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“Still iiI iiRise” iiis iia iipoem iiby iithe iiAmerican iicivil iirights iiactivist iiand iiwriter iiMaya

iiOne iiof iiAngelou's iimost iiacclaimed iiworks, iithe iipoem iiwas iipublished iiin iiAngelou’s iithird

iipoetry iicollection iiAnd iiStill iiI iiRise iiin ii1978. iiBroadly iispeaking, iithe iipoem iiis iian iiassertion iiof

iithe iidignity iiand iiresilience iiof iimarginalized iipeople iiin iithe iiface iiof iioppression. iiBecause

iiAngelou iioften iiwrote iiabout iiblackness iiand iiblack iiwomanhood, ii"Still iiI iiRise" iican iialso iibe

iiread iimore iispecifically iias iia iicritique iiof iianti-black iiracism.

The iipoem iibegins iiwith iia iidirect iiaddress iito iithe iiones iiwho iiare iitrying iito iiwrite iiher iidown iiin
iihistory. iiOppressors iitry iito iichange iithe iifacts iiof iihistory iiwith iitheir iibitter, iitwisted iilies. iiThe

iipoet iiis iifirm iiin iiher iicourage iithat iieven iiif iishe iiis iiput iidown iito iithe iilevel iiof iidirt, iishe iiwill iirise

iifrom iiit iilike iidust iirises. ii

It iiemphasizes iithe iisurprise iiin iithe iihearts iiof iioppressors iiwho iistill iisee iithe iiboldness iiin iitheir
iivictims. iiThe iipoet iiis iitaunting iithem iiwith iithe iifact iithat iiwhy iiher iiliveliness iishould iiturn iithem


In iicharacteristic iihumour iiof iiMaya iiAngelou, iiit iisays iithat iieven iiin iiher iiimpoverishment, iishe
iiwalks iiwith iiall iiglory iiof iia iiself-pride. iiIn iiAmerica, iithe iibusinessmen iiof iithe iiOil iiIndustry iiare

iiamong iithe iirichest, iithe iipride iiof iithe iispeaker iiin iithe iipoem iiis iinot iianyway iilesser iithan iithat iiof

iithem. ii

There iiis iia iifirmness iiin iithe iipoet’s iiconviction iiin iiher iicapacity iito iirise. iiMoons iiand iiSuns iiare
iieternal iifacts iiof iithe iiuniverse iiwho iinever iichange. iiTheir iipresence iicreates iitides iion iithe iiearth

iiwhich iiis iimore iithan iicertain.

The iipoet iicompares iithe iifallen iishoulders iiof iithe iivictim iito iiteardrops. iiThe iinarrator iihere iiwon’t
iigive iiin iito iiweakness iiwhich iithe iivictims iiexpress iiin iitheir iisoulful iicries.

She iilaughs, iiunlike iiher iicondition iiwhich iiis iipoor iiaccording iito iiher iienemies. iiShe iilaughs iiwith
iisuch iia iirich iipride iilike iiher iibackyard iihas iigoldmines iiin iiit.

Her iienemies iiare iifull iiof iihatred. iiYet, iishe iiremains iiuntouchable iiand iirises iilike iiair iiwhich iican’t
iibe iistopped iiby iianyone.

Pointing iiat iithe iitreasure iiof iiher iibody, iishe iiuses iithe iiimage iiof iia iidiamond iito iidescribe iiher

The iipoet iihas iilived iia iilife iiwhich iiis iisupposedly iishameful. iiSuch iiincidents iiare iithe iihuts iiof
iihistory’s iishame. iiHer iipast iiis iifull iiof iipain. iiShe iirises iiup iiabove iiall iithis. iiShe iicompares iiherself

iito iia iiblack iiocean. ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii

The iilight iiof iihope iiis iinow iiclear. iiShe iiis iiproud iiof iiher iiancestry iiso iishe iicelebrates iiits iigift. iiHer
iiancestors iiwere iibrought iiinto iithe iicontinent iias iislaves iibut iithey iinever iistopped iitheir iifight. iiShe

iiis iithe iidream iiand iithe iihope iiof iithe iislave iiand iishe iikeeps iirising.

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