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IX sinif – Monitoring

Variant A
Ş.A.S. : ______________________ Tarix: ___________________
Listen to the passage and answer questions 1-6.

1.What is the passage mainly about?

A)echolocation C)misconception about bats E)sense of smell
B)flying mammals D)deserts and polar regions
2.Which statement is true according to the listened passage?
A)Hanging upside down is the best way to escape quickly. C)Bats are one of the mammals that can fly.
D)Most bats prefer to feed on human bood. E)Bats have very strong legs and walk very well.
B)Bats can be found all over the world including deserts and polar regions.
3.Complete the sentence according to the listened passage.

Some bats use their … to locate and eat fruit and nectar.

A)strong wings C)weak legs E)body and tail

B)sense of smell D)long fingers

4.Write the word from the passage which best fits the definition “an area,often covered with
sand,where there is very little rain and not many plants.”


5.Complete the sentence according to the listened passage.

Some bats send out sounds to locate insects and small animals to eat.This technique is called

6.Write the correct answer according to listened passage.

In what part of the world can’t we see bats?


7.Choose the correct variant.

What flowers … ?

A)you have planted in your garden C)was you planted in your garden

B)you planted in your garden D)are you planting in your garden

E)you plant in your garden

8.Match the words to their definitions. defend say smth again repeat allow somebody to do something permit protect somebody from attack

A)1-b; 2-c; 3-a C)1-a; 2-c; 3-b E)1-c; 2-b; 3-a

B)1-c; 2-a; 3-b D)1-b; 2-a; 3-c

9.Choose the correct sentence with the noun in the Genitive Case.

A)There’s ice-cream for pudding. C)The childrens’ books have been lost.

B)The White’s garden is full of trees. D)We can buy bread at the baker’s.

E)Agshin’s and Akhmed’s mother is a teacher.

10.Choose the correct articles.

… Wales is … smallest country in … United Kingdom.

A)-, the, - B)-, -,the C)the,the,the D)the,a,the E)-, the, the

11.Choose the correct variant.

There were only … people in the concert because of the rain.

A)a lot of C)a little E)many B)a few D)few

12.Choose the coorect variant.

This is my friend … laptop was stolen this morning.

A)who C)whose E)whom B)what D)which

13.Choose the correct tense form.

I’ll give him the message as soon as I … him.

A)have seen B)see C)saw D)would see E)will see

14.Choose the correct sentence in the Passive Voice.

The secretary will send the letters tomorrow.

A)The letters will be send by the secretary. B)The letters will be sent by the secretary.

C)The letters will sent by the secretary. E)The secretary will be sent the letters tomorrow.

D)The letters would be sent tomorrow.

15.Choose the correct modal verb.

We … get up early.It’s Sunday tomorrow.

A)don’t have to B)should C)oughtn’t D)haven’t to E)shouldn’t to

16.Choose the correct prepositions.

Newspaper provide … us … more details about events.

A)- ,with B)with,with C)with,- D)- ,in E)to,in

17.Choose the word close in meaning with the underlined word.

We must do our best to protect the Earth’s precious beaches.

A)valuable B)stable C)suitable D)reliable E)incredible

18.Choose the correct variant.

What a nice house! My grandfather has constructed this house … .

A)yourselves B)ourselves C)himself D)myself E)themselves

19.Choose the correct variant.

These problems are not as … as they first appear.

A)simpler B)most simple C)simple D)more simple E)much simple

20.Choose the correct variant.

… there many people at the dance last night?

A)are B)were C)is D)will E)was

21.Choose the correct form of the verb.

Who is responsible for … the whole party?

A)organize B)to organize C)organized D)organizes E)organizing

22.Make up a sentence.

1.well-known 2.Charlie Chaplin

3.was 4.actors of the the world

A)1,2,3,5,4,6 B)2,3,5,1,4,6 C)2,3,5,4,6,1 D)5,1,4,6,2,3 E)4,1,5,6,3,2

Read the passage and fulfil the tasks 23-30

Sushi is a traditional food from Japan.It is also eaten in countries all over the world.Sushi restaurants
have become very popular in many Asian,North American,and Europian cities.
Sushi is traditionally made of raw fish and rice.The rice is usually mixed with vinegar,sugar and
salt.Sometimes sushi is wrapped in seaweed called “nori”.There are many different kinds of sushi.The
most popular sushi in Japan is “nigirizushi”.This kind of sushi has a piece of fish on top of some
rice.Another kind of sushi is “makizushi”.This is rice rolled from around fish and wrapped in seaweed.In
America,”makizushi” has become the most popular kind of sushi.

In Japan,Sushi is traditionally served in counter-style restaurants,but there are also many “conveyor-belt
shops”.In this kind of shop,plates of sushi are put on a moving belt.People can take the sushi they want
as it passes.The color of the plate shows the price of the sushi.This type of restaurant is also popular in
other countries.

23.What is the passage mainly about?

A)Japan’s best sushi restaurants C)North American countries E)the history of sushi

B)main ingredients for making sushi D)a traditional Japanese food

24.Which statement is true according to the passage?

A)Sushi is said to have originated in China. B)Today sushi is only associated with Japanese culture.

C)Conveyor-belt shops are not popular in other countries. D)Sushi is traditionally made of cooked fish.

E)Makizushi is the most popular sushi in the United States.

25.Choose the correct answer according to the passage.

How do customers know the price in the conveyor-belt shops?

A)the waiter tells them the price C)they ask other customers the price

B)by looking at the name of the sushi D)by looking at the name of the restaurant

E)by looking at the color of the plate

26.Choose the correct answer according to the passage.

Where does sushi come from?

A)China B)Japan C)America D)Europe E)Korea

27.Write two adjectives from the passage ,which characterize “kind” ___________________________

28.Write the word from paragraph 3 which best fits the definition “to give someone food or
drink ,especially in a restaurant ,bar etc.” __________________________________________________

29.Complete the sentence according to the passage.

Sushi is one of the best Japanese dishes not only in Japan but is also extremely popular


30.Write the correct answer according to the passage.

What are the main ingredients of traditional Japanese sushi?_______________________________

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