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NAME: Ailah Crysthel O.

Butiong DATE: August 20, 2022



1.) What makes a person who advocates and practices excellence with stronger character very

Passion makes a person who advocates and practices excellence with a stronger character very
successful. If you want to be successful, you need to be passionate about pursuing your goals.
Having a passion may show how excellent you are as a person. Passion is the one that motivates
us, even if we fail or make a mistake, as long as we know how to turn them into our
opportunities. Moreover, excellence becomes a stronger character when you also apply
honesty, integrity, innovation, and teamwork. Stronger character is also essential in achieving
our goals in life. When you have strong character traits of working hard on what you are doing,
you are going to be successful. As a result, it makes you more confident in the things that you
want to achieve.

2.) How do you demonstrate “galling, gawi, gawa and gana?” in your chosen program (accounting)?

I will demonstrate "galling, gawi, gawa, and gana" through applying it in studying my chosen
course, which is the BS in Accountancy. First, galing, I should be an excellent, brilliant, have the
skill, competent, and craft student. Second, gawi, as a college student, I must have strong
character, good conduct, good habits, propriety, attitude, reputation, resilience, and the whole
gamut of a desirable way of life. The third is the gawa. I should show good performance, track
record, innovation, contribution, outputs, and value-added. Lastly, gana, I must have desire,
motivation, aspiration, dedication, and commitment in everything I do in learning accounting.
Therefore, it is really important to have a good attitude as a student to become a successful CPA
or professional in the future.

3.) From the core values, action values and 4Gs, how would you describe a UMian student or

I would describe a UMian as an excellent student with a stronger character. Excellent because all
students are trained and expected to do their best in academics and other extracurricular
activities in school. As a result, many UMian graduates have been known as professionals of
excellence who excel in their respective fields and undertakings. Moreover, excellence becomes
excellence with a stronger character when it is anchored on the virtues of honesty, integrity,
invention, and teamwork.

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