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470 Seen f Characteristics ff Bryophytes ie Ayo are chlorophyll pearing re) ih joe the sex OTgans are p cellular and protected by 4 layer of ster cells. hep lant body is a thallus ay it dp y ave true 10018, nem and leaves. fig, Riecia, Marchantia, Anthoceros, Funaria, Poly iid ny a Men, ete , Bryophyta are primitive land plants having thallus without vascular Matic 1. Bryophytes are. primitive Jand plants. I hey occupy intermediate position bepy, Algae and Preridophytes. pie Fe, 2, They are found in humid and shady places. AS water 18 indispensable for the g he amphibians of the plant igi of mn, fertilization: (movement of gametes) they are said to be t 0 4, The gametophyte is independent, highly developed and dominant in the life-eyes, Rig, Riccia, Marchantia ot erect (Lig. Funaria, Polytrichum, etc.) Vly, 4, The plants show alternation of ‘generations. the gametophyte alternates yi omed with sexual ‘reproduction and ie POrg. sporophyte. Thegametoph| iytic, generation is concel phytic. generation is concem ed with asexual reproduction. The sporophyte attached on the gametophiyte. 5. The plant body is a thallus. It may be, flattened dorsiventrally. 6, The true roots are always absent. Hairclike rhizoids develop from the thalli. The rh 7 z= ids absorb the nutrients from the moist soil. 7, They lack typical vascular tissue. ic, xylem and phloem are absent. 8, Internally the plant body is differentiated into green, photosynthetic cells and colourles is storage cells. 9,-Vegetative reproduction is more efficient than the sexual meth s jod. It tal means of fragments, tubers, gemmac, etc. a 10, The sexual reproduction is of oogamous type. It takes place by means of gametes, 11. The male sex organ is called antheridium. Itis club-sha ed. Iti al sex orga 3 -shaped. It single-layered jacket, enclosing the antherozoid mother cells or soins ee pi ora into a motile biflagellate antherozoid. i ee . The female sex organ is called archegonium. Itisa flask ? -shaped ist : ne venter anda narrow neck. The venter consists of an egg ie pea . neck ie 4-8 neck canal cells. ee e mouth of theneck is protected by cover cells 13, Waters essential f eatin T ae for the act of fertilization. The antherozoids swim in water to reach The sperms are attracted towards e ., th i rt canst le "s due to some chemotactic attraction. One ofthe Thezyguiad? adiploid sporophyte. ; mely foot seta and capsule. The sporophyte is its nourishment on the gametophyte. mother cells. They are diploid. chap32! INT OLR ¢ WHY 19, The spores, On reaching jy in Witablo substrate si sone Tha ro subutraty inate Ju 20. 6 MetOPhy tend sy Na then evel in i “oo rs e ma ee enitony M hal 21, The life cycle is Uplohaptonny ic Me dissin Hones loonie ts i ENCE they te hetey eMeteromorphte, Fe atures comm Algae and Bryosny” Bryophytes resemble algae in seve l Bryophytes general mode of life, The importany fot a eet expecially in thi ‘ natures ¢ Pit Vegetative y = Re rboey| ‘ommon (OAlgue and Byephytens aan fd ody tik Manse es are mentioned 2. The thallus is parench matous, 3, The cell wall is made up of cell los 4, There is no vascular tissue in than Pons cular tissue in the thallus 5. Rhizoids act as organs for attachment, 6. The thallus Appears green due to the presence of, ch Hera olastanchle sav peter of chlorophyll-a and -b, carotene, 7. The storage products are starch and ols 8. The male gametes are motile and biflagellated, ‘icsiaaeai takes place only in the presence of water, . The juvenile young thallus of Bryophyte is called prot ‘ 11. Gametophytes are dominant in the life cycle. Eee eee 12. Both Algae and Bryophytes show autotrophic mode of nutrition. Differences between Algae and Bryophytes Though Bryophytes share some common features with Algae, they differ from the Algae in some aspects. The important differences are given below. 1, Algae are mostly inhabitants of aquatic habitats. ~ Bryophytes are amphibious. They are mostly inhabitants of moist, shady, terrestrial habitats. 2. Algae may be unicellular or multicellular. If multicellular, they may be simple fila- ments or branched filaments. Ih a. the plant body is multicellular and ymatous cells €xce] t the protonema stage. . - ae Sree and meiospores are produced in Algae. no mitospore formation inBryophyte. sex organs may be unicellular or multicellular. es, sex organs are always multicellular. 1 a not covered bya sterile ‘jacket in Algae. are covered by a. sterile jacket in Bryophytes. he sexual reproduction may be isogamous ot anisogamous or oogamous. tes, the sexual luction is always oogamous. 5 ; ee sex es called oogonium. Its structure varies from species to ual is made of several layers of paren- 35 Marchantia Division Bryophyta Class Hepaticopsida Order Marchantiales Family : Marchantiaceae Genus Z Marchantia Marchantia is a Bryophyte. It is an advanced liverwort. It is included in the class Hepaticopsida. The name Marchantia was given to the genus by Linnaeus after the famous French Botanist, N. Marchant. Marchantia is the most advanced genus of the family Marchantiaceae. Occurrence Marchantia is cosmopolitan in distribution. The plants grow best in the moist shady places near the water banks, in open wood lands and in the burnt soil. These plants grow after the forest fires in the burnt soil. Marchantia includes about 65 species. Of these 11 species are reported from India. The commonIndianspeciesare: =~ Marchantia polymorpha Marchantia nepalensis Marchantia palmate Marchantia indica. Structure Marchantia is a Bryophyte. liverwort. e class Hepaticopsida. mmopolitan jn distribution. tin the moist shady places neat the waterbanks, in open woodlands 486 oe plant is a haploid gametophyte. Th Bametophyte constitutes the dominant ¢ mature plant may attain alength of 2-10 cms The plant body is called a thallus. The thallus consists of dichotomous branches, scales and rhizoids. The thallus is fleshy and dark green in colour and dichotomously branched, The thallus of Marchantia is, prostrate, dichotomously branched and dorsiventry, The dorsal surface of the thallus is divided into fine rhomboidal markings called are Each areola has a central pore. ae, A single air-chamber lies below the areola. The apex of the branch has two lobes separate The notch has a growing tip. Each branch has a midrib along the median line, The midrib ends ina notch, The midrib is in the form of agroove on the dorsal surface and in the form of a ridge on th. ventral surface. a The margin of the thallus is slightly wavy. Small cup-like structures called gemma cups arise from the midrib region. The gemma cups bear asexual reproductive bodies known as gemmae. The gemnmae give rise to new gametophytes. The scales or amphigastria are multicellular, flat, purple, phase in the life cycle, d by anotch. plate-like structures, Part of tHfallus ia - Thallus. ARCHANTIA 487 the midrib in two or more rows. nap 35 = i 1e St les are present on the ventral side on cither si : er Si pe seales ar of 9 pes namely simple seals ae | The scales Pro lect the growing points from desiccati PPendiculate scales. ! also serve to retain moisture below the thallus. ‘on and mechanical injury. The scales oe scal The rhizoids are present on the ventral side along the midrib, Appendiculatescale Simple scale Fig.35.2: Marchantia sp. Th : : seen foe the underside Fie ont Fig.35.3: Marchantia- Scales. and rhizoids. The rhizoids are unicellular hair-like structures. They are of two kinds, simple or smooth-walled thizoids and tuberculated ox pegged rhizoids. Peg like infoldings Smooth Tuberculated walled rhizoid rhizoid 35.4: Marchantia - Rhizoids. 88 » REE Publicar; siete z ‘ They are produ midrib region. Tt for attachment and absorpti mth . f and absot f mit he water from the "tion of minerals ang (young) Gemma cup Fig.35.5: Marchantia sp: A: ‘Male gametophyte with antheridiophore, B:Female gametophyte with archegoniophore. The tuberculated thizoids arise from the ventral surface near the scales. Their cel] wall j thick and many peg-like ingrowths called tubercles develop from the inner walls. These, rhioide grow into the soil and act as capillary conducting systems. In Marchantia, some thalli produce erect, stalked up-right branches near the growir, apices. These branches are called, |gametophores. They bear the male and female sex organs, The gametophore that bears the male sex organs, antheridia is called antheridiophore The gametophore that bears the female sex organs, archegonia is called archegoniophore, a Marchantia is heterothallic. There are separate male and female plants, Antheridiophores are produced on male gametophyte while archegoniophores are produced on female, gametophyte, ‘After fertilization, the archegonia contains diploid sporophytes. Internal Structure The vertical section of the thallus shows two distinct regions. I. Dorsal photosynthetic region 2. Ventral storage region. 1. Photosynthetic Region The dorsal part of the thallus is the photosynthetic region. It is involved in photosyn- thesis. It is composed of an upper epidermis and a layer of air chambers. The upper most layer of the photosynthetic region is upper epidermis. It is single- layered. Itis made up of compactly arranged thin-walled cells, These cells are green, The upper epidermis contains many openings called air pores. The air pores are barrel-shaped. These pores are analogous to stomata. Each air pore is surrounded by four tiers of 4 or 5 epidermal cells arranged one above the - idermis is ahori = -jow the upper epi isa horizontal la : B unicate with the atmosphere through au nae eae pes healt chambers are separated from each Other bym i is iii the inner cells. leans of partitions which connect the uppet partitions are3 or4 cells in height. e cells of upper epidermis and partitions contai i tai s ovoi From the floor of each air chamber arise Re brea nee il yni ic fila~ ments. The filaments are branched, dwarf, cactus-like and chlorenchymatous and these fila. ts fillup the airchambers. All the cells of the floor, partition wall and photosynthetic filaments contain ovoid chloroplasts. Fe icel The cham region constitutes the ventilated photosynthetic tis ce eee of photosynthesis inthe thallus, Photosynthetic tissue. It is the principal Air pore Air coe Assimilatory filament | Photosynthetic region centre Photosynthetic Mucilagecell . ve Storage region 5.6: Vertical section of Marchantia thallus. The upper epidermis checks rapid evaporation of w2 moisture status in the thallus. So, the upper epidermis \s protective Slaments are photosynthetic in function. 2. Storage Region The ventral half of the thallus is the storage region. {t sore food materials‘: up of amass of parenchyma cells 2nd 2 layer of lower epidermis aiid It is composed of | compactly arranged, thin walled parenchymatous <2!) The cells are polygonal in shape. These ¢ lis2 ‘ The storage region is thick near the Some of the cells of the stora: Some other cells are filled with mucilage cells. The main function of th The thizoids absorb water from scales also preserve moisture belo The growing point lies at the horizontal 1ow of meristematic cells. The thallus grows in len he activity Highlights Marchantia y of meristematic cells +» Marchantia is a Bryophyte. + Itisan advanced liverwort. + It is included in the class Hepaticopsida. + The plant grows best in the moist shady places and in the burnt soil. + The plantis a haploid, : ¢ plant body is called a thallus. illus consists of dichotomous branches, scales and rhizoids. p and dark green in colour. nd dichotomously branched. pallus is divided into fine rhomboidal markings wTh “jr cup-like structures called ge - é Simi scales are present on the m9 na ey arise from the midrib region. jn two or three rows. On cither side of the midrib repion scales are multicellular, flat, purple 3 u e scales arc of fvo types, namely bd yin eae ¢ rhizoids are present on the ventral hae scales and appendiculate scales, re rhizoids arc unicellular hair-like Si’calong the midrib. pizoids are of two kinds, name Structures, Ther S, Namely simple f tuberculated “ pegged thizoids, iple or smooth-walled thizoids and sametophytes arc heterothallic, ' 7 is Pia thallic, There are separate male and female « The male gametophyte has erect up right brane - pale patpor ae | hs 4 Pane called male gametophores. + The female gametophyte produces vertic oH ' ‘om The archegoniophore rr tg oi a called archegonio- + The mature female gametophyte contains sporophyte + The sporophyte is attached on the female naceae + The vertical section of the thallus shows ¢wo distinct regions, namely dorsal hotosynthetic region and ventral storage region. + Reproduction takes place by two methods. They ae: * Vegetative reproduction ; * Sexual reproduction. + Vegetative reproduction takes place by the following methods: * Fragmentation * Formation of adventitious branches * Gemmae formation. + Sexual reproduction is oogamous type. + Sexual reproduction takes place by the haploid gametophyte. + Male gametophyte produces antheridia and female gametophyte produces archegonia. + Antheridium produces sperms and archegonium contains egg. + One of the sperms fuses with the egg to form a diploid zygote. + The diploid zygote develops into a diploid sporophyte. + The sporophyte is attached on the female gametophyte. + Sporophyte consists of spore mother cells and elater mother cells. + Each spore mother cell undergoes meiosis to produce four haploid meio- spores. * The haploid meiospores are liberated and they develop into haploid gameto- metophytes and sporophytes are morphologically dissimilar. e cycle is heteromorphic type. s diplohaplontic. netophytic generation alternates with a diploid sporophytic 402 AO ene Reproduction In Marvhantia, reproduction takes place by fve methods: ¢ Fegetative reproduction ¢ Sexual reproduction, Vegetative Reproduction Ittakes place by the following methods: 1, Fragmentation 2, Formation of adventitious branches 3. Gemmae formation. Fragmentation gressive death and decay of old parts of the thallus, small young brangy Hichey Owing to the pre get separated off from the parent thallus. These young, branches grow into an inde Penden gametophyte. Formation of Adventitious Branches These are small special types of branches, the thallus. These adventitious branches get se independent plants. Gemmae Formation The most efficient method of vegetative reproduction in Marchantia is gemmae forma. arising from any part of the ventral surface rated from the parent thallus and grow a lo tion. odies. They are produced in cup-shaped structures he dorsal surface of the thallus. a short distance behind the apical notch. These cups are he margin of gemma cup is toothed and membranous, Gemmae are asexual: reproductive bi knownasgemma cups ont Gemma cups are situated at always restricted to midrib region. Th Apical notch chap.35: MARCHANTIA 493 Many minute, doubly notched, lens-shaped bod eae ais Biomes clean see lies called gemmae are found attached M any club-shaped, glandular hairs also arise fro ner ee, the gemmae inside the cup. Se ee e mature gemma is a green, multicellular, I lateral notches. Se ae There isa single growing point in each notch. The cells of the g e ce e gemma are polygonal and chlorenchym i ee iymatous and hence it appears A few cells contain oil bodies and are called oil cells. ‘emmais thick in the mi y ; Gemmais thick in the middle and thinner towards the margin. A few isolated superficial cells inthe central region of both the flat faces are colourless. These are called rhizoidal cells. Th “ ze ‘cells. These cells develop into rhizoids upc. the germination of gemmae. The mature gemmae on reac! " develop rhizoids. hing suitable substratum germinate. The rhizoidal cells of gem- mae of Marchantia. A: Entire view. ‘sectional view. Fig.35.8: Gemma cup ‘ B: Longitudinal. two opposite directions. chotomo' the main body of the gemma st, two daughter plants are formed froma single gemma. he male gametophyte give rise to new male gametophytes. ale gametophyte develop into new female gametophytes. sent in the two lateral notches grow in us lobes on each side, Stalk cell Fig. 35.9: Marchantia sp. Structure of a gemma. Highlights Gemma The gemma is an asexual reproductive body of Marchantia. © Theyare produced in cup-shaped structures known as gemma cups. ¢ The gemma cups are produced on the dorsal surface of the thallus. « Gemma cups are situated on the midrib at a short distance behind the apical notch, e The margin of the gemma cup is toothed and membranous. ¢ Gemmae are found attached to the bottom of the gemma cup. ¢ Each gemma cup contains many gemmae. . The mature a isa multicellular, lens-shaped structure. ronal and chlorenchymatous. : ematic cells, oil cells and rhizoidal cel. 45; MARCHANTIA chap. 495 A~ Oil cell Growing point Notch Stalk cell Stalk cell Fig. 35.10: Marchantia sp. Structure of a gemma Oil cells contain oil bodies. Rhizoidal cells develop into rhizoids. The meristems present in the two lateral notches grow i ite di « Asingle pao produces two daughter plants. ped abt ord « After the development of daughter plants, the main body of the ger eeaiized dy of the gemma becomes The gemmae produced from the male gametophyte give rise to new male gametophytes. The gemmae produced by the female gametophyte develop into new female gametophytes. eee Sexual Reproduction In Marchantia, sexual reproduction i place in high humidity when the days are low. is oogamous type. The sexual reproduction takes Tong and nitrogen content in the environment is In Marchantia, the independent plant is a gametophyte. The gametophyte is haploid. Marchantia is dioecious or heterothallic. The male and female sex organs are produced in separate plants. The sex organs are borne in ‘clusters on erect, branches called gametophores or res are found in the apical or terminal region of the gametophytes. antheridia is called antheridiophore. that bears male sex organs, produced on male gametophytes. The gametophore that bears iscalled archegoniophore. ¢ produced on female gametophytes. 496 Antherldiophore ‘The erect branch cal region of ‘male gametophyte. Bach antheridiophore cons The stalk is cylindrical. It 2-3 cms long. ‘The receptacle is a, flat and it has 8 Jobes. In Mare ‘hantia germinata, there are only fo Our Lobes. Each lobe has a single row of ‘antheridia. The cross section ofthe stalk shows that there is a layer of air chambers in its pos side and two lateral grooves in its anterior side. S Posterior Numerous ritizoids and scales are found in cacl the thallus. The posterior ait cham tative thallus and anterior grooves h that bears antheridia is called antheridiophore. \t is produced enree Wed at th he api ofa stalk and a disc-shaped receptacle, h groove. The stalk is the modificatio, AMON of » the dorsal photosynthetic region of the y eg. bers correspond 0 th rhizoids and scales correspond to the ventral sid eof the thallus. ‘The vertical section of ‘antheridiophore shows the internal structure of the gametoph The outermost layer ofthe male receptacle is the epidermis. It has many barrel-ape airpores. Below the epidermis assimilatory cht The assimilatory chambers alternate with flask-shaped cavities called antheridial chambers, The antheridial chambers are deeply sunken in the male receptacle. Each antheridial chamber has a single antheridium. Itopens out through a pore called ostiole. rambers are present. Antheridiophore (young) Receptacle Gemma cup shantia - Male gametophyte with antheridiophore. iscomposed of colourless thin-walled parenchymatots aioe ‘groove is present. It has rhizoids and scales. E gf ‘ashort stalk and a rounded body called eapsule.t I rs. Groove : Ry aE SSS Aicctambas Fig.35.12: Marchantia sp. C.S. of antheridiophore. The antheridium is surrounded by a single-layered jacket or antheridial wall. The sterile jacket layer encloses androcyte mother cells. Each androcyte mother cell divides to produce 2 androcytes. Each androcyte develops into a biflagellate antherozoid. Each antherozoid is elongated, rod-like, uninucleate and biflagellate. The antherozoids come out of the antheridial chamber through the ostiole. The antherozoids move in the water with the help of their flagella. Highlights tin le erect branch containing antheridia present on Marchantia. 498 Androcyte mother cells Antheridial wall or jacket Capsule Antherozoid Antheridium Fig.35.13: A intheridi produced on male gametophytes. + They arise from the apex of the thallus. consists of a stalk and receptacle. « Each antheridiophore ct drical structure with a layer of air chambers on the poste. ium and antherozoid of Marchantia. + The antheridiophores are + The stalk is a cylin rior side and two vertical grooves on the anterior side. ‘cales are found in each groove. Numerous rhizoids and s + The receptacle is disc-sh Thereceptacle is convex + The epidermis cont « It is covered by an epidermis. tains several barrel- aped. It is present at the tip of the stalk. at its upper surface and is made up of 8 lobes. shaped airpores. types of chambers, namely air chambers + Below the epidermis there are two and antheridial chambers. + The air chambers open outsi open outside by the ostiole. + Each antheridial chamber has a single antheridium. + The mature antheridium consists of a short stal _ capsule, androcyte mother cells. ther cell develops into a biflagellate longated, rod-like, uninucleate and ide by the airpore and the antheridial chambers Ik and a rounded body called mis surrounded by a single layered jacket or antheridit antherozoid. jal wall | biflagellate. yp 4S, MARE WANTA meee en, ch thet sure anthetidium ruptutesandihes Sane a PUES ANd the mags ' through the Se Miss OF antherozoids comes out The antherozoids Move in water wi archegontophore The erect branch that beats archeponia is calle, ‘alled archegoni ' female gamerophytes archegoniophore. Itis produced in the £ econsists of stalk and disc or st shaped female recep ; ” rceplacle, The inter al structure of archegoniophore The mature female receptacle bears 8 lobes, arto that of the antheridiophore, ich lobe bears a single row of 12-14 arche- gonia on the upper sur face. Archegoniophore — @ fy < (young) CN Fig35.14: farchantia-Female gametophyte with archegoniophore. The archegonta are produced in acropetal order. They are produced on the upper surface of the receptacle. The young archegonia are found on the periphery and old archegonia found in the centre. The mature archegonium is a flask shaped structure. Itis up right in position. It consists of a basal stalk a swollen venter and a long narrow neck, The archegonium is attached to the receptacle by the stalk. The venter consists of an egg anda ventral canal cell. The neck has 4-8 neck canal cells. The tip of the neck has 4 cover cells or lid cells. Ina fully mature archegonium, the neck canal cells, and ventral canal cell disorganize forming a mucilaginous fluid. This mucilage on absorbing waler oozes out of the neck forcing apart the cover cells. Fertilization takes place when the archegonium is in the upright position. Fertilization takes place in the presence of water. At maturity, the cover cells rupture and the neck canal cells disorganize to form a narrow passage for the entry ofantherozoids to reach the egg. The wall of the antheridium ruptures and the antherozoids are set free. « The antherozoids may be transferred to the archegonia by the splashing rain drops. - Theantherozoids swim towards the archegonium and pass down through the neck canal to sa he anthe ‘be transferred to the archegonia by the splashing rain drops. Archegoniophore Archegonium f° | Sporophyt Fig.35.15: Marchantia polymorpha - Vertical longitudinal sections of stages in development of archegoniophore. One of the sperms or antherozoids fuses with the egg to produce the zygote. The Zygoteis diploid, Afier fertilization, the marginal portion of the disc becomes inverted and the archegonia become upside down. ice, their necks become downward. Now the oldest archegonia are situ- ated towards the periphery of the disc and youngest towards the centre. Highlights Archegoniophore + The archegoniophoreis a female reproductive erect branch that bears arche- phores are produced on female gametophytes. arises from the apical notch of the female gametophytic Venter Eggnucleus Ventral canal cel] Mucilaginous Neck canal fluid cals Neck Neck Lid cells or 90 Lid cells Cover cells i Seer Fig. 35.16: A mature archegonit i Marchantia. pon Fig.35.17: Marchantia - : Fertilization. . oe consists of a cylindrical stalk and an umbrella - shaped » The mature receptacle bears 8 lobes. » Each lobe bears a single row of 12-14 archegonia. . she lobes are dorsiventral and a growing point is located at the tip of each lobe. ; + Inthe early stage they develop on the dorsal side of the receptacle. . Asdevelopment proceeds, it is brought to the ventral side of the receptacle. « Each archegonium is a flask-shaped structure present in the archegonium. « Each archegonium consists of two parts, namely a venter anda neck. + The venter consists of an egg and a ventral canal cell. + The neck has 4-8 neck canal cells. + The tip of the neck is covered by fox cover cells. + During fertilization the antherozoid moves down along the neck canal. + The egg is fertilized by the sperm. « The fertilized egg is called zygote. + The zygote develops into a diploid sporophyte. Post Fertilization Changes ___ After fertilization the archegoniophore undergoes the following changes. 1) The zygote enlarges insize. It completely occupies the venter of ‘the arch f orophyte archegoniophore enlarges upto dems. lace in the centre of the dorsal part of the disc. egonium. It 4) This pushes the archegonia into the inverted ot reversed positic now hang downwards. 5) On cither side of ach row of archegonia a membranous flap known as peri orinvolucre is developed. It is one cell in thickness and has fringed margin, Weerchaetiny + M Separates ne row ofarchegonia from the other. 6) From the upper surface of the disc develop, green cylindrical processes ca The rays develop from the nofch between the lobes of the receptacle. a 7) The venter divides to produce two or three-layered calyptra, 8) Aring ofccells at the base of the venter becomes: active which after many divisi rise to a collar-like cylindrical outgrowth called perigynium or pseudoperianth, < Perigynium isof one cell thickness and a few cells in height. It protects the spor orsporogonium against drought. Ophyte led ray, MS give Air pore Airchamber Fig.35.18: Marchantia sp - L.S.of archegoniophore. es Sporophyte sporophyte is the spore producing plant. It is diploi ea 4 , jiploid. ee sian eer pt cell of the sporophytic generation. The zygote divides 0 srg is embryo is then differentiated into a mature sporophyte called | oni isti ‘“ .. has three distinct parts, namely a basal foot, an intermediate seta and | aul | Chap.35; MARCHANTIA 503 The young sporogonium becomes surrounded by three protective sheaths i) Calyptra ; ii) Perigynium or pscudo-perianth iii) Perichactium or involucre ‘The sporogonium is green, when young and towards ‘maturity it becomes colourless or yellow. ‘oot ; Foot is the basal expanded portion of the Sporogonium. It is attached to the basal storage region of the female ‘gametoph ayte. It Serves as the anchoring and absorptive organ for the hyte. It absorbs nourishment from he female gamet ‘ rophyt ‘ale gametophyte. It is made up of serenchymatous cells, Poy P Marchantia thallus Ne apeioiea V5 oO Fig.35.19: Marchantia : Thallus with sporophyte. Seta Seta is the middle portion of the sporogonium. It connects the capsule with the foot. \ 20: Marchantia : L.S.of mature sporogonium. 504 Itis a cylindrical, stalk-like structure, {ti dosed of, “ Towards maturity sefa grows rapidly and pushe: 4 he noc clls, The calyptra ruptures and the sporogonium hangs freely at the visi lee receptacle. ‘tl Surface of the Capsule The spore producing part of the sporogonium is the capsule, Itis yellow in colour and spherical in shape. The outer wall of the capsule is called capsule wall. It is composed of sterife cells The capsule wall encloses sporogenous tissue. Some cells of the sporogeno fi develop into spore mother cells and some others develop into elater mother cells, The elater mother cells develop into elaters. The elaters are diploid and sterile. Elaters are elongated cells with pointed ends. These elaters have spiral, thickening, bands on the inner surface of their cell wall. sor The mature elaters lack protoplasm. They develop from the elater mother cell, The considered as “dead cells’. He Elaters readily absorb moisture from the atmosphere and are said to be hygroscopic, The elaters help in the dehiscence of mature capsule and in the gradual dispersal of. ‘spores from the capsule. Each spore mother cell undergoes meiosis to form four meiospores. The meiospores are haploid. The meiospore is a round, thick-walled cell. The spore wall is differentiated into an outer thick layer called exine and an inner thin layer called intine, Inner to the cell wall, there is a tiny mass of protoplasm enclosed by plasma | membrane. | The meiospore contains a single nucleus and reserve foods. These meiospores germi- nate into gametophytes. US tissue Fig.35.21: Marchantia sp. A : Part of the elater with a double spiral band of thickening. B : Spore. Dehiscence of capsule s beyond the perigynium and perichaetium, causes the bending and relaxation of elaters present inside the caf tof elaters, the capsule wall ruptures at the apex and splits lone s and elaters are exposed, 505 hap.35: MARCHANTIA The spores are dispersed by wind. The hygroscopic elaters facilitate dispersal of spores . The elaters coil and uncoil d . . di- the exposed spore mass. O° © coil depending upon the moisture condi a inthe atmosphere. This causes jerky movements of the elaters. This movement throws the spor’ gradually in the atmosphere. The spores are carried by wind. Sheath Capsule Teeth aN Spores Fig.35.22: Marchantia showing dehiscence of capsule. The spore enlarges in size and divides into a large cell and a small cell called germ rhizoid cell. The germ thizoid cell grows into a rhizoid. The large cell is green and it divides repeatedly to form the young thallus of the gametophyte. poate Large cell Cr) Germ thizoid \ Small cell tia : Germination of spore. 506 Conclusion Marchantia shows distinct alternation of generation in its \ife eye gametophytic generation i Hternates with a diploid sporophytic yy The loid gametophyte. Mis the j eration. The plant need ana in independent plant. Veyetatively it rey lant, Vegeta reproduces b 4 adventitious branches and gemmae, ' Yegmentain Sexually it reproduces by gametes, The male gamete, antherozoid {uses male gamete, egg to form a diploid zygote (2N). eS With the fe. ‘ The zygote divides and gives rise to the sporophyte or sporogonium. \tis attach the female gametophyte. The sporophyle produces spores by meiosis. The spore: i Med on loid and they develop into haploid gametophytes. * are hap The gametophyte and sporophyte are morphologically dissimilar, Hence the life ¢ Marchantia is known as heteromorphic type. The life cycle is diplohaptontic beca, aie Joid phase alternates with a haploid phase. USC dip. Highlights Sporophyte Sporophyte is the spore-producing plant. The sporophyte is attached on the female It develops inside the archegonium after It remains in an inverted position inside the receptacle of archegonium, The sporophyte is covered by three protective coverings, namely perigynium, calyptra and perichaetium. 7 Perigynium is the outer covering, calyptra is the inner covering and peri- chaetium surrounds a group of sporophyte. The sporophyte has tree distinct parts, namely a basal foot, an intermediate seta and a terminal capsule. Foot is attached to the female gametophyte. Foot is made up of parenchymatous cells and it serves as the anchoring and absorptive organ of the sporophyte. + Seta connects the capsule with the foot. The capsule is the fertile region of the sporogonium. The capsule consists of capsule wall, spores and elaters. The spores are haploid and they develop from spore mother cells. The outer wall of the capsule is called capsule-wall. "The elaters are diploid and they help in the dehiscence of capsule. ay the capsule ruptures and the spores are released. B inate into haploid gametophytes. Life Cycle of Marchantia pphyte, It is an advanced liverwort. It is included in the class places: sopolitan in distribution. It grows best in the moist shady open wood lands and in the burnt soil. Chap.35: MARCHANTIA 5 - + a The plant isa hap told gametophyte, 507 ‘The plant body iscalled athallus, The thallus consists of dichotomous Fra The thallus is prostrate, dichotomously Mches, Sealey and rhizolds, , branched ; colour. The dorsal surface of the thallus is divided eo dorsiventral, Wis dark green in jibe. 3 Ne rhomboidal markings called are- The apex of the branch has two lobes Separated by y The notch has a growing tip, by a notch, Sve eee median line, The midrib ends ina notet The midrib is in the form of a groove on the dorsal utios ans in Hi ventral surface. ‘ ; orn of a ridge on the Each arcola has a central pore, A single air chamber f Asie nthe th wae ies below the areola Small « structures called gemma cups arise from the midrib region, The Paice an Carte The gemmae give rise to new gametophytes, Jemma Cups bear gemmae, Fragmentation Adventitious branches Gemmae Vegetative Reproduction, Marchantia gametophyte (Dioecious \ Germination (N) Male Pee. Female ae Phy!’ sametophyte | (N) Spores (N) ‘Antheridioph 1 ntheri Ale Archegoniophore Meiosis Sexual bie ate 1 Reproduction Archegonium Antherozoid Egg(N) : Graphic life cycle of. ‘Marchantia. The scales are present on the ventral side of the midrib regi scales are of two types, simple scales and appendiculate scales. THe or three roy ing point and are to Lent ela eet the thallus, ales protect the grow, ‘The rhizoids are unicellular and are of two types, namely sim, i and tuberculated ot pegged rhizoids. They eh ed es eis ane thizgj serve as organs for attachment and absorption of minerals and water from the le thizoj ds in Maa, the gametophytes are heterothallic. There are separate nau eee gametop! ie The thalli produce erect, stalked upright branches. These bran Aa fe eee ese branches are called gametophores. The gametophore that beat tes sex organs, antheridia is called antheridiophore. The gametophore that bears the fey le male organs, archegonia is called archegoniophore. Antheridiophores are produced ‘male sex gametophyte while archegoniophores are produced on. \ female gametophyte, On male In Marchantia, reproduction takes place by two methods. Vegetative reproduction mee Sexual reproduction. /egetative reproductic kes place by fragmentation, adventitio 2 production takes place by frag! g 4s branches ang f the thallus, small young branches get separated Dueto the death and decay of old parts 0! and they grow into new gametophyte. This method is called fragmentation. Small special branches arise from the ventral surface of the thallus. These adventitious branches get separated and grow into new gametophyte. The most efficient method of ' ‘vegetative reproduction in Marchantia is gemmae forma. tion. The gemmae are produced in d structures called gemma cups. Many minute cup-shape doubly notched, Jens-shaped bodies called gemmae are attached to the bottom of the cup by means of small stalks. Many, ‘glandular hai irs also arise from the bottom of the cup and are intermingled with the gemmae. The gemmae on reaching suitable substratum, develop into new gametophyte. é In Marchantia, sexual. reproduction is of oogamous type. Marchantia is dioecious or heterothallic. In Marchantia, the independent plant is a gametophyte. It is haploid. The male and female sex organs are produced in separate plants. The sex organs are borne in clusters on special, erect, upright branches called gametophores. The gametophore that bears the male sex organs, antheridia are called antheridiophores. They are produced on male gametophytes. The gametophore that bears female sex organs, archegonia are called archegoniophore and these are produced on female gametophytes. The antheridiophore consists ofa stalk anda receptacle, The receptacle is disc-shaped. The male receptacle has 8-radiating lobes. Each lobe has a single row of antheridia. The mature antheridium consists of a short stalk and a rounded body (capsule). Itis produced singly in antheridial chambers of male receptacle. The antheridium is surrounded by a single layered sterile jacket. The wall encloses androcyte mother cells. Each androcyte mother cell divides to produce two androcytes. Each androcyte develops into a biflagellate antherozoid. The antherozoids come out of the antheridial chamber through the ostiole. Each antherozoid ot sperm is elongated, 10d-like, uninucleate and biflagellate. The archegoniophore is produced in the. . female gametophyte. It consists ofastalk anda disc orstar-shaped female receptacle. The mature receptacle bears 8 lobes. Each lobe bears4 ow of 12-14 archegonia on the upper surface. / { Chap.35: MARCHANTIA The mature archegonium isa flask-shaped siniouwe ashort stalk. It consists ofa basal swollen venter anda long ofanegg and a ventral canal cell. The neck has 4-8 neck: 4 cover cells or lid cells. f Ina fully mature archegonium the neck canal cells and y, a mucilaginous fluid. This mucilage on absorbing w the cover cells. 509 Itis attached to the receptacle by Narrow neck, The venter cor is ‘anal cells, The tip of the neck has entral canal cell disorganize forming, Aler oozes out of the neck forcing apart Gametophytes ae \ Be on Male plant ey—=> Germinating spores (N) Female plant mm \ 4M Spores Antheridium Archegonium ®) 4 ®) + Sexual i Egg Reproduction (N) zo SRP ub ticay Fertilization takes place in the presence of water. T] and the antherozoids are set free. The antherozoids swim eee Tees IM rupture, antherozoid fuses with the egg to produce the zygote, legonium. One of yy, The zygote develops into a sporophyte or sporogonium. The youn; ; ered by three protective sheaths, namely calyptra, icudoperavay operigialg is coy. perichaetium or involucre. uM ang The venter divides to produce the calyptra. Perigynium is acollar-like outgrowth duced from the basal cells of venter. Perichaetium is flap like structure. It protects the pe? of archegonia. The mature sporophyte has three distinct parts- namely a basal foot, an intermediate ser anda terminal capsule, = Foot is the basal expanded portion. It is attached to the basal storage region of the femal, gametophyte. It serves as the anchoring and absorptive organ. ri Seta is the middle portion of the sporogonium. It connects the capsule with the foot, The fertile region of the sporogonium is the capsule. It is yellow in colour and spherical in shape. It has a single-layered jacket or capsule wall. Inner to the capsule there present Spore mother cells and elater mother cells. Each spore mother cell undergoes meiosis to Produce 4 haploid spores. The spores are known as meiospores. The elater mother cells dev elop into elaters. The elaters are diploid and sterile. They are hygroscopic and help in the dehiscence of the capsule and in the spore dispersal. With the ripening of spores, the sefa elongates rapidly and the calyptra is ruptured, The capsule is projected out beyond the perigynium and perichaetium. Owing to the movement of elaters, the capsule w all ruptures at the apex and splits along 4-6 lines. Asa result, the spores and elaters are exposed. The spores are dispersed by wind, The spores grow into new gametophytes. Conclusion Marchantia shows distinct alternation of generation in its life cycle. The haploid gametophytic gencration alternates with a diploid. ‘sporophytic generation. The plant isa hap- loid gametophyte. It is an independent plant. Vegetatively it reproduces by fragmentation, adventitious branches and gemmae. Sexually it reproduces by gametes, The male gamete antherozoid fuses with the female gamete egg to form a diploid zygote. The zygote divides and gives rise to the sporophyte or sporogonium. It is attached on the female gametophyte. The sporophyte produces spores by meiosis. The spores are haploid and they develop into haploid gametophytes. The gametophytes and.sporophytes are morphologically dissimilar. Hence the life cycle of Marchantia is known as heteromorphic type. The life cycle is diplohaplontic be- cause diploid phase alternates with a haploid phase. Highlights _ oil re cyele i diplohaplontic. [ Te lif takes place by Avo method: ; Rey roduction fakes p ods, They are: + Repl « Vegetative reproduction + Sexual reproduction Vegetative TeP roduction takes place by three methods. They are: ‘ * Fragmentation * Adventitious branches * Gemmae. » In fragmentati ‘on, small young branches get separated from the thallus and they grow into new gametophytes. 4 . Adventitious branches get separated from the thallus and they grow into new gametophytes. : : roduced in cup-shaped structures known as gemma cups aris- + Gemmae are prodi i ing from the midrib region. Fragmentation Adventitious branches Gemmae Vegetative Reproduction Marchantia gam etophyte (Dioecious Ni Germination (N) Male Female oe gametophyte Pisoies sD Spores (N) t Meiosis Soxnal Reproduction me eer Antheridioph esl Archegoniophore Antherozoid (N) Egg (N) ers ic life cycle of Marchantia. 512 ——————— : + The gemmac develop i Publicatio, gemmae develop into new gametophytes, Hon ener | s place in gametophytic ee ae separate male and female en e male gametophyte produces antheridium and the f pos SNetaeer eridium and the female ntheridium produces sperms and archegonii i Sperms gZonium contains egg. One of the sperms fuses with the egg to form a diploid pa The diploid zygote develops into a diploid sporophyte. , The sporophyte is attached on the female gametophyte. ao ne 4 spore mother cells and elater mother cells ach spore mother cell undergoes meiosis to produce f net pone g p our haploid meio. The haploid meiospores are liberat e i ie sees 7 p ¢ liberated and they develop into haploid gamety. The gametophytes and sporophytes are morphologically dissimilar, The life cycle is heteromorphic type. The life cycle is diplohaplontic. The haploid gametophytic generation alternates with a diploid sporophytic generation. Advances of Marchantia over Riccia The thallus of Marchantia is very highly advanced than that of Riccia and differs in the following respects: 1.Itis longer in size, broader, thicker and coarser lobes. 2, Better adapted to grow on land than Riccia. 3, Prominent expanded midrib. 4, The upper surface of the thallus is marked into thomboidal areas with prominent central gametophyte res. 5, Internal differentiation of thallus into three distinct regions i.e., epidermal, photo- synthetic and storage region. 6. A definite layers of air chambers with photosynthetic filaments. 7, Acontinuous water proof epidermis with definite barrel shaped airpores. 5 8, Presence of scales in two or three rows on either side of the midrib. They help to retain below the thallus. In Riccia, scales are arranged near lateral margin. of Marchantia are appendaged. In Riccia the appendage is absent. mma cups containing gemmae present on the dorsal side in the midrib special erect branches of thalli called, gametophores. Highlights Air Pores ings of air chambers of the epidermis in Marchantia, - Su eel 5; MARCHANTIA 3 513 ap chi aa parrel-shaped or chimney-tike, +. analogous tO stomata + tisana y * his ao by four ters of 4 OF epidermal cells, arranged one above other. " as passage atits centre, The passage is broad in the middle ¥ i n and narrow above and below, + The opening of the air pore ig sf ghtly raj ‘i Na epidermis. Shtly raised above and below the surface of Functions + Itallows the air chambers to Communicate with th . ; he atmosphere. + Itregulates the moisture status in the thallus, ge + Ithelps in photosynthesis and respiration, + Itprevents the entry of water into the air chamber, Highlights Air Chambers ) The air chambers are cavities containing |photosynthesis in the thallus of Marchantia, + They communicate with the atmosphere through airpores, + They are located below the upper epidermis. + Airchambers are arranged horizontally. + The air chambers are Separated from each other by means of partitions. + The floor of the air chambers contains assimilatory filaments or photosynthetic filaments, + The filaments are branched, dwarf, cactus-like and chlorenchymatus. + These filaments fill up the air chambers, + Allthe cells of the floor, partition wall and Photosynthetic filaments contain chloroplasts. Itis the principal centre of Photosynthesis in the thallus. Highlights Perigynium Perigynium is the outer covering of archegonium and sporogonium of| Marchantia. — Photosynthetic tissue for' . * tis also called pseudoperianth. * Itis.acollar-like cylindrical outgrowth. * Itdevelops from the base of the venter, * Ttis longer than calyptra, * Itgrows downward on either side of an archegonium. * Itis of one cell thickness and a few cells in height, a tis also found in you ing sporogonium, the sporogonium against drought. ai eee Highlights n Perichaetium ichaetium is a cup-like sheath present around the ar chegonia 4 Peri |Marchantia. * It is also called involucre. + It is a curtain-like structure. « Itgrows downward on either side of i Ot pened tin arow of archegonia. « It separates one row of archegonia from the other. + Inlater stages it also becomes a protective sheath of sporogonium. Highlights Capsule n of the sporogonium in Marchantia, Capsule is the spore-produci i - It is yellow in sich Sn * Itis spherical in shape. + The capsule projects beyond the perigynium and perichaetium. wall, spores and elaters. « The capsule contains capsule + The outer wall of the capsule is called capsule wall. * Capsule wall is made up of sterile cells. * The spores are haploid and they develop from spore mother cells. + The elaters are diploid and they help in the dehiscence of capsule. are released and carried by + On maturity, the capsule ruptures and the spores wind. * The spores germinate into haploid gametophyte. Highlights Fructification Fructification is the development of a spore bearing body after fertilization. + Fructification leads to the formation of a fruit body called sporogonium. + In Marchantia, the fruit body develops from the zygote. + The fruit body is also called sporophyte. the female gametophyte. rmediate seta and a terminal + Itis attached on + Ithas three parts, namely a basal foot, an inte capsule. ale gametophyte. + Foot is attached to the fem ¢ Seta connects the capsule with the foot. ¢ Capsule is the spore-producing region. + Capsule contains capsule wall, spores and elaters. _« At maturity, capsule ruptures and releases the spores. _« The spores germinate into the haploid gametophytes. Pe ahs Chap.35: MAI ee eee Ss . Systematic Position of RCHANTIA Highlights os Marchantia « Marchantia is a stonewort. «The thallus is green and dichotomous), ¢ Small cup-like structures called aoe he « Assimilatory filaments present in the air c He Be from the midrib. + Antheridia and archegonia are borne upon et POE archegoniophore. pon erect, stalked antheridiophore and + Marchantia is a Bi i Be plant body Anes ae. of the following characters : tes us having no differentiation of roots, stems and « They lack vascular tissues. + Sex organs are covered by a sterile jacket. + Sporophyte is attached on the gametophyte. . on included in the class Hepaticopsida because it has the following charac- + Gametophyte is dorsiventrally differentiated thallus. + Cells have chloroplast without pyrenoids. + Rhizoids are aspetate, simple and tuberculated. + Columella is absent in the capsule. «It is included in the order Marchantiales because it has the following characters - + Internally the thallus is differentiated into dorsal and ventral regions. . Air chambers are present an the dorsal side of the thallus. They open out through the air pores. + The ventral side of the thallus is parenchymatous storage tissue. + Scales and rhizoids are present on the ventral side of the thallus. * It is included in the family Marchantiaceae because it has the following characters : + Sporophyte is differentiated into foot, seta and capsule. + The capsule wall is one cell in thickness. + Sterile elaters are mixed with the spores. + Barrel-shaped airpores are present. WH)

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