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Instructional Plan in English

Grade 8

Name of Teacher: Girlie M. Jabonite Grade Level: Grade 7

Learning Area: English Quarter: 4th

Lesson No. 1 Duration: 60 minutes

I. Learning Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students:
a. Identify the elements of a short story in a given story.
b. Define the elements of a short story.
c. Express appreciation for short stories through a creative presentation.

II. Learning Content

Elements of a Short Story

III. Learning Resources

K-12 Grade 7 English Curriculum Guide; English Arts 1 pp 24-25

IV. Learning Procedure

A. Introductory Activity

Students are asked about a certain episode of “Maalaala Mo Kaya” that they have watched.

Guide questions:
What was the title of the episode you
have watched?
Who were the persons involved in the
When and where did the story happen?
What was the first event that happened?
What was the ending? Was it a happy or
a sad one?
B. Activity/Strategy

Reading activity

The learners are asked to read the story “The Adarna Bird.” (Jigsaw technique) Discussion
about the elements of the story read.

C. Analysis
Where and when did the story happen?
Who were the people or animals who participated in the action of the story?
What events took place?
What was the first event, the second event….
Why was it difficult to get the Adarna bird?
What difficulties did Don Pedro meet?
What is the most thrilling part of the story? (Note: Through the Q and A, the students
will define the elements of a short story).

D. Abstraction
Lecturette on the elements of a short story.
Setting: Time and Place
Characters: Main characters and Minor characters
Plot: A. Exposition B. Rising Action C. Climax D. Falling Action E. Resolution
E. Application
From the story “The Adarna Bird”, present each element in a creative manner.
Group 1 – Setting
Group 2 - Characters
Group 3 – Plot
Group 4 – Conflict
Group 5 – Theme

F. Assessment
In a ¼ sheet of paper, write your answer using different elements of a short story.
1. The _____ is the time and place that the story takes place.
2. Nevan and Neville are examples of ________ in a story.
3. It is a story element where the problem arises. _______
4. It is the message of a story. ____________
5. It is often thought of as the message of the story. _____________

G. Concluding Activity
No concluding activity for this topic
H. Assignment
Read the selection “ The Scarlet of Ibis” by James Hurst. Determine its character ,
setting, conflict and the theme. In a ½ sheet of paper.
V. Remarks
The discussion on elements of a short story is successfully delivered. The students
completely understand the lesson and can identify the elements of a short story.

VI. Reflection
The lesson was completely achieved and most of the students got the highest possible
scores in every activity that conducted. 80% of the students fully understand and determine
the elements of a short story and 20% will need more understanding in learning the lesson.
It is important to learn the elements of a short story to be able to us to appreciate the short
stories that we read.

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