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Received: 7 November 2018 Revised: 14 January 2019 Accepted: 16 February 2019

DOI: 10.1111/jerd.12466


Use of extracted anterior teeth as provisional restorations

and surgical guide for immediate multiple implant placement:
A clinical case report
Luis G. Ladino1 | Diego Rosselli2

Implant Dentistry and Clinical Epidemiology
and Biostatistics, Medical School, Pontificia Abstract
Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá, Colombia Objective: The aim of this article is to describe the use of natural anterior teeth as a surgical
Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics guide to implant placement and provisional restoration for a young patient with root resorption
Department, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana,
of upper central incisors and left-lateral incisor.
Bogotá, Colombia
Clinical considerations: Achieving soft tissue esthetics is quite a challenge in implant dentistry.
Luis G. Ladino, Av 19 No 128B-66, Bogotá, Here, a case of immediate implant placement using the natural teeth of the patient as an immediate
Colombia. provisional restoration, which achieves satisfactory results in terms of soft tissue architecture.
Email: Conclusions: Post-extraction implant placement in combination with immediate loading of dental
implants has been evolving into an appropriate procedure for the treatment of partially edentulous
anterior maxilla. Different techniques that include use of the own teeth as provisional implant sup-
ported restoration helps to maintain architecture of gingival contour, specially papilla.
Clinical significance: Natural architecture of anterior soft tissue is a big challenge in implant den-
tistry. Use of natural teeth as a surgical guide and provisional restorations might be helpful to
obtain an optimal outcome.


dental implant, esthetic zone, immediate dental implant, immediate loading, provisional

1 | I N T RO D UC T I O N soft tissue contour. Besides, use of patient's own teeth can further
provide a comfortably transition to definitive restorations. One of
Anterior implant restorations are probably one of the most challenging the main complications on anterior implants is mucosal recession; to
procedures in implant dentistry. Critical analysis of the smile, the type of reduce the risk of this complication, literature suggest keeping facial
load and provisional restoration material to be used, and patient's expec- bone intact in cases with a medium to thick tissue biotype.2 Regard-
tations are some of the essential issues to take in account. In addition, ing provisional and definitive implant-supported restorations, the
predictable success requires a complete presurgical planning regarding gold standard, concerning abutment shape, remains the one with a
the type of restoration needed and the space it will require. Several pro- divergent profile to establish an emergence profile similar to a natu-

cedures options had been identified to reach the predictability of the ral tooth3; the use of natural teeth could be the better way to use as

esthetic outcome. These procedures include: the implant position, provisional in terms of morphology to obtain an ideal emergence
profile, as has been described by Margeas, in 2006.4
the communication of the optimal implant position using templates, and
the use of implant-supported provisional prostheses.1 Young patients
who lose one or multiple teeth in the esthetic zone may have a psycho- 2 | CLINICAL REPORT
logical and social negative impact. However, the placement of dental
implants into a fresh extraction socket followed by an immediate provi- A 21-year-old female patient was clinically evaluated and presented
sional restoration supported by the implant can help to solve this dis- mobility of the upper central incisors and the left-lateral incisor and
comforting experience, functionally and esthetically, maintaining the were diagnosed with severe external root resorption due to a long

J Esthet Restor Dent. 2019;1–4. © 2019 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 1


FIGURE 1 Initial view (A). Frontal view (B). Periapical radiographic of patient

history of orthodontics, the long-term endodontic prognoses was not peri-implantitis which represents a heterogeneous mixed infection
favorable; the teeth were indicated for extraction (Figure 1). Cone that includes colonization of periodontopathic microorganisms.5
beam computed tomography revealed the presence of good buccal Esthetics, phonetics, and fit were confirmed. After shade match-
plate, the treatment was plan consisted of the immediate implant ing with composite resin, the provisional restorations were polished
placement and immediate provisionalization for the central incisors and inserted in the patient's mouth. Finally, the occlusal scheme was
and left-lateral incisor using her own natural teeth. The procedures for refined and verified intraorally. Provisional crowns were screwed to
all the three teeth were performed in a single visit seeking to maintain 15 Ncm of torque, and palatal access hole was sealed with resin com-
the integrity of interproximal bone as well as the soft tissue contour. posite. One week after surgery, the soft tissue was assessed identify-
After local anesthesia, central incisors and left-lateral incisor were ing healthy surrounding peri-implant tissue (Figure 6).
drilled at the palatal surface with a cylindrical drill to use the teeth as In the follow-up examination after 6 months, the provisional teeth
a surgical guide (Figure 2). were removed, and healing evaluated; oral hygiene was verified to be
The two initial drills from the protocol were used to prepare the excellent, without any complaints in terms of occlusion, mastication,
implant bed and the teeth were removed with extraction forceps or esthetics. An adequate emergence profile and dimensions of papil-
(Figure 3). The integrity of the buccal wall was verified. Three implants lae were obtained with provisional restoration (Figure 7). At the radio-
were placed at central incisors sites and left-lateral incisor site, respec- graphic evaluation, a peri-implant marginal bone level loss was 1 mm.
tively. The implants were placed toward the palatal wall of the extrac- In the absence of functional and esthetic problems, definitive indivi-
tion sockets to a depth of 3 mm from the free gingival margin. dual restorations were manufactured (Figure 8).
A minimum torque value of 35 Ncm upon implant placement was con-
firmed prior to immediate provisionalization. A screw-retained provi-
sional abutment was placed onto the implants (Figure 4A). The natural 3 | DI SCU SSION
crowns were cleaned, treated, and connected to the temporary abut-
ment with resin composite resin intraorally with an aid of a position External apical root resorption is an undesirable side effect associated
index (Figure 4B). Then, the connected provisional restoration was with orthodontically induced tooth movement. Root shortening
removed from the implant and composite resins were smoothed and results from a combination of biological activities in the region of the
used to contour the subgingival portion to capture the cervical gingi- periodontal ligament, which will interact with force exerted during
val emergence of the extracted teeth given the importance of subgin- orthodontic treatment. Factors such as shape of teeth roots, patient's
gival contour which supported the peri-implant tissue in anterior age at orthodontic treatment onset, treatment time, as well as ortho-
zone (Figure 5). The interface between teeth and composite was dontic mechanics and magnitude of force have been reported as
extremely polished forming a smooth surface to reduce the risk of significant for the occurrence of external apical root resorption.6

FIGURE 2 Initial drill protocol (A), 2.0 mm pilot drill (B) occlusal view of access holes

FIGURE 3 Extracted anterior teeth. A, Fresh sockets; B, extracted crowns

FIGURE 4 Positioning provisional restorations. A, Temporary plastic abutments with natural crowns; B, silicon matrix to position guide

FIGURE 5 Postoperative view. A, Frontal view of Immediate provisional restoration. B, Maxillary occlusal view of screw-retained provisional
restoration. C, Radiographic view of implant position

Achieving soft tissue as well as previous restorations esthetics is Currently, different materials like: acrylic polymethyl methacrylate,
quite a challenge in implant dentistry. Immediate implant placement is resin composites and more recently bis-acrylate resins are commonly
the treatment of choice in a flapless procedure of sites with specific ana- used to manufacture provisional crowns and fixed partial dentures for
tomical conditions such as an intact facial bone wall with a thick wall
phenotype and a thick gingival biotype.7 This approach offers a low mor-
bidity and the possibility to receive an immediate provisional restoration
the same day of extraction.8 Drilling through existing teeth might lead to
possible infectious complications; which did not occur in this patient.
Immediate or delayed provisional restorations are a tool used for
arranging irregular occlusal plans, increasing vertical dimension, and
contour soft tissue,9–11 features required to improve the patient's
conditions and achieve the final esthetic and functional outcomes.

FIGURE 6 One week after surgery FIGURE 7 View of papillae 6 months after surgery

anatomy could help to maintain soft tissue architecture after extrac-

tions reaching good esthetic outcomes.

The authors do not have any financial interest in the companies
whose materials are included in this article.


Diego Rosselli

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4 | CO NC LUSIO N How to cite this article: Ladino LG, Rosselli D. Use of

extracted anterior teeth as provisional restorations and surgi-
The use of healthy natural teeth that have been recently extracted cal guide for immediate multiple implant placement: A clinical
due to an immediate implant placement is an alternative to be used case report. J Esthet Restor Dent. 2019;1–4.
as a provisional restoration to achieve an optimal tissue contour and 10.1111/jerd.12466
improve the conditions of the final rehabilitation. Natural teeth

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