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Dear Children,

It’s time to explore your potential again!!!

Summer vacation is a time for fun and frolic and a time to bring you some constructive activities to enhance
your learning process.

Homework not only increases a student's learning but it also helps them learn important life skills such as
organization, problem solving, goal-setting and perseverance.
Working on homework instills a sense of responsibility.

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a topic for holiday homework is chosen to make the students
aware and responsible to protect our planet and eventually enjoy peace and prosperity.

Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.

Strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to climate-related hazards and natural disasters .

1) Revise the syllabus included for the first periodic test.

2) Do the worksheets in your class work register. (Worksheet will be shared in the English WhatsApp
3) Holiday homework for the exhibition:

Roll No.s Homework

1 to 10 Self composed poem - Write a self composed poem

on a coloured A4 size sheet on the theme 'Climate

11 to 20 Bookmark-Make a bookmark and write a quotation

related to the need for climate action on it.

21 to 30 Prepare a colourful file on the topic-

'Climate Action Fast Facts'

31 to 41 Photo album in a scrapbook

● Meaning of climate action
● Why we need an action?
● UN Chief on International Mother Earth Day
● 10 ways you can help fight the climate crisis


Poster Making

Poster Making


Poster Making


Poster Making

Roll No.s Homework

1 to 15 colour of your air

observe the table given below and analyze the colour

code of air quality index AQI.

Collect the data of AQI of any two states of India

from 1 June to 20 June 2022 and plot the bar graph
in the format given below. Colour the bars according
to the colour code given above. Make separate bar
graph for different state for comparative study.

link for collection of AQI.
16 to 30 Timeline
Air pollution is deteriorating earth’s protective layer
called as ozone layer. In recent years,we have seen
that the size of ozone hole is changing at rapid rate.
increases the amount of ultraviolet (UV) radiation
that reaches Earth's surface, which lead to numerous
Collect the data on the size of ozone hole over
Antarctica from 2010-2020 and make a timeline on
A3 size sheet with respective coloured pictures .
Mention the size of ozone hole in timeline

31 to 45 Angles between the pollutants

Some of the air pollutants are Nitrogen
dioxide(NO2),Carbonmonoxide(CO),Sulphur dioxide
(SO2) which are detrimental to human health and
planet. Explore these pollutants and make a 3D
structure of any two pollutants with balls and sticks.
Show the angle formed in between the structure.
Angles should be made between the sticks with the
help of protractor.

Roll No.s Homework

1-15 Make a 3D chart depicting Solutions to

Climate Change

Picture attached for Reference only

16- 30 Make a 3D Model showing the Before

and After Effects of Global Warming

Picture attached for Reference only

31-45( or last roll no) Prepare a Wall Hanging( 5-6 A4 sheets)

on Renewable Resources ( Meaning,
examples with photos etc)

Picture attached for Reference only

Do the Worksheet and Paste it in your class Notebook ( Worksheet will be shared in your What's app Group)

Roll No.s Homework

1 to 10 1. Depict the adverse effects of global warming

on the environment in the form of 3-D
For reference:

11 to 20 2. The role of biodiversity in saving the climate.

Display using 2-D models.
For reference-

21 to 30 3. Make a model of Eco- friendly society or

For reference-
31 onwards 4. Prepare bird houses using the waste
materials present at home.
For reference-
पाठ 1 से 3 अभ्यास सागर से याद करें।

अपने पसंदीदा पाँच कहानी या पाँच कविताएं चित्र सहित A3 शीट पर लिखें।

Roll No.s Homework

1 से 20 एक मैगजीन तैयार करें जिसमें वर्तमान समय में बढ़ रहे

ग्लोबल वार्मिंग के कारण तथा उससे बचने के उपाय चित्र

सहित वर्णन किए गए हो ।

घर में फालतू पड़ी हुई चीजों से एक घोंसले का निर्माण करें

तथा उसे सूखी पत्तियों, हरी घासआदि से सुसज्जित करें।

21 से 45 ग्लोबल वार्मिंग पर पोस्टर निर्माण /पेड़ों के महत्व पर

कविता निर्माण / स्लोगन लेखन तैयार करें ।

*पेड़ों का मनुष्य के लिए क्या महत्व है उससे संबंधित कोई

10 प्रश्न वैकल्पिक उत्तर सहित फ्लैश कार्ड तैयार करें

घर में फालतू पड़ी हुई चीजों से एक घोंसले का निर्माण करें

तथा उसे सूखी पत्तियों, हरी घासआदि से सुसज्जित करें।


यमन ु ायाः स्वरूपं स्वच्छता च ( छात्रा: मानचित्रे गङ्गायाः स्वरूपं प्रदर्शयन्ति अपि च स्वच्छं जलं भवेत ् इति ते अस्मिन ् विषये वर्णनं

Roll No.s Homework

1 to 20 मानचित्रानस
ु ारं नद्याः स्थितिवर्णनम ्

21 onwards विषयस्य चित्रवर्णनम ्

Important Note: Click on the link given for PT 1 Syllabus and Worksheets -

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