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state of land held in excess of the prescribed amount, and

given by the Bollandists, Acta Sanctorum, Jun. ii. 748.

penetrated by certain red rays belonging to a narrow region

vessel is detained beyond the lay days; usually also a clause

acknowledgment, gave him the government of Judea, while the

Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful, illustrate the tendency

by the retort and the worm-still. It varied considerably

to have been in common use in Italy, and the word cosa

1522. He was apprenticed to a merchant in Brescia, but a

France, in the department of Pyrenees-Orientales, at the

Table IV. Under the old Norfolk or four-course rotation

questions which may be asked as to the origin, nature

early objects, but not systematically excavated until taken

means innocuous; yet poisoning from tinned vegetable foods

Catholic priests, he succeeded in inducing Mwanga to sign

Canal. Long ere this last event, however, Aleppo had been

enclosure, containing a palace, a mosque and other buildings,

the interests of agriculture; (6) the bureau of soils, which

assisted by a municipal council composed of Europeans and

name. These are situated near the river, and appear to have

which is decomposed by water into alumina and sulphuretted

Auctor, Auditor, Augustus, Aulus, Aurum, Aut.

Russia, in order--as all Europe supposed--to place himself

Jack is scored by the player who finally has it among his

of the individual in the perfect society is identical with

then usually employed on shore-duty for a time, according to

phase of this quality, like depth or brilliance of colour,

inhabitants. Their chief towns were Vienna (Vienne),

appreciated by the Goths and Lombards in the 6th and 7th

Eboracenses, vol. i., edited by J. Raine (London, 1863); T.

origin. An Arabic-Castilian vocabulary (1505) gives

in prices of mules has been parallel to that for horses.

Egypt (1890); H. Brugsch, Die Agyptologie (Leipzig, 1891);

the calendar of the Church of England, and also in that of

however, a considerable amount of difference in the shades

preparations (especially of oats) and flour and grist mill

neolithic remains in Denmark, whilst in England it is found

including that from the Canadian Tukon fields) as against

on the post of Helena, Arkansas, was the last serious fight on

mathematical reasoning to these subjects. He also published a

purple. A similar explanation may apply to C. Correns's

served on Cumberland's staff, and took part with the duke

Ctesiphon proposed that his friend Demosthenes should be

original text of Acts---and further on the early handling of

being vigorously studied, and, apart from its importance as

the migration occurs step by step, man can be acclimatized to

Catholic tribe, occupying an inaccessible district, they have

general was not again employed, but the men of the Army of

The characteristic fact in the Puritan colonies is that

On the death of ``Brother'' Prince, the Rev. T. H. Smyth-Pigott,

Afghanistan, that of the Kurts, which extended its rule

conducted for Great Britain by the 2nd Earl Granville, who was

nor does he distinguish between different wars during this

dans l'Afrique barbaresque (1903); General Faure-Biguet,

Brazilian highlands) with a north-east south-west crystalline

Saxon Chronicle, sub ann. (especially the Mercian register in

(24,494), Mascara (18,989) and Blida (16,866). In the

by Cockayne in the Shrine (1868-1869); reprinted, Englische

by Walter Warner in 1631. Its great merit consists in the

abuses under this system caused the legislature in 1901 to

expressed the new and original America, the unknown democracy,

ant-hills. The strong claws make a hole in the side of the

Bononiensis Epitome, which formed the model for many subsequent

of more than a quarter of a million sterling, besides precious

the Sondmore language (1843) . His remarkable abilities now

of great volcanic activity. According to C. L. Griesbach,


Palmerston to succeed him, and while the earl of Clarendon

the Kaffir war in South Africa as aide-de-camp to Sir Benjamin

quarries. Medicinal springs exist at Aljustrel (3790),

his generation. Practical works, such as almanacs, were

42 m. westward of Balkh on the road to Andkhui. It is protected

decree. By the Matrimonial Causes Act 1907, the court may,

iii. 115; Tim. Lex. Plat., s.v. 'Amfiktuones), and

title sometimes given him--the ``Ape of Aristotle.'' They

north. Amarapura was laid out on much the same plan as Ava.

have been built by Eustace Fitzjohn about 1140. Tradition

of its foundation by the Lombard League has been disproved

of the Holy Spirits, and contrasted either with the Holy Spirit

In Egypt, the first home of monasticism, the jurisdiction

consists in pivoting in the strong field of a permanent magnet a

combines extracts from the ordinary sources, forming the whole

action. For a dyad gram equivalent (= 2 grams of hydrogen,

the complete acclimatization of Spaniards in some of the hottest

aesthetic faculty than with its functions in the higher stages.

ACHIACHARUS, a name occurring in the book of Tobit (i.

the Anales de la Corona de Aragon, by Geronimo Zurita

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