Questions BS-CLS (Final Exam)

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1. She would like playing tennis.
2. Fill in the blank with correct option so that this becomes
an order. …GO.. Up stars.
3. My son WOULD LIKE video game for his birthday.
4. You WOULD LIKE dancing, don`t you?
5. I WOULD LIKE to have a car.
6. I don`t LIKE your t-shirt, it’s too casual.
7. Fill in the blanks with correct option so that this
becomes an order V1 off your mol.
8. Fill in the blanks with correct option so that this
becomes an order. …Write.. the answer quickly.
9. My mother WOULD LIKE a new dress to go to grandma`s
10. Mike WOULD LIKE children very much.
11. Fill in the blanks with correct option so that this
becomes an order. Don`t SWIM in this lake.
12. Which is the correct sentence? 1. She always
complains about her husband.
13. Which is the correct sentence? 1. I always eat
vegetables and fruits.
14. Which is the correct sentence? 1. That was a great
15. Which is the correct sentence? 1. He often listens
to the radio.
16. THAT night the factory was closed so he come
17. Her favourite books are those that have short
stories with my story or suspense. उनकी पसंदीदा पस्
ु तकें वे
हैं जिनमें रोमांच या रहस्य की कथाएँ होती हैं |
18. I always WAKE UP early in the morning.
19. But I want to be professional dancer make
a big name. पर मुझे व्यावसाययक नततकी / नततक बनना है
और बड़ा नाम कमाना है |
20. THIS classroom was empty in summer
21. The Taj was MORE EXPENSIVE than the
holiday inn.
22. THESE photos here are much better than
those photos on the book.
23. THIS is my mobile and that is yours on the
shelf our there.
24. China is BIGGER than India.
25. Please visit our website for MORE details.
26. Are THESE your pencils in this box?
27. What DO you do every Sunday?
28. He is THE BEST player in the team.
29. They HAVE a cat and dog.
30. My students SPEAK a little English.
31. My friend Amita LOVES sports.
32. Bad driving CAUSES many accidents.
33. She has never DONE something like that before.
34. They WILL help you.
35. He HAS called me twice this morning.
36. They HAVE finished the job.
37. How much IS it?
38. I AM hungry.
39. I never DRINK coffee.
40. You shouldn`t HAVE called him a fool.
41. Amita PLAYS tennis very well.
42. Good students always DO their homework.
43. You CHOSEN the wrong dress for the interview.
44. She HAS always wanted to meet him.
45. What WERE they doing when you come in?
46. Somebody must HAVE taken my cell phone.
47. You HAVE BEEN riding non-stop for hours so you
must be very tired.
48. I WOULD like to watch T.V. there is a good film on.
49. Tell me ARE you coming to the party?
50. The students ARE standing up for the anthem.
51. The swimming pool OPENS at 7 in the morning.
52. She DOES not want to stay at home.
53. Where DID they go yesterday?

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