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Managing People and Organisation

Managing People and Organization: Talent

Pool Engagement

CitiusTech is a leading provider of consulting and digital technology to healthcare and life sciences
companies. It is strategic partners to the world’s leading payer, provider, MedTech and life sciences
companies to drive innovation, business transformation and industry-wide convergence. CT plays a deep
and meaningful role in accelerating digital innovation, driving sustainable value and helping improve
outcomes across the healthcare ecosystem.

Talent Pool Engagement Team is an initiative to keep the talent pool employees meaningfully engaged
to enhance their project deploy ability. This team helps the Talent pool employees in Preparing for
Client Interview/Training & Cross-skilling/Capability Development initiatives running in
CitiusTech/Internal Projects /Shadowing CT/Client Projects /Hands-on Assignments.
Managing People and Organisation

Problem Statement
With Current strength of employees in Talent pool (approx. 800) it is very difficult to keep track of all the
engagement activities that we run. TPEs (Talent Pool Employees) do enroll for different engagement
categories but do not finish it on time and take their hands-on assignments/trainings seriously. Due to
which their deploy-ability to any project decreases.

We need to come up with a solution to be able to track all these engagement activities they enroll to
and be able to give them guidance in terms of utilizing their time in talent pool to become experts in
their own technology stacks and be able to grab a billable opportunity with Markets/ BUs.

Case Study questions/assignment

• How do we capture the data related to current engagement activities of Talent Pool Employees
• How do we track daily utilization of 8 hours and daily progress of TPEs in any activity they enroll?
• How do we keep TPE’s meaningfully engaged in terms of retaining this large pool of talent?
• How do we help TPEs in upskilling/cross skilling in order to get more opportunities with BUs?
• How do we coach / train TPEs to be able to crack the client interviews? How can we utilize the
senior resource in the Talent pool for the same?
• How do we assess TPEs technical expertise after completing any training topic?
• How do we measure an Effectiveness of Talent Pool Employee Engagement and make an impact
of Talent Pool employee engagement on performance of CitiusTech?

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