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Instruction: The ODD Roll number students will answer to Odd serial
number questions and EVEN Roll number students will answer to Even
serial number questions (One need to answer total 5 questions)

Submission Date: 27th Nov. 2022 (in google Classroom)

Question Question

1 Accenture, a leading IT service provider has hired you as their Network Engineer to design
their corporate network. The company has got a pool of IP address as, which they
have to divide into 7 subnets for each of their branches. They have a requirement of up to
8189 hosts in each of their branch offices situated at Mumbai, Bhubaneswar, Bangaluru,
Hydrabad, Pune, Kolkata and Chennai. Design the subnets for given locations and findout the
each locations. Do not use as NETWORK ADDRESS in any of the subnets.

2 IPv4 packet carrying 4200 bytes of data with Identification no. 16,760 has to be Fragmented,
since it has to be encapsulated in a link layer PDU having MTU of 1620 bytes. Only the
second Fragment is further fragmented into two equal size. Draw the IPv4 header diagram for
all fragments and put the values in suitable fields by calculating the values of Total length,
identification, Flag and Fragmentation offset. Draw proper diagram for all IPv4 packets as

3 Write the mathematical expressions for Dijikstra's Algorithm. Using Dijkstra's algorithm,
find the shortest cost and path from the source node A to every other node in the
given network.

4 Write the mathematical expressions for Bellman Ford Algorithm. Using Bellman Ford
algorithm, find the shortest cost and path from the source node 1 to every other node
in the given network.
5 Why throughput of slotted ALOHA is better than pure ALOHA? Also, plot the
graph of the same, and make necessary observations. Define throughput and show
that the throughput for pure ALOHA and slotted ALOHA is Ge−2G and Ge−G

6 Calculate the checksum for a text of 8 characters “I LIKE CN”. Assume that the
checksum is of 16-bit, as used in Internet today. The ASCII code (in Hex) for the
character used here is: I=0x49, L=0x4C, K=0x4B, E=0x45, C=0x43, N=0x4E,
space= 0x20, H=0x48, T=0x54, A=0x41.
Also, show that how will you verify that errors have been occurred if you receive
the message as “I LIKE NT”.

7 Show the encoding and decoding of CRC (n=10, k=5) code for the message
1010001101. Assume the given pattern is 110101.

8 What is Cyclic Redundancy Check? In which Sub-layer of OSI Layer, it is used?

Show the encoding and decoding of CRC (7,4) code having data word x3 and
divisor x3 + x + 1 with suitable CRC encoder/decoder block diagram.

9 For 8 bits of data 11000010, using hamming code, find

a. The number of parity bits required.

b. The values of parity bits.

c. The data to be transmitted.

d. Correct the error, if received codeword is 110010010010.

10 Draw and explain all the fields of IEEE 802.3 frame format.

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