Master Vs Doctoral

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The Di몭erence Between a Masters and a Doctorate

There are a lot of degree types out there. Many fall into one of two camps: doctorates and
master’s degrees. Both graduate degrees o몭er a narrower educational focus than the
undergraduate experience. The higher the degree, the longer it takes to earn and the more
specialized is its focus. We’re taking a closer look at the master’s and doctorate degrees to
highlight di몭erences and help you determine which might be most useful to you.
Master’s Degrees
Master’s degrees are more versatile than doctoral degrees, and have a wide range of
professional and academic applications. The most common master’s degrees are Master’s
of Arts (M.A.) and Master’s of Science (M.S.) . Additionally, there are three types of master’s

• Research Master’s degrees are typically for academic and applied research
disciplines. Examples include a Master’s of Arts in Comparative Literature, and
Master’s of Science in Biology. In some fields, earning a research master’s degree
without going on to earn a Ph.D. restricts your professional options. Figure out
what's best for you and your career trajectory by talking with professors or
professionals in your field.
• Professional Master’s degrees prepare candidates for professional work by
introducing practical skills and frameworks for understanding issues in their field.
These degrees may also qualify a person to practice in their field. Examples include a
Master’s of Social Work, Master’s of Architecture, or Master’s of Art in Teaching. Most
of the degrees featured at Idealist Grad Fairs are professional master’s degrees
supporting careers in the social good sector.
• Terminal Master’s degrees are the highest academic degree in their field. While
some master’s degrees may serve as the first step towards a doctorate, others—such
as a Master’s of Fine Arts in Creative Writing or a Master’s in Library Science—are as
high as you can go for academic accreditation in those fields of study.

Before pursuing a master’s degree, candidates must have already earned a bachelor's
degree. Master’s programs take one to three years to complete and consist of advanced-
level courses and seminars. In some programs, students go on to research, write, and
defend a master’s thesis. In professional master’s programs, the thesis is o몭en replaced by
final projects and exams.

Doctoral Degrees
The most common doctorate is the Doctor of Philosophy or PhD. These research
doctorates prepare students to contribute to the collective knowledge base of the field and
o몭ers a unique opportunity for an individual to conduct intensive and prolonged research
on a very particular topic, which o몭en leads to publication. With a PhD, many seek careers
as professors and researchers, but may also pursue roles in the nonprofit, public, and
private sectors. Additionally, there are professional doctorates like the MD (Medical
Doctor), and the JD (Juris Doctor). Before pursuing a doctorate, candidates must have
already earned a bachelor's degree and in some cases a master’s depending on the
program. Due to the nature of specialization, PhD programs tend to be smaller than
master’s programs.

PhD candidates begin by taking courses and exams. They go on to take advanced seminars
and complete their requirements by researching, writing, and defending a dissertation. A
dissertation is one of the central components of earning the PhD and is a doctoral-level
thesis about the candidate’s original research. A doctorate degree may take up to eight
years to earn depending on the program, whether the candidate has already completed a
master’s degree (or is coming straight from undergraduate), and the amount of time it
takes to complete the dissertation.

Dual Degree Programs or Joint Master’s and PhD Programs

If you decide both degree programs sound right for you, there are some programs that
o몭er the option to pursue both degrees at the same time. A dual degree program allows
you to double count your earned credits towards the completion of both degrees. You can
find more information here.

How to decide which degree is right for you?

Figuring out whether to pursue a master's or PhD will depend on your career field and
educational goals. You can learn more about requirements in your field by doing some
research or your own as well as networking with colleagues. Reaching out to a mentor in
the field or alumni from your preferred program can also help you navigate graduate
school decisions. Additionally, speaking with admissions sta몭 at graduate schools can help
provide insight into the kinds of graduate programming available. 

It can be tricky to o몭er general guidance on graduate programs since so much is

dependent on the field of study. That said, we wanted to o몭er examples of how master’s
and doctorate degrees can set you up for success. We've selected social work and business
as fields to illustrate this:

Social Work
If you want to go to graduate school to study social work, you can study at the master’s
level or the PhD level. To determine what is best for you, consider what role you’d like to
play in the field of social work. If you’d like to be a social welfare direct service provider or
government agency administrator, a master’s program may be most appropriate. If you’d
like to become a faculty member at a post-secondary institution, a social welfare research
scholar, or a social welfare policy analyst, a Ph.D. program will be a better fit. Outside of
academic settings—where a doctorate is required for most faculty positions—a master’s
combined with practical work experience may provide ample preparation for a career as a
researcher, policy analyst, or mid-level manager.

For business administration, you have the option of a Master’s of Business Administration
(MBA), or a Doctorate of Business Administration (DBA). If your long term goal is to take on
a leadership role in a nonprofit or business enterprise, the MBA (or nonprofit management
degree) may be best. If instead, you’re interested in a career in academia teaching and
researching on business practices, the DBA will be the better option.

Knowing your professional goals will help guide your choices for graduate study. Certain
career paths, such as becoming a public defender or a medical doctor, are more clearly
marked with the necessary steps, including the required educational level and graduate
degree. Other career paths are less regimented and therefore require more investigation
and consideration of what is right for you. Thoroughly researching your field of interest and
having a strong understanding of the skills and knowledge you want and need from your
graduate education will inform which degree options make the most sense for your goals.
See all Grad Programs

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