Little Sunshine Sewing Pattern

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SSae——> The magic of beautifully made dolls fas always facinated collectors, pethaps more today than ever pofore, Now ata time when soft scu'pture is reaching ew naights of popularity, Miss Marthe Originals i proud 19 present “A Litle Sonshine” soft sculpture fpattern book. These unique patterns make it possible for you fo create your own handcrafted heirloom oF just an adorable playmate to be loved ro preces. Designer/Author - Martha Holcombe With love and deep gratitude this book is dedicated to God, the Heavenly Father and Josus Christ, His beloved Son. Praise is due to Them for the inspiration, the talent and the creativity needed to produce the Sonshine Babies. Miss Martha Originals P.O, Box 5313 Giencos, Alabama 35905 DISCLAIMER — The information in this ingtruction bock is presented in good faith, But no warranty Is aeeenor resulta quarenoad, no's freedom trom any patent o be inferred. Since we Have no control Ov Seer dat conditions surrounding the application oF Information herein contained, Miss Marine Originals Glectaims any lleilly for unforeseen results COPYRIGHT — Al rights cose/ved. No part of thia book may be repreduced by any means «graphic, seetener cr mechanics including Bhote-copying vithcui written permission trom the copyriaht owner \ecopytight 1982, Matha Holeombe Print in USA. Materials Needed FABRIC: 1/3, yard 94" wide smooth sexed polyester DOUBLE KNIT i flesh color. NOTE: Fabric selection is very important to successful dol! making so test the elasticity of the fabric before purchasing. for you convenience we hve pi 9 er ie front cover. g 5 \ ¥ Fold down 1 en the grain edge of the labric end hold it up te the ver, put thumbs holding fabric, lett on 1" and righton 3" Shueteh far firmly 70 the right, Hit syetches beyond 3.7/5", [tls to0 stretchable and should not be used. NEEDLES: Lang fine needle (Cotton Damers — sold in packets size 1-5) Sewing machine needle #17 fer Terie febrics. THREAD: (1) Polyester thread to match body fabric (2) Coton covera polyester Patra Strong Mandl Sarin tomer ei fey sping) (9) coven covered polyester thread t6 attach fait. FIBERFILL: 12 07. of an extra resilient, washable polyester fiber, HAIR: |The Balay's wig is made from a stip of long pile crat fur" x9". The fur nap must un peiallel the 9" side. The Toddler’s wig with the pony tats is rade from a 4” x 11" piece of Galt fur. The fur nap ust run parallel to the 11° side. The curly wig 1s Trade with one 70 yard skeln of rug yarn EYES: To Paint: Acrylic tube palms; bumt umber (orown) black, white, light yellow (optional), end blue (e2- tional eye calor) Brush — Size 0 Sealer — Clear rail polish, Do not use @ nals hardener a5 this may make a Role in the fabric. To Embroider: Embroidery floss: black, white, brows, aad blue (2 shades). Embroidery needle Miracle Tailors Pen fepttonal) isa new al for marke ing the sculpting stches, AN markings are removed cently with plain water For shading the colt use rose color poder bush Males, cosmid or pik sory paint An excellent paint for this is ACCENT® Claft Spray #139 Pink Blosso™. CLOTHES: Doll clothe: may be purchased or mete ‘one of these simple outfits. Playsuits 6 yard of 36° wide fabric, matching thread, 2/3 yard of U3" ide elastic, V2 yard of nar Tow gathered lace (optional, 2/3 yard of 1/4" wade ribbon. Nightgown or Sundress: if yard of 36" wide Fabric, matching thread, 1/3 yard of 18" wide elas, yard of nartow lace {optional}, BASIC STITCHES. i “OC AX YL LADDER STITCH OVERCAST QUTLINE STITCH SATIN STITCH lo BACKSTITCH RUNNING STITCH WPS: Since your new baby will be touched, held and squeezed by many loving hands, it 1 recom: ended that you sew all seams twice for added ‘drengih. Proper stufing fs aso vital tothe fook ens Shape of your Baby. Put stuffing in layer by layer, us {ag only a ite at «time, Work creflly 30 there wl Bone lumos or caps uff each part HRMLY. Afr Ceo, ded puna an be doe by ing tne 0p of your needle an lfmg vp stating i mote chee, ond ci 2 ? Materials Needed FABRIC: 1/3, yard 94" wide smooth sexed polyester DOUBLE KNIT i flesh color. NOTE: Fabric selection is very important to successful dol! making so test the elasticity of the fabric before purchasing. for you convenience we hve pi 9 er ie front cover. g 5 \ ¥ Fold down 1 en the grain edge of the labric end hold it up te the ver, put thumbs holding fabric, lett on 1" and righton 3" Shueteh far firmly 70 the right, Hit syetches beyond 3.7/5", [tls to0 stretchable and should not be used. NEEDLES: Lang fine needle (Cotton Damers — sold in packets size 1-5) Sewing machine needle #17 fer Terie febrics. THREAD: (1) Polyester thread to match body fabric (2) Coton covera polyester Patra Strong Mandl Sarin tomer ei fey sping) (9) coven covered polyester thread t6 attach fait. FIBERFILL: 12 07. of an extra resilient, washable polyester fiber, HAIR: |The Balay's wig is made from a stip of long pile crat fur" x9". The fur nap must un peiallel the 9" side. The Toddler’s wig with the pony tats is rade from a 4” x 11" piece of Galt fur. The fur nap ust run parallel to the 11° side. The curly wig 1s Trade with one 70 yard skeln of rug yarn EYES: To Paint: Acrylic tube palms; bumt umber (orown) black, white, light yellow (optional), end blue (e2- tional eye calor) Brush — Size 0 Sealer — Clear rail polish, Do not use @ nals hardener a5 this may make a Role in the fabric. To Embroider: Embroidery floss: black, white, brows, aad blue (2 shades). Embroidery needle Miracle Tailors Pen fepttonal) isa new al for marke ing the sculpting stches, AN markings are removed cently with plain water For shading the colt use rose color poder bush Males, cosmid or pik sory paint An excellent paint for this is ACCENT® Claft Spray #139 Pink Blosso™. CLOTHES: Doll clothe: may be purchased or mete ‘one of these simple outfits. Playsuits 6 yard of 36° wide fabric, matching thread, 2/3 yard of U3" ide elastic, V2 yard of nar Tow gathered lace (optional, 2/3 yard of 1/4" wade ribbon. Nightgown or Sundress: if yard of 36" wide Fabric, matching thread, 1/3 yard of 18" wide elas, yard of nartow lace {optional}, BASIC STITCHES. i “OC AX YL LADDER STITCH OVERCAST QUTLINE STITCH SATIN STITCH lo BACKSTITCH RUNNING STITCH WPS: Since your new baby will be touched, held and squeezed by many loving hands, it 1 recom: ended that you sew all seams twice for added ‘drengih. Proper stufing fs aso vital tothe fook ens Shape of your Baby. Put stuffing in layer by layer, us {ag only a ite at «time, Work creflly 30 there wl Bone lumos or caps uff each part HRMLY. Afr Ceo, ded puna an be doe by ing tne 0p of your needle an lfmg vp stating i mote chee, ond ci 2 ? EARS: With sight sides facing, sew around the ‘ued edge of the ear (1). Turk and stat tightly Sahoo head nee pesion Pla back into correct postin and hola in place by making several sitches in center of #2¢h (2) HEAD: Stich dart at chin on center head piece. lip and trim close to sirehing, With night sides facing. {in center head to #22 de head, Sart at the FRONT rd sew cath piece carfully (). Koop seems even and don't sireteh the fabric. IF te back searm don’t ome cur even, ust im il excess fale. Cp curves, tuim sears and turn the head night side out BODY: Sew the darts in the body back. With right sides facing, sew center back sear, Ieaying open bet. syeen notes (5) Whin Tight sides facing, sey front body atthe center front sear (6). Mitch from to back inh ight sides facing. teh around body (7) saving pen at neck and botom. Clip curves, Hur searns, 50 NOTTURN THE BODY UNTIL AFTER THE HEAD IS ATTACHED, ATTACHING HEAD: Place the head inside the body ‘sth chin dart matching the center Irant sear of che ‘ody (2). Bath pieces vil have the neck edge up. Sew ‘rand the neck 3 times. Sear allowance on the Neck ie Tein seam and tum body Hight side cin HANDS: With o small amount of fiber, stuff the thumb, A small screw iver cr kniting neecle o @) 3) a ‘useful for this purpose, Stu the friges lightly ebout 1" thick. Topsitch the fingers by hand or machine ‘as indicated on the panera Sul the hanes and arms FIRMLY up to the top siching fine at the shoulder, TOPSTITCH, Do net seor ‘hveugh the stuffing as this allows the arms 20 raove mare ret. Cepttching may be done by hen or LEGS: _The by cured legs and the toddler lags are trade inthe sore basse nee. * ‘With fight sees facing, stich front and back seams on lag sections (9). Leave open at top exge and at ces, lip corves. To make too saam, mate front and beck Jag seams, Sten across lower sdge of foot {10}. Tim seam. Turn right side out, Stull FIRMLY “To make the baby curved legs offset the front and back sane we, basing the top ose (1 ‘You will have a Tight and a Tet ieg. Todater legs, baste the op opening with the rot and back sean arching. “To attach legs 1 body pin legs to lower edge of front body (12}, neving legs ever: with side of body and tomsporing toned body Sch securely ung en overeat i Turn under 144" on lower eege of body beck anc sHipstitch over seam (13) 6 0 ) ao) co HEAD; stuff the head FIRMLY. Alter the head is stu fed, plece small wads of stuffing in cheeks and chin. Pushiito place with your thumb. The checks and chin should belwell shaped. The head should be complete iy stuffed t the neck edge, To sculpt the face; thread a long needle with 2 60” length of extra strong quitting thread. Knot ends ragether ‘The following chagrams show the center head piece only ‘TO SINKTHEEYES: insertthe neadle at point Lex ear the comer of ane eye, Take a tiny stich, rinser ting the needle beck to point 1. Repeat 3 times, put Ing each stich tightand holding onte thresd so that it foes not sip. Repeat procedure ot exch ceimer of bath eyes. The eyes shovld be pulled down about 118" from she'r original postin. ‘when you must rethread your needle, start again at the parnt where the neck seam and the center head seam intersect (point 1), Continue where you eft off. FOLLOW THE NUMBERS 1N SEQUENCE. Threads are ‘euued by bringing out at neckline seam and tacking. Lisle chreeds are indicated by the solid lines and the ‘ou hea iste hed ar nated by eaken NOSE AND MOUTH: With the tip of your needle, pull stuffing into the nose area FREQUENTLY as you ‘ep Kerb al sche ule Ay cept how go- ing heraontally across the bridge of the nose (2,3, 8) {Use only sight tension here. IF thread is not kept pul fed ightly on all other sUtches, the features wil be flat and shaneless. 3:12 is shaping the oestils. This fea ean be repeated after the fo be fnshed 13.21, Shaping the sides of the nose. Keeg sivfing pulled up in hose anc pull these stitches as ght pos be whut breaking eet ‘lie ugh 22.27 Srapes toe emouth. Keepy 28:0 shapes the. S00" i Bai gulp ote sta Dele sitesing 3B. Aor the head Is completed. stuff the body 10 desired firmness. Leddertteh the back opening, ‘SCULPTURING THE BODY AND LIMES: After vou frost sculpting a pericvir par, carry needle aut at ‘arnearby searline and take about 68 tiny overloop- ing stchec (tack to secure tread Clip heed close to fabric, Use 2. long doubled thread (extra strong quilting) fer all sculpcuring ‘ACL SCULPTURING STITCHES MUST BE KEPT PULLED TIGHTLY AND HELD SO THAT THREAD DOES NOT SLIP UNTIL EACH AREA \S COMPLETED. ‘TOES: Mark she separation between the tacs with 3 “iraight pin. Beginning at tne big toe, insert th nae cle frem bottom 10 top. La0p the thread around the fend of the toe ond reinsert the needle, pulling the thread tight, Repeat ence, After you have made the Second stteh, meert needle at the oniginal point on ‘bottom ofthe big tos and push through to top of next ee, Repeat uni al 1oes are shped. US) USS ANKLES: lnsert the needle a1 dot indicated on pat tern, Push straight through 10 other side of ankic ‘Take a ny stitch reinerting needhe to original pos sion, Pull tightly holding on to head, repeat rales ASKS ARCH: fing needle thiough sole of foot abou 7-122" from lip bf ices, Take 2 sal stitch pushing eedle gut about V8" thorn frst stitch. Pull thread) tightly. Repest wwice SS KNEES: Moke 2 deap stch through sweifing at dots indicated on pattern (ebout 1” from center fontseamm ‘on eech side) Take a tiny sich, reinserting the needle Back through the leg. Keep stiches pulled uohty. Repeat once mote then loop thre0d around the back either, ingring raed hvough cpposte id of imple, Loop thread ‘ree times tightly around the Backofhelegand ough te dimcis, ng nevdle fot 2t heck seam and tad NAVEL: Insert siaight pin at point on seomach ‘hers nave! wl be placed. Make serail running sit Ghes ma qicle around the pin, Gicle should be about the see of a dime. Remove pin. Pull hread to deaw up. sicher lo deared navel tive. Hold thread tightly 10 keep rom sipping, take several tiny averiapaing sit ches ere teed, Overcs sith aren the en BEHIND: Inert needle at A. Corry deep chrough stusfing, exit at B. Reipsert at A, exit at B, Pull thread fightly, hing ante s0 that # does not lip. Repeat face, Tack at eroich seam. iy NIPPLES: Insert straight pins 95 ingicated on pat ‘ern, Make tiny running sitehes ina exele around the pin. Diameter of ctce siauld be abut 378”. Remove the pin. Pull read slightly to dravi up stiches. Using rete, aul! up fabric ints center of circle. Pll reac tightly to drave up circle. Make Several tiny stiches through the nipple to secure thread ce SHAPING INSIDE OF ARM AND WRIST: The some ‘method is used for shaping both areas, Insect needle 2A, bring out al B, Reinvest at A, ext al B puling threed tighey and holding onto thread to keep trom Sipping. Repeat ence, FOR BABY'S FIST: Bend the ‘ingers fowerd toward palm of hand to form a fis. Tack the fingers 10. the palm. ELBOW: Insert needle into back of arm at point A Ting out a8. Take a tiny sich, reimverting reece B. Ext a A. Kegp siichas pulled ightly. Repeat tice BLUSH: (Optional) Tris greatly enhances the dolls ‘appearance, Lightly brush on cowdered blush using the brush thet cares with it U3e ito highlight the cheeks, nose, ely BuTton,e'G If you get too much It ‘ne spot you may remove sy lightly uabing with & ‘white cloth sprayed math Fantastic Follow this by wip ping with a weter dampened cloth You may vse pink acic spay pain instead of oadered lus, The put you choose shoul he fe {o vse on fabric and non tove when dy. Read the ‘recone onthe label and FOLLOW the. prey Scr rn tet bere spraying Use pre nly ina wel vented ren Protect the dels eyes from paint sy pinning peper over them. Spray lightly these areas that you would blush. Lay thedell ena towel to dry FOR PIERCED EARS: (Emily) Sew tiny beads to cariabe, HAIR: Michael and Sabrina: Cut out wig from aft fur slrected or pattern pieces. Cut only the backing and ot the ha ‘wih right sites facing, salch, center vag) section together. "Nap should) be running downward on oth pisces. With sigh sides facing stitch each side section wig center “Turn right side out and brush, Place wig on head and slipstte, If sirwming is necessary, brush fr so hat it stands upright over entre wig. Chip fur carefully ond everly about 2" from wig bese over whole wig. Never eut fur shorter than 2° Jessica: Make wig as instiucted for Sabrine anc slipatich 1 head. Fr pony tails, cut wo 11/4"'x 2° pieces of fur. With right sees facing, foe nm Fal along the 2” side and ‘overeat edges {A}. Turn right side out Brush and site to wig, one on the right side and the theron the left (8). See photo of Jessica If desires ‘you may put only one pony tall inthe center back of head. i fsa |) lee @ Emily: Cur 15 sips of paper 7" x 1-112". Wrap gain around each strip 45 ties. Stich dawn center of fis sip. Carefully tear away the paper. Using & backsich, attach dhe strips of yarn v0 the head Seo the Fist mip along the front halting from ear to far, Place the nem: stflp close against the fest and Sich, Continue Until heed is covered Zand ypva Acoa LANIHSNOS SILL. aoe > Print at 70% \ cute sonstve BABY it@ cura WO" SEAM ALLOWANCE “LITTLE SONSHINE™ TODDLER LEG cura 18" SEAM ALLOWANCE A Ss 3 fe ‘SHOULDER STRAP E| cur2 ~ PLAYSUIT cur a SEAM, ALLOWANCE “Tn under 14 on loner edge, site. Fin 8 5-12" lengsh o elatic on aside (oor aeige. Sew locke to Mew ee a ‘Wit right sides facing, stich center fot Suir under V4" on upper edge and yg, per eda On his, ln ce ene Upped ina 10" engin of lat, wrana side gfe tae Scho W we Seiching Wit ight Sls focng, stich center back ‘with righ sees Flog, sch inseam (3 “ack nsion tor raps. indented by Cats oe patter Print at 70% ‘lace fine on ford

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