Disscussion Post Unit 1

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CS 2203 Database 1

Discussion Post Unit 1

Advantages and Disadvantages of using the Library DBMS

A database is an organized collection of structured information, specifically designed for easy and
efficient storage, retrieval, and maintenance of data (Sharma, et al, 2010, p. 23). The data is typically
stored electronically in a computer system and is usually controlled by the Database Management
System, (DBMS). However, this has advantages and disadvantages especially in this scenario where a
DBMS is to be developed for a library to replace the traditional file system currently in use.

Advantages of using the Library DBMS

One of the advantages of using DBMS in this library is that the library will be able to keep track of
their data. According to Watt, et al (2014), the company will be able to keep track of the customer’s
information or anything else that assists the business with its operations by storing it in a database (p.
12). With the DBMS, the librarian will easily be able to keep track of the borrower's information and
the books loaned. The borrower's information may include the name, address, e-mail, and phone
number. Another advantage of using DBMS in this library is that the data will be organized and
information will be updated in one system. Unlike the file system, where information on a computer is
stored in permanent files, DBMS will keep data in rows and columns in a series of tables to make
processing and data querying efficient. It will then be easy to access, manage, modify, update, control,
and organize data by the use of Structured Query Language (SQL). This will prevent data redundancy,
data isolation, integrity issues, and security problems.

Disadvantages of using the Library DBMS

The fundamental disadvantage of using the Library DBMS is that it is costly. The software such as
DBMS comes with added cost and the system or technology gadgets have to be updated regularly in
order to be compatible. The system also requires the hiring of DBMS professionals to design and
develop it. Not only that but also the end-user will need training on how to efficiently use the system.
All this will demand finance from the company and will affect the business if not properly managed.


Sharma, N., Perniu, L., Chong, R. F., Iyer, A., Nandan, C., Mitea, A. C., Nonvinkere, M. & Danubianu,
M. (2010). Database fundamentals. IBM Canada. Retrieved from

Watt, A., & Eng, N. (2014). Database design, 2nd edition. BCcampus, BC Open Textbook Project.
Retrieved from https://my.uopeople.edu/pluginfile.php/1184996/mod_book/chapter/274512/Database-

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