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Date: March 5, 2022

The two significant lessons that I’ve learned today are first, to always be brave in times
of trouble and problems that we face in our lives. We know that God gives that problem because
he knows that you can carry it on or overcome it. Nothing is impossible when we believe in him.
Second, always trust God’s process. There are times when we have expectations of ourselves that
will cause us hopelessness and failure, sometimes because we believe that we can achieve it on
our own, but it’s not. I believe God has a purpose for why there are failures in our lives to learn
and grow from them.

To the three sharers this morning, keep on fighting. Always trust God's help because he
will never leave us nor forsake us, even in our shortcomings. When we trust and believe in God,
he will shower us with all his blessings and favors. To ma'am Jillian, I'm so touched and it's
really inspiring how God really moves and helps you through your battles in life, and we can
really conclude that God is real and faithful. I'm so happy and blessed how this class really gives
us an avenue to open our burdens in life to make our feelings lighter so we can move forward to
the things that are ahead of us. 

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