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SQL Injection User Input characters data

access SQL query database
privileged account

♦ SQL injection attacks

♦ SQL injection user input
♦ SQL injection SQL Command parameters
♦ Database account
♦ is

commands Login page SQL
injection application database over-privileged account
application’s Login page
database Attacker

SQL injection attacks ႕ Data Code

- User
- parameters SQL statements
- Over-privileged database login

SQL Injection
User SSN text box String

' ; DROP DATABASE pubs --

string text box application Dynamic
SQL Statement ( ) Store Procedure (SQL statement )

// Use dynamic SQL

SqlDataAdapter myCommand = new SqlDataAdapter(
"SELECT au_lname, au_fname FROM authors WHERE au_id = '" +
SSN.Text + "'", myConnection);

// Use stored procedures

SqlDataAdapter myCommand = new SqlDataAdapter(
"LoginStoredProcedure '" + SSN.Text + "'", myConnection);

Code run code user ၏ SQL Statement

Developer ၏
SELECT au_lname, au_fname FROM authors WHERE au_id = '172-32-9999'

Code user ၏ malicious query

SELECT au_lname, au_fname FROM authors WHERE au_id = ''; DROP DATABASE pubs --'

‘ (single quotation mark) Malware input SQL statement

current string current statement
new statement current statement
input ႕ single quotation mark ႕
SELECT au_lname, au_fname FROM authors WHERE au_id = ' '

; (semicolon) SQL statement statement

malicious SQL code ; (semicolon) ၏

; SQL statements vendor ( i e entation

Microsoft SQL Server SQL Server


-- (double dash) te t SQL comment

SQL SQL parser error ‘ (single quotation mark )

SQL injection attacks -

- Input data type , length, format range
- Data access SQL parameters SQL paramenters stored
procedures ( ) SQL command strings na ica

- SQLParameterCollection Parameter collections type Length validation

parameters collection input
SQL Server excutable code parameter collection type
length Values outside of the range trigger an
- Database permissions account database
stored procedures permissions table

- Database Error Information database error ၏

error user
SSL (Secure Socket Layer) IP Security

SQL injection
- ၁ input
- ၂ stored procedures parameters
- ၃ dynamic SQL parameters

၁ input ASP.NET application type length format range

input data access queries input SQL injection

input characters
characters characters
regular expressions validation character

ASP.NET web page input

ASP.NET web page in t server side code client-side
validation server to client client
to server round trip user experience client-side validation

Server controls input RegularExpressionValidator RangeValidator

ASP.NET validator controls HTML input controls input
server-side code Regex class
code ASP.NET TextBox control SSN Textbox Value
Value RegularExpressionValidator
<%@ language="C#" %>
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<asp:TextBox ID="SSN" runat="server"/>
<asp:RegularExpressionValidator ID="regexpSSN" runat="server"
ErrorMessage="Incorrect SSN Number"
ValidationExpression="^\d{3}-\d{2}-\d{4}$" />

SSN input HTML control query string parameter ( ) cookie

System.Text.RegularExpressions namespace Regex class
Input cookie
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
if (Regex.IsMatch(Request.Cookies["SSN"], "^\d{3}-\d{2}-\d{4}$"))
// access the database
// handle the bad input

ASP.Net Injection Attacks

Data o e user input

ASP.NET page-level validation data access code validation Data
access code validation (၂)
Untrusted Clients
Data ( ) ata validate
data input
validation logic

Library code
data access code library ac a e data access code
validation client applications

Regular expressions data access validate

using System;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

public void CreateNewUserAccount(string name, string password)

// Check name contains only lower case or upper case letters,
// the apostrophe, a dot, or white space. Also check it is
// between 1 and 40 characters long
if ( !Regex.IsMatch(userIDTxt.Text, @"^[a-zA-Z'./s]{1,40}$"))
throw new FormatException("Invalid name format");

// Check password contains at least one digit, one lower case

// letter, one uppercase letter, and is between 8 and 10
// characters long
if ( !Regex.IsMatch(passwordTxt.Text,
@"^(?=.*\d)(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z]).{8,10}$" ))
throw new FormatException("Invalid password format");

// Perform data access logic (using type safe parameters)


(၂) Stored Procedure Parameter

Stored procedures SQL injection
stored procedure parameter parameter
Overview unfiltered input SQL injection
code stored procedure SqlParameterCollection

using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;

using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))

DataSet userDataset = new DataSet();
SqlDataAdapter myCommand = new SqlDataAdapter(
"LoginStoredProcedure", connection);
myCommand.SelectCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
myCommand.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add("@au_id", SqlDbType.VarChar, 11);
myCommand.SelectCommand.Parameters["@au_id"].Value = SSN.Text;


ဤ code @au_id parameter executable code

parameter type length code ႕
input character (၁၁) data parameter
type ( ) length SqlParameter class exception

Application Parameterized Stored Procedure

Parameter stored procedure SQL injection
ဤ stored procedure type ၏
parameterized stored procedure
@var ntext
exec sp_executesql @var

႕ code example stored procedure

• statement asse stored procedure execute @var variable

• Stored procedure Dbo privileges run
• Store procedure RunQuery attacker
database attacker stored procedure RunQuery
attacker query run stored procedure

(၃) Dynamic SQL Parameter

Stored Procedure D na ic SQL state ent
parameters code dynamic SQL
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;

using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))

DataSet userDataset = new DataSet();
SqlDataAdapter myDataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(
"SELECT au_lname, au_fname FROM Authors WHERE au_id = @au_id",
myCommand.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add("@au_id", SqlDbType.VarChar, 11);
myCommand.SelectCommand.Parameters["@au_id"].Value = SSN.Text;

Parameter Batching
single round trip server a batch of statement
SQL statement parameter
parameter name SQL text concatenation
unique parameter
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
SqlDataAdapter dataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(
"SELECT CustomerID INTO #Temp1 FROM Customers " +
"WHERE CustomerID > @custIDParm; SELECT CompanyName FROM Customers " +
"WHERE Country = @countryParm and CustomerID IN " +
"(SELECT CustomerID FROM #Temp1);",
SqlParameter custIDParm = dataAdapter.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add(
"@custIDParm", SqlDbType.NChar, 5);
custIDParm.Value = customerID.Text;

SqlParameter countryParm = dataAdapter.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add(

"@countryParm", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 15);
countryParm.Value = country.Text;

DataSet dataSet = new DataSet();
SQL injection
- Special input characters escape routines
- Privileged database account
- o in o ation

Special input characters escape routines

Dynamic SQL Special input characters threat
parameterized SQL code ႕ SQL Server
Escape routines S ecia eanin characters escape character

private string SafeSqlLiteral(string inputSQL)

return inputSQL.Replace("'", "''");

A Least-Privileged database account

Privileged account application atabase Windows
authentication Operation System privileged account
limited privileges Windo s eso ces windows
authentication ( ) SQL authentication SQL Server
login database e issions
ic oso t in o s Se e run ASP.NET application
default ASP.NET application et o Se ice acco nt run application pool
run account a east i i e e acco nt
Network Service account SQL Server
၁ Web server ၏ Network Service account SQL Server Login Network
Service account DOMAIN\WEBSERVERNAME$ database server network
credentials domain XYZ Web Server 123
XYZ/123$ database login
၂ database user database role user
database Login
၃ database role database tab e sto e
oce e permission application
stored procedures application ႕
ASP.NET application database ata update
table read access attacker SQL
injection attack attacker

o in o ation
Error exception handling client error
error information Local Log client
User database e o user error nature
ata database error
database security compromise
malicious user Attacker SQL query
deconstruct error message
a icio s co e
error message connection string, SQL server name
table database naming conventions

XSS Cross Site Scripting Attack eb Site ႕ ne abi ities

Web Site Structure a a Sc i t ttac e ac e
Attack (vulnerabilities) XSS
( ) Cross-Site Scripting Web Developer
႕၏ Web Site SS User

♦ Web page oss-Site sc i tin
♦ oss-Site ttac s

♦ e a e ession input
ASP.NET ႕ validator controls
♦ B o se Script code HTML tag execute
♦ HTML tags attributes review

XSS Cross Site Scripting Attack eb Site ႕

ne abi ities ient-si e sc i t co e sc i t co e
User User script code ႕ browser
run trusted site script code browser download
code Cross Site sc i tin attac s
HTTP HTTPS (SSL) connection Cross-site scripting attack ႕
attacker (၁ trusted site (၁) authentication
cookies script (၁) cookies web address attacker
attacker user
Web Application ၁ oss-site sc i tin attac vulnerabilities
♦ In t
♦O t t encode
♦ Shared database trusting data

Cross-site scripting (XSS) attack countermeasures (၂)
♦ In t
♦O t t encode

Input malicious code type, length, format, range
♦ ASP.NET input Server site validator controls
RegularExpressionValidator RangeValidor
♦ Regular expression server side code check
System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex client-side ႕ HTML input controls
( ) source query strings or cookies ႕ input supply
input ႕
♦ Va i ate intergers, doubles, dates currency amounts
NET Framework data type e i a ent input data convert
resulting conversion errors handle
Output encode User input ( ) database ( )
source input HttpUtility.HtmlEncode method HtmlEncode
special meaning characters replace - < is
replaced with < and " is replaced with " Data encode browser
႕ Execute code Data L a ess rendered
in t const cte output URLs encode
HttpsUtility.UrlEncode Cross-site scripting

♦ Ste 1 - ASP.NET ႕ Request enabled /

♦ Ste - HTML Output ASP.NET code Review
♦ Ste - HTML Output input parameters
♦ Ste 4 - HTML tags attributes Review

♦ Ste - (countermeasures) evaluate

Step(1)- ASP.NET ႕ Request enabled Check

Machine.config request validation Enable server ႕
Machine.config file request validation enab e ValidateRequest t e
example code Check
<pages buffer="true" validateRequest="true" />
Page by page basic request validation disable Pages isab e
feature - feature disable page
free-format, rich-text entry field design HTML characters in t
a e handle step 5 ႕
Evaluate Countermeasures ႕ ASP.NET request validation ႕ Enable

1. Create an ASP.NET page that disables request validation. To do this, set ValidateRequest="false", as shown in
the following code example.
2. <%@ Page Language="C#" ValidateRequest="false" %>
3. <html>
4. <script runat="server">
5. void btnSubmit_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
6. {
7. // If ValidateRequest is false, then 'hello' is displayed
8. // If ValidateRequest is true, then ASP.NET returns an exception
9. Response.Write(txtString.Text);
10. }
11. </script>
12. <body>
13. <form id="form1" runat="server">
14. <asp:TextBox id="txtString" runat="server" Text="<script>alert('hello');</script>" />
15. <asp:Button id="btnSubmit" runat="server"
16. OnClick="btnSubmit_Click"
17. Text="Submit" />
18. </form>
19. </body>
20. </html>

page run txtString sc i t Hello message box

ValidateRequest="true" ( ) ValidateRequest page attribute page b o se
e o essa e

A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected

from the client (txtString="<script>alert('hello...").

error ASP.NET request validation acti e HTML characters

input reject ASP.NET request validation
input validation

Step(2)- HTML Output ASP.NET code Review

ASP.NET HTML . Output two ways example code

<% =
HTML . URL output . Client et n page . Locate

Step(3)- HTML Output input parameters Determine

Web design page code in t a a ete analyze a a ete
source in t so ce . list
• Form fields, such as the following.
• Response.Write(name.Text);
• Response.Write(Request.Form["name"]);
• Query Strings
• Response.Write(Request.QueryString["name"]);

• Query strings, such as the following:

• Response.Write(Request.QueryString["username"]);

• Databases and data access methods, such as the following:

• SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
• Response.Write(reader.GetString(1));
Be particularly careful with data read from a database if it is shared by other applications.
• Cookie collection, such as the following:
• Response.Write(
• Request.Cookies["name"].Values["name"]);
• Session and application variables, such as the following:
• Response.Write(Session["name"]);
• Response.Write(Application["name"]
Source code analysis simple test ၁ .form field "XYZ" . output
testing Browser "XYZ" HTML . Source . .
More dynamic . . inject <script>alert('hello');</script> input field .
technique cases o t t ene ate
in t e en s

Step(4)- HTML tags attributes Review

HTML tags construct tag attributes create
HTML-encode tags Attributes .asp page <asp:Literal> control
HTML direct return page inserted text sa e
the page HTMLEncode
<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true"%>

<form id="form1" runat="server">
Color: <asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server"></asp:TextBox><br />
<asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Show color"
OnClick="Button1_Click" /><br />
<asp:Literal ID="Literal1" runat="server"></asp:Literal>

<script runat="server">
private void Page_Load(Object Src, EventArgs e)
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Literal1.Text = @"<span style=""color:"
+ Server.HtmlEncode(TextBox1.Text)
+ @""">Color example</span>";
HTML Tags -
List HTML tags malicious user a o
inject script -
• <applet>
• <body>
• <embed>
• <frame>
• <script>
• <frameset>
• <html>
• <iframe>
• <img>
• <style>
• <layer>
• <link>
• <ilayer>
• <meta>
• <object>
Attacker ၁ src, lowsrc, style href L att ib tes cross-site scripting
<img> ႕ Src attributes source of injection
<img src="javascript:alert('hello');">
<img src="java&#010;script:alert('hello');">
<img src="java&#X0A; script:alert('hello');">
st e ta
<style TYPE="text/javascript">

Ste - (countermeasures) evaluate

L ene ates ႕ Input ASP.NET code ႕ specific
application appropriate countermeasures evaluate Countermeasures
♦ Lo t t Encode
♦U Lo t t Encode
♦ User input Filter

HTML output Encode

Web page ၁ text output text special characters ( -<,
>,&) code example ႕ HttpUtillity.HtmlEncode method
text pre-process
Input well-formed, correct encoding output substitute
additional security precaution

URL output Encode

Input URL String Client et n HttpUtility.UrlEncode method
URL String encode example code

User input Filter

HTML elements range accept pa es -ASP.NET
request validation disable Common practice HTML element safe
o attin est ict bold(<b>), italic(<i>) Allow restricted HTML input
sa et
1. ValidateRequest="false" attribute @ Page directive Adding
ASP.NET request validation disable
t nco e et o string input Encode
3. StringBuilder ႕ Replace method encoding HTML elements ႕
selectively remove permit
.aspx page code this approach ValidateRequest="false"
ASP.NETpage disable HTML encode the input simple text format support
selectively allows <b>, <i> ႕ HTML elements
<%@ Page Language="C#" ValidateRequest="false"%>

<script runat="server">

void submitBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

// Encode the string input
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(
// Selectively allow <b> and <i>
sb.Replace("<b>", "<b>");
sb.Replace("</b>", "");
sb.Replace("<i>", "<i>");
sb.Replace("</i>", "");

<form id="form1" runat="server">
<asp:TextBox ID="htmlInputTxt" Runat="server"
TextMode="MultiLine" Width="318px"
<asp:Button ID="submitBtn" Runat="server"
Text="Submit" OnClick="submitBtn_Click" />
techniques future cross-site scripting prevent
♦ o ect c a acte enco in set
♦ In t sanitization do not rely
♦ tt On coo ies o tion Use
♦ a e sec it att ib te Use
♦ InnerHTML innerText property Use

Correct character encoding set

Web pages restrict valid data s ccess represented in t ata ႕
Ways limit Malicious user in t a i ation o tines t ic
canonicalization multi-byte escape Multi-byte
escape sequence attack -character encodings uniform translation format-8
(UTF-8) non-ASCII character muliti-bytes sequence
႕ byte sequence not legitimate UTF-8
႕ UTF-8 decoder accept exploitable security hole providing

ASP.NET a e e e ( a ication e e Web.config file element

character set specify code
example ISO-8859-1 both approaches Page level character
encoding set element ( ႕) ResponseEncoding page level attribute

<meta http-equiv="Content Type"

content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" />

<% @ Page ResponseEncoding="iso-8859-1" %>

Web.config file character encoding set configuration

code page Unicode character a i ate

using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

public class WebForm1 : System.Web.UI.Page

private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
// Name must contain between 1 and 40 alphanumeric characters
// and (optionally) special characters such as apostrophes
// for names such as O'Dell

if (!Regex.IsMatch(Request.Form["name"],
throw new ArgumentException("Invalid name parameter");

// Use individual regular expressions to validate other parameters

code regular expression
♦^၏ - this position looking
♦ \p{ ..} ၏ - s eci ie name character class
any character matches
♦ L ၏ Left-to-right match
♦ L ၏ upper case ၏ match
♦ L ၏ lower case ၏ match
♦ Zs ၏ separator space matches
♦' matches ၏
♦ 1,4 - character ၏ number 1
♦$၏ - this position looking sto

In t Sanitization ႕
Unsafe character filtering out code in t sanitize ႕
Rely malicious
user a i ation a te nati e
secure, safe input check Table 1
႕common character ၏ sa e various way

HttpOnly Cookies Option

Internet Explorer 6 Service Pack 1 HttpOnly cookies attributes supports later
Virsion -document.cookie property cookie accessing client-side script
prevent script empty string et n cookies server
user ႕ Browse current domain Web Site
- Web browser HttpOnly cookies attribute support coo ies
att ib te (၂) ignore -cross-site scripting attacks

System.Net.Cookie class Microsoft.Net Framework version 2.0 HttpOnly property

support .NET Framework ႕ a ie e sion version 1.0 1.1 code
Application EndRequest event
application Global.asax file ၏ a e HttpOnly attribute explicity set
protected void Application_EndRequest(Object sender, EventArgs e)
string authCookie = FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName;
foreach (string sCookie in Response.Cookies)
// Just set the HttpOnly attribute on the Forms
// authentication cookie. Skip this check to set the attribute
// on all cookies in the collection
if (sCookie.Equals(authCookie))
// Force HttpOnly to be added to the cookie header
Response.Cookies[sCookie].Path += ";HttpOnly";

<frame> Security Attribute

Internet Explorer 6 later version <frame> <iframe> ႕ new secrrity attribute
s ot frame iframe user ၏ Restricted Sites Internet Explorer security zone
setting security attribute Restricted Sites zone script execution
Security attribute "restricted " set
<frame security="restricted" src=""> </frame>

innerHTML innerText Property

Page (၁) innerHTML property built HTML otentia nt ste in t
sa e HtmlEncode innerText
innerText property en e s
content sa e script executed
example this approach two HTML control
innerText property Welcome1element Page Load
method Text encoding innerText
property Welcome2element sa e HtmlEncode

<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true"%>

<span id="Welcome1" runat="server"> </span>
<span id="Welcome2" runat="server"> </span>

<script runat="server">
private void Page_Load(Object Src, EventArgs e)
// Using InnerText renders the content safe–no need to HtmlEncode
Welcome1.InnerText = "Hello, " + User.Identity.Name;

// Using InnerHtml requires the use of HtmlEncode to make it safe

Welcome2.InnerHtml = "Hello, " +

oss-Site Sc i tin eb e e o e ebsite ၏ co in

၏ ata i te nction
eb e e o e ebsite ၏ co in i te
i en o ie Q e St in ain a e sec it
co in injection ata
e te na ocess atabase in t a i ation
Sec it nction
t s ecia c a s nction c a acte t st in
eb e e o e eb e e o e
t c a acte t ans ate t s ecia c a s co an
t c a acte t ans ate
• '&' (ampersand) becomes '&amp;'
• '"' (double quote) becomes '&quot;' when ENT_NOQUOTES is not set.
• "'" (single quote) becomes '&#039;' only when ENT_QUOTES is set.
• '<' (less than) becomes '&lt;'
• '>' (greater than) becomes '&gt;'
ht s ecia c a s

Example #1 htmlspecialchars() example

$new = htmlspecialchars("<a href='test'>Test </a>", ENT_QUOTES);
echo $new; // &lt;a href=&#039;test&#039;&gt;Test&lt;/a&gt;
a s as es

nction atabase e ies c a acte single quote (‘), double quote (“ ,

bac s as ULL c a acte st in
a s as es

Example #1 An addslashes() example

$str = "Is your name O'reilly?";

// Outputs: Is your name O\'reilly?

echo addslashes($str);

co an s ea esca e st in
s ea esca e st in MySQL’s ib a nction nction bac s as e
\x00, \n, \r, \, ‘, “ a c a acte nction
SQL e ata
s ea esca e st in

Example #1 Simple mysql_real_escape_string() example

// Connect
$link = mysql_connect('mysql_host', 'mysql_user', 'mysql_password')
OR die(mysql_error());

// Query
$query = sprintf("SELECT * FROM users WHERE user='%s' AND password='%s'",

SQL Injection ttac Sec it

Example #2 An example SQL Injection Attack

// We didn't check $_POST['password'], it could be anything the user wanted! For example:
$_POST['username'] = 'aidan';
$_POST['password'] = "' OR ''='";

// Query database to check if there are any matching users

$query = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE user='{$_POST['username']}' AND password='{$_POST['password']}'";

// This means the query sent to MySQL would be:

echo $query;

ac e ass o o in
Sec it
eb e e o e Sec it
ebsite function
…… ..

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