Go 403-Gad of 2008 Dated 31.03.2008

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Governmentof Jammu and Kashmir

GeneralAdministration Department
Civil Secretariat,

Subject:- Extension in Contractual appointments made under

SRO 255of2003.

Governmentorder No. 403 -GAD of 2008

Da t e d:- 31 -03-2008

In continuationof Governmentorder No. 1155-GAD of 2007 dated 29-09-

2007, sanction is hereby accorded to the extension in the contractual
appointmentsmadeunderthe Jammu\andKashmir (ContractualAppointment)
Rules,2003by a furtherperiodof six'monthsw.e.f 0l-04-2008to 30-09-2008
or till the regularselectionsare made by the recruitingagencies,whicheveris
earlier. The terms and conditions of the appointeesshall be the same as
containedin their initial contractualappointmentorder.

It is further ordered that the contractualappointeesshall execute a fresh

contractwith the appointingauthoritieswherethe previouscontractualperiod
hascometo an end. In caseof the contractualappointees,wherethe period of
contractwill come to an end after 31't March, 2008, the period of contractin
the freshagreementshall be restrictedupto 30thSeptember,2008 subjectto the
conditionsas stipulatedabove.

By orderof the Governmentof JammuandKashmir.

to Government
GeneralAdministration Department

NO:-GAD(Adm)I 86/2003-V(II) Dated:-31-03-2008

Copyto the:-
l. All FinancialCommissioners.
2. PrincipalResidentCommissioner,J&K Govemment,New Delhi
3. Director Generalof Police.
4. Principal Secretaryto Hon'ble Chief Minister/H.E.the Govemor,J&K.
5. All Principal Secretaries to Government/CEO, ERA.
6. All Commissioner/Secretaries to Government
7. Divisional Commissioner,Jammu/Kashmir.
8. All Headsof Departments.
9. Director Information.
10. Director EstatesJ&K, Jammu.
I l. Director Archives,Archeologyand Museums.
12. All Deputy Commissioners.
13. ManagingDirectorsof all Public SectorUndertakings.
14. Secretary,J&K LegislativeAssembly/Council.
15. Secretary, J&K PublicServiceCommission/Services SelectionBoard.
16. Secretary,J&K Academyof Art, Cultureand Languages,Jammu.
17. GeneralManager,GovemmentPressJammu/Srinagar.
18. PrincipalPvt. Secretaryto Chief Secretary,J&K.
19. PrivateSecretariesto all Hon'ble Ministers/Ministersof State.
20. PrivateSecretaryto Commissioner/Secretary,GAD.
21. Inchargewebsite,GAD.
22. GovemmentOrder file/Stockfile.

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