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To Sci 201-A.

(Inorganic Chemistry)

This is your assignment to be done individually on one whole sheet of yellow

paper and must be submitted tomorrow, Nov. 25, 2022 before 12 noon. Please do
this during our time today since I may not be able to meet you. Thank you very

Research Work on Kinetic Molecular Theory

Answer the following questions completely.

1. Compared to sea level, would it be slightly more difficult or somewhat
easier to drink via straw at the bottom of a deep mine? At the top of a high
mountain? Defend your answer.

-If a person drinks through a straw, the pressure inside the straw decreases
due to the pressure change brought by the pushing of the liquid. The more
the pressure difference, it would be easier to drink with a straw.

2. If there were a liquid twice as dense as mercury, and it was used to make a
barometer, how tall would the column be? Show your solution.
answer: the height of the column of liquid is half the height of the mercury

The density of the column is p=2Pmercury

Formula used:
The expression for pressure is,
P = pgh
Here, p is the density, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and h is the

Consider the density of the mercury is Pmercury The height (hmc) of the column
of mercury is,

P = pmercuryghmc


-Consider the mercury in the column is replaced by a liquid of density p.

-Consider a liquid used is twice dense as compared to mercury.

p= 2pmercury

The height (hlc) of the column of liquid is.

P = pghlc

hlc =_p_

hlc = ____P__

hlc = 1 (2pmercury g)

hlc = 1 hmc

Conclusion: Thus, the height of the column of liquid is the half the height of
the mercury column.
3. Which would weigh more - a bottle filled with helium gas, or the same
bottle empty? Explain.
Gases are very light because the particles are far apart, it also have mass.
Weight is the product of mass and the acceleration due to gravity.
Consider the weight of the evacuated bottle as W and the weight of the
bottle filled with helium gas as the weight of evacuated bottle with the
weight of the gas.
So the weight of the bottle with helium gas is more when compared to the
evacuated bottle.

Thus, the weight of the bottle filled with helium gas is more.

4. Small bubbles of air are released by a scuba diver deep in the water. As the
bubble rises, do they become larger, smaller, or stay about the same size?
5. It is easy to breathe when snorkeling with only your face beneath the
surface of water, but quite difficult to breathe if you are submerged nearly
a meter, and nearly impossible if you are more than a meter deep (even if
your snorkel tube reaches to the surface). Can you figure out why?

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