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Declaration of Conformity

Vard Tulcea SA

hereby declare that

cold bending of steel pipes with bending radius R=1,5xD

carried out in
Tulcea pipe workshop

is performed in conformity with requirements in

DNV Rules for classification of ships (effective as of July 2013)
- Part 4, Ch. 6, Sec. 7A (Pipes wall thickness requirements)
- Part 4, Ch. 6, Sec. 8C (Workmanship Pipe bending)

steel pipes with quality P235GH acc. to EN 10216-2

Reference is made to our DNV approved procedure STD-104-050 “Cold bending of

steel pipes”, which describes the method of how to determine minimum wall
thickness for different design pressures and pipe services.

Test reports of material properties after bending are available upon request.

We hereby declare that bending of steel pipes as mentioned above is planned and
carried out according to the above listed requirements.

For Vard Tulcea

Name ______________________
Position ______________________
Location ______________________
Date ______________________

Signature ______________________

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