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Free Speech (Freedom of Speech)

The Freedom of Speech or Free Speech is the beginning and commencing of freedom
and democracy which support the freedom of an individual or a community of people and
express their opinions, and ideas without fear of revenge or retaliation, and censorship. We
have the right to speak and express ourselves with the freedom which comes from democracy
but we need to grab back our freedom from fear and dictators.
First, We all must comprehend "What are Freedom and Democracy". Freedom is doing
and saying independently without harming, blaming, and criticizing others negatively. Demo
means "Public" and Cracy means "Power". So, Democracy means "Power of The People". We
can do, say, and criticize which be positive independently without harming and blaming others in
Democracy. Democracy is a system that contains freedom and equality.
A society without freedom of speech is one of the biggest social issues in the world. So,
there is a question. Why Freedom of Speech is missed and lost in other countries like our native
country Myanmar? This is a problem too. Freedom of Speech is lost in Myanmar because of
dictators. All Dictators In the world are afraid of Freedom, Democracy, and Unity of The Public
because Dictators don't want to lose their power and possession. The Freedom of speech
occurs at beginning of the freedom and unity.
That's why All Dictators believe that Freedom of speech with educated thinking and speech can
remove their power and possession. This philosophy leads to one of the biggest social issues in
the world which is missing free speech.
The effect of missing freedom of speech is the beginning of losing people's power, democracy,
freedom, frankness, and unbosom. But At The beginning of free speech and freedom, people
don't know what is freedom and free speech and then they think freedom is doing as we like.
Thus, they blame, criticize, and politicize from the negative point. They become naysayers. Yes,
Indeed that there are many benefits of Freedom of speech but there become risks if people
don't comprehend what is freedom and democracy.
To summarize, freedom of speech has many advantages but there become disadvantages if
the public doesn't have the comprehensibility of freedom and democracy. At last, we all must
grab back our freedom from fear and dictators with peace way.

Credit to Daw Aung Sann Suu Kyii(The Lady) for the statement which means freedom from fear.
Main Author, Nay Myint Mo Aung (Min TomTech)

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