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Teacher’s Name: Julius T.


School: Angela Valdez Ramos National High School

Grade Level: Grade 11-12


1. How is your class process in accordance to the new normal and new curriculum?
 Just like the other institutions and teachers, I am still on the process of adjusting different
strategies and techniques that would be more beneficial to all my students. Since the breakout
of the pandemic, I must design better ways to implement the lesson and make sure that
students would still have understandings with the lessons. My workplace has chosen to
conduct modular distance learning, but it does not mean that when I give them the modules, I
would only wait for them to finish it. I make sure that there is always a follow up on the lesson
through checking on them in their group chats and assist the students in understanding each
lesson presented in the SLM’s.
2. What would be your assurance that K-12 graduates will be employed?
 There is no assurance that they will be employed in the workforce but there is always an assurance that
they are equipped with the knowledge, skills, and attitude to be a good employee. However, since the
new normal, I have noticed that many of the past graduates have ventured in online businesses rather
than applying for a certain job. Let’s accept that searching for a job is not that easy and there are many
others with higher qualifications such as college graduates that might also want that certain position.
3. Will the new normal of learning process can help student to achieve greater success?
 There would be no guarantee that we can achieve more during this time because we all have
adjusted due to the current situation. The lesser interaction between the teachers and the
students became a great difference from the old ways. But we still believe that learning is a
two-way process in which the students can do their part if they are more than willing to learn,
and teachers can still communicate with the students. Perhaps the main problem is that we are
still coping with the current situation, and it takes time to see visible results
4. What are the effects of having an additional two (2) years of teaching?
 First, we have more employees and we have created more jobs. Second, with regards to the
curriculum implemented, there are lots of things to be revised and revisit but with the visioned
outcomes of the current curriculum, it aims to de load subjects in the lower education and
higher education so that students could then focus on their field of specialization. Lastly, if
implemented properly, it would be the contrary to the claims that it is a burden to the
students, rather it would be beneficial to them because they would not be going for another
year of education in the international arena.
5. Do you feel that the current way we are educating children fully prepares them for the needs of the
21st century?
 For those who are taking the Vocational courses, my answer is yes because they are trained to
enter the workforce to do labor works and we provide enhancements in their field of
specialization. For the academics, it was a preparation for them to enter the higher education
and become professionals soon.
6. What do you think is the biggest problem that the K-12 teachers facing right now?
 The biggest problem teachers are facing right now in teaching and learning process is the lack
of interaction between teachers and students because the situation does not allow us.
Implementing activities and tasks are almost impossible to check with regards to its veracity.
7. How well did you handle your subjects as a K-12 teacher?
 I don’t consider myself as the best teacher when it come to my subjects, but I make sure that all
the needed competencies were learned by the students.
8. Is the digital technology of teaching helpful in delivering the leaning for the students?
 As the old saying says, “the best instructional material is the teacher himself”. The digital
technology is helpful as an aid in delivering lesson but the craftsmanship and the skills of the
teacher to ensure the effectiveness is still the key in meeting the goal.
9. How millennial student affect your way of teaching?
 Teaching millennial students does not affect me that much because I keep myself abreast with
the latest happenings for me to be able to relate with them. In such a way I will be able to feel
where they are coming from and understand them.
10. Does the amount of information in the curriculum fit comfortably and realistically into the number
of hours that the students meet each week and the number of weeks in a school year?
 As a science teacher, I my answer is no. when I started teaching in the new curriculum, I was
shocked by the learning competencies that I have to teach because there is too much in 1 hour.
If I would teach them all, it would be difficult for me and my students to catch up. These are the
things that should be revisited by authorities because the curriculum is bombarded by too
many competencies that is impossible to do.
11. Are the teachers using the curriculum to guide decisions about instruction and assessment?
 It’s a necessity to pattern the instruction and assessments to the curriculum guide to ensure a
smooth implementation of the lesson. Planning lessons that fit with the curriculum guide would
lessen the work.
12. Do teachers have or receive their own copy of the entire curriculum to see whether grades and
responsibilities fit into the whole?
 Yes, it is a necessity to have a copy of the entire curriculum so that they would have a deeper
understanding on the things that should be done and to ensure continuity of the topics.
13. Does the curriculum include skills which prepares students for college readiness and the 21st
century workforce?
 Yes, performance tasks and activities were designed to fit with the needs of the 21 st century
workers and prepares students in their college journey. Senior High School serves as the link
between basic education and higher education.
14. Does the curriculum include suggestions for ways to differentiate learning for diverse learners?
 At some point yes, students were given the freedom to choose their own field of specialization. And at
some point no, because of the inclusive education that the department is implementing.

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