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Middle Years Program (MYP)

Name: Ward Matalqah MYP Year Level: 5

Discipline (Subject): Biology

Unit title: ___________________________________________________________

Name of organization/community receiving the act of service: (ETS community/ wider community

including ETS families/ outside community)

Start Date of service: 20 /10/2022 Approximate End Date of Service Activity: 31 / 10 /2022

Highlight your service type: Direct service / indirect service/ Advocacy/ Research

1. Highlight the MYP service outcome(s) you will work on.

become more aware of their own strengths and areas for growth
undertake challenges that develop new skills
discuss, evaluate and plan student-initiated activities
persevere in action
work collaboratively with others
develop international-mindedness through global engagement, multilingualism and intercultural
consider the ethical implications of their actions.

2. Describe your service activity: You can add your answer under each question or answer the questions in
paragraph format.

1. What will you be doing? Explain your purpose.

investigate the effect of pH on the rate of oxygen collected using a syringe.
2. What is your role?
Me as a student I did a lab investigation


Service as Action
3. Who is your audience? Explain your choice and the community need.
No audience
4. How will you collect your data? (Survey, interview, poll, etc)
After i collected all the data during the lab investigation, the data was put in a graph
5. Identify the connection to one or more than one discipline.
No connection for any subject
6. Did you make any changes along the way? Discuss the reason and your actions.
No change
7. Did you apply any of the ATL skills taught in this subject or other subjects when creating or doing the
Research: I researched about different factor affecting the rate of oxygen and how can they be
9. If you were to repeat this service, what will you do differently?
10. How do you feel about yourself as a learner extending her learning to help her community?

11. Did you receive feedback from your audience? Discuss it.

12. Will you redo this service again? What will you change?


Service as Action

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