
3. The child was too hungry to study any longer.
4. The lesson is too difficult for the students to understand.
5. The river is too wide for the man to swim across.
6. The weather was too cold for us to leave home.
7. The conditions on the rnoon are too hostile for anyone to live on.
8. The floor is too slippery for the old lady to walk on.
9. The man spoke too softly for us to hear what he was saying.
10. The house is too small for a large family to live in.

so... that +.----.--+ such... that

l. It was such a crowded bus that we could not get on it.
2. The driver was such a nice person that we gave him extra money.
3. Helen was so active that Anne could not control her at first.
4. It was such a beautiful picture that they bought it at once'
5. The neighbours are so nice that we are happy to live here.
6. He is such a kind-hearted person that he helps everyone as much as he
7. Thidar is so hardworking that the teachers like her.
8. Myanmar is such a beautiful country that many people come to visit it.
9. The weather was so cold that I could not go out.
10. It is such an interesting story that I read it t'wice.

too... to +--+ so... that

1. The old man was so weak that he could not walk on his own.
2. The bus was so crowded that all the passengers could not fit in it.
3. The exercises were so hard that we could not do them.
4. The worker is so tired that he cannot go on working.
5. The boy was so excited that he could not think properly.
6. The book is so expensive that I cannot buy it.
7. The kite is so heavy that I cannot fly it.
8. Helen was so rough that Annie could not control her.
9. The boy is so short that he cannot reach for the fruit in the tree.
10. The variety is so wide that the shoppers cannot make a choice.

so... that <+ enough... to

1. The students are intelligent enough to learnt the lessons in a short time.
2. The runner ran hard enough to reach the finishing line first.
3. Helen was bright enough to go to university.
4. Thiha was brave enough to swim across the Thanlwin River.
5. The wind was strong enough to uproot many trees.
6. The hall is big anough to accommodate five hundred guests.
7. The weather was nice enough for us to take a walk.
8. Mar Mar is patient enough to wait for her friend for one hour at the bus
9. Daw Thuzar is generous enough to set aside half of her income for the
10. He studied hard enough to get good grades in the final exam.
enough ... to H so... that
1. The building is so strong that it can stand an earthquake.
2. The baby cried in bed so loudly that we could hear him from the kitchen.
3. He sings so loudly that we can hear him.
4. The carpet is so wide that it can fit on the floor.
5. John was so lucky that he was the only survivor of the plane crash.
6. The calendar is so sciehtific that it can be used all over the world.
7- The water in the pot is so full that it can last one day.
8. Helen was so bright that Anne could teach her language.
9. Shopping at supermarkets is so economical that it is popular.
10. The girl is so beautiful that she can enter the beauty contest.

too ... to H not enough .... to

1. The water in this stream is not pure enough for us to drink.
2. The bird is too weak to fly over the mountain.
3. The car is too slow to reach the town in time.
4. The house is not big enough for the family to live in.
5. The room is too noisy for me to study my lessons.
6. It is not safe to leave the dog unchained.
7. The youths were too dull/ stupid to understand their teacher's advice.
8. The patient was too weak to walk.
9. The dress is not cheap enough forherto huy.
10. You are too young to work in this office.

1. It was so noisy outside that they studied in the library.
2. It was too early for him to get up.
3. Everything was so expensive that the poor man could not buy anything.
4. The students were so tired that they couldn't study anymore.
5. She is so rich that she can buy the latest model Mercedes.
6. The bus was too slow for me to get to my work in time.
7. Mie Mie's voice was so soft that I could not hear her.
8. The weather was pleasant enough for us to go on a picnic.
9. The coin on the floor was too small f,-'r anyone to see.
10. His mother was so clumsy that she couldn't put on the earrings.
Degrees of comparison
Positive to Comparative
1. The Thanlwin Bridge is longer than the Sittaung Bridge.
2. The music programme is more interesting than the sport programme.
3. Kaung Htet is more hardworking than Yupar.
4. Indonesia is larger than Cambodia.
5. A deer is faster than a tiger.
Comparative to Positive degree
1. Tin Tin is not intelligent as Khin Khin.
2. Engineers are not as patient as doctors.
3. Australians are not as outspoken as Americans.
4. The head of a crocodile is not as big as that of an alligator.
5. Charlie does not earn as much as Billy.
Comparative degree (adverb) to positive degree (adverb)
1. Your teacher cannot explain this chapter as clearly as mine.
2. Orchids do not smell as sweet as jasmines.
3. Learning English does not take as long as learning chinese.
4. Zaw Zaw can't run as fast as Thura.
5. A train does not travel as fast as a plane.
comparative degree (Adverb) to comparative degree (Adjective)
1. My mother is a better cook than my grandmother.
2. Nyr Nyl is a swifter swimmer thanZaw Zaw.
3. Thuzar is a more patient worker than her sister'
4. Our grandmother is a better story teller than yours'
5. U Thu Kha is a more careful driver than his son.
Superlative degree (adjective) to positive degree (adjective)
1. No other runner in Wunna's team is as fast as him.
There is no runner in Wunna's team as fast as him.
2. No other person in Thuzar's family is as fat as her'
There is no other person in Thuzar's family as fat as her
3. No other girl in the class is as young as Ma Phyu.
There is no girl in the class as young as Ma Phyu
4. No other pagoda in Myanmar is as great as the Shwedagon' F

There is no pagoda in Myanmar as great as the Shwedagon'

5. No other flower in the market is as expensive as the Orchid. I

There is no other flower in the market as expensive as Orchid.
Nouns in Apposition
1. Ruby, one of the most precious gems in the world, is found in Mogok. a

2. The old man loved the rabbit, his only companion' I

3. My father was born in Mandalay, the second largest city in Myanmar.

4. Inlay Lake, the most famous resort in Myanmar, is visited by almost all
the foreigners who come to our country.
5. Holiday makers like to visit chaungflta, abeach resort,
in summer.
6. Thet Thet, my friend, is very helpful.
7. I'm studying at Yangon universifi the oldest university :n Myanmar.

8. Yan Paing met his wife, a beautiful girl, at a friend's party.

9. we save our money atKBZBank, a privately-owned bank.
10. su Myat, a computer scientist, didn't come to our gathering.

The Parallel Structure

The more/Iess/-er, the moreAess/-er


1. The longer you have to wait, the more impatient you will become.
2. The more you advertise your product, the more plople will buy.
3. The bigger the car, the more petrol it needs.
4. The older she grows, the more serene she becomes.
5. The more expensive the hotel, the better the service.
6. The earlier you get up, the fresher you will feel.
7. The more English you speak, the more fluent you will become.
8. The more make-up a girr uses, the more unnatural she looks.
9- The older a person grows, the more forgetfur she becomes.
10. The more you read, the more knowledgeaole you are.

When+-> By the time

1. when this letter reaches you, I wil have left the country.
2. By the time we reached the football ground, the game had begun.
3. By the time the play ended, most of the audience had gone home.
4. By the time he was thirty-five, he had become a well-known TV
5. By the time we got home, it had stopped raining.
\l'hen ---------) V-ing
1. Having cooked the rice, they started cooking the curries.
2. Having won the pize,he became rdlnous.
3. Knowing each other well, they become good friends.
4. Speaking to them, I knew at once that they were not honest.
5. Realizing that someone had broken into their house, they rang the police.
316 f

Conditionals (If/Unless) I

If t
1. If he doesn't find a job soon, his family will starve'
2. If they do not invite me,I will not go to the party' 1
3. If the weather is not ftne, we will not go on a picnic' ;
4. If you do not have a passport, you cannot go abroad'
6. If you do not start out now you won't catch the train'
7. If we do not read newspapers, we will not know what is happening around
the world.
8. If you do not stop talking in class, the teacher will punish you' I
10. If you do not read the manual, you can',t operate this machine.

1. Unless we hurry, we will miss the train'
2. Unless she eats nutritious food, she will not be strong.
3. Unless you do your homework, the teacher will punish you.
4. Unless you stop rubbing your eyes, they'llturn red'
5. You will gain weight, unless you take exercise'

No sooner .... than

l. No sooner had she graduated than she got a job' t.

2. No sooner had we started out for Bago than it started to rain. ,\ T

3. No sooner did the plane take off than lrealizedthat I had left my suitcase
:, I
behind. !
4. No sooner did she start telling us about herself than she burst into tears. :l I

5. No sooner had he finished his homework than he went out to play'


6. No sooner had he just arrived at the airport than the plane left.
7. No sooner had Mary frnished her breakfast than she left for work'
8. No sooner did she get home from school than she took abath'
g. No sooner had Nilar tidied the room than the visitors came in.
10. No sooner had mother gone to bed than she heard a knock on the door'
The Active Voice and the Passive Voice
l. Customers are served by waiters and waitresses'
2. The lessons are going to be explained by the teacher'
4. This antique table was made in 1734'
5. The song is being sung by the children'

6. The children broke the window pane.

7. Vehicles and factories cause air pollution.
8. John has suggested a new idea.
9. Identity cards must be brought by all students to the examination hall.
10. Ann will be invited to the party by Bill.
There is/was no.......... who/that.. not @ouble Negativg)
l. There is no student in the class who does not use ball-point pens.
2. There is no worker in the factory who does not work overtime.
. 3. There is no town or village in our country that does not have apagoda.
4. There is no citizen who does not love his motherland.
5. There is no sfudent who does not look forward to the vacation to
F Chaungtha.
6. There is no one who does not work for a living.
7. There is no beach resort in our country that I have not been to.
8. There is no house in this street that I do not like.
9. There is no neighbour who we are not friendly with.
10. There is no student in the class who does not do his exercises regularly.

Itis/was... that/who
1. It was Mg Mg who suggested that we should go to Chaungtha on our
2. It was on business that U Kywe left for Singapore.
3. It was Mg Thurein who the teacher asked to stand and answer her
t 4. It was three weeks later that we heard the news.
5. It is Ko Ko who is looking for his glasses.
6. It was under the banyan tree that they hid the pot of silver.
7. It was at the Bogyoke Market that she bought the jacket.
8. It was mother who cooked the meals.
9. It is in Pyin-Oo-Lwin that I would like to live.
10. It was the cat that killed the rat.
Reported Speech
1. Statement
1. Min Min said that he would come back very soon.
2. Sandar told Nge Nge that her brother liked ice-cream.
3. Aye Aye said that Nilar had forgotten to post the letter.
4. Ko Ko told his mother that he would come back the following week.
5. Amy told me that Mg Mg was looking for me.
6. Thet Htar told Ko Ko that she would see him the next day.

318 \
7. Mee Mee told Tay Zar that she had received his letter the day before.
8. Moh Moh told Yamin that she wanted to borrow her notes foi a few days. i ri
9. May Thu told Phyu Sin that she would return her books on Monday. 't

10. Thant Zintoldhis sister that he had been pick-pocketed.

2. Command and request

l. The teacher told her students to work hard for their future'
2. The aunt told the boy to hurry up if he wanted to go out with her.
3. The tourist requested the man to show him the way to the post office'
4. Ko Phyo requested me to send him some new journals'
5. The policeman told Uncle Toe to show him his driving license.
6. The ieceptionist told the customer to follow the bellboy to his room.
7. The teacher told his students not to write until he told them.
8. Mu Mu invited Kalayar to come and visit her village. r!
g. Daw Phyu Pyar told her son to study regularly or he would have trouble in I
the exam.
10. I told Pyae Pyae to have some consideration toward others.
3. Question

1. Mother asked Ko Ko where he had put her spectacles' ,\

2. Kyu Kyu wanted to know if everyone had received a present. 5

3. Thura asked Mi Mi if he could borrow her pen.

4. Daw Hla asked her son if he would be working late that night.
5. Harry asked Helen when he should pick her up for the party'
6. Moe Moe asked her sister where she could buy a good dictionary.
7. The teacher asked Wai Yan if he had done his homework'
8. Ma Ma asked Kyaw Kyaw if he was going to the football match.
g. The foreigner asked the trishaw-man if he spoke English'
10. Ko Ko wanted to know how much Nyl Nyr had paid for the shirt.


The number of periods per week allocated to teaching English is 5. The
duration of each period is 45 minutes.Since the total number of actual teaching
weeks in one academic year is 36, distribution of time will be 180 periods and
105 hours for the whole text.


No. Months Contents

I June-July Unit 1 The Calendar
Unit 2 Two Much Knowledge Maketh Fool
Poeml: Bridges
{ 2 July-August Unit 3 The Moon: A Nice Place to Visit
Unit 4 Clocks through time
Poem2: The Arrow and the Song
Poem3: The Heart of the Tree
J August- Unit 5 Self Service and the Super Market
September Unit 6 Robots
Unit 7 Dreams Do Come True
4 September- Unit 8 Advertisements: The Pros and Cons
October Unit 9 Sleep and Dreams
Poem4: The Quiet Life
5 October- Unitl0 Looking Good
November Unit 11 Mosquito: Getting to Know the Enemy
6 November- Unit 12 Travel in Southeast Asia I
December Unit 13 Travel in Southeast Asia II
Poemj: Leisure
7 Decernber Unit 14 Helen Keller
Poem6: Cloud Zoo
PoemT: The Months

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