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Consumer Education (MIDTERM)

Cherry Lou De Guzman

BTLED 2nd Year Major in H.e

Instructor : Mr. Marciano Contrivida

The four broadways of affective responses produced by the affective system are mentioned
1) Marketing strategies
Ex: Spotify: Offer a Different User Experience
Today, Spotify is one of the best known global companies but how did this Swedish brand
come to conquer the world?
There are many streaming music services but what makes Spotify unique is its focus on
helping users discover new content. Spotify breaks the mold of typical music streaming
platforms and instead offers listeners a totally new user experience.
Ex: Greg walks down the aisle containing breakfast cereals, he cannot notice and package of
Kellogg’s raisin squares. Typically, marketers are most concerned purchase behavior. In the
supermarket environment, this means picking up a age, placing in the cart and paying for it at
the checkout counter.
3)Affects and cognition

Cognition is the mental action or process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through
thought, experience, and the senses. Cognition is a term used to describe the mental process,
conscious or unconscious, concrete or abstract, intuitive or conceptual, which is involved in
gaining knowledge, this whole process deals the high level functions of the brain like thinking,
remembering, memory and working memory, reasoning, evaluation, knowing, computation,
problem solving, decision making, comprehension, and judging, and all these mental abilities
that are related to knowledge and also encompasses imagination, perception, language and
planning. Cognitive processes use existing knowledge and generate new knowledge. Cognitive
learning can be when a teacher teaches a new theorem, concept or a mathematics problem to
his students in the math class. Giving solution or solving this problem involves cognitive learning,
as the students follow the steps of the sample problem, then thinks and understands it, process
it and applies those same steps.

Affect and cognition are different types of psychological responses consumers can have in
situations such as grocery shopping. Affects refers to feeling response’s, whereas cognition
consist of metal(thinking)responses. Consumer can have both affective and cognitive responses
to any element in the wheel of consumer analysis the environment behavior or even other
affective and cognitive responses. Affect and cognition are produce by the affective and
cognitive system respectively. Although the two system are distinct they are richly
interconnected and easy system influence the other.

The buying decision process is the decision-making process used by consumers regarding the
market transactions before, during, and after the purchase of a good or service. It can be seen as
a particular form of a cost–benefit analysis in the presence of multiple alternatives.[1][2]

Common examples include shopping and deciding what to eat. Decision-making is a

psychological construct. This means that although a decision cannot be "seen", we can infer
from observable behavior that a decision has been made. Therefore, we conclude that a
psychological "decision-making" event has occurred. It is a construction that imputes a
commitment to action. That is, based on observable actions, we assume that people have made
a commitment to effect the action.

5. A properly designed marketing strategy tends to work towards creating awareness and
generating product knowledge about the product. Fitzsimmons (2006) stated that there are five
main compositions that customers refer to while making a judgment towards service quality. 1.
Reliability dimension concerns itself with a competency that is demonstrated while performing
the service and relates to a commitment towards accuracy. 2. Responsiveness dimension
concerns itself with the intention to respond to a customers’ requirements by promoting the
essential services. 3. Assurance dimension concerns itself with the awareness and politeness of
staffs and their competencies to transmit trust and confidence to customers, while delivering
the requested services. 4. Empathy dimension concerns itself with the care & personal attention
towards the customers, while delivering the requested services. 5. Tangible dimension of service
quality is concerned with the physical facilities, appliances and personal appearances of the staff
and the location at which the service is being delivered. Loyalty is an attribute of a customer
who perceived a great experience from previous situations and thus intends to continue the
good relationship
6. What stores do you know that attempt to create a certain affective mood for customer?
What things does the store do to create that mood? How does that mood interact and influence
consumer’s cognition (belief and meaning)? How might that mood influence consumers
behavior within the store, including purchase behavior?
- There are many stores who try to create affective mood for customers, for example Jollibee
and other fast-food chain. Jollibee has clean and tidy store with light music running in the store,
which targets the young generation to stay in the store and see the variety and make purchases.
Likewise, McDonald has also its interiors and furniture color so as to attract children, and it has
uncle Donald statue so as the children are attracted to have their meals there. Reliance fresh is
also a retail chain which maintains accurate temperature, good interior where nobody is
required to show the products as customer do not like disturbances and light music running in it,
and every time neat and tidy floors and shelves. It has been seen in many researches that store
atmosphere plays important role in elevation of mood of consumers. There is direct correlation
between store image and consumer perception on shopping behavior. Lightning of the store
plays important role in elevating the emotional mood of the consumer, where the light should
be placed, intensity of light is essential in mood elevation of consumer. stores tries to create the
mood by playing heart touching slow volume light music, attractive interiors, neat and clean
stores, and also it maintains the right temperature in the store, which attracts the consumer
there to stay for long and make pure chases this has great bearing on consumer mind.

7.Think of a purchase decision you recently made. Using this purchase decision as an example,
list the main influence factors, your affective responses your cognition and your behaviors.
Describe how the three main cognitive processed occurred in your decision.

- When I’m in the fast food and the food served is not cooked well.
Economic models - largely quantitative and are based on the assumptions of rationality and
near perfect knowledge. The consumer is seen to maximize its utility. See consumer theory.
Game theory can also be used in some circumstances.
Psychological models - psychological and cognitive processes such as motivation and need
recognition. They are qualitative rather than quantitative and build on sociological factors like
cultural influences and family influences.
Consumer behavior models - practical models used by marketers. They typically blend both
economic and psychological models.

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