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Quarter 2 – Week 2
Module in Opinion – Marking Signal


Use opinion-marking signal to share ideas.


Before you begin with this module, reflect on these friendly reminders:
S-ay a prayer, thank God, and ask for His guidance.
M-ake sure to be physically, emotionally and mentally ready.
A-lways prepare your writing materials.
R-emember to read and follow directions carefully.
T-alk to your guardian when you encounter difficulties.
M-ake a moment of sharing insights with your guardian/teacher.
E-njoy your day with a smile!

After studying this module, you are expected to:

• identify different kinds of opinion-marking signals;

• use signal words in writing sentences about daily life experiences; and
• appreciate the value of knowing word signals and its far-reaching positive effects
by using them.

Direction: Complete each sentence with the appropriate opinion-marking signal. Choose the
correct answer.

1. I need to see the doctor _____ I have a flu.

A. but B. also C. therefore D. because

2. _____ Vitamin C is a vital nutrient for health.

A. I think B. However C. Besides D. likewise

3. To stop spreading Corona virus, _____ on wearing facemask in public places.

A. similar C. i strongly agree
B. in contrast D. speaking for myself

4. I have a lot of things to do today: first, finish my module;_____finish my vlog.
A. then B. next C. in addition D. above all

5. If you want a good life, _____ pray. Then study hard and get a job.
A. therefore B. first of all C. consequently D. as a result


Task 1: In your previous lesson, you have learned that context clues are hints that you can find
within a sentence. These clues will help you understand the meaning of difficult word.
Using context clues, identify the meaning of the underlined word.

1. My little brother had a good grip on the bar of the roller coaster because he was scared.
A. handshake B. touch C. hold D. knob

2. My first encounter with a mouse was a frightening one. It jumped over me while I was
on the bed!
A. experience B. search C. disaster D. fear

3. I stayed on Facebook for long hours last night. I was very drowsy the next day.
A. happy B. lonely C. tired D. excited

4. My father fell and broke his leg while painting the house. The old ladder was not stable.
A. unsafe B. safe C. old D. helpful

5. Everybody was filled with tension as they waited for the winner’s name to be called.
Would their favorite champ Manny Pacquiao be the winner?
A. anger B. nervousness C. happiness D. laughter

Task 2: To prepare you fully in this lesson, read the article below. Take note of all the
underlined words or phrases, and be ready to answer the questions that follow.

COVID-19 was declared an epidemic. Based on what I know, the World Health
Organization explained that an epidemic occurs when a disease
rapidly spreads to a large number of people within a community.
Additionally, most people who are infected with the corona virus will
experience symptoms similar to a chronic respiratory disease. I
agree that the children and older people are at a higher risk of getting
infected. I am convinced that the best way to slow down the
transmission of virus is to observe the following: first, you must keep
a safe distance; then wash your hands thoroughly, and lastly, wear
your facemask when going out.

In my opinion, we badly need a specific vaccine for corona virus at this time. Meanwhile,
there are many on-going clinical trials evaluating possible treatments. I strongly believe that with
strong faith in God, this crisis will end soon.

Focus Questions:
1. What is the fuction of the underlined words?__________________________________

2. What do you call a word that connects ideas together? _________________________


3. How did the opinion-marking signals serve as guide in your reading? ______________

Remember that your goal in this lesson is to identify the different kinds of opinion-marker
signals and to use them in sentences correctly.


An opinion is a kind of statement that shows what you think or prefer. An opinion is usually

introduced with an opinion-marking signal.

Opinion-marking signals are word hints or clues that can help you understand the text as
a whole. These signals create a powerful link between words,
phrases, sentences, and paragraphs. These words will make it easier
for you to grasp the flow of ideas across the whole text. Symbolically,
opinion-marking signals are like signposts on the road that guide the
traveler. In same manner, these signal words in the text serve as your
guide in reading. Technically, opinion word signals are writing devices
that serve to maintain text coherence or consistency. Here are the
types of opinion-marking and there examples.


I think I believe I feel

The best I strongly believe From my point of view

My favorite In my opinion I am convinced that

• In my opinion, people must observe social distancing.
• From my point of view, people must consider wearing mask at all times.
• I am convinced that washing our hands thoroughly can protect us from illness.

Task 3: Write a short script for a vlog. You may choose one of the following topics;
Online Learning, Online Selling, or Online Job. Always remember to
include opinion-marking signals. Your script will be graded based on the
provided rubric below.

Hello! Welcome to my vlog! First, I am inviting you to send in your likes and subscribe
in my channel.

Today, I am going to express my ideas on the effects of bullying. Based on what I

know, bullying is a negative behavior towards others. In my opinion, this is a serious problem
among kids and teenagers. I strongly believe that bullying can affect everyone whether young
and old. From my point of view, teachers, parents, and friends can offer moral support and
comfort. I think positive thinking helps a person to cope with bullying.


Criteria Very Satisfactory Satisfactory Fair

(3 points) (2 points) (1 point)

I have expressed my I have expressed my I did not express

opinion clearly with opinion clearly but lack my opinion
supporting information. of supporting clearly.
My topic is interesting and My topic is interesting,
I have used opinion- but I did not use My topic does
marking signal words in opinion-marking signal not make sense.
the development of my words in the
text. development of my text.

PRESENTATION My writing is neat and easy My writing has erasures. My writing is

to read. difficult to read.
My writing used proper My writing has errors in
capitalization, correct capitalization; some My work
spelling of words, and words are misspelled technically needs
CONVENTION appropriate punctuation placing improper an improvement.
marks. punctuation marks.


The signal word and phrases for addition are as follows:

Also First Furthermore Likewise And

Another First of all In addition Moreover Second

Finally For one thing Last of all Next The third reason


To make a creative vlog you must follow these simple steps first, make a

research second, define your purpose, and then find your audience before creating a

YouTube channel.

Task 4: Read the following steps on how to prepare a homemade milk tea. Complete the

procedures by writing the appropriate word signals. Choose your answers from the box


First Meanwhile For example

Finally Then Next

Another Likewise Last of all

(1) __________, place a teabag in your favorite cup. Pour hot water into the cup and

slowly stir the mixture. (2) __________, wait for 3 to 5 minutes for the tea to set in without stirring

or squeezing the teabag. (3) __________, remove the teabag, pour in enough amount of milk,

and (4) __________ add a dash of sugar syrup and blend until smooth. (5) __________, add few

pieces of ice. (6) __________ is you can decide if you want a creamy milk tea by adding

flavorings, (7) ___________, tapioca, matcha, dark chocolate, crushed cookies, cheese, and a

lot more. (8) ___________, drink your homemade milk tea and share it with your friends. (9)

___________, clean up as you go.


The signal word and phrases for cause-and-effect are as follows:

because cause thus as a result

therefore for the reason consequently if . . . then

so that to that effect since result in


• The Philippines is one of the most affected countries with COVID-19 outbreak. As a

result, the government has announced lock-down in different parts of the country.

• He did not do his homework; consequently, he was given extra activity.

• The student was running down the hall, therefore, he received a warning from the


Task 5: Complete the sentence by writing the correct signal words or phrases for cause

and effect. Choose the most appropriate answer from the box.

therefore so to that effect

for the reason because

1. Plastic bags are non-biodegradable materials. __________ we must learn to

dispose them properly.

2. Health is wealth __________ we must take good care of our body.

3. Accidents can happen anywhere __________ it is important to practice safety

all the time.

4. Organic fertilizer should be preferred rather than artificial one _________ that it
does not make the soil barren.

5. We must learn to conserve water _________ it is very precious.

Task 6: Below are some of the signal words that are most often used. Categorize them

by placing each under their respective columns.

I think Thus First

I believe Consequently Furthermore
I feel Since Next
In my opinion So that Meanwhile

Introductory Words Additive Words Cause and Effect
and Phrases and Phrases ________________
_________________ ________________ ________________
_________________ ________________ ________________
_________________ ________________ ________________
_________________ ________________ ________________


Opinion refers to how you think about something or what you

like that help you express your opinion called opinion-marking
This will help you to connect ideas and add unity in your writing.
Furthermore, they are like clues that guide you to clearly understand
the relationships of ideas in the text.

Introductory Additive Words and Cause and Effect

Words and Phrases Phrases Words and Phrases

I think First, second/third Because

I believe Next Therefore

I feel After that So that

In my opinion Equally important Thus

My favorite Consequently Consequently

The best Besides Since

I strongly believe Further/furthermore Cause

From my point of view In addition for the reason

It’s my belief Finally to that effect

Based on what I know For one thing as a result

I am convinced Likewise if . . . then

Speaking for myself Moreover result in

I know you will have to agree that Next

I am confident that Meanwhile


Task 7: Great Job! After doing all the different activities, it is time to answer these

focus questions.

1. What are the words or phrases used to signal opinion in speaking or writing? Name and
categorize them correctly with proper heading.


2. How important are the different opinion-marking signals in reading and in writing? Support
your answer with information you have learned from this module.


3. After learning about opinion-marking signal words or phrases, in what ways can you
communicate your thoughts with clarity and ease to a far larger audience despite of the
limitations you have during this pandemic?


A. Direction: Complete the sentence by writing the appropriate signal words or

1. We need to study hard __________ it will help us improve our way of life.
(before, even though, because)

2. I like watching YouTube tutorials_________ making vlogs.

(likewise, besides, so that)

3. Michael V. has a creative talent as a director_________ he is a successful

(first, next, in addition)

4. Using bicycles is one of the most preferred mode of transportation nowadays

________cars and buses are limited.
(since, as a result, thus)

5. I have learned in Science that while eating sweets, the brain instantly releases
endorphins, which make us feel happy._________I love chocolates while studying.
(so that, to that effect, in addition)

B. Direction: Read the short paragraph carefully and write all the signal words and
phrases you can find. Look for eleven (11) signal words and phrases

One day, the little boy was playing outdoors and found a fascinating
caterpillar. First, he carefully watched and picked it up. Meanwhile, the little boy
got a large jar then put the caterpillar inside with plants to eat and stick to climb.
Furthermore, the caterpillar climbed up the stick and started acting strangely, so
the boy worriedly called his mother. After that, the mother explained that the
caterpillar was going through a metamorphosis. Then one-day the butterfly was
struggling so hard to get out, thus, the boy decided to get scissors and snipped the
cocoon to make the hole bigger. Finally, the butterfly came out, but the boy was
surprised because it had a swollen body and small-shriveled wings. As a result, it
wasn’t able to fly.


Task 7: Write your insights guided by the following questions in the bubble map.
Remember to include opinion-marking signal words and phrases.

thatof the
you find
lesson did you
difficult to
find difficult to

is the key
the 3. 3.
concept you have OPINION Whatleanings
important ideas
learned from this canyou
can youshare
share with
you have learned
MARKING your family and
with your family
from this module?
SIGNALS friends?
and friends?

4. How did did

4. How thethe
lesson create
create a a
positive feeling in
positive feeling in


Name: ____________________________________ Grade/Section: _________________________

Surname First Name M.I. Teacher: ______________________________
Subject: ENGLISH Quarter: 2 Week: 2

1._______________________ 3. _______________________ 5. _______________________
2. _______________________ 4. _______________________

Task 1
1._______________________ 3. _______________________ 5. _______________________
2. _______________________ 4. _______________________

Task 2:
Focus Questions
1. __________________________________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________________________________

Task 3:
SHORT VLOG Note: Use a separate sheet of paper for your answers.

Task 4:

1._______________________ 4. _______________________ 7. _______________________

2. _______________________ 5. _______________________ 8. _______________________
5. _______________________ 6. _______________________ 9. _______________________

Task 5:

1._______________________ 3. _______________________ 5. _______________________

2. _______________________ 4. _______________________

Task 6:

1._______________________ 5. _______________________ 9. _______________________

2. _______________________ 6. _______________________ 10. ______________________
3. _______________________ 7. _______________________ 11. ______________________
4. _______________________ 8. _______________________ 12. ______________________


1._______________________ 2. _______________________ 3. _______________________


A. 1._______________________ 3. _______________________ 5. _______________________

2. _______________________ 4. _______________________

B. 1._______________________ 5. _______________________ 9. _______________________

2. _______________________ 6. _______________________ 10. ______________________
3. _______________________ 7. _______________________ 11. ______________________
4. _______________________ 8. _______________________

Note: Use a separate sheet of paper for your answers.


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