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Information for participation in research

Clinical Pharmacy Services for Tuberculosis Management in the Hospital:

A Nationwide Cross-sectional Study in Indonesia

Dear Sir/Madam,

We ask you to participate in a scientific study. Participating is free. To participate, your (written)
permission is required.
You receive this letter because you are Pharmacist registered in the Sistem Informasi Apoteker
(SIAP). We have permission and collaborate with Indonesian Pharmacist Association to
distribute this questionnaire through the system; however, we do not specifically target the
distribution based on your individual information. All registered Pharmacists received this
invitation to participate in the study.
Before you decide whether you want to participate in this study, you will receive an
explanation of what the research entails in this letter. Read the information carefully and ask
the researcher for an explanation if you have any questions. The contact details of the
researcher are listed at the end of this information letter. You can also talk about it with your
partner, family or friends.
This research is carried out by researcher of the Bhakti Kencana University, Bandung. The
Institutional Review Board of Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Padjadjaran assessed the
research on compliance with current legislation in the Indonesia.

1. Background, design and design of the study

In Indonesia, TB care is of importance and formally institutionalized, with additional specific
guidelines highlighting the pharmacist's role in screening, medication adherence, and drug-
related problems monitoring in TB care. However, amidst the increasing uptake of clinical
pharmacy services in Indonesia, especially in TB care, the extent of its implementation is still
not yet fully identified and understood since its complexities are not only requiring behavior
change of the pharmacist as the main actors but organizational changes are an essential factor.
Hence, this study aims to identify current clinical pharmacy services for TB care in Indonesia
and factors related to its implementation from a hospital pharmacist's point of view as the
baseline for further development and implementation of clinical pharmacy services in TB care.
The study is a nationwide cross-sectional survey of registered pharmacists working in a hospital
setting in Indonesia.

2. What it means to participate and what we expect from you

Participating in the study means that you are expected to describe and provide view to current
clinical pharmacy services practice in TB care available in your workplace. Your answer is highly
appreciated and you have contibuted to baseline analysis of pharmacist role in clinical setting,
especially in TB management, which can be used as an evidence of pharmacist’s value in
providing clinical pharmacy services.
We would like to hear from you at the earliest time possible, whether you want to participate.
You can do this by using the signed consent form.

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