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University of the People

CS 2203 – Database 1.

Dr. Vasha Himthani

Programming Assignment Unit 4.

The assignment must define or describe the changes required to get the relations into the 1st
normal form.
For a relation to be in the first normal form, it has to meet the following rules.
1. The relation must have domains that are indivisible (Sharma et al 2010)
2. Column to contain values of the same domain.
3. No duplicate rows.
4. Each column to have unique name.
5. No ordering of rows and column.
The doctor Relation in 1NF
Doctor Relation

Doctor ID Name Phone SpecialtyNumber Speciality Supervisor

Appointment Relation in 1NF

Appointment Relation.

AppointmentID DoctorID PatientD AppointmentDate BloodPressure Weight TreatmentNote

Medicine Relation

MedicineID medicines

Patient Relation in 1NF

Patient Relation.

PatientID Name Phone Email Address AddedDate DoctorID

Allergies Relation

AllergeyID Allergies

The assignment must define or describe the changes required to get the relations into the
2nd normal form.
For a relation to be in the 2NF, it must meet the following rules.
1. The relation must be in the 1NF
2. There should be no partial dependency in the relation.
The doctor Relation in 2NF
Doctor Relation

Doctor ID Name Phone SpecialtyNumber Specialty Supervisor

Specialty Relation

DoctorID SpecialtyNumber Specialty

The appointment relation and the patient relation as they are shown the 1NF above meet the
rules of 2NF.
The assignment should include an Entity Relationship diagram in 3rd normal form.
For the relation to be in 3NF, Sharma et al (2010) argues that it should meet following rules.
1. The relation must be in the 2NF
2. There is no non-key attribute that depends transitively on the candidate key.
3. Every attribute depends on primary key and it should not depend transitively on primary

Entity Relationship diagram that details the relationships between Relations.

In the diagram below, the primary key are the DOCTORID, PATIENTID, APPOINTMENTID,

The description of the E-R diagram

The relationship between the specialty and doctor relation is one to one. Meaning one doctor
has one specialty.

The relationship between doctor to patient is one to many.

The relationship between allergy and patient is zero, one or many to one.

The relationship between patient and appointment is one to many.

The relationship between doctor and appointment is one to many.

And finally the relationship between medicine and appointment is zero, one or many to one.


Sharma, N., Perniu, L., Chong, R. F., Iyer, A., Nandan, C., Mitea, A. C., Nonvinkere, M., &
Danubianu, M. (2010). Databases fundamentals. Download the pdf.

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